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Messages - Heartsonycgr

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Consensus seems to be that we will be meeting before the signing at Gordon Biersch which is located directly across from B&N's first story enterance inside the mall.  

Fabuloso!!  I'll be driving from NW DC area...what time will we meet up at Gordon B's?  Am really looking forward to seeing the JBForum gang again!


And, hey, Electric Butters, I'll bring your bottle.  The oatmeal stout was amazing!  Best beer I ever had!  Thanks to Zheryl for messaging me about the meet up!  See you all!

I'll be going to this one, I'll keep a roster of posters who intend to be there in this reply too.

Due to all the horror stories I am hearing about traffic there, especially after 3 or 4, I'm leaving for this 3.5 hour trip at around noon, and expect to show up quite early in an attempt to avoid the rush hour traffic.  I would love to meet up with other fans to burn the time before the signing and have already heard from a few others that have similar intentions.  Sooooo, if you want to meet up with us, post as much and we will make plans to meet up somewhere close buy and have a bite to eat or something, and I'll put an Astrisk thingy next to your name in the roster.

List of forum members coming  
        * means will be showing up early and wants to meet up with other fans.
*Serack (Richard)
*Myyrdn Eopia
*Electric MacButters
*Zheryl +1

SkinsFanVJ has offered to cordinate since he lives nearby.

Hey, count me in!  I'll be driving from work (about half hour away w/no traffic--heaven know w/traffic).  If folks are interested in bite to eat before/after I'm game!

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2011 Schedule
« on: June 09, 2011, 04:47:52 AM »
Goin' to the VA signing, yeah!  Dinner anyone? :)

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2011 Signing Tour (CONFIRMED!)
« on: June 09, 2011, 04:40:36 AM »

AWESOME! I'll be at the VA signing August 1!  Anyone want to catch dinner before/after the signing let me know... :)

And I live about an hour from Baltimore so those who want to crash here & save $ can do so! :D

I like Baltimore Comic Con idea...

I can do all above.  I volunteer my house if you want near DC. Warning...I live in country so can be boring @ here.  Bout an hour from DC. Lots of land if folks like camping! :).

Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: March 14, 2011, 08:55:23 PM »
Heartsonycgr - the dean of medical SciFi might be James White - his Sector General stories about a enormous
multi-species hospital in space.

Thanks for the tip, SnowL!  I will search him out!  I knew a dog show judge by that name...naaaah...probably just a coincidence...


Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Question about the Warnings
« on: February 03, 2011, 07:43:29 PM »
Shecky is like the best kind of dad there is...kind, thoughtful, intelligent, humorous, wise, caring and overal special, with the ability to shrink you to a nanoparticle with one, withering, well deserved look of shame.  ;D  All the Board monitors are great people!  We all work hard to keep them happy, because when they're happy, we're happy!  ;D 

Except THOSE people who keep posting those nasty spider pictures, of course :o   ;)

Whine whine whine.

Puff puff puff.

But, in fact, Virginia has an active whine uh, wine industry.

For those of us coming from states with comprehensive non-smoking laws, who aren't used to having to specify such things, it can be something of a rude awakening to get stuck on a smoking floor.

Yup.  Land of Virginny, home of tabaccy and mandatory smoking laws :)

AND, the hotel didn't blink (neither did the attendees nor the Con organizers) when I had to bring my 8 month old Golden Retriever, Mac, to the Jim Q & A on Sunday AM b/c we were leaving straight from the hotel to go home.  Didn't want to leave my boy out in the cold car by his lonely all morning.   (The previous two days he'd spent the days at "Camp Helen & Johnnie" visiting with his relatives that live in the area (yes, HIS relatives, two half sisters, a half brother, and niece & nephew).  ;D

Butch, you held a GREAT Con and have found a gem of a hotel!

DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: January 21, 2011, 04:21:38 PM »


Do Rampires make Tequila Sunrise's with blood instead of grenadine....yucky poo.  ;)

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