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Messages - HobbitGuy1420

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DFRPG / Re: Help me out: Video game characters DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 08:50:38 PM »
Mega-Man, too. 

Adjusted the crunch.  The Hexing won't be indiscriminate (hence, I suspect, the increase in Refresh cost).

Anyone have thoughts for any of the other characters?

DFRPG / Re: Help me out: Video game characters DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 08:36:14 PM »
Like it.  Tweaked it and threw it onto her. 

DFRPG / Re: Help me out: Video game characters DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 08:29:11 PM »

Put up a preliminary Tali'Zorah.

DFRPG / Re: Help me out: Video game characters DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 08:06:19 PM »
I like that idea -something like

Tech Sense: Tali'Zorah has an intuitive understanding for all sorts of technology.  She gains +1 to Assessments and Declarations regarding high-tech items, and +1 to maneuvers intended to place aspects on such items.

DFRPG / Re: Help me out: Video game characters DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 07:50:36 PM »
The stats for Tali Zora seem fine to me; like I said, though, I'm unfamiliar with the game, so I have no clue how to work her in best.  Perhaps I'll say that she was working with a collection of random junk when she was brought in, giving her something to work with on the "building things" front.

DFRPG / Re: Help me out: Video game characters DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 07:40:25 PM »
Hm... I'd prefer to keep it to player characters if at all possible, but Alyx is a good option.

though, as I think about it, Tali isn't a PC either, is she?

DFRPG / Re: Help me out: Video game characters DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 07:26:39 PM »
Very nice, W&M!  Adjusting some of the specifics, but I'll definitely be using quite a bit of this!

DFRPG / Re: Help me out: Video game characters DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:33:00 PM »
You can build with as much or as little positive Refresh as you see fit for the character.  Don't go overboard, but build the characters as strong as you need to (within the guidelines) in order to suit their in-game representation properly.

I have no experience with Mass Effect, so just go with whatever version of the character is most iconic to you.

DFRPG / Re: Help me out: Video game characters DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:28:19 PM »
I'm planning for these to be built as starting Submerged characters, with the skill cap and Refresh level implied thereby.  What do you mean by "saved?"

DFRPG / Re: Help me out: Video game characters DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:23:01 PM »
Probably Submerged (-10). 

As for optimization, I'd like to reflect the games as well as possible with an even power level.  Don't go min-max crazy, but I'd like every character to have a possibility to contribute.  Also, remember that this game will involve social and mental challenges as well as physical.  There will likely be a couple pure combat characters, but I don't want everybody to be killsticky.

DFRPG / Re: Video game characters: DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:07:45 PM »
Placeholder Post 2

DFRPG / Re: Video game characters: DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:03:45 PM »
Placeholder Post 1

DFRPG / Help me out: Video game characters DFRPG style
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:02:39 PM »
Hey there, true believers!

I've got quite a project ahead of me.  For a convention next year, I plan on putting together a DFRPG-based FATE system one-shot about a bunch of video game characters who randomly get plucked out of their home universes and into the real world (or something like it) and have to figure out how, why, and how to get home. 

The main issue I can see off the top of my head?  Statting up the 20+ pregen characters I'd like to offer my players!  I could use some help putting these folks together and making sure their powers are appropriate for the game.  I'm less familiar with some of them than I am with others, so I can use some help with Aspect ideas and roleplaying tips, too.

As a side note, I'm a bit short on social/mental focus characters.  Anyone with suggestions on flavorful, distinctive rpg characters with an intellectual or mental bent that might translate over to a tabletop game decently well, please let me know!  I'd *prefer* not to use too many characters from the same game or series (which is why the list isn't inundated with FF characters) and I want to keep to characters who will work and play well (or at least hilariously) with others.  Also, try to avoid characters from tie-in games if possible.  HK-47 is a special case.  Meatbag.

Amaterasu (Okami)
HC: Goddess of the Sun;  TA: A wolf in a land of men;
Other Aspects: Issun the artist; Celestial Brush Technique!; Mirror, rosary, and sword; Friend to All Living Things;
Powers/stunts: A custom magic system to represent her magic ink. 

Balthier (Final Fantasy 12)
HC: Dashing sky-pirate;  TA:secure in my overconfidence;
Other Aspects:

The Bard (A Bard's Tale)
HC: Wandering Bard;  TA:Trapped in an Unprofitable Universe;
Other Aspects:

Chell (Portal)
HC: Portal-weilding test subject;  TA: Always Another Test;
Other Aspects:PotADoS riding shotgun; Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device; Abnormally Stubborn; Always Land On My Long-Fall Boots; Speedy Thing Goes In, Speedy Thing Comes Out

Duke Nukem

King Graham (King's Quest)
HC: Adventuring monarch; TA:
Other Aspects:

Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island)
HC: Mighty(?) Pirate!;  TA: No respect!;
Other Aspects: You Fight Like A Cow!
Powers/Stunts: Insult swordfighting (use <social skill> in place of Weapons if you attack with an appropriate quip or insult.

HK-47 (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
HC: Psychotic Assassin droid;  TA:  On a short leash;
Other Aspects: Request: May I Shoot Him Now, Master?; Cannot Self-Terminate; Unadulterated violence and destruction; Aratech Blaster With a Tri-Light Scope; Protocol?  Please! 

+5 Guns, Athletics 
+4 Might Alertness
+3 Endurance Intimidation
+2 Presence, Survival, Scholarship
+1 Investigation, Deceit, Lore, Driving, Resources

Duel Wielding (guns) HK-47 is a master at duel-wielding blasters (add half the weapon rating of a duel wield attack)
Blaster Point Diplomacy (Intimidation): Add two to intimidate for threats made down the barrel of a gun.

Supernatural Toughness [-4] HK-47 is made of heavy metals and is not weak and brittle like a Meatbag
The Catch is electricity (+1 easily discovered, +1 for availability)
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Machine Mind [+0] HK-47 is immune to normal mental magic as he doesn't have an organic brain.  He is, however, susceptible to influence through rewiring or reprogramming.  Characters who can gain access into HK-47's systems may attempt to deal Mental Stress to him through Scholarship or Craftsmanship rolls.
Hunter-Killer Droid [-1] As Living Dead. 

Refresh Cost Total [-9]
Total Unspent Refresh 1 

Ivy (Soul Calibur)
HC:; TA: ;
Other Aspects: Sword Whip It Good; Who Needs Concealing Clothes?; "Know your place!"

Lady Sylvanis (Warcraft)
HC:; TA: ;

Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
HC: Busty Adventurer Archaologist;  TA:;
Other Aspects: No Trap can Catch Me

Link (Legend of Zelda) Debating whether to go with the Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, or Wind-Waker version.
HC: The Hero of Hyrule;  TA: I'm Just a Kid;
Other Aspects: Navi says hey, listen!; The Master Sword; Panoply of the Hero;Triforce of Courage; Puzzles, Traps, and Moblins

+5  Weapons, Endurance
+4 Alertness, Conviction
+3 Athletics, Discipline
+2 Performance, Survival, Scholarship
+1 Empathy, Stealth, Might, Resources, Presence

Bows Are Weapons Too (Weapons): You may use your Weapons skill, rather than Guns, to fire a bow and arrow.
Shield Bearer (Weapons): Gain +1 to Athletics or Weapons rolls to avoid damage when wielding a shield.

IoP: The Master Sword [-1]
It is what it is: A well crafted broadsword
One Time Discount: +2
Weapon Rating: 3
True Aim: +1 to weapon rolls when keeping with the sword's purpose.  (banishing darkness (evil) from the world.) -1
Mystical riposte:  The bearer of the Master Sword may use Weapons to defend against ranged or magical attacks, so long as the Master Sword is being wielded.  If you successfully defend against such an attack, you may sacrifice your action for the next exchange to turn the attack upon its originator as an immediate and automatically successful counterattack.  -1
Spin attack: You may take two points of Mental Stress in order to make a Weapons attack against the entire Zone, excluding yourself. -1
Hookshot [-1]
Grasping chain: You may roll Weapons to attach the Hookshot to certain surfaces, such as wood, brick, soft stone, metal grating, and the like, that are within one zone of you.  The chain then immediately retracts.  If the object is unattached and lighter than Link, it is tugged to his hands.  If the object is fastened down or heavier than Link, Link is pulled to its location.  This allows Link to replace the Athletics roll normally required to overcome certain Border values with a Weapons roll.  The Hookshot may also be used in combat to perform Weapons Maneuvers to bring enemies toward you (or vice versa).
Magic Arrows[-1]
You may take one point of Mental Stress to add +1 to the Weapon rating of any attack from your bow, as well as providing other effects.  This can take one of three forms:
Fire Arrow: This arrow may be used to apply the Aspect: On Fire to a character or the scene.
Ice Arrow: This arrow may be used to apply the Aspect: Frozen Solid to a character or the scene.
Light Arrow: This arrow may be used to apply the Aspect: Blazing Corona of Light to a character or the scene.  In addition, attacks with this arrow specifically
Potions [-1]
You have four potion slots.  You may fill the slots with any of the following potions:
Red Potion: Fully clears Physical Stress track (up to 4 points)
Green Potion: Fully clears Mental Stress track (up to 4 points)
Blue Potion: Removes two points from both Physical and Mental Stress Tracks
Fairy: Removes one Moderate or lower Physical Consequence
Energizing soup: Increases your attacks' Weapon rating by 1 for a scene until you take physical Stress or Consequences.
Once a potion has been used, or if you opt to leave a potion slot empty, you may use the bottle to carry or hold things.

Bombs (Weapon: 2 zone attack with Athletics, treat as Grenades)
Bow and Arrows: Weapon 2 attack at up to 2 zones away

Refresh Cost Total: [-6]
Positive Refresh Remaining: 4

Lulu (Final Fantasy X)
HC: Black Magess  TA: Critical of Authority;
Other Aspects:Remembering the Ones I Couldn't Protect, Veteran Guardian, Like an Older Sister, Grown Women Can Play With Dolls!, "Know pain - but not too long..."

+5: Discipline, Conviction
+4: Lore, Athletics
+3: Endurance, Alertness
+2: Athletics, Scholarship
+1: Contacts, Resources, Presence, Empathy, Rapport

Evocation (Fire, Water, Air) [-3]

Moogle Doll [-1]
This doll is actually a golem of sorts.  In combat, Lulu may concentrate upon controlling it, which allows it to make actions independently of its owner. It must remain within one zone of its mistress, and makes Weapon: 2 attacks based on Lulu's Discipline.  Controlling the moogle doll takes up Lulu's action for the exchange, though she may take supplemental or combined actions as normal.

Refinement [-4]

3:  Fire Control 
2:  Air Control  Water Control
1:  Fire Power  Water Power

Fire Sticks: +2 Fire Power offensive. ( These are the hair sticks holding her hair in their current position.

Flare: Strength 8 Fire Spell Single Target
Ultima: Strength 6 Fire Spell Zone Wide
Thundaga: Strength 5 Air Single Target Spell
Blizaga: Strength 6 Water Single Target Spell

Total Refresh Cost [-9]
Total Refresh [1]

Mario (Super Mario Bros)
HC: Heroic Plumber; TA: ;
Other Aspects: Go-Karting with Bowser;
Powers/Stunts: Goomba Stomp (attack with Athletics)

Marle (Chrono Trigger)
HC:; TA:;
Other Aspects: My Magic Necklace; This Princess Doesn't Need Rescuing!;

Mega Man (Mega Man)
HC: Robotic Protector of Mankind;  TA: Needs a recharge
Fight, Megaman! For Everlasting Peace!; Now I Have Your Power!; Out of the Lab, Into The Fire; Rush, Roll, & Dr. Light

Slide dash: Whenever you move as a supplemental action, gain +1 to Athletics rolls to dodge attacks.
Robot Constitution: reflavored Living Dead with a different drawback [-1]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
The Catch: is electricity and piercing damage (+1)
Mega Buster [-4]
Buster Shot:You possess  an innate power to fire a projectile.  This Weapon: 2 attack is fired with your Guns skill and never runs out of ammunition.  In addition, you may make a Guns maneuver at an Average difficulty to place the "Charged Buster" aspect upon yourself, which may be tagged upon your next attack. This Aspect is never sticky, but may be reapplied as often as you choose to take time to apply it. 
Adaptive Attack Systems: Whenever you have time to study a defeated enemy, you may spend a Fate Point to adapt your systems to simulate his method of attack.  From then onward, you may take a point of Mental Stress to imitate  any attack you've copied.  Your next use of the Mega Buster now matches the original in form (bolt of lightning, ball of fire, or boomeranging wooden projectile, for example).  The attack is performed at Weapon: 3.  The Charged aspect may be tagged to turn any such attack into an area attack, instead of granting the normal benefits. 
In addition, you may use these adapted attack forms to perform appropriate Maneuvers, such as applying "On fire" with a flamethrower burst or using a boomerang to bring items to you.

Total Refresh Cost: [-7]
Total remaining refresh: 3


Phoenix Wright
HC:; TA:;
Other Aspects: OBJECTION!!!;

The Prince of Persia (The Prince of Persia: Sands of Time)
HC: Acrobatic young warrior;  TA: Headstrong and proud;
Other Aspects: The Dagger of Time; Set Right What Once Was Wrong; "Wait, wait, that didn't happen..."; Time is an Ocean in a Storm; Seeking Farrah


HC: Acrobatic Psychic Kid; TA: The Aquato Curse
Other Aspects: THAT Is The Reason For The Goggles; Ran Away From The Circus; Victory Dance; I Learned This At Summer Camp; Missing Lili and the others

The RED Spy
HC: Mysterious Man of Mystery;  TA: Trust is a Liability
Other Aspects: Backstab!; "I never really was on your side"; Right Behind You; "Ah, ma petite chou-fleur."; Tools of the Trade
+5: Deceit
+4: Stealth, Weapons
+3: Burglary, Guns, Athletics
+2: Alertness, Conviction, Investigation, Scholarship
+1: Endurance, Driving, Presence, Discipline, Empathy

Wonderful toys (Deceit): When using the Disguise Kit or Invisibility Watch, gain +2 to your Deceit skill.
Swift and Silent (Stealth)
Linguist (Scholarship):
Backstab (Weapons): When tagging an aspect related to taking advantage of an exposed back or other weak point, you deal an additional +2 stress.

Disguise Kit [-1]
Item of Power discount (-2)
Disguise (-3): As Mimic Form power without the requirement for an arcane link
FM/AM Ultra-Sapper [-2]
Item of Power discount (-)
Sabotage (-2): You may roll Weapons in an attempt to short out and shut down a piece of nearby machinery.  <to be added: Hexing crunch>
Cloak & Dagger Invisibility Watch [1]
Item of Power discount (-)
Cloaking (-1) You may roll Deceit to establish a cloak, establishing a block against perception equal to the results of your roll.  This block lasts indefinitely so long as you stand still.  Moving moving at a walking pace reduces the duration of the effect to about a minute; taking more strenuous action lowers the duration on the time increment chart accordingly.

Refresh Cost Total[-8]
Total Unspent Refresh: 2

Ryu (Street Fighter)
HC:; TA:
Other Aspects: Hadouken!!

Samus (Metroid)
HC: Armored bounty hunter;  TA: Creeping corruption
Other Aspects: Chozo-trained; There's Always Another Puzzle;
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Power Suit [-4]
Item of Power bonus [+1]
It Is what it Is: a set of armor (Armor 4)
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
The Catch [+3] is disease or poison
Blaster Canon [-2]
You possess  an innate power to fire a projectile.  This Weapon: 2 attack is fired with your Guns skill and never runs out of ammunition.  In addition, you may make a Guns maneuver at an Average difficulty to place the "Charged blaster" aspect upon yourself, which may be tagged upon your next attack. This Aspect is never sticky, but may be reapplied as often as you choose to take time to apply it. 

Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper)
HC:; TA:
Other Aspects:

Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
HC: The Fastest Creature Alive;  TA: 
Other Aspects: Sonic Boom!; He's Got Attitude
Powers/Stunts: Mythic Speed, Spin Attack (use Athletics to attack if moving as a supplemental action)

Tali'Zorah (Mass Effect)
HC: Quarian Mechanist TA: Curiosity Killed the Quarian; 
Other Aspects: Accent Drives Men Wild; My Suit, My Savior, My Prison; Doesn’t Like Silence; Immune System Deficiency; "Totally worth it!"

+5 Scholarship, Rapport 
+4 Conviction, Alertness
+3 Craftsmanship, Guns
+2 Investigation, Athletics, Empathy
+1 Presence, Deceit, Weapons, Discipline, Lore

Supreme hacker (Scholarship): You use a computer as easily as you breathe – or easier.  Add +2 to scholarship rolls to interact with computers.
Ms. Fixit (Craftsmanship):  Your skill with a wrench is unchallenged.  You complete repairs two time increments faster than usual.
Jury Rigger (Craftsmanship): You have a talent for improvising with available materials.  When jury-rigging, your repairs or constructions last two scenes longer than usual
Tech Sense (Craftsmanship): You have an intuitive understanding for all sorts of technology.  Gain a +1 to all Assessments and Declarations regarding high-tech items, and +1 to maneuvers intended to place aspects on such items.
Mind Over Matter (Conviction): You aren't the kind of person to give up in a fight.  You use Conviction, rather than Endurance, to determine the length of your physical stress track.

Item of Power: Omni-tool  [-2]
It is what it is: Super High tech Personal assistant to aid with repairs and AI hacking.  it can also serve as virtually any tool or a sub-par melee weapon.
One Time Discount: +1 (easy to conceal) arm mounted PDA that grows into a large orange holographic interface
Weapon: 1
Damping (-2): You may roll Scholarship in an attempt to short out and shut down a piece of nearby machinery.  <to be added: Hexing crunch>
AI hacking (-1): You may interface with mechanical intelligences and AIs, using Scholarship to deal mental stress or place maneuvers on such intelligences.

Refresh Cost Total [-7]
Total Unspent Refresh 3 



Site Suggestions & Support / Re: New Board & Old Chat
« on: February 23, 2012, 10:56:32 PM »
*clears throat*

So, uh... any news on this?

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: New Board?
« on: August 11, 2011, 04:14:00 PM »
It does.  When I go to, it loads up just the same as ever.

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