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Messages - Orbweaver

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DF Reference Collection / Re: The YLC (Why Little Chicago) thread
« on: November 04, 2012, 11:37:21 PM »
I have a suspect nobody has mentioned yet. Remember how Harry was able to choke Nicodemus into unconsciousness on the boat in Small Favor at the end of the climactic scene?

And how one of the Swords lit up for him? It was only a single flash, but it was enough to repel Anduriel at a critical moment.

If Harry had blown his head off during Proven Guilty due to a mistake on LC, he never would have been there to stop Nicodemus from taking the Sword, corrupting it, and also gaining the majority of the free-roaming coins in the process.

I think that on the particular timeline our Harry is on, and with the events that happened during Small Favor, whoever was behind that Sword flash had a vested interest in keeping Harry's head attached to his shoulders.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: November 02, 2012, 01:09:34 AM »
213 pages. Not ONE mention of Ian Somerhalder anywhere.

This man's eyes will eat anyone, man or woman, alive. And in case you were wondering what he looks like as a pale vamp:

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: August 22, 2011, 01:41:47 AM »
I don't see Mab there, neuro, but I do see Esmerelda from the Eebs.

Author Craft / Re: Cool words
« on: August 11, 2011, 03:17:12 AM »
I liked Mary Poppins right up until I realized that the medicine she was trying to get the kids to take was for polio. That kind of killed the fun factor for me as an adult, even if it did make a mostly ludicrous movie a bit more realistic to the time period it was set in. But the song is awesome. Still doesn't beat Willy Wonka's "Pure Imagination" or "Candy Man Can", for me, but its inherent awesomeness is undeniable. :D

Author Craft / Re: Cool words
« on: August 11, 2011, 02:51:11 AM »
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious! If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

^ Lots and lots of good words in that song.

Author Craft / Re: Power...
« on: July 25, 2011, 03:55:09 AM »
I suppose it depends on what sources you want and what genre you're writing in.

A lot of UF contains sources of power like Fate, Death, Time, Chaos, etc. Those forces typically manifest as a specific form of energy, which can then be manipulated by a user with the mental capacity and necessary skill level to apply a wide variety of effects. Gard, for example, has a touch of prescience- and is able to choose, almost to a hundred percent accuracy, which warrior will die on the battlefield. She pulls that power from Fate and Perception.

If we're talking about a strictly non-metaphysical level, the sources you listed are excellent. I would add in certain scientific forces and/or principles, though. Things like propulsion, ecological circumstances, etc.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: July 18, 2011, 11:27:15 PM »
Personally, this was my selling point:

I cracked up at the slow-motion walk. His haircut that day probably had something to do with it, as it was stuck straight up off the front of his face.

Uh, so how do animals other than humans reproduce? They don't have human souls. And what about changelings?

Gross out Factor: Tapeworms carry both male and female genitalia. They don't need a partner.

All that we presently have on the Skinwalker is this, as told from Bob's (slightly anecdotal) point of view in Turn Coat, page 212-213, hardback edition: "You're using the English word, which doesn't really describe them very precisely. Most skinwalkers are just people- powerful, dangerous, and often psychotic people, but people. They're successors to the traditions and skills taught to avaricious mortals by the originals. The naagloshii." "Originals like Shagnasty", I said. "He's the real deal, all right," Bob replied, his quiet voice growing serious. "According to some stories of the Navajo, the naagloshii were originally messengers for the Holy People, when they were first teaching humans the Blessing Way." "Messengers?" I said. "Like angels?"

"Or like those guys on bikes in New York, maybe?" Bob said. "Not all couriers are created identical, Mr. Lowest-Common denominator. Anyway, the original messengers, the naagloshii, were supposed to go with the Holy People when they departed the mortal world. But some of them didn't. They stayed here, and their selfishness corrupted the power the Holy People gave them. Voila, Shagnasty."

And as for the procreation issue, here's what Bob had to say about it on page 212: "It's a semidivine immortal, Harry. It doesn't procreate. It has no need to recombine DNA. That means that gender doesn't apply. That's something only you meat sacks worry about."

Based on that statement, it seems as though there are quite a few things running around that don't have procreation requirements, but may also have souls regardless of that factor. Shaggy was created as a messenger, initially- which places him way outside of any category we've come across in the past, because he's not based on the typical definition of life.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: July 18, 2011, 03:32:45 AM »
I still say Jeffery Donoven from burn notice would make a good nicodemous

He probably would, except that I'm going to have difficulty immersing myself in the fact that he's a cold, calculating, heartless bastard who wants to remake Humanity's perceptions of him after most of the burn notice episodes. That character kind of sticks like a needle on a phonograph in my mind. "When you're a spy, and you want to ensure the demise of the human population, it's best to cut out the tongues of your minions and then provide a nice dental plan."

Given something someone (either Bob or Harry, maybe Thomas) said about love, sex, making a whole new soul from the merging of two souls, and how powerful it is, I would think that souls might be needed for reproduction.  So something genderless, something that doesn't procreate, would have no soul.

This is, of course, probably entirely unsupported and even contraindicated by the rest of the series though.

Shaggy's origins are a bit of a mystery at this point. Presumably, he entered reality by the same means as every other Holy Person did. We do have one other example of someone who entered the world without the "parents" having relations, given the Swords that are in play.

And I'm'a shut up now before I hit a very TT with a question about whether that guy had a soul.

The runes blocked Shagnasty, but not the Denarians, Harry, the Archive, or the normal humans. The Denarians were probably as bad in intention as Shagnasty was, and the Fallen were probably at least in Shagnasty's league of power, if not beyond. Maybe the runes only block supernatural creeps who don't have souls?

The Warden question came up again in the Pre-GS thread, too, and it was noted that while the Warden apparently had something to do with preventing Shagnasty from using the Nevernever to travel to the island, the two human-seeming people were able to do so, and they were able to bring fae creatures through with them.

Two possible explanations for this come to my mind: First, that whatever is blocking Shagnasty from using the Nevernever, fae creatures are exempt from it. Or second, that once a portal is opened, any creature can pass through, even those who would be blocked from entering on their own.

If the second explanation is true, then the same magic which empowers the runes on the cottage and the tower may be what is blocking entrance onto Demonreach from the Nevernever. The wards around the island might prevent anyone who doesn't have a soul from entering the cottage or the tower, or from even opening a portal onto Demonreach from the Nevernever. Very human-centric magic. And maybe good for Harry, defense-wise, if he decides to move out there.

Still, I think this is only one of many equally likely possibilities.

Are we certain the Skinwalker is soulless? I think Bob only stated that it has no need for gender. It certainly seemed well acquainted with what Soulfire was capable of, and of its origins. I'll grant that knowledge of it doesn't necessarily imply that the Skinwalker has a soul.

Jim has stated that the Skinwalker boasts a form of intellectus in the Shagnasty section of the WOJ thread. Here's the relevant part of the quote:

"Q:  How and why did the skinwalker take Thomas?
A:  Thomas was distracted by Binder’s minions and the skinwalker saw the opportunity.  It knew that Thomas is important to Harry, but not necessarily that Thomas is Harry’s brother.  The skinwalker exists in more than one dimension at a time and it has its own kind of intellectus when it comes to evil – it knows what will hurt you and scare you, even though it may not really know why."

DemonReach is also a spirit, and also has access to a form of intellectus. There is a metaphysical component to the Skinwalker, though whether a spirit or soul is attached isn't clearly defined. There is also the physical and mental effect it had on Harry when Dresden viewed it with his Sight to consider. 

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: July 16, 2011, 11:35:32 PM »
Ha ha! I didn't realize there was a thread about this! Awesome that so many ppl think like me - Nathan Fillion ALL THE WAY!!! He's already proven he can pull off a brilliant Wise Ass to Cop ratio in Castle.

I aim to misbehave. Zachary Quinto would be my second choice.

And no, no, and HELL BLOODY NO to Hugh Jackman. Just no. Nononononono. That would be the Dresden Files of my nightmares. I love Gerard Butler but imo he would be a bad choice, I have never seen him pull of wiseass. Same thing for Clive Owen, I just can't see him in it.

I can see Jackman doing a part as one of the Denarians (NOT Nicodemus.) Thing is he might not be willing to take less than a lead role in the films.

As for who should have the honor and pleasure of playing TDF's Denarian boss? John Glover. Hands down, he has the style, smooth voice, and soulless, calm, calculating look down pat.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: San Diego 2011 Comic Con
« on: July 14, 2011, 03:37:00 PM »
Absolutely not.  Other than those five sample chapters, there is to be NO discussion of material from Ghost Story until July 26th.  We'll post our updated spoiler policy soon.

Thanks. That means I can keep debating until the 26th. :)

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: San Diego 2011 Comic Con
« on: July 13, 2011, 07:39:56 PM »
Will those who grab the books from SDCC be able to post spoilers from Ghost Story in the spoiler section, or will they have to wait until the book is available everywhere else?

No, Bob didn't say that LC now matched the power flows in the real Chicago, so the problem was solved; he said that LC had a power flow set up the wrong way the last time he looked at the model, but that now, when he was looking at it, the power flow was correct. One scenario involves the real world changing but the model staying the same, while the other involves the world staying the same and model changing between one viewing and the next. If the real world had changed, Bob and Harry wouldn't have had any need to go through the part of the discussion in which they talked about how someone would've needed to get past the wards, examine Little Chicago, and realize how to fix the problem. Bob would have known the difference and we would've had an entirely different mystery to think about.

Proven Guilty, page 471, paperback:

"I found something wrong with Little Chicago's design." I swallowed. "Oh. Wow. Bad?" "Extremely. We missed a transition coupling in the power flow. The stored energy was all going to the same spot." "That's ... like a surge of electricity going through a circuit breaker, right? Or a fuse box." "Exactly like that," Bob said. "Except that you were the fuse. That much energy in one spot will blow your head off your shoulders." "But it didn't." I said. "But it didn't," Bob agreed. "How is that possible?" "It isn't," he said. "Someone fixed it." "What? Are you sure?" "It didn't fix itself," Bob said. "When I looked at it a few nights ago, the flawed section was in plain sight, even if I didn't recognize it at the time. When I looked at it again tonight, it was different. Someone changed it." "In my lab? Under my house? Which is behind my wards? That's impossible." "No it isn't," Bob said. "Just really, really, really, really, really, really difficult. And unlikely."

The issue that I'm taking with Bob's statement is that he never stated where the transition coupling was at on LC. Kind of odd, considering that he's the one who brought up the conversation. Altering the power flow out in the real world so as not to have Dresden blow his head off his shoulders, even if it was only a momentary alteration, would have been much easier as opposed to someone going into Harry's subbasement. And Bob knows that. Bob being locked in Harry's basement doesn't exactly lend itself to his noticing a momentary flux in the power flows around the city, ya know? After all, Bob didn't notice the mishap until a few nights later- even though he saw it hiding in plain sight the first time he looked at it- so he therefore wouldn't have been looking for any shifts in the power flows around the city to begin with. (Simply put, whomever kept Dresden from going kablooey acted by momentarily taking the circumstance out of the cards, rather than risk a fix in front of Bob.)

On top of that, we have Bob stating that in all likelihood, no one did get into Harry's basement to fix the issue. It was fixed elsewhere first, and in the basement after the trial run.

I've also generally found that the either/or principle applies when we have all the information. We don't know why Bob missed the transitioner, even though he said he could see it.

As for how someone else knew LC was messed up- if they were running their own version, they probably noticed when all those small chinks and nicks appeared in the buildings, roads, etc. and took care to fix the model, lest they end up having to fix a much, much bigger problem.

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