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Messages - finnmckool

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DFRPG / Re: BCV Templates - Generic NPCs
« on: July 16, 2011, 09:30:00 PM »
Anyway, I think that Drakul is probably beyond stats (given our current rules tech). And I don't make that designation lightly.

And I don't think that's true, since Stoker's book is supposed to be A) accurate, and B) about Drakul, aka Baby Vlad, we have a pretty good idea exactly what he's capable of. Or was as of 18whatever.

DFRPG / Re: BCV Templates - Generic NPCs
« on: July 16, 2011, 09:28:06 PM »
Well it's not a lock but it makes perfect sense since his father is "The Creature," and presumably the source of all vampire ill, he's ALMOST as strong, and therefore, probably stronger than all the other BCV's. Especially since he JOINED them, which means he was something else before? But regardless, I know that that doesn't mean he HAS to be, but it stands to reason, and it's a good place to start since he's the BCV we know most about.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Post number level names...
« on: July 16, 2011, 04:59:59 PM »
Okay...I'd heard most of those before...but "Surfing in Nebraska?" My new favorite.

"Sharp as a sack full of wet mice" is a good one. It's a Foghorn Leghorn-ism.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: July 16, 2011, 04:18:42 PM »
I thought the nationally affiliated street gang member should be slightly different from the conventional organized crime gang member.

Gang Member (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Random Gang Member
Other Aspects: Tough Guy Act, I Got a Posse Nation Wide
Good: Weapons
Fair: Intimidation, Athletics
Average: Endurance, Alertness, Stealth
A Piece Means Peace (Intimidation): +2 to Intimidation while holding a weapon.
Strapped Always (Weapons): +1 to Weapons (Guns) and Knowledge (Guns) checks
I’m In (Contacts): +2 to Contacts on goods or info from his gang
Total Refresh Cost:
0 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:

Oh, and I TOTALLY modded Sanctophax's Street Thug for this guy. I wanted someone slightly more gun toting, and slightly connected, but still rank and file fodder.

DFRPG / Re: BCV Templates - Generic NPCs
« on: July 16, 2011, 04:09:39 PM »
Just as an over all note and theme, while this does seem more than terrifying enough to justify everyone's inherent fear of the BC, both mortal and other VC's alike, it does seem like...well...a lot. Because, as you've noted, it IS like Dracula, but "Dracula" or "Baby Vlad" was the pale imitation of his father, "The Creature." Any other BCV lords would be lesser than "Baby Vlad," so while he's a good guide, he also represents the upper limits of their power. So, take what we know about Dracula, and go down a step from there. Now, is that a certainty? No. Jim's only touched on the subject, but it's a reasonable place to start from both a story and balance persepective.

DFRPG / Re: How to reach Dresden level health status
« on: June 19, 2011, 03:30:48 PM »
You appear to be making a big assumption...that physical combat logically follows after social.  There are a variety of situations where physical combat isn't really an option.  Perhaps you want something other than death or injury.  (Consider trying to clear an unruly mob from a nightclub before the vamps show up.  Do you really want to attack them?  Convincing them to leave seems a better option.)  Perhaps the current situation prevents you from using force.  (Consider a trial.  
(click to show/hide)
)  Perhaps your opponent simply outclasses you.  (Pull a gun on the Winter Queen...then roll up a new character because she probably has a new hound.)  Or it could be some combination of those.

Just because social and physical combat may be separate doesn't mean one becomes useless.  It means you use the tool needed for the current job.  

Oh I'm all kinds of aware that that's not how things always go. But you have to admit it is sort of the formula for a game. You chat. You banter. Hell breaks loose. I mean I realize it's an assumption, but come on. Is it really THAT big an assumption? Sure, it'd be nice if games were less formulaic, but hell even Nicodemus says it. "Once the fighting starts there's little room for conversation." Their fights are literally broken into social and physical attacks. Which I realize could be construed as points against me, but when you consider Dresden's final fight in Storm Front, "Hey Vic, it was your wife. She ratted you out." "NOOOOO!" Now, that didn't do anything but sorta distract Vic but it certainly did him some damage and allowed Dresden to deliver the coup de grace. Almost took him out really. And that was CERTAINLY a physical fight all the way to that point. All I'm saying is while I'm making format assumptions that this is how things go, you're making equal assumptions that it's not.

DFRPG / Re: How to reach Dresden level health status
« on: June 19, 2011, 03:22:25 PM »
Plus, if Chewbacca is a wookiee you must acquit. LOOK AT THE MONKEY! LOOK AT THE SILLY MONKEY!

DFRPG / Re: How to reach Dresden level health status
« on: June 19, 2011, 03:20:46 PM »
Not to mention the logic of "maneuver maneuver maneuver!" cuts both ways here. If you're that worried that your meaty murder monster has a glass ego then add a stunt or an aspect. I can't totally see something like "Too stupid to care" and having it be pretty neat all around. "Hey! My uncle the Erlking knows I'm here and if I don't make it home for supper he'll be PISSED!" Sorry. The minotaur is too stupid to care. "Hey. You're on fire." Sorry, the minotaur is too stupid to care. "Yeah but he's taking damage every round too right?" Yep. Because he's too stupid to care.

Or "above such mortal concerns." "Keep it up and every signatory of the accords will know you're an oath breaking so and so." The Denarian is above such mortal concerns. "I'm going to do something stupid and rush him to save my best friend." Well you sure surprised the heck outta him because he's above such mortal concerns and didn't see that coming.

Any way, point is, it can go either way.

DFRPG / Re: How to reach Dresden level health status
« on: June 19, 2011, 03:08:19 PM »
Because these are the skills that you use to attack and defend in a social conflict! Social conflicts are outlined on YS 215, after the rules for physical conflicts. Social conflicts use Empathy to determine initiative, rather than Alertness (which is a big sign, from my perspective, that social conflicts are meant to be an entirely different method of conflict resolution). A character with high social skills will be far from useless in a fight, as social skills can be used to maneuver, but really comes into his own in a social conflict, where his social skills can be used to directly attack the enemy.

But why have them if they're so completely separate? Again, it becomes that bone you through your noble before the inevitable brawl with the equally inevitable thumb twiddling and cringing. Now, don't get me wrong. That's hyperbole. But it's valid hyperbole that services a point. Either social attacks are viable attacks that are integrated into the game play, which means it's silly that "shamed" can take the place of "broken ribs", or social attacks are to be completely relegated to a separate arena, which if that's the case, it drastically lowers its value as being part of the world as a whole. It becomes a mini-game. It's kind of like an rpg "separate but equal" argument and falls apart for similar reasons. Again, hyperbole, I'm not making a literal comparison and realize that I'm comparing trivialities and amusements to important stuff, I'm just trying to show a logical similarity, not a moral one, if you take my meaning.

DFRPG / Re: How to reach Dresden level health status
« on: June 19, 2011, 03:03:06 PM »
Well because you can't have skills in everything and you can't be good at everything. That monster may have no social track but you've not got that many points in snark. You put them all in Lore or Guns. But what it DOES do is allow the social skills heavy character some room in the fight with out having to dump some skills in a weapon they can only kinda use just so they have something to do in a fight, which, let's face it, comprises a really good portion of all but the most talkative games.

Good call on the "Caring about Diane" part. I haven't run it yet, but I gotta disagree about Damocles. The key to him I think, is going to be making him seem silly at first, but you gotta work him to be a badass. I was already going to include him in my game, and this was going to be the preview so when he DID show up, the players would already know him. He'll be a nice red herring of a BBEG, and because he's so ridiculous, it'll be all the more galling when he keeps surviving, returning and occasionally handing them their asses. He'll be the red herring to Eric's dark magickery, but maybe a bit more involved later than they thought.

DFRPG / Re: How to reach Dresden level health status
« on: June 19, 2011, 02:52:16 PM »
But the book specifically calls it a social attack and a social defense skill and social damage. That's what it says. I'm not arguing against Fred here, I'm just saying, maneuvers are great and all, but if they were the best thing since sliced bread and were my bread and butter then why do I have social attack and defense skills. Not social skills that oppose each other, mind you, but skills the book specifically labels "Your social attack" and "your social defense"?

DFRPG / Re: How to reach Dresden level health status
« on: June 19, 2011, 01:11:21 PM »
I'm with Bear. If you can't perform social and mental attacks during a fist fight then what's the point of having damage tracks for them? Or consequences? Or anything? It reduces my character to only being useful in the ball room scene BEFORE the big fight? Which means my actions are less consequential because the GM is going to have that big fight coming regardless. Now I'm not saying there aren't a thousand ways to work around that, but my point is why work around it? Why have all the rules and trappings for social attacks if they're only for the snipping and repartee' during the pre-brawl? If you can't mix it all up, if they have to stay exactly separate fights, then what's the point? My social character in a group of thugs is just gonna end up sitting around, twiddling his thumbs, waiting for that ONE scene in the arc when I get to shine, like most other RPGs. One of the cool things about this game is exactly this mechanic that makes a social character a serious threat. You can clever your way out of any fight in a pinch. But if you can't mix the three then what's the point? All those social attacks become the bone you throw. "Here. Go diplomacy it up. Then we're having our rocket launcher fight."

DFRPG / Re: Nukes
« on: June 19, 2011, 12:52:36 PM »
I concur that characters could survive a nuke. But not like some of you guys are saying. It's not like the survivors of the bombs absorbed the damage and walked off. They got lucky at being behind cover. You survive a nuke by not being next to it when it goes off, not because you're tougher than the bomb. Yeah, fate points can save you from a nuke. But not by making you bomb proof. By making you run, or make smart decisions or "Hey look! A lead lined refrigerator!" I mean, Indy clearly dropped some SERIOUS points to get that and even I was declaring some hard shenanigans on that one in the theater. And that's a movie which doesn't need to follow rules. But as far as, "The nuke went off but you soaked up the damaged and walked away, you steaming, gooey mutant you." I'm just not cool with that. And if my GM has a monster walk away from a nuke? I may kill him with my dice bag. Just because if I go to the trouble of arranging a nuke attack on a critter, I expect my cleverness to be rewarded. I nuke a monster and it keeps coming I think my character might just save it the trouble and eat a bullet, because really...what else do you THROW? Actually, that's starting to sound dramatically awesome. But still...I'd be a bit pissed.

DFRPG / Re: At The Table: Gamers And Their Dice
« on: June 19, 2011, 12:36:01 PM »
I like to think of it as getting my dice to think positive. "See little guy? This is what you're capable of! REACH FOR THE STARS! Or at least the highest valued side."

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