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Messages - RobJN

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Author Craft / Re: Writing quirks
« on: July 17, 2009, 02:33:03 PM »
On days off, I make coffee before trudging to the old office. As the coffee maker gurgles away, I go over what i'd written on my previous stint at the keyboard. Once the coffee maker sighs its last, I fix myself a cup, and get to work on the next section with the fresh cup of coffee.

In most cases, I like to have background music running on iTunes, to help promote the ol' Delta wave-state. So I pick the tune on the playlist closest to the mood of the section I'm writing, and loop it.

In creative writing while I was in college, I had one piece that was written to a mix of U2 and the Cranberries. Normally, though, I can't work with English lyrics in the background, so I listen to either instrumental, trance, or foreign stuff.

Author Craft / Re: Length and transition
« on: July 17, 2009, 02:24:45 PM »
the publishing industry sucked right now for new writers.  (So what's new huh?) 

"right now"...? LOL

I vaguely remember reading that a lot of publishers aren't looking for trilogies from new writers. Of course, it's been six or seven years since I was last involved with the publishing business, though I'm sure some things don't change all that much. (see above ;) )

I've also heard to go 'by the word' rather than 'by the page' since pagination can be vastly different between word processors. (MS Word breaks one file down to 220 pages, while Pages has it at 230. That's pulled from an RTF of the project from Scrivener, and the word count is the same.)

Author Craft / Re: Balance
« on: July 15, 2009, 02:01:13 AM »
We have a TV in the house, and it is usually only used to play video games, DVDs, or the occasional Spurs game. The missus and I both don't watch TV, except at work. The time most people spend watching TV, we use to write -- our work schedules don't quite match up, so she usually writes a bit in the morning before she takes me to work, and I write between the time I get home and she gets up to get ready for work. When we have days off together (when we're not prowling the bookstores), we'll sit in the same room, she on her computer in one corner of the office, me on mine in the other, and we might not say more than a few words over the course of the day. But clackity-clack go the keyboards.

It's nice being married to a fellow writer (but then, that's sort of how we met in the first place, being writers).

One of the bits of advice I've heard is to pick a time to write, and then stick to it. It's hard, staring at the blank screen, for an hour, or hour and a half, but stare at it enough times in a row, and the brain will get the message. I find more often than not, once I get home from work, something winds up on the ol' word processor after I sit down at my computer. Sometimes, it's even good!  :D

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: July 13, 2009, 09:28:03 AM »
Rob, I put a follow on your blog, why isn't it under your name?  And I start from the back right?  I think mine is under meg_evonne, but I don't post there, I just post once in awhile. 

Yes, the beginning of the tale is at the end of the blog, with the newest installment towards the "top."

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: July 12, 2009, 09:00:15 PM »
Wow, the edits really do add some 'snap'... but I wonder if the pace is a bit *too* fast. Hm. Fine line in pacing that opening scene.

I do appreciate the advice on the "said" "asked" and "whispered."  As a good chunk of the work is dialogue, I'll need to go through with the diamond-edged red-pen ;)

I thought it was going to just be a short story, or maybe a handful of scenes that would work themselves out.... But the latest word count on the project sits around 75,000 -- several hundred, at least, you've shown me I can do without.  Well, editing is what happens after I finish bleeding out all over the page.

*what*----best and neatest choice of words in this section that's going to drive me crazy until I get the answer---just what not who was she named for?   LOL

I'd almost forgotten that she snuck that in there. Crafty girl, that Beth...  ;D

So, I take it you're hooked? ;) [shameless plug] You can find the answer on the blog where the first draft is going up, bit by bit. [/shameless plug]

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: June 27, 2009, 04:33:12 PM »
[Charles Barkley] "Hey guys, can I play, too?" [/Charles Barkley]
Quote from: Of True Names and Dreaming
“'Beth' is a normal name,” he said. “Don’t you like it? Would you rather be called ‘Elizabeth’ or ‘Lizzie’? I don’t know about ‘Lizzie’… it sounds like something green and scaly.”

Beth sighed, then flopped over on her back. “I would love to be an ‘Elizabeth’ or ‘Lisa’… I’d even settle for a green, scaly ‘Lizzie’ but thats not what I was named for.”

Jack thought for several moments, but couldn’t come up with any other amalgamations of names he’d ever heard that would yield up a shorter ‘Beth.’

“You won’t think of any others,” she said. “I told you, it isn’t normal.”

“Then why did you tell me to guess?”

She sat up, and her green eyes held Jack for a very long moment. “If you’d gotten it on the first or second guess, then I’d know that you weren’t normal,” she finally said.

“Great,” he muttered. “So I’m normal. What of it?”

She smiled. “Normal is good. I don’t get nearly enough of it.”

“You look normal to me,” Jack said. “Even if you do dress kind of funny.”

“This is all we have unpacked right now. The rest of my stuff is all boxed up and buried.”

They sat in silence, the girl staring at the sky, which was going from blue to deeper blue of late evening. The boy stared at the girl, the fine lines of her face starting to stand out in the deeper light of evening, the lashes drinking in the shadows, making her eyes seem wider, larger than they had in the afternoon.

“So if I’m never going to guess it, are you going to tell me?” Jack said, still turning names over in his head. Lizbeth, maybe. That was strange.

“They say that knowing something’s name gives you power over it,” she murmured.

“What kind of power?” Jack asked.

“I don’t know. Power. Like…” her voice trailed off as she thought. “Like.. When you’re in trouble and your mom calls you by your full name.”

Jack shuddered. “Yeah,” he said. “That's power, all right.”

I'd ask ya'll to be gentle... but will settle for only half-rotten tomatos being thrown my way ;)

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: June 19, 2009, 06:16:46 PM »
Many thanks for the welcome!

I don't hold out much hope for the data to be floating around on any of AOL's servers these days. With the closing down of the Community Leader program, the volunteers who maintained the file libraries, moderated message boards, and hosted chats went bye-bye. And the File Libraries were about as legacied as a system can get.

Still, with as diverse a crowd as seems to gather here, I figured there's no harm in checking to see if anybody'd even heard of it.

It's nice to have somewhere to "talk shop."

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: June 19, 2009, 03:26:17 PM »
I don't know that I consider myself an author, as much as I do a writer. In my brain, authors write with publishing in mind -- I just write to write, and have been doing so ever since I can remember.

In school, I wrote mainly for my D&D campaign, adventures, adventure logs, bits and pieces of "history," that sort of stuff. I wrote a few other things in my later high school years, and my senior year English teacher strongly advised that I attend a summer writing workshop, which I did, and have not regretted.

When I reached college, I studied journalism and creative writing, and wrote what I think is my most powerful short story ever -- I finally screwed up the courage to post it online on AOL back in the day, and it was the most downloaded story in the Writers Club's file libraries. Ahh, the good ol' days.... Sadly, when my HD got reformatted some years ago, I lost the manuscript. :(

I recently got back into writing after a long dry spell, busy with living life, buying a house, losing a great job and having to find another. The stories have percolated in the ol' head for five or six years, and finally found a couple outlets. I don't know if I should hug my sister or not for her nagging me, once a month or so, to "post the next section!"

There are links to the two stories I've been picking away at down there in the sig.

And if anyone downloaded a story called "Darkest Road Yet Travelled" an age and a half ago from an AOL file library, please send me a copy!

Author Craft / Re: The Sweet Spot
« on: June 14, 2009, 07:54:45 PM »
Nothing better than when the words just fill up the page, seemingly of their own accord. As if to make up for the days they spend hiding from the muse, scurrying out from under the fingertips when you try to pin them to the page....

Word karma, maybe?

Is there a law of conservation of creativity? ;)

It's been a long time since I wrote much that actually welled up from that "sweet spot;" I seem to spend a lot more time dredging the words up and making the scenes work. But oh, when I hit that groove...  ;D

DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: May 23, 2009, 06:10:07 PM »
Thinking on the "Go team Dresden!" idea...

I'd like to see that, with "Dresden" crossed out, and "Murphy" scrawled in above or below.

"Murphy, you rock! Go team Dresden!"
"Hey, I'm the one who rocks. Go team Murphy."

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