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Messages - Melriken

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DF Spoilers / Re: Fallout of E=K
« on: April 27, 2023, 05:23:08 PM »
  1] Elaine is still alive, plenty of evidence of that.
   2] Since Aurora went bonkers, most likely Nemfected after Elaine sought refuge at the Summer Court after Elaine fled when Harry killed Justin, it is either a real coincidence or Elaine is infected and passed it on to Aurora..
   3] For all of that, no, I don't think Elaine is Kumori.
That's why it's a listed assumption.  For the conversation it doesn't matter much if Elaine is Kumori or just Nemfected so take that assumption... What damage does she do?

Jim wants to torment readers through Harry, so my guess is Elaine will oversee the Paranet merging with the White Council and then leaks security information on the council and creates a second Archangel (ironic because if Elaine is Kumori then Simon Pietrovich is likely Cowl and was responsible for Archangel too) and my guess is tries to blame Ramirez for it (or Luccio, but I think she goes after Carlos) and failing that splinters the Paranet and compromises a LOT of the council secrets in the process (the paranet having taken over communications for the council)

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Mister a Changeling?
« on: April 27, 2023, 03:48:00 AM »
Quotes please, about circles sir Stuart talks about cats and dogs sensing ghosts on page 72 of Ghost Story, on page 82 Harry is shin tackled by Mister and he reaches down and is able to stroke him, again proving my theory that Mister’s Spirit is both unusually strong and perfectly equates to his physical form.
Stuart says near as he can tell all cats can sense ghosts but most treat them the same as they treat any other humans… they ignore them.

Cats in circles I think was on demon reach in cold days just before they covered everyone in mud… or just after? Just finished a full reread through, of the series and remember it strongly but don’t have time to grab the quote, I will look for it tomorrow. The full quote includes a comment about that being why cats were familiars.

Edit: Cold Days chapter 47; hard back page 451
There were certain creatures who could move back and forth across boundaries like that without disturbing them in the slightest — most notably the common cat.

DF Spoilers / Re: Fallout of E=K
« on: April 27, 2023, 03:41:54 AM »
Evidence for E = K please.
I said to assume because I don’t want to turn this thread into a debate on who k is, I want to talk about the fallout if Elaine is Kumori.

Here is some evidence, but if you want to talk about IF Elaine is Kumori let’s do that in another thread.

DF Spoilers / Fallout of E=K
« on: April 26, 2023, 08:10:15 PM »
Do me a favor, assume Elane is Kumori.
Assume Elane is still alive.

What does that mean for the Dresden Files and the future.

Specifically (but not limited to) the Paranet is being managed in part by Elane and signs point to the Paranet either replacing the White Council or merging with it.  If Elane is Cowl's loyal apprentice and has been shaping the Paranet she will absolutely have been shaping it to replace the White Council and join Cowl's Circle (black council).  This will do a LOT of damage to the forces of good (Harry).

How else is Elane positioned to cause problems and what kind of damage could she do with the Paranet?

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Mister a Changeling?
« on: April 26, 2023, 07:55:09 PM »
Unfortunately our sample size of cats in the Dresden files is very small. We have Lions (Nimean and otherwise) And the Malks. And the Mister.

Mister in being a Changeling who has decided he is fine as he is, is ultimately more ‘Real’ in the spiritual world than other normal beings, he is the feline equivalent of the Faithsaber in that regard. Ghost Harry was therefore able to interact not with Misters body, but with his spirit which is exactly the same as his body as shown by Harry’s third eye. This is why he is so deadly to the Little Folk, it’s not just his physical mass, it’s his spiritual mass as well. It’s why he wasn’t phased by the Nimean Lion possessing his body, it was fun whilst it lasted. His hatred of dogs may date from his time with Lea, so having a go at Cerberus was exactly what he fancied.

Forget about circles, all you need to summon Mister is a bag of catnip.
ALL CATS can move through circles without disrupting them, ALL cats can interact with ghosts.  We don't have a lot of examples of cats, but we have quotes stating all cats.

I don't think we have reason to believe Mister is unique in any of this.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Mister a Changeling?
« on: April 26, 2023, 04:00:41 PM »
you misunderstand, if cat's need a higher circle than like the others, it's because they hold freedom of Will/choice in the mix. Something as far as we know most animals do not. It's usually a human centric thing in the DF.
I don't think cats are affected by or affect circles regardless of type or power.

Circles are disrupted by will, its a lack of will that makes circles keep you out and it is the presence of will that allows you to break a circle.  Humans break circles by an act of will and they create circles through an act of will. I don't know why Cats can walk across Circles without disrupting them but it isn't because they are will, it is because they don't exist on that axis or they are part of the earth and thus part of the environment (wind doesn't affect a circle either).

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is kind of a Joke.
« on: April 25, 2023, 10:50:25 PM »
The reason the Council are still alive isn't because the world is badly written, but because they're falling from a great height in slow motion. It's been foreshadowed that they're on track to either end or go through a transformative reorganization, though.
The Council will be replaced by or merge with the Paranet.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Mister a Changeling?
« on: April 25, 2023, 10:36:46 PM »
Maybe, but scions can be pretty subtle.
I think you meant Changeling not Scion, Scions can be very non-subtle (they can be subtle too, at least on the surface).

A changeling is about the only supernatural thing Mister can be.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Mister a Changeling?
« on: April 25, 2023, 10:18:56 PM »
On technical level with fae queens and arch demons in that they would require the same sort of circle macfinn needed. A being of flesh AND spirit.
🤔 Though exactly why they wouldn't disrupt the circle.. can't wrangle if that means they have, or don't have free will, or something else more chaotic altogether.
Remember that Cats can see ghosts... all cats. They can touch ghosts...  They are indeed beings of Flesh and Spirit... (I don't think you forgot, but it should be stated in the thread)

I don't think they are in the power tier of Angels or Macfin... but they are more spirit than normal animals.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Mister a Changeling?
« on: April 25, 2023, 04:50:58 PM »
You had me up until...
Nameless was in with all the Winter Changelings as part of Maeves Court  he would therefore know Mister is a changeling. He as Cowl would know that as such Mister would be a good host for the spirit of the Nimean lion giving him the idea for his petty revenge. Misters biology as a changeling is predisposed to transforming into a much larger form. This is why he takes the transformations in his stride without harm.

Cats can walk across Circles without disrupting them. It isn't unreasonable to think all cats look the same under Site.  The Age is an issue, so either he is a Changeling (or something worse) or Jim just doesn't have the heart to kill Mister.

I lean to it being Jim just not wanting to kill Mister, Bob would probably have noticed during a ride along if Mister was something more...

DF Spoilers / Re: Some personal theories I want to get feedback on.
« on: April 25, 2023, 04:34:19 PM »
He would spend the time and effort to get a real one.
He would... unless he couldn't (because he couldn't touch a real one or a real one would pull the coin out of him etc) in which case he would get a fake one to make the church think the real ones don't do what they do. :)

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is kind of a Joke.
« on: April 25, 2023, 04:31:48 PM »
I'm not saying their awful antiquated ways aren't justified in the text, I'm saying that their survival doesn't seem justified. Jim specifically points out several times that the supernatural world is a cut-throat place wherein weakness is quickly pounced on, then shows several giant weaknesses in the council. Harry covers them in the vampire war, but what about before that? Is the vampire war seriously the first time the council has ever been in conflict with a major power? How have they survived this long?
Most of the Major Powers aren't stupid enough to get into a war with the White Council.  The question isn't can the Black Court beat the White Council or can the White Court beat the White Council... the question whenever one supernatural faction gets into war with another is how much damage will the winning side take in the winning?

Your arguments are valid against factions like The Archive or Ferrovax that if you can take them out you can do it in one hit or against factions like Ghouls that are of a fairly uniform power level.  The problem with the White Council is that every faction knows that if they attack the White Council they won't get them all in one stroke.  And while they could do enough damage to eliminate the council as a faction they all know that Eb or someone like him (or 3 someones like him... or more) will be left nursing a vengence and someone is going to come for you (the leader making the choice) and they WILL take you out, the BEST you can hope for is to kill them too.  There are individual exception to this, but they generally lack a motivation to fight the council (they don't gain anything by removing the council) and even those powers (Ferrovax for example) can't be sure they will survive a suicidal Eb and if they do can't be sure to survive the sharks attracted by the blood in the water.

300 year old Billionaires don't just have a LOT of resources they have a LOT to lose.

If a 70 year old Billionaire dies they lose 10-20 years... they still lived a full and rewarding life and can die happy.

If a 700 year old Black Court Vampire dies... they lose eternity, they squandered what they had and threw away everything. Everything.

My question is why did it take so long for the white court to go after the minor talents in an effort to eliminate Wizards from the world. That is the kind of plan that might actually work without unacceptable fallout.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Archive (Mechanics)
« on: April 25, 2023, 03:59:24 PM »
Honestly I suspect the Archive's function as the mortal-side conductor of the oblivion war was something Jim came up with after Death Masks, not something he had in mind from the beginning. He's said his initial genesis for the archive was just wanting to write a creepy little girl character. It's sort of hard to justify a being as vitally important but (mostly) mortal as the archive ever hazarding herself in field work. How do you logically go from "My job:  use intellectus to keep track of all human knowledge to watch for cthulu cults" to "My task: get involved with random supernatural disputes all over the world."

Not disagreeing with you, but the most important thing for the Archive to do to enable her to fight the Oblivion War is to maintain the secrecy of the Oblivion War.  Which means pretending to have other things to do that take up all her time... ie: get involved with random supernatural disputes all over the world.

Regardless of when Jim decided to make her primary purpose fighting the Oblivion War what we saw not just the first time we see her but every time we see her is her cover and it would look the same regardless of when Jim decided it was a cover.

DF Spoilers / Re: Master of the Future? The Fugitive...
« on: April 24, 2023, 10:17:30 PM »
And how has Harry not called any of them “He who walks like an Egyptian”?
Jim was saving it for the BAT and you just spoiled it.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Archive (Mechanics)
« on: April 24, 2023, 10:08:03 PM »
That said, I suspect should the Archive be killed without an offspring, that's it. I imagine that's a tempting target for the enemies of the Archive.
This seems the most likely to me as well... The Archive isn't a real mantel, it was created by wizards to fight oblivion.  It might be that without a child the Archive will go hosteless and could be attached to someone new through magic depending on how it was created and attached originally.

The Archive can delete from it's knowledge for the purpose of the Oblivion War... so shouldn't Ivy be able to delete her mother from the Archive's memories and make similar adjustments to lessen the burden?

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