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Messages - Ed0517

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DF Spoilers / Re: Gamma Sword
« on: February 12, 2022, 09:11:22 AM »
I am so lost here. There is something called Gamma Sword with similar properties of Butter's sword?

I am GUESSING they just mean the third Sword, as gamma is the third letter of the Greek alphabet

DF Spoilers / Re: Question of the day.
« on: February 12, 2022, 09:08:59 AM »
Was Malcolm a Scion of an Angel? Eb appears to have seen him under the sight.That is a weird description, like something you would say about a saint.  Malcolm is also the only character that speaks to Harry from the afterlife.

Doesn't seen to say he's a scion. Says a man. Could Eb have soulgazed him, to check him out for his daughter?

I wonder if when he went to Judgement, if a comment could have been made about what a good man he had been, and due a reward... and he asked the boon of being able to watch over the son he left orphaned. From the way they speak of him, the like of he and Forthill and Michael will not fear Judgement. I think Michael said something on those lines in Skin Game

DF Spoilers / Re: Question of the day.
« on: February 12, 2022, 09:05:34 AM »
Not necessarily. I don't remember the physical descriptions of Margaret and Malcolm. Perhaps they both were tall.

IIRC at one point Margaret's spirit looks at Harry and says he is tall like his father.

But you can get a sport - neither of Wilt Chamberlain's parents was even 6 feet tall, he was over 7. Michael Jordan has 4 brothers - none are even six feet, Michael is 6'6". Or, if you want someone close to Harry's size, look at the pop group the Beach Boys. Average sized guys. Brothers and a cousin. And a cousin is 6'8" Kevin Love, an NBA player. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Lasciel really a fallen angel?
« on: January 28, 2022, 08:47:04 AM »

Red Court, White Court, Winter, Summer and the White Council all vulnerable to coins.

Do we know the Fae and Vamps are vulnerable? Do they have souls to trade? a half red might. The White Council will.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Lasciel really a fallen angel?
« on: January 27, 2022, 06:52:31 AM »
I don't think Nico knows where all coins are at all times - or he'd have never let Harry leave Lasciel buried so long.

I do think eh knows wo all the Denarians are and their abilities. Now, could a Denarian who does not usually use magic give Hellfire to a warlock, different question.  It may be the host body is a limiting factor. Maybe most vanilla humans cannot throw Hellfire, even with a coin.

Cinder Spires Spoilers / Re: New Cinder Spires details.
« on: January 15, 2022, 04:21:26 AM »
So new Cinder Spire details from Jims Dragoncon 2021 QnA

1. Next book is 40% done will hopefully be done by Jims birthday 26th of October.

10/26 is his birthday each year... which birthday did he refer to??????

Jim, drop a TINY update....  you expected a month and a half.... been more than double that.....

DF Spoilers / Re: Who is Thomas talking to?
« on: January 15, 2022, 04:18:22 AM »
Hey, in Star Trek Jack the Ripper was an extraterrestrial who possessed a human..... maybe that's Jack? ;)

An intriguing thought, and something the Reds may have been noticing too; everyone was stacking agents in Chicago, and still is (see: Namshiel/Marcone, Butters, the Fomor starborn, the Titan, Svartalfs - but by now they may be drawn there by Harry as well as all the reasons why Lea may have nudged him there).

i'd point out no one stacked Butters in Chicago, he was there already when he signed on. And the Svartalves..likely have a presence in most major cities if they are that powerful. We don't know enough of those guys. They sound more Swiss or the like. Consulates in most major world cities? Likely have them almost certainly in NYC and DC, probably LA, London, etc. 

I agree with Mira, if the Almighty wanted the Knights to have easy access to the Ways, He'd have done it by now. He doesn't always do such big things, just makes Forthill run out of gas in front of Michael's when he needs a babysitter. Heck, when Michael caught a Way in to save Molly... he still had to go back to Idaho or whatever with Harry to drive his truck back.....

(Ok, there was a little fringe - Michael's truck is fairly new, yet it works fine with Harry for a thousand miles? Some Heavenly mechanic adds Tempest level shielding? Just like Michael's house doesn't have issues...)

DF Spoilers / Re: Bob's Parents
« on: January 10, 2022, 07:34:52 AM »
I suppose Lash was a little piece of Lasciel's soul...  was it Uriel who said angels are ALL soul? (could have been Bob). And harry asked if he had a soul, was told "You ARE a soul, you HAVE a body" (I think that was Uriel)

I guess Bonea was creating destructive interference in Harry's head - you know, like conflicting waveforms in physics?  Molly is good with psychic matters, that was why she could help. There likely could have been others who could, but may not be so well inclined to Harry, or been busy (thinking Gatekeeper, the guy cleaning up Peabody's victims)

DF Spoilers / Re: The Gods of Pro Wrestling
« on: January 08, 2022, 06:02:59 AM »
that podcast didn't *QUITE* put the Mothers at Uriel's level - just that they are closer to him than they are to Mab/Titania. He said closer to. Or allows for a big power band. Like "The best hockey players are in the NHL" but Uriel is Connor Mc David - he's generally acknowledged best-of-the-best.  (OK, relax, KHL fans, there is overlap between the two leagues, just being simple)

How about a more FUN reason for the wrestlers? They are bored, and want to feed their egos. TWG lets them come thru, but at only a certain percentage of their power. But if they get more fans, they gain power in the Never-never. So they want human devotees. They get the idea of joining the WWE for over-the-top stunts and acting. Flash, showmanship, and competition. Some gain power up to the limit, so they "retire" their persona, and there is no more regular Hulkamania, and Thor goes to play football. Maybe runs into Irwin Pounder?  Maybe they have been doing this for decades - in the 60s, as rock stars. 40s and 50s, movie stars. Maybe in the 20s, Hercules and his huge club were in The Bronx swinging a notably huge bat as Babe Ruth? Drinking too many beers, eating too much, engaging with women of low repute... Ruth supposedly did them all - so did the Greek gods....

Gods and angels do not seem to be averse to entertainment either - Uriel is a Star Wars fan, or at least the music and simpler black and white good and evil. Something like wrestling faces and heels?

DF Spoilers / Re: Ages of Characters
« on: January 07, 2022, 09:51:44 AM »
I think all the Denarians are pre-planet. The Fall was before such. If the Dragons were meant to help shape - well, they'd be made before the planet, assuming a Creation myth type formation, or could even have been slightly after the ball starts to form if be are in Big Bang style. No need for them until the crust starts to form.

Demonreach would have been after planet formation. The genius Loci from that time, but possibly magically enhanced to sentience later

If Mab the individual now in the mantle rode with the Conqueror - it's under a thousand years from Hastings. The mantle is older. The former mortal is not.

I don't think Rashid is older than Mai. I think he may have timeskipped to fight the Mad Arab. I'd say more like 250-300. Slightly less than the Merlin.

Molly is in her late 20s/early 30s. Older than Mister. IIRC Jim said "ordinary cat" He'd be dead by now at that age.

Maggie is likely slightly older than Mouse. Probably conceived during Death Masks. Maybe a year.

Add Ivy as older than Maggie, younger than Mister? Early/mid teens?

DF Spoilers / Re: Outer Gates and cup of coffee.
« on: January 04, 2022, 09:48:26 AM »
Jim has never put a time limit on the age of vampires.  Certainly Lara is hundreds of years old.

But in the fight in The Deeps Harry talks about lives that should have lasted for centuries longer - as in very long lived, but mortal.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Lasciel really a fallen angel?
« on: January 04, 2022, 08:48:04 AM »
The TV show Lucifer had it that Angels self actualised, beyond gender this covered their powers, mortality, wings and ability to reproduce..

Everything would appear to indicate Lasciel is a “Fallen” Angel unless you are saying that there are actually no “Fallen” angels, only angels playing the part on behest of the White God as part of his/her ineffable plan, but how could we know? It’s effing ineffable!

This would mean the Knights of the Cross are nothing but unwitting Participants in the ultimate LARP (except Butters where it is certainly quite witting on his part, he is the biggest geek in the Multiverse).

The other angel we know about is Mac, who retired. Did he retire just because he got fed up with the LARPing? Doesn’t seem to have done him any good, so you would think he would spill the beans and sing like a canary to the mortals.

We did see, briefly, at least two more, in Ghost Story. The security guard, whi shuts down Harry's Sight for his own good, and the Angel sent to escort Forthill to the afterlife if he died. That last angel presented as female.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mortal memory discussion
« on: January 04, 2022, 08:43:20 AM »
But you know where mom was don't you?  She had been dead ten years, sitting in a rocking chair in the mansion.. ::)

Better than Faulkner's A Rose for Emily.....

DF Spoilers / Re: Demonreach question
« on: December 08, 2021, 10:19:15 AM »
But that's my point, what is a "true" name? The one written on your birth certificate or the one you answer to?  They aren't always the same.. "George" maybe written on your birth certificate, but "Stinky" is the only name you've ever answered to or have been called, so which is the "true" name?

OK, who else thought of the old Odd Couple episode with Oscar talking to the card game boys?


"You think my mother named me Speed???"

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