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DF Spoilers / Re: Who knows what Ivy REALLY is?
« on: August 12, 2019, 04:28:58 AM »
Vadderung and Rashid would know. Vadderung cause he's a professional mercenary spymaster. Rashid would need to know when the Archive confines a recent Outsider as they would be trying to get through the Outer Gates.

DF Spoilers / What does Kringle know that Nicodemus doesn't?
« on: August 12, 2019, 04:22:35 AM »
are. But the Master of Shadows doesn’t prefer to operate that way, no.” Nicodemus’s control over the gang of superpowered lunatics was starting to make more sense now. “Master of Shadows. That’s an old, old phrase for a spy master.” “Exactly,” Kringle said. “Nicodemus knows very nearly as much as I do. Anduriel has the potential to hear anything uttered within reach of any living being’s shadow, and sometimes to look out from it and see.”

Butcher, Jim. Skin Game (The Dresden Files, Book 15) (pp. 373-374). Little, Brown Book Group. Kindle Edition.

So what does Vadderung/Kringle know that Nicodemus doesn't?

Personally I thinks its something very specific, one thing in particular that could be a huge advantage over the Nickelheads.

DF Spoilers / Re: Changes and GS, CD, SG,... Kinkaid
« on: August 08, 2019, 03:43:35 PM »
Harry called Kincaid for the hit, trading in the favour Kincaid owed him for rescuing Ivy in Small Favour. Harry then had Molly wipe his memory of it so that he could lie to Mab. Lasciel was the one who manipulated Harry with a whisper, making him suicidal.

DFRPG / Re: Scion or Emissary of a Dragon
« on: August 07, 2019, 07:56:21 AM »
I've done one or two such characters with Sanctaphraxes help. My favourite idea was a Dragon Knight that gets power based on how large their Dragon's hoard was. Or something like that. I'll have to dive into some old files to clarify.

Nice! Thanks for the info. Kinda know what he means about the action figures a little. Already new/guessed as much about the cosplay stuff. Similarly the Etherialist. Looking forward to reading the Olympian Affair.

DFRPG / Re: New Setting: Gold Coast Australia
« on: July 01, 2019, 03:34:36 AM »
As an Aussie I'm definitely interested. There would be a heavy Fae Presence at the Movie Theme Parks, which is tied to the tourism you've already addressed.

Other than that I'm relatively unfamiliar with the Gold Coast, so look forward to more from you.

DF Spoilers / Re: Svartalfs = SG-1 Asgard?
« on: June 30, 2019, 07:31:37 AM »
I thought of this my first read of Bombshells. Muscly Asgardians.

DF Spoilers / Re: SO CLOSE!!!!
« on: June 26, 2019, 04:41:05 PM »
I don't think we'll see him in the Mirror'verse.  I think we'll see him get snatched, and cliffhang on "what thing just reached out of the mirror and grabbed Harry?!!?"

Is MM confirmed 100% as the next book, BTW?

No theirs a Wrestling Book after Peace Talks. *siiigh* I'm actually pretty apprehensive about it.

Hmmm yeah Butters grappling with his Knighthood duties was a fun part of his short story.

Isn't that what he did?

DF Spoilers / Re: Of Faerie Queens and Greek Gods
« on: June 21, 2019, 07:11:26 AM »
I mean Zeus was god of wisdom and sky, same as Odin, which is usualy the analogy, plus from Gards short story clue. "Sometimes he gets us to call him Daddy". We know he's a horny bastard which would fit with Zeus, but I don't think Odin was ever majorly linked with the sea.

rereading their meeting in Cold Days he's compared to Donald Trumph. hmph. I think he'd be insulted by that at this point.

My personal theory is that Vadderung/Kringle/Odin was once a mortal wizard who elevated himself to godhood, like Cowl attempted to do. Link that too,
Quote from: Cold Days p205
"Rumours of your death et cetera" I shurgged "I'm sure it isn't an uncommon play among wizards" I said/ Something in his eye flashed, an amused thought that went by almost before I could see it. "Fewer try it then you might think"

Stories of Odin have him hanging himself on a tree for ultimate knowledge, and in some versions godhood and more power, some interpretations he did it to feel mortality, what it was like to die. However we have a WOJ somewhere that "Kringle is what Odin does so he doesn't age". @Serack?

Plus a more extended WOJ that Vadderung finds being mortal awesome, so as he can interact with mortal affairs exciting.
Quote from: WOJ
If you’re (a powerful immortal being) in the real world, well, the problem is that you’re in the world, and you’re kind of mortal, and something could come along and try and whack you, if they’re fast enough, or good enough, or lucky enough. Which makes Odin a kind of special guy, because he doesn’t mind it, he thinks it’s awesome.

Kringle outright says he wasn't always Kringle
Quote from:  Cold Days p39
"This became the tale with which you are familiar only in fairly recent times. There are wizards enough alive today who knew of no such person when they were children awaiting the winter holiday"
I nodded thoughtfully. "You became something else"
He gave me a wink of his eye.

I like the triple goddess links. however Mother Winter has been identified as both Atropos (one the Greek Fates) and Skuld (one of the three Norns, similar to the fates and also a Valkyrie), during Harry's summoning of her in Cold Days. Which was further confirmed when Mother Winter says he chose the name
Quote from: Cold Days p320
"He knew certain names. He was not wholly stupid in choosing them or wholly wrong in using them"

Then theres a few hints that the Mothers have a shared identity and of their foresight and intellectus
Quote from: Cold Days p320
'Did he...?
"No croaked Mother Winter. "Not that one. But he has seen the adversary and learned one of its names"
Calculation and thought flickered through those green eyes, faster than I could follow. Ah yes. I see Mother Summer said. "So many new futures unwinding"
"Too many bright ones" Mother Winter said sullenly
"Even you must think better that than empty night"

Quote from: Cold Days Chapter 33: p325
"What my counterpart knows I know"

Quote from:  Cold Days p328
"Who are you really?"
Mother Summer stopped in her tracks and turned to look at me. Her eyebrows slowly lifted "That is a very significant question"
"It's just got me thinking: masks. I know of one figure from ancient tales who is alive and well and incognito. Why shouldn't there be more?"
Mother Summer inclined her head, more a gesture of acknowledgement or admission than agreement. "Things change" she said. "Immortals deal poorly with change. But it comes to everyone"
"I called Mother Winter by the names Athropos and Skuld because they seemed to fit her" I said.
Mothers Summer's smile appeared for a moment, dazzling me and then was gone again. "It was not an imbecilic guess" She said. "And Yes she has been known by such names before. But you've only guessed the name of one of her masks- not our most powerful name"
Our name most people assume is Gaia. Mother of Earth

As for the Dragons and Angels. Archangel Sammael often cited as being Lucifer before he fell or Lucifers role when he's in Heaven, is described as being very Dragonlike in one of his forms.

As for references to Greek mythology there's this WOJ.
Quote from: WOJ
We’ll have to as we go on, in terms of, to a certain degree, some of them have always been there. If we're talking about mantles in There’s all kinds of them. It’s not just Faerie, they’re all over the place. There are still mantles hanging around from Greek times. Greco-Roman mythology, **unintelligible** mythology. The gods are also around, in one form or another, most of them are around. Some of them got themselves killed. Because lets face it, some of those guys were idiots.
And I mean, you go back there and read, and it’s like, how could you possibly have survived that? The answer in the Dresden Files is that they didn't. They *unintelligible* up til they died. Sorry, Hercules, you can only go slamming your head into walls for so long. And if your mantle passed on to The Hulk, it sort of exists in people’s minds and imaginations now.

I would suggest your tripple goddess names as Athena being the Winter Lady equivelent.

Other than that good WAG Crack theory and welcome to the site :).

I mean Michael's family the Carpenters were attacked by Gruffs, so that pretty much meant their inclusion. But yes the Knights were concerned about Harry, as the conversation about "Harry where is your blasting rod?" was pretty much all about that.

DF Spoilers / Re: looking for a WoJ
« on: June 20, 2019, 07:48:00 AM »
Probably from my post a few months back. I referenced it because it means Vadderung isn't Thor who took over Odins Mantle. Despite Donar Vadderung possibly being translated to Thunder Younger-Father.

Around the 13 minute mark.

DF Spoilers / Re: What does the White Council Do?
« on: June 19, 2019, 03:26:01 PM »
1.Laws of Magic
2. Governing body of human magic. Stops wizards and humans with magic getting involved in mortal international affairs.
3. International Supernatural Politics. Mainly to do with the Accords. Luccio had to intervene with the Accord and the Denarians. Albeit with Dresden implying Mab's wrath.
4.Fighting other supernatural threats: The Black Court Purge, Kemmler and his disciples (including WW1), The Red Court, The Fomor, White Court on and off, The Rakshasa thing.
5. Miscellaneous Important roles in Supernatural Circles: The Gatekeeper, The Blackstaff, The Warden.

Number 4 has atleast half a dozen examples. Seems to be their main purpose other than the laws.

Plus according to Luccios lengthy discussing/debate with Harry. Stopping Wizard's from getting involved in mortal international affairs. This is also corrobaratted by WOJ that one of the White Councils purpose is to stop Wizards from advising/becoming kings and emperors. @Serack any help with that quote.

Quote from: WOJ
They kinda /do/ win.  It’s one reason the White Council thinks of itself as something so ohmygodmighty important.  But bear in mind a few things:
1) The White Council /exists/ in order to limit the power of wizards.  These days, it’s mostly about keeping wizards out of the black magic–but in the past, it was also to keep wizards out of politics.  They would show up as advisers, rarely (most “court wizards” were charlatans or underpowered schmucks), but the Council itself was very much against getting involved in things.

That’s mainly because if the Council threw its weight in anywhere, it was all but guaranteeing a civil war among its own members.  (Remember, it’s very Euro-centric.)

The original Merlin learned a lesson about wizards involving themselves in politics.  They already have too much power to use wisely, from his point of view.

There's a few other relevent things about the White Council their powers in that WOJ as well. How Wizards were rarer in the past yet could travel faster then most using Ways up until Cars, Trains and Planes.

Quote from: WOJ
2) Wizards were a hell of a lot more rare in centuries past.  Their numbers have increased along with the world population, but back then a given country was lucky if it had produced a single wizard-level talent more than about one generation in three.

3) Travel in general was a lot harder.  Disease, in general, was a lot more rampant and likely to kill you.  Yeah, wizards have the capacity to recover from things, but they don’t have any particular increased resistance to contracting a disease.  They just come back from it in better shape than regular folks.  For example, if you get a good case of pneumonia (like I did), you’ve got a reduced capacity to resist subsequent similar infections.  And that’s it.  In fact, having gotten pneumonia once gives you a pretty darn big mathematical probability that you’re going to die of pneumonia in the future.  (Pneumonia being one of the main things that actually does the killing when you’ve got cancer or other serious medical issues.)  Wizards don’t face that same danger.  If they beat it, they beat it, and it isn’t of any more consequence than getting over a cold.

But even so, before antibiotics, wizards were as worried about disease as everyone else was.  And a great way to not get diseases was to STAY HOME.  Which most of them did.  That kinda limited how much conflict they would actually get involved in.

4) The Inquisition.  Fact of the matter is that the Inquisition, for better or worse, made everyone REALLY aware of practitioners.  If a wizard started slinging his power around willy nilly, it would attract attention.  Probably /hostile/ attention, at that.  Which leads us to…

5) Wizards have to sleep.  Yes, an enraged wizard could probably kill just about anyone he wanted to, flatten towns, all the mighty wizard stuff.  But… there are about a million humans to every full-blown wizard talent.  A strong wizard can kill a mortal with about as much effort as it would take you to pick up a piece of gravel and toss it twenty feet.  Now, go out to a gravel pile and do that a MILLION times.

More on the ability to travel giving them power and influence

Quote from: WOJ
Of course, that leaves many, many other things they could do to influence events.  The most powerful such was the gathering of information and rapid communications.  Their ability to travel rapidly, to gather information and send it elsewhere was something that didn’t really get beat until a Mr. Ford, Mr. Marconi, and some guys named Orville and Wilbur came along.  And they were basically in the information business, which is an excellent way to guarantee security.

There's this important bit that kinda counters stopping wizards from having influence but I think shows the delicate game they play with Mortal history and culture

Quote from: WOJ
They were also largely responsible for the Renaissance, in the Dresden universe.  Not directly, but by going out and finding the best and brightest minds and seeing to it that they got the education and the chances they needed to succeed in life.  Some wizards even did direct mentoring of various brilliant figures of European history (DaVinci and Gallileo were two prime examples).

But they stayed out of direct involvement in wars and politics, instead focusing on becoming involved in the intellectual progress of society.  Wizards from France and Germany, for example, would treat each other much the same way as opposing lawyers in a big case.  Even when their clients were tearing each other to bits, that didn’t meant that the two wizards were foes.  They were, in fact, professional colleagues, who were likely to go off and get a beer and roll their eyes at their clients’ foolishness.

and finally how they lost alot of there power or were kept in check.

Quote from: WOJ
(All of this is mostly focused on the White Council, which was centered in Europe.  Wizards in other areas of the world, such as the Americas, eastern Asia, and Australia have far different histories.)

But that factor–the sheer weight of numbers of mortals–dictated the role they had to assume to survive and prosper.  They hoped that a more advanced, less warlike culture would provide a better place for wizards to live. In fact, it did.  But it also robbed them of the extreme power they’d possessed until that time, relative to vanilla mortals.

6) PEOPLE BELIEVED IN MAGIC AND IT SCARED THEM.  I mean, there was none of this “but there’s no such thing as magic” nonsense involved.  And not all the witch hunters were in it for the money.  There was a class of men who knew all about the various forces of the supernatural, out there in the darkness, and who made themselves as able to contend with them as any mortal could be.  If a wizard went all kaboomy on mortals, he knew that there was someone who was going to hunt him, striking in a moment of vulnerability.

(I’ll leave it to you to deduce who they grew up into, eventually.  It isn’t complicated or hard to see.)

End of the day, even wizards bleed.  And as the wise Governor of California says, if it bleeds, you can kill it.

Sorry for the quote dump.

DF Spoilers / Re: Any news on Peace Talks
« on: June 19, 2019, 02:32:40 PM »
I mean I'm hoping for a Christmas release. That would make sense for the publishers to push for.

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