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DF Spoilers / Re: Supernatural influence in culture.
« on: December 23, 2019, 05:30:57 PM »
Amorrachius is Excalibur. Woj confirms its the only sword not reforged

DF Spoilers / Supernatural influence in culture.
« on: December 23, 2019, 08:05:05 AM »
So Mab helped publish the Grimm Fairy Tales, in part because according to Thomas, the Venatori tried to make the Fae 'forgettable'.

She also may have been partially responsible for the printing press, if Thomas wry humour included the Brother Grimm and the inventer of the Printing Press in the same sentence it's plausible she had a hand in that as well.

The very nature of the Venatori is too ensure society forgets old legends, so an innovation the spreads information might not have been to their advantage. Judging by White Council policy to publish dark books like the Necronicom in order for them to be useless (from there point of view). It seems like that tactic was designed to combat the Venatores.

However the fact that we know Lara Raith had a hand in publishing Dracula by Bram Stoker, shows how adaptable she can be, as she presumably did it part for the Venatores mission to annihalite ancient evil powers.

So we have 2 or 3 instances of supernatural influence of Culture.

1. Mab- Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales.
2. Mab- Printing Press
3. Mab- Disney.
3. Lara/Venatore- Bram Stoker.

Now we also know from WoJ, that the White Council had a big hand in the Renaissance. Making sure geniuses got proper education and positions of influence. I assume they made sure the old myths that inspired the Renaissance Menn were spread as well.

So thats 4.

4. White Council-Renaissance.

Kemmler- World War 1. Society of Thule which was a real cult, and an enemy of the White Council as we know from Luccios short story.

5. Kemmler- World War 1.
6. Kemmler- Thule Society.

7. Merlin- King Arthur.

As of Paranet Papers, we know of Simon Pietrovichs relationship with the Tsars of Russia.

8.Simon Pietrovich- Russian Revolution.

9. George Washing ton- Knight of the Cross

Now my question is what other influences on culture/history supernatural forces have had?

Personally I think there was something going on in the French Revolution/Napoleon Wars. Also I wonder if Kringle has a hand in Coca Cola.


DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Shadows
« on: December 17, 2019, 09:50:02 AM »
I think it might depend a lot on the coin and Denarian themselves. From what we've learnt those Denarians that are basically just demonic muscle, can give up their coin willingly and even relatively easily, as we learnt from Sanya and Cassius. Hell Cassius could even give it up with full intention of picking it up again.

More powerful Denarians might be harder to fore go.

Although Nicodemus did give up the coin in Skin Game when he was goading Murphy.

I remember he said 'Save me Oh Knight' after ordering Genowska to kill Harry.

As for the Shadows, Lash and Harry even discussed usually it only takes a couple of days maybe 2 weeks for most to accept the coin/denarian.

Lash was able to change who she was due to Harry's influence on her as much as her influence on Harry.

Another thing to consider is that Lash said Harry's easier to talk to when he's asleep. Referring to Harry's ID self. So assuming most people don't have a literal alter ego, Shadows can still talk and tempt the persons subconscious.

DF Spoilers / Re: Which god do you want to see in Dresden Files?
« on: November 12, 2019, 06:49:03 PM »
The perfect goddess for Dresden to meet:
Ishtar - Mesopotamian/Babylonian goddess of love, sex, beauty, conflict, political power, war, justice, ... seriously, the perfect goddess to become Dresden's frenemy to keep him on his toes, add some awkward moments with sexual innuendos and get into trouble because she's who she is...

She's in the RPG booklet Paranet Papers, her followers run a club in Vegas

DF Spoilers / Re: Which god do you want to see in Dresden Files?
« on: November 10, 2019, 08:15:10 AM »
The Greek goddess of divine retribution and revenge, Nemesis.

Oh wait.....

Well done.

DF Spoilers / Re: Kringle's Workshop
« on: November 10, 2019, 08:12:24 AM »
I have Jack Frost as a semi-minor noble of Winter Court under Kringles division, maybe even his son the same way the Lady's are the Mother's daughters.

But yeah if Kringle is equivalent of a Duke in Mab's Queendom, Jack Frost would be.. well a Knight.

I also think Yeti's would be under Kringles dominion. Along with elves of course.

Could the Svartalves be subcontructed by Kringle for important craftsmenship.

Technically Svartalaves were the origin myth of both elves and dwarves and they are from norse/scandinavian origins.

I mean Paranetters are already fairly victimised, hunted down and isolated. Them becoming a Signatory of the Accords, might give them some more organisation and standing however having said that The Fellowship of St Giles and the Venatores had/have been around for centuries but are still not signatories of the Accords.

DF Books / Re: Monsters Short Story
« on: October 10, 2019, 02:53:43 PM »
uhm nope never heard it before

DF Spoilers / Re: How did the Red Court Originate?
« on: October 10, 2019, 02:37:29 PM »
I mean we've seen Super Ghouls that were supposed to be the precursor to Ghouls the same way Neanderthals are too human in White Night. Ghouls were once again servants of White Court in the College Bigfoot story, where Rivers in his Shoulders fought off twenty. So Ghouls have twice been associated with the White Court.

As to Paranet Papers being canon. I'd say canon until proven otherwise. Paranet is referenced as a significant community in Ghost Story. Hell we are discussing this on a site called Paranet.

As to the Red Court and the LoON being Gods. A) Vaddderung. B) Snacking on Mayan Gods you are what you eat. C) Being Worshipped by the Red Court and there servants. D) It's in the name Lords of the OUTER NIGHT.

DF Spoilers / Re: How did the Red Court Originate?
« on: October 06, 2019, 06:45:12 AM »
Keep in mind that Lara and Thomas are both venatores which basically makes them enemies of most elder God's like the LoON. Hell they even tried too take out the get despite Winters importance of the Outer Gates.

DF Spoilers / Re: 1884-85 The time that Eb took up the Blackstaff
« on: October 03, 2019, 10:00:23 AM »
Yep and according to Luccio's SHort story which was mid 1800's when Wyatt Earp was around. EBenezar was Captain of the Wardens and had defeated 3 warlocks in magical combat. So he had combat experience and already had a bit of a rep.

DF Spoilers / Re: Some thoughts on Stormfront
« on: October 03, 2019, 07:27:27 AM »
I mean it's already confirmed some nemesis infection, when Dresden finds out about Nemesis it lists his first three cases. Oh and the Red Court were most likely involved given they tried to supercharge the spell to hit ancestors in Changes.

DF Spoilers / Which god do you want to see in Dresden Files?
« on: October 01, 2019, 06:13:06 PM »
So by the Wrestling book we'll see a few more Gods which one do you want to see the most?

Personally I'm interested in the Greek Gods family dynamic as according to Jim Hades, is the sane one and has made analogies to Arrested Development.

However I'd also be interested in the Titans, as presumably they're some of the Old Ones humanity hasn't forgotten yet. So the Venatori and the Archive haven't been successful against them, so maybe we get to see more of the Oblivion War as well.

I also hope we see some of the Egyptian gods. The Egyptian Pantheon religion lasted for twice that of Christianity, assuming you discount Jewish tradition.Personally I think the Spear of Osiris was the Egyptian version of a Knight of the Cross. Also we know Father Forthill and some other priests have tattoos of the Eye of Horus so we might get some more significant information about that as well.

Anyway thoughts? Theories? Which god(s) and why?

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Kemmler start the Black Council?
« on: September 23, 2019, 03:37:24 AM »
Back to the original point. Kemmler was powerful enough to start World War 2 and fight the entire council. We know from Bob that he had connections to various nasty entities. This to me means that he was able to do this by starting the Black Council ensuring there loyalties the same way Justin DuMorne tried to ensure Elaine and Harry's.

DF Spoilers / Did Kemmler start the Black Council?
« on: September 19, 2019, 08:22:17 AM »
Theories in the title. We know from Luccio's short story Society of Thule is legit- As legit as any other Black Magic group.

So I wonder if thats not the only organisation Kemmler started or was a part of?

Did he start the Black Council? or the Circle as Cowl says in White Night.

Also if it is the Circle, does the Circle only have 13 members? Similar to the Grey Council. As Dresden says thats the biggest number a spell can have.

Also how does the Black Council/Circle relate to the Fomor, Corpsetaker. If Cowl is a member and he fought against Corpsetaker and Grevane, who were Kemmlers disciples.

Anything else on the Black Council and Circle feel free to discuss.

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