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Messages - Ed0517

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DF Spoilers / Re: The Law and novella
« on: April 18, 2022, 07:59:33 PM »
It seems to me Jim is very good about getting all his anthologized work into his own exclusive anthologies. So I would have to assume this could be the main piece in the next one, but that it will be available in print at a future date. I don't think he is close to having enough for another volume, though.


We have no reason to believe that Michael was wrong with the exception of Harry.

Maybe other Denarian-infected people did not have the opportunity to experience that psychic attack, which allows the Shadow to free itself FROM the host, and live it's own existence? The psychic bullets shattered Lash's handcuffs tying her to Harry. She was now free to grow, and trusted Harry would find a midwife of sorts to let her free to live. Harry now free, Lash now free. The old people were like trying to separate conjoined twins... until the right case came along, with suitable support, it was not likely to be successful. Physical attempts could not part the pairs, and we normals are rarely in a position to face magic. But now, a wizard faced magic, and the parasite had had time to grow stronger herself, so... viability? 

DF Spoilers / Re: The Law and novella
« on: April 17, 2022, 07:11:46 AM »
It's 2 hours 46 minutes, and Jim reads it himself.... no Marsters.

but if it is like Bigfoot - that WAS eventually printed...  in Brief Cases ? I don't mind if he gives them a head start and some exclusive time, if he does release print at a later date.   Remember he had a smaller house print Backup first, then it was rolled into Side Jobs. Jim's been good about eventually getting his work out to us without having to buy other people's fiction too, if we choose not to. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Should Jim skip to the BAT?
« on: April 17, 2022, 07:02:16 AM »
I have to admit I would be pleased to hear he had an outline written, so it could be continued if need be after he passed.  Just in case.

Lord Kinbote, never give up hope on your friend. There is a case in point of a man buying a life estate on the apartment of a 90 year old French woman, where she got residency rights and a monthly payment. He died 30 years later, and never got in the apartment... as she was still alive....


DF Spoilers / Re: At what age does Talent usually manifest?
« on: April 17, 2022, 06:43:43 AM »

EDIT: What's fascinating is that Butcher has drawn a strong correlation between size and power, at least with the Fae. We've discussed before in other threads, I think Maggie Sr spent most of her pregnancy in fast or slow time Nevernever zones to guarantee Harry would be starborn. Her own height aside, I've long wondered if Harry's near-outlier height is an expression of Butcher's Fae correlation.

Perhaps, but doesn't Harry's mother's spirit say something along the lines of Harry has his father's height? Maybe Harry is not unusual amongst Dresden men.  I seem to recall Bill Walton and Patrick Ewing both having sons who played in the NBA who were roughly Harry's size

DF Spoilers / Re: At what age does Talent usually manifest?
« on: April 17, 2022, 06:29:32 AM »
We have never seen the White God, I suspect it may be Jim Butcher, and he doesn’t believe in free will for his subjects at all. He knows what is going to happen to Maggie, she has no choice in the matter.

TWG is hiding in those Wrigley Field parking lots Michael and Harry use.

DF Spoilers / Re: Toot Toot and the dread cat Mister
« on: April 17, 2022, 06:27:40 AM »
The cold wouldn't bother Harry, he is the Winter Knight, besides this is the guy who took cold showers for years in his little basement apartment in the dead of winter in Chicago.

You know, those cold showers never made sense. You can get those little solar bags campers use to heat up at least a little water. Put it out the window with a line coming in. Thermal absorption is not high tech. Blowing out circuits can be done with an EMP, and maybe magic is similar. EMP won't do crap to the bags.

DF Spoilers / Re: Toot Toot and the dread cat Mister
« on: April 17, 2022, 06:25:11 AM »
Guys, please... arguing about the appliances? Stainless steel is a great low maintenance finish for a commercial/industrial kitchen, or look for a high end modern kitchen. Sub Zero, for example, is known for high end stainless steel appliances. 

Whereas when I see a stainless steel toilet I am thinking jail cell.

DF Spoilers / Re: At what age does Talent usually manifest?
« on: April 11, 2022, 02:38:05 AM »
Usually at puberty, yes.

But that age varies, person to person; anywhere between 8-13 is considered a "normal" age for girls in the USA (9-14 for boys).

Puberty itself then lasts 2-5 years, and I'd expect powers to manifest nearer the middle or end of puberty, than at the beginning.

HOWEVER: it's very possible Maggie won't have any powers at all:  in the Dresdenverse, "salic law" suggests it (mostly) follows the maternal line, and Susan hadn't the slightest bit of magical talent.

Mostly, yes... but wasn't there a WOJ that Maggie Sr.'s mom was a vanilla human - she got it from Daddy Eb


Could the old whats his name have escaped by opening a portal underneath the block.  Sure, Butcher does something similar in the fight in the Goblin's domain when he drops rock ectoplasm into the real world to escape being crushed during his fight.  In theory so could have Lasciel and Hannah. It's mentioned in the  text as a possibility.But it feels like a cheat since old Nicky had to sneak out through Dresden's portal.  It also makes a farce of the vault as a plot gimmick.

Maybe Ascher is bad at portals. Remember Harry was real bad at veils until he retrained himself to teach Molly, and even then he was not that good. He told Charity some practitioners are better than others at some things. Molly, almost from the start, was better at mind magic and veils are likely clouding the mind.. and in ghost Story she says it would be much easier defending Chicago if she had Harry's raw power to just kill creatures and break things. Granted, we did not SEE her squashed/burned body, but...   

DF Spoilers / Re: Toot Toot and the dread cat Mister
« on: April 10, 2022, 08:25:26 AM »
Unless the cover is totally unrepresentative (Exhibit A Harry Dresden’s Hat) the threat is going to be in the Toot size range, so that if that is indeed Toot’s Sweet, Lacuna it is the eighteen inches height range plus and set after Cold Days. The armour and sword would suggest post Peace Talks, which time it could be several feet.

Toot doesn’t really care about Harry, he cares about the Za Lord, so it is likely Pizza is involved. An attack on Pizza S’Press by a rival fast food chain? Could it be evil clowns?

Hey - toot is growing due to the responsibilities placed on him by Harry - why is Lacuna growing? Heck, she could be a DENT....

DF Spoilers / At what age does Talent usually manifest?
« on: April 10, 2022, 07:14:28 AM »
Maggie is... 10? 12? now. She's going thru puberty, most like. ( or do wizards, with longer lifespans, have that changed as well?). Seems like a likely time to start to show signs, plus Dad and Grandpa are SERIOUS heavyweights. I realize Molly was later, but Austin in Zoo Day was likely younger, and Molly's mom was a minor talent who had mostly stepped away from magic. Maybe Maggie can't DO much, but just see a sign it is coming?

DF Spoilers / Re: Name the next book! (Unofficial Fan Contest begins!)
« on: April 10, 2022, 06:43:25 AM »
Feminist Nuptials - the groom is the one being given away....

DF Spoilers / Re: New Interview, no new information
« on: April 10, 2022, 06:35:23 AM »
Thank you for posting, but i must differ - this IS information. There were rumors of a second divorce, i guess they are true. If Olympian is almost done, perhaps the hardcover will be out by end of year, and the paper next year, hopefully with a Dresden hard, as he at least supposedly had started Twelve Months. 

I don't think being in contact with your coin is foolproof - Eldest Gruff took out Magog still holding his coin, and his head on, and didn't several drown in the aquarium when Harry blasted the glass? They were not separated from their coins that we know of until they died.

Question on the Wendigo - if you lure it into a circle and activate.... the ectoplasm turns to goop, right? Have we seen evidence a Forest People can possess anything? They have been resistant to magic, but how much have we seen them USE it?  They may be so resistant they cannot manipulate it. Maybe it is a spirit and ALL ectoplasm? If so, Harry goes and sees Forthill, and comes out with the SuperSoaker of Doom.... 1 squirt banishes the ghost and dispels the ectoplasm... 

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