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Messages - Ed0517

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DF Spoilers / Re: The Law and novella
« on: April 24, 2022, 10:48:29 PM »

Harry may be taking on his greatest foe to date, his own smart mouth. If he is to be the Wizard of Chicago he needs to make it a thing to political and civil authorities of Chicago, he needs to impress them with his non-wizard skills as well as those as a wizard. Dear god, he may have to show them that he is smarter than he looks, he can hold his smart mouth, that he can respect figures of authority in their own spheres of influence, that he can be diplomatic, and most of all that he isn’t going to set the building on fire.

He can have his new sweet wife-to-be deal with them, and take notes on it....

DF Spoilers / Re: Toot Toot and the dread cat Mister
« on: April 24, 2022, 10:44:25 PM »
This is Lara, she probably would appreciate a nice beating, in the right circumstances.

I think Lara is more the kind who ADMINISTERS the beating...

Alfred would be aghast, the last time he had sex it was with a glacier and it left him with a permanent limp……

Yeah, she was a frigid bitch.... he's glad she's gone

DF Spoilers / Re: Toot Toot and the dread cat Mister
« on: April 24, 2022, 10:41:13 PM »
If he gets her on Demonreach again, he can beat her with Alfred's help.

He's using magic then. Using magic in Chicago he beats her, as with Fix, on Demonreach it isn't even a fight

DF Spoilers / Re: Did I miss something...?
« on: April 23, 2022, 08:35:07 AM »
How many archangels in hell?

Still might only be one. There are levels of angels - a Cherubim might not have the power of a Seraphim, for example. Harry had never seen an archangel's power at that time - he may have thought since he had seen SOME angels, and it was beyond them, it had to be an archangel, right? Be like a European in Africa long ago. He's seen bison, and bulls, and horses. Then he sees a rhino. "I just saw the biggest animal in the WORLD!" A week later, he sees the elephant....

DF Spoilers / Re: Toot Toot and the dread cat Mister
« on: April 23, 2022, 08:26:15 AM »
I don't know if Harry can beat Lara physically - Thomas bent dumbbells at Marcone's "health club". Lara might not be QUITE as strong, but that is way past human. Plus she's fester than he is, look at her in the Deeps.  Yes, he said once they were running on Demonreach and he led... but she was fllowing his lead... she didn't know exactly where he was going. When it came time to trip the trap - she passed him.

As far as scans... get someone who does not know whatever language they are in. They don't have to be illiterate. I can read and write English. Give me a chinese book, I don't know if it is on magic, nuclear physics, or a cookbook.

Force ghosts, Jar Jar Binks went to hell (a completely different universe by the way)

I thought that was where he was FROM....

Sanya gets to go to heaven, but spends eternity arguing with St Peter that it is in fact merely an hallucination caused by misfiring neutrons in his dying brain.

It ceases to be heaven for St Peter.

Nah. He'll tell Sanya he is really on Rigel III. Sanya will think he is with extraterrestrials, and go see if he can find Paul Morphy for a game of chess.

Actually Murphy may be a bone of contention between Odin and the White God, she is a former Knight and as such should have been shepherded by the angel of death, unless this was what intended all along. Perhaps in the APOCALYPSE Murphy leads a battalion of former knights, alongside the Einenjharen, so we get to see Shiro again, or Michael swinging back into action one last time  with every dead knight each bearing a version of their sword, each part of Harry’s Banner, using the power of the Winter Knight AND his soulfire combined with the super weapons to bring them back from heaven for one last engagement.

I don't see why Murphy gets to lead. I don't think she was really a knight, she picked up a sword. I mean, Sanya got his from an Archangel. Michael may have. I expect Uriel likely swore Butters in after he spooked out Nicodemus. Murphy said she didn't want it. 

DF Spoilers / Re: A Stretch Connection
« on: April 21, 2022, 07:13:14 AM »
Where do we put the White Court Vamps, and the Fae? Are WCV human enough to be with us, even if they kill us and want control they currently know they cannot achieve? Or scions like Kincaid. But they are signatories too. But so were the Reds, and they did not seem to be on Humanity's side.

Hades seems fairly neutral. Has his own turf, and is not said to be a signatory. Odin is with the humans, but how about other gods? VADDERUNG signed on - does that mean Asgard is on board? Or did he sign for himself. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Did I miss something...?
« on: April 21, 2022, 06:59:27 AM »
The point is Anduriel has been played as well, given makework for two millennia. Either Anduriel has been in on it or is himself a victim of satan.

Or he is Plan B. Could be a distraction, could be a Judas Goat (OK, I had to use that), or could be an alternative to see which works.   

No, Murphy is dead, she isn't even getting the reward that her Catholic Faith promised her. 

I think she gets Heaven in the end. It's just delayed. She's working off some karma in a Purgatory.  It's like her father, working for Uriel in HIS Purgatory, until he is ready to face Judgement. Murphy is hired out to Vadderung, and likely had a choice to do this or face Judgement. Gonna rack up some Brownie Points first.   

DF Spoilers / Re: Did I miss something...?
« on: April 19, 2022, 12:36:25 AM »
What in the heck is Harry talking about here?  This is from BG, when Ethniu let loose with the eye on the northside.

"The world gasped and went scarlet again, red light flooding through the haze of war. The air screamed with unnatural power as the Eye of Baylor unleashed raw destruction upon the city, and my heart took a terrified flutter.  I had only once before witnessed destructive power on that order of magnitude, and that had been at the will of the Fallen Angel himself - and even then it had been carefully constrained, user for a purpose."

When did Harry witness the power of Lucifer?  Or am I misreading who he's talking about?  I don't think any of the nickelheads have shown anything like the power of the Eye.

In the museum where the Archive is held, he talks about the power running thru the walls to fuel the circle.... says it was far beyond anything he'd ever be able to do, even with Lasciel. Think he calls it Archangel level, and says so again in the chapel after Michael is shot. Also says he can only think of one Archangel that would help the denarians. He doesn't SEE Lucifer, but sees his handiwork. Maybe angelic/demonic power is a little different, when they see Michael's safe room it was identified as Angelic... Raphael, or one of his underlings, maybe?

She was his sister, and it's implied Justin pushed them together as  a way to keep them socially isolated so it'd be easier to control them. Not exactly painting the best picture.

I thought it was more two outcasts banding together, and there is no blood relation, at least that we know of.

I mean Sheila is Lash, and Lash is probably the closest Harry has gotten to a health relationship

Well, until Justin screwed it up, Harry and Elaine were going good. the mind control broke them, and makes it impossible to get back together for guilt/fear.

DF Spoilers / Re: Toot Toot and the dread cat Mister
« on: April 18, 2022, 08:11:40 PM »
I think Harry's old stove was wood, I think he mentioned the pixies bringing in wood for it too. Now, I think, he can do better, maybe have electricity. You could put most of the switching etc. in a tempest shielded area, and I would expect Marcone, considering his guests/allies, has done this. It will cost money, but Marcone had it, Harry did not . They developed this stuff to stop electromagnetic signals from getting out where they could be eavesdropped on, in even more paranoiac times, for Harry, it should stop his Murphyonic field from blowing stuff out.    Might even allow a PC for Bob, in a shielded room.

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