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Messages - Con

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DF Spoilers / Re: Question about the Queens and the Mothers
« on: February 19, 2020, 11:27:35 AM »
Theres a few WOJ on the subject.
1. That there was one Mother Summer before our current one:
Quote from: Jim Butcher
1. the mothers - how does a queen become a mother? like after a thousand yrs, old winter dies and mab becomes the new mother?
Essentially abdication.  The previous mother wearies of her duty and moves along.  There's been one new Mother Summer during recorded human history.  Mother Winter has never retired.

As for the nature of Fae Mantles theres a bunch:

Quote from: Jim Butcher
if the Ladies become the Queen, what happens to the Mothers at that point? The thing is that the Mothers are kind of the foundation.  So, it’s not so much what happens to them because the little mantles changed. It’s what happens to the little mantles if the big mantles change. So, if someone whacks the being that is, for all intents and purposes, Baba Yaga, and then Mab succeeds, then Mab becomes the new Baba Yaga, and Molly gets drawn up to Mab, and they have to find someone else to become the new Lady. But on the other hand, the Mothers are extremely powerful beings

So there's that to chew on.

As for theories. Before the Fae it was the Greek and Norse gods and mythologies that protected the Outer Gates. Is the most commonly accepted theory.

Personally I think it was Dragons before them, but thats just my WAG.

DF Spoilers / Re: Heinrich Kramer
« on: February 19, 2020, 11:16:57 AM »
Damn. Well researched. I'd forgotten even the Warhammer link.

Have you discovered anything about Society of Thule?

I've only come across general statements and a link to the Nazis, but nothing in depth.

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« on: February 15, 2020, 01:54:19 PM »

  I put out the theory a while back that perhaps Justin and Margaret LeFay were working together to learn how to create a starborn.
  This idea explains how Justin was able to find Elaine as well as Harry.  Both are powerful and skilled wizards, it is not believable that Justin could have found two such apprentices by chance.


It's a common theory. Along with Maggie being the main recruiter of what we know of the Black Council, Black Circle and Black Hats. Or atleast being crucially involved.

But yeah that is what Maggie Sr and Papa Raith were working on is a common theory. Definitely seems likely that Justin was specifically able to track and train Starborns.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace talks excerpt indications
« on: February 14, 2020, 01:38:52 PM »
  I disagree,  if you go back and read how Harry speaks of Eb.  He is his ideal wizard,  all the ethics Harry has as far as magic goes is due to him.  Harry was an angry kid with one foot on the path towards warlockhood, Eb turned that all around, not unlike Obi-Wan.

I'm with Mira. Ebenezar is where Harry gets his ethics, his code his belief in Magic and his purpose to defend people from magical and supernatural elements. It's why he took finding out about the Blackstaff so personally, he agonises over it from Blood Rites through to Proven Guilty when he realises Ebenezar saved his life during his original trial, and Doom of Damocles.

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« on: February 14, 2020, 01:33:59 PM »
While Justin didn't have contact, there was a "nice
lady" who did, and that was Lea.  She'd have the power to wall Harry off, but why?

The thought just came to me that since he was a star child, Lea knew that there were enemy forces out to get him, so she kept him hidden.  However it would be hard to hide the fact when his powers began to awaken.  Why she let Justin have him is anyone's guess, but even she isn't immune to making mistakes.  I doubt she was on Justin's side or knew fully of his intentions otherwise she wouldn't have helped Harry get ready to kill him.

Lea thinks that Justin was a great teacher, using pain and emotional manipulation to forge him into a weapon. It's kind of her thing.

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« on: February 11, 2020, 10:02:19 AM »
*siigh* I have the same reaction I had when everybody including JK Rowling and Harry Potter forgave Snape for being a prick.

Not willing to forgive him so easily.

DF Spoilers / Re: Traitors
« on: February 11, 2020, 09:13:32 AM »
I mean the last traitor came out of nowhere. Peabody was a minor character, nobody suspected because people thought he was useful but insignificant. Ebenezar and Harry even had a list of suspects who knew about the boot camp and had dismissed Luccio as a suspect. Therefore both actual traitors were dismissed or not even thought of.

Fortiers replacement was never even heard of until he took the council spot.

I'm not saying we haven't met who the other traitor(s) might be. I'm saying the last one came out of left field. For all we know it's Chandler.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone
« on: February 10, 2020, 04:12:14 AM »
I mean in terms of Machiavellian schemes Marcone is ahead fairly significantly.

1. Marcone cornered the escort market, despite House Raith considering Porn and sex to be their territory.
2. Marcone figured out Lara is behind the throne.
3. Got Lara to sign the accords for him
4. Marcone defeated a Fomor lord and got whatever Intel Justin stole from them.
5. Marcone's representative got useful information out of Murphy in the Ghost Story meeting, while Lara's representative got her ass kicked.
6. Marcone manipulated Harry into Jury Duty, who then defeated the young House Raith operative.

So Marcone is ahead by far from what we know.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone
« on: February 07, 2020, 01:45:43 AM »
It's a good theory.

I like the theory, Con.

Thanks guys :)

It'd also help explain the rivalry Lana and Marcone have. Friendly rivalry as far as murderous factions go.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone
« on: February 03, 2020, 06:13:28 AM »
Although one wonders if it is all tied to his central mysterious feature of how is is both an excellent soldier, businessman, somehow got in connection with Vadderung etc.

Marcone had been pursuing Harry as a supernatural consulted for the first few books, so presumably he started searching for such consultants. Other than Kincaid, there's relatively few honourable mercs who do longterm contracts. Vadderung and Monorc Inc. specialise in it. Wouldn't have been hard for them to approach each other and make a deal.

Gards if anything more bloodthirsty than Marcone. Suggesting he kill all the contractors who worked on his fail safe, panic room.

DF Spoilers / Marcone
« on: February 03, 2020, 01:00:24 AM »
Ok so admittedly I've been watching a couple of Michael Franzese's videos on youtube. Some first hand statistics he gives is that in 1986 he was cited as one of the top 50 mob bosses in America, by today he's the only one still alive.

So Marcone being on top for a couple of decades in real world is fairly unlikely. So I have a WAG, that Marcone in addition to positioning himself within the Accords, has managed to convince some of those human US factions we here about in the background to let him be the Unofficial Ambassador to the Supernatural factions.

It would secure his position as being all but impossible to prosecute, as he's too vital for the role he plays. Lucky Luciano and a few other Mob bosses had similar deals in WW2, or against Cuba.

This would be beneficial to the Nation not only because he's the only pure human on the accords, but also as a measure and step against Lara Raiths increase in power as well. As Thomas says Lara wants control, and even by Changes was able to bring a chopper into Mexico. Laras power has really only grown since the Fall of the Red Court, and the loose alliance against the Fomor.

Marcone would be seen as the devil they know. Even Harry views him as such.

So thoughts?

DF Spoilers / Re: Drakul/Dracula- Blood of the Dragon.
« on: January 30, 2020, 05:08:14 AM »
Well my original quote that gave the notion was from Michael in text, at Bianca's Ball immediately after having run into Ferrovax and talking about Siriothrax. So even if you doubt or disregard the WOJ entirely, there's still in text reference.

Besides which Ebenezar later confirms the Dracula teenage rebellion thing in Blood Rites.

Most common theory about Black Court is that they are tied or created to something wholly evil. Appathetic at best, outright bloodthirsty at worst. Usually this is taken as meaning they are tied to Outsiders, which is a more than possible way that Dracula tried to boost himself to Daddy Dragon dear Drakul's level.

However the fact remains Michael in his role as KotC considers them to be 'Blood of the Dragon'.

DF Spoilers / Re: Five Archangels - Five Elements
« on: January 30, 2020, 05:04:06 AM »
I like it. It's a good Dresden based theological breakdown. My one caveat is that if Lucifer is Spirit and wizards rely on spirit for their magic, it gives credence to the idea that they're all devil worshippers. Which while might explain in world persecution of magical users, as well as Michaels initial reluctance towards Harry himself. Would seem to go against the beliefs of the Wizards themselves. Harry and Rashid particularly. Harry believes Magic is pure aspect of creation of life, to be used to protect those in need of it. Rashid is Muslim, and probably has similar beliefs regarding the Outer Gates or the Ways of the Nevernever. Admittedly I have a vage notion that some teachings of Islam include, that Lucifer and God aren't necessarily archenemies, I don't know enough of it too (respectively) make a case.

DF Spoilers / Re: Drakul/Dracula- Blood of the Dragon.
« on: January 22, 2020, 09:40:20 AM »
True. Four thousand years of existing later. Hell even the Fomor a signatories of the accords.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks snippet on Entertainment Weekly
« on: January 21, 2020, 07:03:51 PM »
The fact that Eb wrote in his journal that Harry was one of a few Wizards he'd trust to the job of Warden, would seem to suggest he knows Harry can fight Outsiders.

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