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Messages - Ed0517

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DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry sitting in a tree.......?
« on: June 18, 2022, 08:17:27 AM »
Ah, the wedding. WHOLE LOT of Wamps all tgoether, politically needed...

...if Mab is peeved at the WC for something....

red wedding?

DF Spoilers / Re: A notion...
« on: June 18, 2022, 07:48:19 AM »
That veil suit..... what about a sort of wearable Faraday Cage? Keeps the magic in. Allows use of modern electrical stuff, TVs, computers, etc. Seems blocking is easier than transmitting....

DF Spoilers / Re: Klaus the Toymaker
« on: June 18, 2022, 07:34:30 AM »
Klaus is supposed to be THE maker of magical artifacts just with a rather bizarre twist. If the White Council had gotten the Eye then the likely would have headed the team investigating it. The closest to a human Swartalf in ability.

He isn’t an Alt Kringle, more a blend of Gepetto and Robert Oppenheimer, which is why Jim wants to write him, but why there is little opportunity in the narrative to do so. That why I suggest a Kringle pov story, they must know each other professionally, and we have not had many non-human pov stories and some insight into Vadderung would be nice.

Maybe their "Q" ... Harry could try it... and come up with the Cone of Silence, magic edition....

DF Spoilers / Re: The Law and novella
« on: June 02, 2022, 04:41:05 AM »

My own WAG -- a realworld WAG vs a Dresdenverse WAG -- is that the issue isn't "revenue" but contracts & "exclusive rights..."  I theorize that Jim has negotiated the end of Subterranean's "exclusive" rights to this novella, so they match closely with the end of a bunch of other anthologized shorts.  So it'll all be available around the same time, for him to produce a new Dresden collection.

But the story is written & available, and big enough to be its own thing; so he releases it in a "deluxe" collectors' edition, and the well-heeled megafans can get their hardcore itch scratched, and Jim gets a bit of revenue, pending the rest of his collection exiting their excusive-first-rights periods.

Or even they already had an option on him - didn't they publish Backup, was it? Maybe that was a two book deal.

and the "No current plans" to publish The Law could be "no date yet" when he is thinking " "Little Capers" comes out when I have 350 pages of material to make it worthwhile. "   

DF Spoilers / Re: Adaptation Do's and Don'ts
« on: June 02, 2022, 04:29:25 AM »
Bluntly:  because we have no reason to assume otherwise, and inventing race-based magical affinity smacks an awful lot of real-life racism.  I'm pretty sure Jim is too savvy to present any Dresdenverse canon that touches this notion with a 10-foot-pole (except maybe to rebut/debunk it).

We have no reason to assume it IS spread equally. Maybe it is, maybe it is not. I also note the vampires are in South/Central  America (Red court), North America (Whites), Europe (Blacks) and Asia (Jade) - no hold in Africa?  A natural defense somehow? Or did magic develop as a defense against the vampires? An unarmed human has no chance against even a Whamp - but a wizard does. The Jade appears to be the smallest court. Wizards in the East not unknown, but somewhat lower numbers  (but still, Mai, Yoshimo, Mai's messenger that was frozen) The Blacks were most powerful Court- until Dracula, the DIY vampire killer book, came out. The Euros seem to have the heavy hitters magically. (and wasn't there a signatory to the Accords in the Ukraine, a shapeshifter?). Also exposure to some old races - we've seen Hades and Odin and Valkyries! might cause some genes to freak.

Possibly the areas with fewer wizards are the most pure HUMANS. 
The indigenous peoples that their Old Ways, and the Blessing Path - was that against the Reds?

The North American Whites are the weakest Vamps - but the Forest Peoples are the least malign. Only Blood on his Soul and his subgroup seem warriors/predators/hostile.   

DF Spoilers / Re: Adaptation Do's and Don'ts
« on: June 02, 2022, 03:50:32 AM »
The White Council is Eurocentric. We're told that in-series. Someone who reads the stories will note that it is an organization formed in Europe as a union of European wizards working as a block.

This means that either supernatural monsters culled other populations- not that the genes don't still express- but the wizards from those populations will tend to be younger, since older generations were decimated due to not having an umbrella organization to nurture them- or that there are other, smaller or otherwise less powerful organizations that have since been absorbed by the White Council and/or are now affiliated with same. Perhaps that's Ancient Mai's power bloc politically. Or La Fortier's.

The reason, of course, is the Merlin- he was European and founded the Council against the ruin of Rome. It's expanded, but that might be the influence of the British/Spanish/Portugese Empires instead of becoming a true global organization. We simply don't know what existed in China, India, etc., and especially the New World prior to the White Council reaching out to recruit. Was it power blocs? Did the Red Court "own" South America, did they purge their wizard level talents to prevent threat (or systemically turn them)? Was North America Sasquatch country, so the White Council can recruit there, but the other players couldn't push in? Is the acrimony between the Council and vampires partially due to the White Council effectively "conquering" Europe from White/Black court domination?

To accurately put that onscreen, I'd have less diversity in the older wizards and more diversity among the younger, with the exception of the most powerful wizards (who could have developed primarily solo, as did Dresden).

And those are the witch hunts. The Asians can be largely diminished by Jade Court. The South Americans by Red Court. The Vamps have little problem defeating a vanilla human hand to hand - but a wizard? Different story. The Vamps might cull the freaks.

DF Spoilers / Re: Adaptation Do's and Don'ts
« on: June 02, 2022, 03:33:44 AM »
Some of that has to do with environmental influences, most notably Sickle Cell Anemia, it rises in populations where there is a lot of Malaria, the little bugs have a hard time penetrating the misshaped blood cells..

Exactly. It's a harmful mutation in other parts of the world - but helpful THERE.

DF Spoilers / Re: Adaptation Do's and Don'ts
« on: May 31, 2022, 09:47:02 AM »

Wizards, in general -- the world-spanning White Council, in particular -- should be VERY multi-ethnic... but mostly Asian.  We presume magic power is largely equal among all groups, and the world is about 60% Asian, 17.5% African, and 17.5% European+North-American.  So, equal numbers of black & white, but asian (including Indian) is about double black+white together.

Why do we assume magical ability is equally distributed? We know it is inherited - but genes are not equally distributed among all groups. Sickle cell anemia - don't get much of that in Iceland. But they get blue eyes.  Red hair? mostly Scandinavian or Celtic - but some in Northern Italy. Migh also be affected by past events - read an article about some people being immune to AIDS - they didn't have the receptors for the virus to attach - and by far the highest percentage was northern Europeans - particularly in areas ravaged by the Black Death. Maybe some areas bloodlines were wiped out in witch hunts?

Of course, outreach may be better in the Western world as well. But we did see Asians besides Mai at Morgan's trial, affirming Mouse as a Foo dog was reliable.

DF Spoilers / Re: Adaptation Do's and Don'ts
« on: May 28, 2022, 10:13:05 PM »
When she has returned she has proven to be a very good partner and foil for Harry.

Too obvious for Jim. First love, raised together.... plus now his new fiancee could not allow it...;)

DF Spoilers / Re: Adaptation Do's and Don'ts
« on: May 28, 2022, 08:25:04 AM »
Exactly, that is my point too, if they want more diverse representation, invent more strong characters of different races and sexes..  What I don't understand is Jim invented Elaine, a beautiful, smart, and powerful wizard, perfect foil for Harry in many ways, dumped her... But decided to take Murphy, don't get me wrong as a smart and brave cop with good hand to hand skills she matched well, but then had her fighting so far above her weight class that in the end she became a cartoon character..

Elaine had a role in shaping Harry, when they were together - and for years after, when he thought that he had KILLED her, his first love.  Thinking he had killed her did much in making Harry who he is now. Remember, it is still very early in Storm front he mentions his first love... and that he killed her.

She may be back, but she had a purpose, and she served it. But we know Ramirez is aware of her. Chekov's Gun?

DF Spoilers / Re: Adaptation Do's and Don'ts
« on: May 28, 2022, 08:20:36 AM »
The Lara/Lord Raith thing has to be clearly portrayed as a Lara as a victim, she was trying desperately to avoid Imari being abused in a similar fashion to her and her sisters.

The elephant in the room is the lack of significant recurring characters of colour. You have Rawlings, Lamar,  Sanya and Martha Liberty and thats about it. Chicago has a significant African American population which is virtually unrepresented. Who would you race (and or gender flip?) Will perhaps? Would a black Mcanally fly? Paranoid Gary?

Most of the characters don't COME from Chicago, or are not human. Lamar does. Likely Rawlings. Susan, the woman he wanted to marry, may. And she's Latino. We do get a description of Mac - but did we ever get one for Gary? You can make him black, or brown, or Asian. The senior council, it seems only two are originally from the US - the Native American chap? I think Listen to Wind counts as minority. Martha Liberty, a black woman? Rashid is an Arab. Mai is Asian. We never really saw Simon or much of LaFortier. A minor role. The Wardens were led by Luccio, a woman, temporarily by her deputy, Morgan, and now by a Latino Ramirez.  The Alphas? OK, not Billy, or Georgia, or Andi. Any of the others described? Free rein. Heck, even if just the name and the eyes, Tera West reminded me of Tyra Banks. Likewise most of the Ordo Lebes are free.  In time you need to replace Murphy. That is open.

The nonhumans? The White court are all described as pale, but the Red Court seem to be South American types. Duke Ortega? The lovely young half-vamp at Chichen Itza?   

DF Spoilers / Re: Adaptation Do's and Don'ts
« on: May 22, 2022, 04:46:35 AM »
I think we also have to ask - free-TV or cable adaptation? TV is going to want conisstent length episodes to fit in their grid. Chase was very happy with the Sopranos flexibility, he could hand one over to HBO that was 55 minutes, or 62, or 57, whatever. Film, cut, then time it so you could tell how long it was. 

Until they actually put a number to it, and that was later in the series, I didn't picture Harry as THAT tall. Six four, five? Maybe. The one, two, five percenters. But six NINE gets noticed and mentioned. That's the how many in a thousand.  The Wolfe mention shows the issue with numbers. I think the original is "a seventh of a ton" which is not usually good, but hardly disabling in most cases. Heck, Michael and Sanya are likely in the ballpark, and Hendricks more, though they are taller. I picture them in the 6'5", 6'6" area, though I think we are told Hendricks was 300 or more. Heck, my image of Michael was close to Merlin Olsen, and he played at 300 at times.

I think there is going to be an issue with religious ties. They are heavily linked with one brand of Christianity, which will turn some off some other Christians. Non Christians may be turned off.  Athiests. The 30 piece of silver Denarians. The noose.

And so many characters... plenty will get dropped. Who's The Dresden Tom Bombadil?

As far as the sex.. Thomas is not raping his way thru Chicago. it's willing partners. Thomas is gorgeous. We keep hearing that. Think a Margot Robbie can't get some any evening she wants in the clubs?

Incest in the White Court? Um, Game of Thrones? Cercei and Jamie? Two of the main characters are brother and sister in bed in the first episode? With three kids? And some would read the whole powderkeg was sparked when a married prince ran away with the fiancee of another noble. consentual or not.

and what happens if Jim has not finished the series when the adaptation catches up? Holy G R R Martin, Batman! I want Jim writing the BAT, not some dude at HBO or Netflix. Heck, Martin never even told us for sure who Jon Snow's parents are....

DF Spoilers / Re: MTG and DF Characters
« on: May 13, 2022, 01:57:17 AM »
....I dunno from Magic the Gathering, Im just glad we are not talking about Marjorie Taylor Greene.....

(US Politician)

Actually Harry was pushing Murphy to take the sword up all the time. At the end Harry gave the sword to the right person but it was not like he was intending to give it to Butters. He was aiming for Charity.

I don't think Harry was offering a calling, he was offering a tool.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did I miss something...?
« on: April 25, 2022, 07:16:42 PM »
If Lucifer acts overtly or covertly Uriel is empowered to act, but Uriel can choose the manner and time of that help.

Harry as a Starborn may have been a legitimate mortal force multiplier for Uriel to play giving back 100 times or more the initial investment. So far it has resulted the saving of the Archive, the extinction of the Red Court, the capture of the Titan and strengthening of the Accords. A whole list of unintended consequences.

You ASSUME unintended consequences. Could be Uriel is smarter than we are... I would expect an archangel to be. Not omniscient, but pretty darn smart.

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