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Messages - Ed0517

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DF Spoilers / Re: Something That Has Always Bugged Me
« on: July 05, 2022, 05:17:10 AM »
Was it? Unless they had a before close up, you wouldn't see an existing crack before he broke it over his knee.  Or there is a trick to it, which apparently there is;

According to The Hardball Times. Here is the physics of it;

It also goes into how a bat is shaped and knowing where to apply the force at the weakest point.  In other words, the players that do it make a dramatic impression, but it apparently is something they studied and perhaps practiced before hand.

Both guys were carrying the bat back from the plate. Bo certainly hadn't cracked it hitting the ball, that was why he was mad.  The wood is more rigid across the grain. and breaking it over your knee (or helmet) is different than breaking on a pitch  - on a pitch the lever end is not having any other forces on it. Over the knee you push both ends and then block the middle.  Different driving a splitting edge from the side as opposed to the edge.

The bat, or the end of harry's staff, catches a lot of torque if it hits something at the end. Harry has to be doing something to upgrade the structural integrity. i think magic more likely than a vacuum chamber and resins. 

DF Spoilers / Re: A notion...
« on: July 04, 2022, 06:30:28 AM »
Everything we have seen has been filtered through Harry, who can’t use. Butters POV was Day One which didn’t reference it.

Perhaps we need a Paranoid Gary POV as “the man in the chair” with the Paranet. I bet Jim can’t write a good cyber punk story in the Dresdenverse where it’s protagonist doesn’t even leave his chair. Not his style at all.

You could have Gary tracking Harry because of the effect he has on Electronics like CCTV cameras, cell towers etc question does each Wizard have their own “fingerprint” as regards the interference pattern? Unless they go thorn manacles, it would allow even the best screened wizard to be tracked and identified by non-magical means. Perhaps Gary has been keeping tabs on Harry this way for years.

I wonder if Rashid's Cone of Silence spell from the dispensary is proof against  eavesdropping? Or is Harry's castle has a room encircled by water puipes, and a pump just circulating the water running water diffusing magic .... hey, could he put a PC in that room? Run two concentric shells of pipe, you can eel power and ethernet cables thru...

DF Spoilers / Re: Request help for finding recent topics here!
« on: July 04, 2022, 06:23:31 AM »
I'm almost done reading Skin Game and I have a question about Laschiel's coin.  When did it get freed and available for Hanah Asher to own it?  Last I knew, Harry buried it under a foot of concrete in the basement of his house.   Who dug it up?

I thought HARRY dug it up at the end of one of the books and gave it to Forthill. It seems to be someone's will that those things are in circulation ... and it could be both sides' will. I am sure Forthill did not release it, but I am also sure the Denarians have Vatican contacts.

DF Spoilers / Re: Something That Has Always Bugged Me
« on: July 04, 2022, 06:14:15 AM »
I think he must of cracked it on the popup.  What you need to do is go back and listen to the sound when the bat hit the ball.  I bet you can hear the crack even if the bat didn't come apart at that moment.  Notice announcers usually know the minute the bat strikes the ball if it is broken from the sound it makes.

they didn't say so, and I didn't think so ... but I used Alonso because I had seen it that day. Bo Jackson did it after striking out, so the bat was intact until his knee.

DF Spoilers / Re: Something That Has Always Bugged Me
« on: June 26, 2022, 01:24:35 AM »
I think he has some sort of power boost to it... didn't he claim to have broken a ghoul's back in the caves outside Camp Kaboom? those things are pretty tough...

also, he must use some power to strengthen the wood....  the torque could be tremendous, especially in a longer staff. Wood isn't that strong laterally - Pete Alonso popped out today, and on the way back to the dugout broke his bat on his knee.  I don't THINK he had cracked it on the popup.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cover Art For the New Novella, "The Law" and News?
« on: June 24, 2022, 04:44:47 AM »
Shouldn't the table be much lower? Harry's a giant....

DF Spoilers / Re: A notion...
« on: June 24, 2022, 04:44:09 AM »
Bob is the operating system, software and browser - spirit of intellect. If he can interpret the extremely complex and dense signal of Demonreach, and present is in a format Garry can understand the internet is a snap, especially as it means unlimited porn as an incentive.

Harry can actually therefore get a credit card and some use out of it even after it gets ruined, the chip or strip isn’t needed for on-line purchase.

An AI is really just a new type of spirit of intellect, not born from a brain but from a circuit board. The Fae can come into existence in so many ways, why not? Bob may be the bridge, so we might get Bob Junior born of Bob and the internet.

What a horrifying thought.

I don't know if Bob is all that creative... he's more a reference work of what he has seen others do. Where has he seen the code for all this? OK, some stuff is open source, but... otherwise he should have been able to pick up wifi previously, no cable required, 

Sort of yes and's well written, I think, and imaginative... but the earlier ones were urban fantasy, but mostly set in a fairly normal world. Now we are spending a lot of time in the Never Never or the wreckage of Chicago. I miss the "normal" settings a bit. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Klaus the Toymaker
« on: June 23, 2022, 12:42:44 AM »
Naw, Col Klink..... ::)

Klink was a bookkeeper.

Schultz sometimes mentioned his civilian days prewar. In fact, when they thought  the war was over, and Klink heard Schultz talk of the factory, Klink tried to hit him up for a postwar job.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry sitting in a tree.......?
« on: June 23, 2022, 12:27:22 AM »

After all, the Leansidhe was able to quell Susan's hunger and Mother Winter offered Harry an "unravelling," that could have cleansed Susan.  Since the White's "parasite," seems to be more separate from the host than the Red's "hunger," I imagine it might be easier for Mab to quell it situationally.

I am not saying Mab CAN'T, but Mother Winter is (at least ) an order of magnitude above Mab. She's close to Uriel level. I would not judge what Mab can do by what MW can.

DF Spoilers / Re: A notion...
« on: June 23, 2022, 12:23:40 AM »
Bob can project on the walls, floors, ceilings of the Castle and can pick up electro magnetic frequencies. You just need a wireless router in one of the neighbouring houses too far away for Harry to disrupt to him to patch into the internet, and a nearby cell tower to patch in for cell phones.

Harry doesn’t need a computer, the Castle is now a computer. Harry has entered the silicon age. Literally.

Bob is capable of multi-tasking (at least at watching porn) so he should be interact with multiple users as his own local network for the castle users.

Initially his projections will be blue BUT we have seen him use other colours and Blue, green and red should be possible so he can go full colour. Harry will be so excited when the Mandalorian streams in the Dresdenverse (it’s currently late 2014) so several years to go.

Sound reproduction may be a problem, Bob isn’t a mimic and has only ever reproduced his own voice. In doing so it is either telepathic, of he is manipulating the air molecules to create sound. However as he can interface with a loudspeaker that ceases to be an issue.

Loudspeaker technology is old, Harry uses an old style radio but decent valve driven speakers date from 1912, over a hundred years old, so it would be relatively easy to custom build speakers using that tech (older by thirty years than the Munster mobile and amplifiers use valves today) with Bob acting as a carrier wave for them (he communicated via Harry’s office radio early in the series), Harry should be able to get full sound reproduction, even if Bob cannot provide it directly.Using a magic circle would cut off Bob’s carrier wave, but the tech would be old enough to likely hardly ever burn out because of Harry.

Whilst Harry can speak to Bob to dictate things it might be possible to rig up a keyboard. Get a slab of Castle Stone and have Bob project a keyboard touchpad on it. Bob should be able to discern the keys being touched and make the corresponding alpha numeric notation.

Bob needs a browser and other software - an unprocessed signal will look like static.

DF Spoilers / Re: Klaus the Toymaker
« on: June 21, 2022, 10:43:18 PM »
German toymaker.... what old TV series character was supposed to have the best toy factory in Germany at the start of WWII ? Got it nationalized and he got drafted.... was Vadderrung ever Sgt. Schultz?

DF Spoilers / Re: A notion...
« on: June 21, 2022, 10:39:11 PM »
The kitchen.... if you run the wiring UNDER the flooring, and put the circle ON the flooring, is it protected? Computer rooms had raised flooring to force ventilation and cabling underneath.... does a circle project underground? how high up? Likewise a PC can have cabling run from below

DF Spoilers / Re: A notion...
« on: June 21, 2022, 07:35:13 AM »
Microchips -- all electronics -- are the most susceptible, but he doesn't use plain ol' electrical stuff either.  Candles for light, not light-bulbs, because he kept blowing light-bulbs.  No hot-water heater, old icebox instead of refrigerator.

With only the slightest of efforts, he blew a transformer box; also, an electric fence.

I think for electrical it seems to require extended contact. He goes into office buildings without blowing everything out. He HAS an office - it never said he used candles there. Other people in the boardinghouse presumably had electricity. With a lot of maintenance, Mac's place has electricity. A water heater in a small apartment, maybe hard to shield. He might not spend a great deal of time in the kitchen, he can get away with a quick dash in for frozen pizza. Or for actual food

Microcircuits are easier to blow due to the proximity of parts of the circuitry to each other. Electrical filaments are likely what he blows. Edison didn't make the first electrical light, he made the first PRACTICAL one - one they didn't burn the filament out in a few minutes.

DF Spoilers / Re: A notion...
« on: June 21, 2022, 07:28:18 AM »
I don't believe a Faraday cage will block magic, only E-M radiation.  It therefore *WOULD* block tv's, radio, wifi, cellphone, etc.

You could get a landline or fiberoptic through a Faraday cage, but crossing a magic circle with such a line would break the circle.  The E-M spectrum crosses magic easily, though... wifi, cellphone, etc.

I wondered if he could somehow make a suit that blocked magic,so he COULD use some electrical equipment now and then

and if a circle did not let EM thru... well, you wouldn't be able to SEE in and out...

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