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Messages - Second Aristh

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DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks - Continuity Notes [Spoilers]
« on: July 16, 2020, 07:31:25 PM »
I thought there were two types of dragon - specifically big-D Dragon like Ferrovax and specifically little-d dragon - and that the one Michael killed (Siriothrax) as the lessor, but still powerful enough that it was considered a hard thing to do.  Or... maybe remembering wrong.  I need to find my Grave Peril book (I think it was in there)
Siriothrax was the least of the big-D Dragons.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezar and Harry (peace talks spoilers)
« on: July 16, 2020, 07:18:23 PM »
Eb and Maggie didn't have the best relationship either.  Harry is making choices similar to her which is bound to be hitting hard on Eb's emotions.  At the same time, Harry is throwing Eb's biggest mistakes back in his face.  I don't think his anger is too uncharacteristic.  It's covering up fear.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ferrovax [Peace Talks Spoilers]
« on: July 16, 2020, 06:52:18 PM »
The "Ferro" in Ferrovax does have earth-y connotations.  The only other living Dragon is Pyrovax.  Overall, it points to the big-D Dragons of having an elemental organization at some point.

My first guess at their animosity was some kind of rivalry with guarding the Gates.  Ferrovax > Odin > Mab, but that's flimsy for support.

DF Spoilers / Re: Small Favor: Why Mab got involved in the first place
« on: September 27, 2017, 04:50:44 PM »
Ah, kk, Im with you now. 

I dont know, it feels like a simpler explanation that it was Maeve behind the Hobs (ie Awfully Gauche) and was working counter to Mab interests (in general or for something specific we've not seen), who in turn didnt fully explain to Harry because she didnt want dissension in the ranks to be known.  This was the novel she first had to start talking through Grimalkin, so she's aware of Maeve's Nemfection.
Maeve as the one behind the Hobbs attack doesn't sit right with me.  They didn't pose a serious threat to Ivy at all, so it had to be about sending a message, perhaps one that could not be easily sent in another way.  Mab sending a warning to Ivy to be careful seems most likely at this point.

DF Spoilers / Re: Was Justin preparing Harry to learn necromancy?
« on: September 16, 2017, 04:31:15 AM »
Isn't there some mention that Eb didn't really teach Harry much about the nuts and bolts of magic but more about using magic responsibly?

Regardless, I'm not so sure how much raising Sue points to Harry having an affinity for necromancy.  We already knew that Harry has lots of power to throw around with a weakness in control.  Thaumaturgy lets him play up his strengths while minimizing his weaknesses.  With that in mind, he's also got Lash in his head directing everything from behind his eyeballs.  It's not just Harry having an instruction manual; it's Harry having an instruction manual with an angel on his shoulder warning him whenever he's close to making a mistake.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Simon?
« on: September 14, 2017, 03:47:56 PM »
I took it to mean he was the most knowledgeable about their tactics and the like.  And as GK said, their OTHER assets.
Also knowledge of any internal politics that the WC might use to weaken the RC:  which LoON wanted to stick it to which other LoON, who doesn't work well with others, who never really wanted to fight in the first place, etc.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Simon?
« on: September 13, 2017, 06:59:46 PM »
Another idea towards Simon=Cowl faking his own death: 

As the vampire expert on the SC, they would have looked to him to take charge against the Reds.  Cowl would have wanted to play both sides against each other and weaken everyone, but it's hard to steathily self-sabotage when you're in the direct spotlight.  If he keeps making the wrong call when the WC is ahead, people are going to start wondering whose side Simon's on.

DF Spoilers / Re: Outsider Magic
« on: June 27, 2017, 07:41:43 PM »
There are three(ish) separate effects that I think we've seen:   

The first is the Ritual from BR fueled by He Who Walks Behind (and/or his Boss, w/HWWBh as the standard proxy to be sent).  This is notable because anyone can use it on any given day, regardless of affiliation.

The second is Papa Wraith's unexplained immunity to Magic, which we strongly suspect but cannot specifically prove is Outsider fueled. 

The third is the stuff that we saw Vitto, and later Sharkface doing.  Lash described the attacks Vitto was throwing "as drawn directly from the mind of the Outsider", and then at the end of CD we see the cloud of smoke that presumably is HWWB4 flee from a meatsuit wearing semi-sentient rags or something. There is a WOJ that strongly (if somewhat jokingly) implies that Vitto was possessed by He Who Walks Before, and that vitto was HWWB4's meatsuit in CD. In the WOJ (which Im failing to find a link for at present) somebody asked Jim if Vitto was the meatsuit Sharkface was wearing, and his response was something to the effect of "oh, that would have been coo- I mean, YES! That was my intent the the time..."  It was all in a very joking tone, so it's as solid a statement to some.  Regardless though I think those are closer to actual possession by an outsider entity, as opposed to a sponsored magic.
That WoJ was a twitter reply to Griff

DF Spoilers / Re: Hades question
« on: June 13, 2017, 11:04:17 PM »
Hmm, I cant find any mention of her having a specific role in the Titan war.  She's more or less of the same generation as Zeus and the other Olympians, so Id thought of her as one of them rather than a titan (damn it's a fuzzy line) but she wasnt one of the ones that Cronus ate, so mabe not.  At the wiki level of research there's apparently a lot of debate about her status: apparently only Hesiod's account describes her in such an ascendant way, in stark contrast to other sources, to the point that people think he was trying to "promote" the status of his village's locally preferred patron goddess.

EDIT:  OK, I found at least one mention on wikipedia of her in the titan war.  Grain of Salt on it I think, as the context is that it was one of several excuses used to explain her continued presence in the pantheon, and it directly contradicts the more widely accepted bit where Prometheus and his mother Themis were the noted Titans that sides with the Olympians.  Looks like I was wrong about Rhea though, she saved Zeus and thus made the war possible, but doesnt look like anyone thinks she took part in the war itself.

(click to show/hide)
Yeah, pretty much.  Greek mythology gets really fuzzy on some details.  Everybody wanted their local gods to be more important so they swapped around characters and family lines pretty often along the edges of things.  After that, there isn't really a "right" answer.  Olympian vs Titan is often debatable, especially for the ones that stick around after the war.

Did a little research.  I'm going off this source.  It says it's going off Hesiod's Theogony.

DF Spoilers / Re: Hades question
« on: June 13, 2017, 08:54:20 PM »
That was Rhea, Zues's mother.  Hecate was from a younger generation of the Olympian gods, though Zeus honored her above most (all?) others for some reason (In the DF Id credit it to her also being their Fate rep).

As far as the Crown goes, Hades most famous magical Artifact was a Helm of Darkness (which I could see as a reasonable mythological drift from a Crown of Mordite).  The myths said it turned the wearer invisible, and was featured in a myth or two, but in a DF context Id speculate that it's not simply visual invisibility but rather a more powerful/absolute sort of Anti-detection. It was supposedly forged along-side Zues's lightning bolt and Posiden's trident, so we're talking their original Items of Office/Power
From my memory, helping to defeat the Titans was the reason that Zeus honored Hecate above all.  Greek mythological timelines can get funky, but she was the daughter of Titans, not Olympians.

I like your Helm of Darkness idea.  Someone mentioned something to the effect that Hades's vault was especially difficult to spy into magically.  I wonder if the mordite crown is related to that in some way?

DFRPG / Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« on: February 15, 2017, 03:57:45 AM »
So, Ive got another simple question.

Im the DM for my group and Im currently working on major players in the Oklahoma region. My players gave me input and I want to surprise them as we go, but so far, Ive come up with this list:

White Court
Native Americans (Skinwalkers I know Q_Q)
Bible Belt

Are there other groups that would be fitting for Oklahoma? Im trying to come up with lots of story material and feel like those hit the big ones but, even then, I cant think of minor ones either.
Some of these urban legends might be good to draw from also.

8 Urban Legends In Oklahoma Will Keep You Awake At Night

DFRPG / Re: Immortal death curse
« on: January 27, 2017, 02:52:08 AM »
Eb warns Harry that Mavra may be capable of a death curse in BR.  That being said, non-wizard magic users tend to look at mortality a lot different than wizards, though.  They've lived so long that the idea of them dying catches a few of them by surprise before they can gather their mind to cast a death curse (e.g. Arianna Ortega).

I would tend to agree that sponsored magic doesn't fall under the lawbreaker purview since the sponsor is the one pushing the magic around.

Not sure it would strictly be nessesary, in that Hecate was already a Tripple-Goddess, and so might have already been a power shared across multiple hosts.  I agree that they definitely seem to have consolidated Power into the one set (or rather two sets) of queens, but there would have already been a power of three sort of Base form in place without needing a One Greek Goddess per Queenly role to make it happen.
Hecate wasn't always considered a triple goddess, though, only in later periods.  Within the DF, that might be a clue pointing to Hecate being subsumed into the Queens, or it may not be relevant.  Either way, I'm not proposing each Queen being derived from a single Greek source (in fact I think it was several).  There were several Greek goddess triads in the maiden/mother/crone style (e.g. Rhea/Demeter/Persephone or Rhea/Hera/Hebe or Clotho/Lachesis/Atropos, and you could throw in Gaia to either of the first two lines to get the promotion style transfer that occurs with the Queens).  I'm saying that the absorption of the goddesses could have also absorbed a grudge.  If so, the emergence of a grudge in Hastings would be circumstantial evidence of ascending to become Queen.

The problem with the idea of Titania being Demeter is that the "abduction" of Persephone is well before Hastings for that to personal.
Depends on which Titania you're talking about.  :)

We know from Harry that mantles play with the emotions and instincts of their vessels.  It could very well still be personal for the mantles involved even though vessels have changed.

Nice job collecting everything Serack. 

As an extension, it might also be worthwhile to incorporate the idea of the Queens sharing the role of Hecate.  One thing I've been toying around with that multiple Queens or proto-Queens were involved with the Persephone story.  I think it's a given that multiple Greek figures/mantles were absorbed into the Queens.  We know already the Fates and Hecate, but there are probably more and probably not all were Greek.  We also know Hades "abducted" Persephone from Demeter while Hecate "helped" Demeter find her daughter.  Based on domains of influence, it certainly seems like Demeter is a good fit for a previous Titania.  Likewise, a previous Summer Lady fits with Persephone.  If we take a Mab centered Hecate, then it makes sense for there to be animosity between a Mab and a Titania coming from a Hecate/Demeter grudge.  Our Mab ascending to Queen at Hastings (assuming that our Titania ascended at the same time or before) and the fact that they broke off communications could be partially mantle driven.

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