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Messages - Ed0517

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DF Spoilers / Re: "Thou Shalt Not Open the Outer Gates"
« on: July 15, 2022, 07:39:08 AM »
A few musings...  Do we know if Justine has any magical capability of her own, or is that even needed as long as you perform the proper ritual for summoning outsiders (like following a recipe), given that these are things that WANT to enter our world, whereas other beings might object to being summoned? Or could it be that she is a willing host for the walker, and the walker then temporarily granted her the magical spark, in the same scence that the fallen angels in one of the denarian coins can lend you powers temporarily, and they act through you?

for some reason i think at the time they met, the party, I think she offered her hand to Harry. If she were a practitioner of any power, he could have told them

DF Spoilers / Re: Getting to the Island
« on: July 15, 2022, 07:35:28 AM »
I don't know if it is so much secret ways, but the ways that exist are very dangerous.  If Rashid knows a way through the Nevernever, why didn't he share that with his fellow Senior Council members?  Did Peabody use the same way as Rashid?  I'd say that perhaps the Senior Council knows of the way also but didn't want to take the risk.

The wizards only trust each other so much. I don't think Rashid uses the one ON the island, He seems to be very reluctant to upset Alfred (good move, Rashid!). Did Harry rebuild the Whassup Dock right over the old one? Could someone have BUILT a Way just above the old dock, possibly to get to the island "politely" - maybe talking as they get off the dock to say hi or ask permission?

Peabody may be using an unknown Way, or it might be a hazardous path, but his companion is that kinda powerful? (If Eb won't take it, I doubt Cowl would. But a Walker could)     

Now a question - I assume Alfred could tell Harry WHERE the other Way is - and if there are any others. Would he have any perception of where they are linked TO in Never Never? Might tell us something about the opponent.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is Inside-Out
« on: July 15, 2022, 07:19:52 AM »

Given Wizard secrecy, it's easy to see them losing "tech" that was held as individual trade secrets, but not losing public customs. 

Like them still unable to truly recreate Damascus steel? Loss of tarce elements in the raw material? techniques? We are not quite there even now

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly's cellphone ...
« on: July 15, 2022, 07:11:22 AM »
It's a company car. Owned by Winter Inc. She or her crew have arranged for several cars for Harry. Toot Toot drove one.

If your worried about the alloys of iron then imagine that Mab has Mike, who is really a master ferromancer, coat the cars in an invisible polymer. If you're kinky consider Mab in an invisible cat suit like Justine wears.  Trust me that Butcher doesn't let logic stand in the way of the story.

Alloys? Plenty of cars are fiberglass or the like, hardware can be aluminum, or, for the fae, titanium sounds nicer.  Clearcoating is easy though.  Picture Lea getting out of some carbon fiber job with gullwing doors? Ice blue.

DF Spoilers / Re: Getting to the Island
« on: July 14, 2022, 02:58:21 AM »
I point out that when the SC went to the island, Eb, Joe, and Mai arrived by boat as well. Recall that Jim also said places near nasty places in RL tend to be linked to nasty places in NeverNever. So what does DEMONREACH link to? Margaret knew more Ways than anyone - doesn't mean she knew them all. Might not know Rashid's. Or... wasn't there word he walked across the Moon a short distance for one? maybe that is why Harry can't do it? And Peabody traveled them with someone. NN creatures might be leery of attacking his companion, but not afraid of Harry. Cowl? a Walker?

Maybe Harry sees the trip as a way of prepping himself for whatever comes next - shift from Real World to island thinking. And it shouldn't take THAT long - while we don't know where the island is (there are no islands in southern Lake Michigan - that we know of) the lake is only about 45 miles across by Chicago. I'm a little surprised Thomas doesn't have a nicer boat, but maybe he figures like most Big Brothers, if I get something nice, my little brother is likely going to break it. (should have been able to find an old diesel engine and slap that in, give it some pep when needed)

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly's cellphone ...
« on: July 14, 2022, 02:15:16 AM »

Could still be read as "I had [flunky's name] prepare it."  if it is done under Mab's orders, she prepared it. I should think Mab might find it useful to have a human agent or two besides the Knight who can deal with the mundane things. Renting or buying a car. Touching iron. Maintain a safe house of sorts.  Maybe even intelligence.  As noted, a powerful supernatural should have no issue getting a nice financial footing. Heck, send out a subject or two to be human models - they look good enough, would get worldwide travel, "ins" in many circles, make big bucks....  get moles out there.

Might even explain why Christie Brinkley looks the way she does at like 65. She ain't human.

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly's cellphone ...
« on: July 14, 2022, 02:05:25 AM »
If I remember correctly there is also a woman in one of the short stories in Side-Jobs, who is a fae and uses a credit card. With a microhip in it if I recall correctly (and as far as I understand it, the US is way behind Europe for that).  Don't have the book, so I cannot verify, but I recall Dresden realising that she could use it meant that she was supernatural and not a wizard/sorcerer.

We have plenty of chipped credit cards. Even the riff raff like me had one for years.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is Inside-Out
« on: July 14, 2022, 01:56:22 AM »
I posited something similar several years ago, that The Warden is actually an automatic Senior Council post.

I dont know if any jobs are AUTOMATIC Senior Council, other than Merlin, though I can't imagine a non-SC being up to Gatekeeper - that's a full time job. We note Eb was Blackstaff well before he was SC - but that is a sometimes role, not a full job. Likewise, how often would Harry HAVE to go to the island. Honestly, not how often he tells his new fiancee he has to go to work.... ;)

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is Inside-Out
« on: July 14, 2022, 01:53:13 AM »
I will point out though that the head jailor is called a warden, keeping the criminals in.

Also - the Whamps call humans sheep - game wardens control hunting.... protect some wild animals (people)... keep an eye out for new strays (warlocks)?

Both warden for Demonreach and the WC can apply

DF Spoilers / Re: "Thou Shalt Not Open the Outer Gates"
« on: July 13, 2022, 01:58:16 AM »
I thought Rashid said his scans were not a perfect approach, part art, part science.

DF Spoilers / Re: A Curious Speculation From Cold Days
« on: July 11, 2022, 05:10:59 AM »
When I say the Merlin has the votes he can do anything, he might get a vote to strip Eb of the Position of the Blackstaff, for refusing to take on Harry, and seek to award it to some favourite to take on Harry as a power up. Internal politics.

Now how much the Merlin knows about the Blackstaff and it origin is moot, as the Blackstaff seem to have generally passed on the Blackstaff to their chosen successor. Everyone out of the line of succession may know very little other than what it does. He may not know that it is an object of Winter, and that it may be ineffective against the Winter Knight (Eb didn’t draw upon it in his battle with Harry) 

I think more likely Eb was trying to keep it nonlethal, and might have been afraid the Staff would take it upon itself to kill Harry if an opening presented. Power-wise, the Knight is a step down from the Lady, who is  step down from the Queen, who is a LONG way from the Mother. The staff is from Mother Winter. She is not carrying a .22 short.... 

DF Spoilers / Re: A Curious Speculation From Cold Front
« on: July 11, 2022, 04:05:55 AM »
Is it actually awarded by Council vote? The senior council would have to vote on it secretly, since the Blackstaff's very existence isn't even acknowledged to all the membership.

Not all - but Eb was apparently Blackstaff even before he became Senior Council - he becomes SC during the books, but Kincaid knows him as Blackstaff for a long time.  So some outside have to know. And I think the Staff does select

DF Spoilers / Re: The Law
« on: July 07, 2022, 05:22:16 AM »
Harry does mention Maggie. He talks about money he's left aside for her and how he has barely enough left to run the castle for 18 months.

18 months is fine> He'll be a trophy husband by then, and the little woman can afford it.....

Cinder Spires Spoilers / Re: New Cinder Spires details.
« on: July 07, 2022, 05:14:15 AM »
10/26 is his birthday each year... which birthday did he refer to??????

Jim, drop a TINY update....  you expected a month and a half.... been more than double that.....

Ok, he meant 10/26/22.....

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly's cellphone ...
« on: July 05, 2022, 05:29:01 AM »
Could it be a "sufficiently advanced" machine, sure. Or it could be a mortal cellphone that was used as a plot device to show that Molly is becoming less mortal. Either could be true but I think the second is what was intended/does more to progress the story.

I think Harry sees it as her becoming less human. Less Murphyonic field. i don't think Bob and Butters could do anything about it. The field is there or it is not. Hers is dying.  Also, the Ordo Lebes seemed able to use modern things. Less power, less interference. If Elaine was as strong as Harry, would she have come up with plugging in her chain? Doubtful, she'd be in a cold water flat somewhere without electric

Here's a question - if Molly is pulling power from the Mantle to do her work, the same way non-magic Fix does some stuff - is her natural ability withering from non-use?

For Harry? Carry thorn manacles and a phone in a shielded bag. Put on manacles to make a call. To be safer, keep phone powered down when not in use. No incoming calls unless manacled and waiting. 

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