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DF Books / Re: Battle Ground Coer
« on: July 05, 2020, 05:50:30 PM »
It's been noticed. Theories abound.

DF Spoilers / Re: Kincaid
« on: July 05, 2020, 05:49:53 PM »
I like the Van Helsing analogy.

Something also of note is Kincaid was impressed by Harry's ability and power in Blood Rites, where even Harry admits he didn't let loose. But Kincaid says, he'd never seen a wizard let loose before.

So therefore we know that Kincaid has never actually fully dueled Ebenezar despite knowing he was the Blackstaff, and whatever went down between them.

I also suspect Kincaid doesn't just limit himself to supernatural contracts, but does some mortal ones as well.
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Honestly the one thing about Kincaid that annoys me the most is that if Harry had called in his favour for Kincaid to back him up at Chitzen Itza we could of seen Kincaid all out on the battlefield, which I hope we see in Peace Talks or Battle Ground.

DF Books / Re: Something which irks me
« on: July 05, 2020, 05:43:16 PM »
The tie a rope to weapons thing has been brought up before in other fandoms. Supernatural the tv show had a break the fourth wall episode where a fan complained about it. By the end of the episode the were like 'he has a point' course doesn't change anything long term.

The hat is a not so in joke between Jim and the book artist.

Book artist was told Wizard PI so drew that, and then kept drawing the hat in part just to spite/joke with Jim.

Carries over to one of Jims other series where the main character always wears a hat, so the artist drew him without one.

DF Spoilers / Re: Supernatural Historical Wars.
« on: July 05, 2020, 05:38:38 PM »
I wonder if Geoffrey of Monmouth was Venatori, it certainly sounds like their MO. Spread the good stories around for supernatural protection, slowly destroy the bad ones.

DF Spoilers / Supernatural Historical Wars.
« on: June 28, 2020, 11:31:57 AM »
So in terms of wars in history. Saladin was a Knight of the Cross, Ebenezar, LTW and The Merlin were involved in the Seven Years War. Simon Pietrovich caused/ was involved in the Russian Revolution. We know WW1 was Kemmler, his disciples and allies, We know Klaus the Toymaker fought Nazi's in WW2 and that Luccio doubted how evil Nazi's were, Necro Bob had a defence set up reminiscent of the Nazi's, Kemmlers was killed in the 60s by an all out White Council attack, It's implied both Michael and Marcone were in Vietnam.

Jim has understandably stayed away from 9/11, as much as possible but it's known White Council has a strict policy of not getting involved.

Is there any other historical wars with supernatural elements?

DF Spoilers / Re: Nicodemus theory spoilers, spoilers , spoilers
« on: June 15, 2020, 05:11:47 AM »
I mean from Nicodemus's perspective he has broke even on most of his gambits. Death Mask he kills one of the few Knights of the Cross to defeat him, and does so in a torturous way. Plus plants Lasciel with Dresden.

Small Favor he even speculates out loud that the death of Thorned Namshiel is a win in his book, and puts Michael out of the game.

Skin Game he gets the Grail.

I think he's deluded himself into thinking he's broke even on most of those.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Drop Chapter Two
« on: June 11, 2020, 05:46:03 AM »
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DF Spoilers / Re: The Realm of Shadows
« on: June 10, 2020, 09:57:02 AM »
I like the idea of a more obscure element of the Nevernever, rather than just Fairies. Paranet Papers touch upon it, and of course Margaret Le Fey's Ruby route in Changes.

Rashid's outright says he knows the Ways, compared notes with Margeret le Fey.

Personally I like the idea two people can open a Way in the same physical location, but wind up in completely different areas of the Nevernever. Harry accidentaly dropping in on the Erlking for instance is I assume because he was the Winter Knight and therefore closer to Faerie.

DF Spoilers / Re: Rashid's Eye
« on: June 10, 2020, 09:37:11 AM »
I think Rashid's eye is his direct intellectus tool to the Outer Gates, and therefore anything involving them. Rashid changes his tune in Turn Coat after muterring a simple spell, before and after Harry steps on Demonreach, there by revealing Harry has become the Warden, and his chances of survival are greater. Later on in Turn Coat Ebenezar and Listens-to-Winds say Rashid is more familiar with what an Intellectus bond can actually do.

Red Court made the same mistake Black Court and now Nicodemus has made. They grew too powerful and pissed off everyone. Uriel, Vaderung, Mab. As the major lords they pissed off. Between the three of them they had enough foresight and right manipulation to take the entire Redcourt all down. Of course that also means they knew the Red Court had primed the bloodline curse with innocents, so thats some dark Machiavellian sacrifice right there. 

DF Spoilers / Re: New Drop Chapter Two
« on: June 10, 2020, 08:03:57 AM »
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Part of the Black Court weaknessess in addition to everyone knowing how to kill them, WOJ is that they power up by killing. The smart ones wait for Plagues and Wars to power up.

 I also speculate from information in Paranet Papers, that they might have both been allies and an enemy of Kemmler. The Black Court Purge started around 1899 according to Simon Pietrovichs letters, by the time of the Russian Revolution the last strongholds were holding out against the Purge. Kemmler could have used them both as a desperate ally and as an enemy against his own power growth. Not dissimmilar to how Nicodemus viewed the Red Court, which he explained during Small Favour.

We also have WOJ confirmation the White Court helped with the dissemination of Bram Strokers book. Kind of a reverse Venatori campaign. (Side Note. I have an RPG Character who I wrote in being critical to that for Paranet Papers)

I've never connected Goodman Grey with the Shapeshifting Guru, I like it as a WAG.

The Black Court I'm pretty sure were signatories before the Black Court Purge. Mavra obeys the laws of hospitality and keeps her Word. Bianca's Red Court Ball was an Accord event, Mavra was an honored guest. Plus at their peak according to WOJ the Elders together could take on Mab they were that powerful

The Denarians are ex members of the Accords. Small Favour they broke the accords by going after the neutral representative The Archive. Skin Game was Mab getting revenge for it. Nick's broken his word. Harry does a whole speech on it.

Your also forgetting the Wyld Fae and there independent fiefdoms. I think the Erlking would have to be a member even if by default only because he has nominal loyalty to Titania, but his realm is independent enough that Harry invoking Mabs name 3 times could have started a war.

Jade Court, Shiro references them having organised Duels with them. It was specifically in response to Harry asking about the Accords Duel. However Jim says they're very isolationists, don't even like the concept of 'chin'so could go either way.

Where's the 4 to 7 other signatories come from? Do we have a number on the amount of signatories?

DF Spoilers / Reread suggestions
« on: June 03, 2020, 02:23:51 AM »
Going through a full reread anything I should look out for?

DF Spoilers / Small Favour reread question.
« on: June 03, 2020, 02:19:34 AM »
So rereading Small Favour Chapter 3 " a leather pouch made from the genital sac of i kid you not an actual African lion. It was a gift. Don't ask."

Where did that come from?

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