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Messages - Ed0517

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DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 24, 2022, 08:02:51 AM »
The Ladies can ride the Unicorns which is usually associated with virgins.
That appears to have gotten into the myth rather late. Also, Chinese myths had rather ugly unicorns. Mab has an ugly one too.

Harry did ride one in Battle Ground, but standing next to Thomas, Harry looks pretty virginal. As would most men.
Except Carlos! [/quote]

The trinity is the Maid, Mother and Crone, and I think in this Jim has been influenced by Pratchett, and his witches, Magrat, Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax (who I suspect influenced the character of Mother Winter).
does predate Prachett too though.
Jim has made much of Molly’s ongoing virginity, it surely played a major part in why she rather than Justine or Murphy were chosen by the Mantle. Remember, inside the Circle the Mantle had limited choice,  but it did have a choice of candidates, and Justine and Murphy were not maids. It just so happens Molly was Mab’s back up, indicating Mab’s prolonged scheming in relation to her. Preserving her virginity was undoubtedly part of this.

In Proven Guilty Molly has a boyfriend, Nelson, a Harry lookalike, her powers are manifesting so her potential as a candidate comes across Mab’s radar. The Gatekeeper tells Harry to investigate Black Magic in Chicago we do not know at this point that the Gatekeeper is allied with Mab. Molly is abducted by Winters Phobophages and taken to Arctis Tor, Mab’s stronghold, rescued by Harry’s party, and faces the White Council, saved by Michael suddenly appearing, obviously due to Uriel’s influence’ but we don’t find out they are working together until Ghost Story) Molly is put under the care of Harry (her unassailable crush) and tightly chaperoned thereafter.

Mab, the Gatekeeper and Uriel appear to have been working together for some time to get a Winter Knight and Winter Lady suitable for the forthcoming travails. Both proved pivotal in Battle Ground, clearly a starter course to the BAT.

Have NO idea if you are right, but you have done some job of making a framework to link these things, and I applaud a job well done! It might be wrong, but it seems on the face a plausible possibility.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 24, 2022, 07:46:29 AM »
Are you sure Carlos couldn’t take up the Lady’s mantle? Virginity rather than gender seems to be the determining requirement there, and that is in short supply in Winter. Carlos could be the Winter Laddy. It’s about his luck with women.

Wouldn't it be funny as heck if he was passed the mantle - then the magic transformed his body to fit the role? He'd flip, and Harry and Bob would laugh their butts off (Bob, of course, only metaphorically)

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 24, 2022, 07:44:04 AM »
I think I used it correctly. The point of using prodigy to join two royal houses is to be able to join a line biologically to the line of succession, thus producing an heir. But you get the point.

...and then you used the word prodigy in place of the word progeny.... smh

lineage is lineage. Everyone has it. It is not line of succession. If Queen Elizabeth died, and Prince Philip survived, he would be part of Charles lineage. He would NOT be in the line of succession, he cannot become king. Also, lineage cannot change. Rules of succession CAN and do - England changed theirs 10 or 20 years ago, from male preferred primogeniture to absolute.

It does not have to be used. Molly is not in Mab's lineage. There is no blood there.  She is her apparent successor. She is Michael's lineage. I have never seen her suggested to be a KOTC. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 23, 2022, 05:00:26 AM »
Neither the White Court or the Fey Courts use heirs to establish linage. The linage of the Fey is passed through the Mantle which is granted, not inherited, thus Molly. And the Whites use a political mechanism so that while Lara is the leader in fact, she rules through a puppet.  Both of the protagonists are immortals in any case. If a Lady is killed a male child could never take up the Fey Mantle.  In the case of Lara for a child of Harry to take the leadership of the Whites it would to murder to enable it's demon.

I think what you are saying is they do not use heirs to determine SUCCESSION. The LINEAGE is biological. Harry is Eb's lineage, Joe knows it, I expect Martha does, and I'd be shocked if Rashid and Langtry don't.  It does not mean he gets the Mc Coy Seat, if you will,  on the WC. Otherwise there would never be a debate on who gets the open seat, and a Christos is blocked.

Lara rules thru a puppet as it was the quickest, most bloodless method to gain the power. Now, if in a few years it comes to light that she HAS puppeted her father, Whamps may think of a coup. But they also wouled have to realize she had the power to overthrow her father. They may learn Thomas is far from the idiot he pretended, and has some small magical ability, and if she still has her scary AF Winter Knight consort? They saw the duel in Raith Deeps, and he had much less power then. They know about the Red court. If they find out who... they could decide he might not be a man to cross. Plus, wizards only live 4, 500 years. Whamps play the long game.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 22, 2022, 03:44:11 AM »
Powerful is a relative term - compare Thomas TO his relatives. Harry and Eb. Thomas is but a wee little bairn.

the Black Court are former humans. Mavra early on was above Harry's ability to take out, save perhaps with his death curse. Whites are a separate breed. You have to be born a Whamp. Reds might have spell ability too

OK, Reds might have spell ability too means SOME Reds can have spell ability, just like SOME Blacks have it, as they are former humans. Just like SOME humans might have ability. The Whites are NOT humans. Humans CAN become Reds (well, once they could),  and MAY become blacks. They CANNOT become Whites.  All Reds and Blacks do not have it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Getting to the Island
« on: July 21, 2022, 09:52:06 PM »

It really boils down to the fact that somethings exists on the NeverNever side that Harry has been told will Kill Him Horribly.
We don't know much about Demonreach except that it's a prison for the worst of the worst. And that means the NeverNever side also has to be pretty darn dark and dangerous.

As opposed to Kill Him Nicely?

It might be they fear something worse than death  - corruption. The likes of Uriel might tell him dying "doing the Right Thing" is an honorable death far better than losing his soul to darkness.

Maybe the other end is not in Faerie. Could it be beyond the Gates? 

DF Spoilers / Re: Getting to the Island
« on: July 21, 2022, 09:46:43 PM »
Well, we know The Ladies, Queens, and Mothers of BOTH courts are also Hecate, which is not bound to either court.
This is pointed out in Skin Game when Dresden sees a statue of Hecate, and likens it to all 3 Queens from BOTH courts (Was, Is, & Will Be)

and Hecate is not a Fate. That's Clothos, Atropos, and Lachesis

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 21, 2022, 09:23:57 PM »
Powerful is a relative term - compare Thomas TO his relatives. Harry and Eb. Thomas is but a wee little bairn.

the Black Court are former humans. Mavra early on was above Harry's ability to take out, save perhaps with his death curse. Whites are a separate breed. You have to be born a Whamp. Reds might have spell ability too

DF Spoilers / Re: Getting to the Island
« on: July 20, 2022, 02:33:21 AM »
I don't think Mother Summer and Winter are Fates. The Fates were not seasonal personifications. That was their full time job

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 20, 2022, 02:29:45 AM »
I'd think White to White conception is even harder. Let us assume the sterility problem is either number of gametes (sperm, egg) produced or their viability. Humans generally drop one or two eggs. If Lara does not drop one, no matter how fertile her partner is, she does not get pregnant.  Males may eject 50,100 MILLION sperm. If Whamps are putting out 10 K - that will cause infertility. Just ONE sperm will do it. Guess they strike out a lot though. 

Let us assume the problem exists for both sexes - Thomas seemed surprised he got Justine pregnant (if HE did.. Nemesis, you know), so assume at least low male count. So if Lara is NEARLY barren, she will want to maximize the sperm available when she DOES drop an egg - get a human (assume wizards count here). Thomas would want a woman he can assume DOES drop an egg - get a human. If wizards are the same as human, a wizard might be ideal - with their longer lifespans, they likely have a longer period of fertility than vanilla humans. Don't have so swap out partners as much . (you CAN, but you do not HAVE to)

(Oh, and for the ultra woke, the above also explains why when birth control was developed they went after the one egg, rather than having to kill every sperm. Just an easier target. Add on, killing testosterone tends to kill desire... he just don't WANNA. Kinda like Vonnegut's Ethical Birth Control. If it's numb, no fun.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Getting to the Island
« on: July 19, 2022, 02:48:36 AM »
I described what he does.  If he needs Harry then he always finds him. No matter where he is.

He was Margaret's friend. He put a tracer on her amulet, and now Harry has it. Tracks like the Summer Pin....


DF Spoilers / Re: Getting to the Island
« on: July 16, 2022, 04:22:33 AM »

Rashid is the international man of mystery who goes where he wants to go, when he wants to go there. My money is on Rashid being able to create Portals anywhere, at will.

He's not making one on Demonreach, for fear of becoming an International Puddle of What's That?. He and Big Al aren't chums.

DF Spoilers / Re: Getting to the Island
« on: July 16, 2022, 04:19:45 AM »

  I doubt seriously that Mab has access, she wasn't just being polite when she asked Harry if she could bury the Ladies on the island.  That is an acknowledgement that the island is his realm now.  Also the fact when Harry threatened her by saying if she didn't answer his questions he'd have Alfred take her below.  She turned pale, he can in effect do that.

the Winter Queen has power, but Alfred put ETHNIU on ice, so to speak.... I think Mother Winter could mouth off, but not below that.

What is the real difference between opening a portal and a Way? Is a Way a stable wormhole of sorts? You already KNOW the two ends?

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly's cellphone ...
« on: July 16, 2022, 04:02:55 AM »
Hey, doesn't Fix have a motorcycle he rode Lily on? the fae like to style a bit... cars could apply.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lawyers and dating Lara Raith
« on: July 15, 2022, 09:00:11 AM »
Mab for Mab(WOJ is that Mab Is licensed to practice law), and some nameless, as yet, mouthpiece for Lara. case there was any doubt about her being Evil.....

Now, can they even touch? Does Harry's Love Aura protect him with Murphy and Susan dead?  Does Lara want to run, lest Harry complete his Ben Cartwright Hat Trick?

Might be opera going, where they could both plausibly wear gloves? Or skiing. If they are publically to be a couple, they will have to touch now and then.  Hmmmm... could Lara use Harry as bait - some ambitious schemer tries to take Lara's man.. not noting she never touches bare skin.. and touching Harry brands them?

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