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Messages - Victim

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DFRPG / Re: The Big Easy: Lots of Death
« on: May 26, 2010, 03:55:48 AM »
I could use some feedback on a few things.

First off, the status of my character mechanically:
Temper's skills and powers:

Great: Alertness, Fists, Discipline
Good: Empathy (just increased), Deceit, Athletics, Craftsmanship
Fair: Guns, Stealth, Scholarship, Investigate
Average: Conviction, Presence, Endurance, Might, Survival

Demolitions Training (use Craftsmanship for explosives attacks) -1
Unflappable (+1 mild Social consequence) -1

Human Form +1 covering:
Claws -1
Supernatural Toughness (Catch: holy type stuff) -2
Inhuman Strength -2


My current advancement plan is to bump Fists to superb, and then increase Athletics to Great - which is what I actually wanted right away.  I'm mostly satisfied with what she has, with two main exceptions.  First of all, a lack of Might means that Grapple related stuff is terrible.  Which is a huge shame with strength powers and huge scorpion claws.  Second, it makes a lot of sense to pick up Lore in some fashion - but what to drop?  Maybe Might, actually, since 1 isn't really enough to do much with it.

The social toughness stunt seemed really cool when it was 2 extra consequences.  It's still coming in handy sometimes at 1, but generally only once per session.  So I could just drop the stunt and then spend the FP a social defense roll to also bleed off 2 stress - or use it for something else.

Future powers:  Venomous seems appropriate - and let's face it, who else would use this power?  However, the additional attack comes with no damage bonuses based on my reading of the power.  So it seems highly likely to be filling in stress boxes below the damage dealt by most other attacks - if it can do any damage at all against Armor powers.  That's not going to help take somebody out any faster, unless someone else (Lefleur?) is doing lots of little hits to fill in those low level boxes.  And that's ignoring the opportunity cost - an upgrade to Supernatural Strength has the same cost, and gives Weapon 6 total plus other benefits. 

That leads us to another power: Supernatural Strength.  Another expensive -2, Weapon 6 is pretty hard hitting.  Plus easy lifting or smashing.  However, that's still not going to match the damage from Weapon 7 acid or Weapon 8+ Lightning from Lenny or John.  Competing on pure damage seems like it might be losing proposition.

Beast change (into monster scorpion) could make her skills much more effective overall.  Might could be an only monster mode skill, so the claws could actually grab enemies.

Supernatural Senses for a vibrational tremor sense could be appropriate.  However, sense limitations haven't been a big deal.

Finally, Ursiel was a bear - but with horns, tusks, and an extra pair of legs IIRC.  I need some ideas for making Temper's monster form more monstrous. 

DFRPG / Re: Compelling a Hex
« on: May 26, 2010, 01:23:59 AM »
Personally, having to allocate an aspect to gain rewards for the troubles another character is inflicting seems pretty dumb.  Not awarding the actual victims creates incentives to deliberately choose aspects that will cause problems for other characters.

Conversely, a team aspect already seems strong without requiring one to get fate points from troubles other PCs dish out. 

DFRPG / Re: The Big Easy: Lots of Death
« on: May 25, 2010, 07:56:51 PM »
The climatic sections - John's duel, Temper's assault and Lefleur's chase, and Lenny's break-in were all essentially occurring on the same initiative list.  So they were all going down at the same time, which lots of cutting back and forth.  Fix and Pierce were both going on 7, then Lefleur and Deidre at 6, Temper at 4, ..., Lenny at 0.  So the biggest split up wasn't really much different in execution then having all the characters in the same split up.  Similarly, we were cutting back forth through each character's prep scenes.  But this session was also a bit short.  With 5 players, finally, we took the time to bust out some Battlestar Galactica the way it's meant to be played.

I think that we've usually tried to create at least one pairing or otherwise arrange for multiple PCs to be in the same scenes though.  However, it is kind of unusual for us, since our games have generally encouraged tightly knit parties previously.  It should be interesting to see how the PCs end up working together or not in future sessions. 

I think that briefcase full of cash will perhaps not be as useful to Lefleur as he hoped.  After all, Simon Walters was spying on the vampires after making a deal with them to make sure he had the upper hand.  What contingency did he have for dealing for Jimbo?

DFRPG / Re: The Big Easy: Lots of Death
« on: May 25, 2010, 08:49:02 AM »
Unfortunately, I didn't actually have much reason not to kill Lefleur besides the metagame issue of trying to avoid attacking another PC.  He's a vampire after all.  What makes him so different from the monsters we were just hunting down before?

I guess the main reason would be that when you start hallucinating, it's not a good time to be making life and death decisions...  :)

Lenny used an escape potion to 'escape' into the locked room.  He didn't dissolve it with Universal Solvent.  That'd be a bit more obvious.

John's player, the GM and myself are the only ones who have read the books.  So only John's player and I could figure out what was going on with the Fey.  And Temper has no Lore (which I might change soon).  So no one could figure out that the duel was about Titania vs Fix+Lily.

I think that the Faraday cage should have been described only.  It was kind of lame that it didn't come up - especially since it was my idea.  Let John find out the hard way or roll Scholarship.  He used a nice variety of attacks though.

Lenny is pretty funny when he's only screwing himself.  :)

DFRPG / Re: The Big Easy: New Session, New Characters!
« on: May 25, 2010, 05:29:05 AM »
What skill to buy after you kill a bunch of people? 

Empathy.  :)

DFRPG / Re: Aspects and Tagging
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:54:02 PM »
Other people can spend Fate Points to invoke that aspect for the bonus (or whatever).

It's only tagging - and thus free - the first time it's used.

DFRPG / Re: The Big Easy: New Session, New Characters!
« on: May 24, 2010, 02:21:08 AM »
Maybe we can salvage some of the boat pieces.  Between Craftmanship and Sovereign Glue, it might be possible to rig up something at least a little seaworthy - if not, we still have those water breathing potions.  Even if we can't recover or fix the motor, John has both air and water magic, so he could generate favorable wind and water currents.  Calling for help might also be possible, but that's for wimps.  :)

DFRPG / Re: Blocks instead of defense rolls
« on: May 22, 2010, 07:36:57 AM »
Evocation blocks can already easily exceed other defenses; I don't see why they'd need additional advantages.

An out of turn action that takes up your next action in more narrow circumstances than "Some dude is attacking me" is already a stunt.

DFRPG / Re: Awesome First session and Kemmler pickled brain
« on: May 17, 2010, 07:53:45 PM »
The refresh rating actually doesn't seem too important for balancing - sure, powers matter.  However, skills matter a lot!

For example, Ghouls have +4 Fists and Athletics.  So they attack a +4 for 4 base damage with their powers.  And they dodge at +5 with Inhuman Speed.  They're accurate, hit hard, and dodge easily.

OTOH, vampires only have +3 Fists with the same damage as the ghouls.  With only 2 Athletics and Speed, they dodge at a mere 3. 

In a straight up fight, the standard ghoul is more dangerous than the standard RCV, since they're more accurate, and take less damage because of dodging.  A few shifts on offense or defense matter a lot - it's the difference between a clean block/dodge or taking 3 or 4 damage from STR+Claws.  The vampire only pulls ahead if it can use its Stealth with Cloak of Shadows or saliva effectively.  They have other stuff besides being combat monsters. 

Changing the skills around a bit makes a huge difference - the Vampire martial artist or fencing master with upgraded combat skills will be a much scarier opponent than normal at the same refresh cost.

DFRPG / Re: Permeable Wards, Rubber bands and Cellphones - What?
« on: May 17, 2010, 07:35:48 PM »
In theory, a wizard's house could be rigged with tons of circles so that the new fangled electrikity could be installed.  All the wiring could be wrapped in a tube with circles inscribed periodically.  Then you create a circle around all the appliances too.  However, it would probably take either massive renovation or building a new place - and having yourself or another trusted practitioner around to install the circles as the other stuff is going in.  So a wizard would probably be paying through the nose for that kind of set up.

Some of them might go down every so often during cleaning, but it should still vastly increase the equipment's useful life.

DFRPG / Re: The Big Easy: First Real Session!
« on: May 16, 2010, 10:50:58 PM »
Whitfield #3 actually shot down the date idea.  And I think you forgot the thing with Lefleur and individual running the place. 

It's actually sort of disappointing that you dropped Michael's role for Iggy.  Michael is fundamentally decent guy - his mission is redemption.  Iggy, essentially, is a lot like Temper: a dangerous, tricky sort of person with an extremist worldview that justifies a lot of violence.  A lot of their skills are even the same.  So the dynamic would be completely different between the characters.

I suggested that Fix rig up an improvised Faraday Cage to help mitigate the Warden's lightning.  Get some use out of that superb Crafting.  And maybe he could tag it as a heat source to boost a fire attack after it is used up as a defense.

DFRPG / Re: The Big Easy: First Real Session!
« on: May 16, 2010, 04:04:44 AM »
You'd think that failing would be punishment enough for a bad roll, but my stuff gets broken and my character becomes a joke in addition.   >:(  And I think it was -4.

Iggy was throwing out like +2 on all his rolls.  I was -1 on most of mine.  I think I'm going to start rolling out of cup. 

Snubbed?  That's just the beginning!  John invites Temper there and introduces her to a WCV.  Without any sort of indication that Lefleur is in fact a mind bending monster.    To get ahead of the summary a bit: Iggy kind of freaks a bit when Temper sits down there because John told him about her being the person he's looking for.  And then Nicky enters the bar a bit later.  Again, no mention of how dangerous this guy is.  And there's some back room dealing...  Temper has noticed how John was very quick to tell her the weaknesses of his enemies, but not so quick to mention anything else. 

So, what do we think the odds are that Nicodemus actually needs his wheelchair?  :)

DFRPG / Re: The Beauty of Stealth - Ambushing
« on: May 15, 2010, 08:48:36 AM »
And it's really serious if someone is ambushed by a high power evocation.

DFRPG / Re: Emotional Vampire; Benefits?
« on: May 13, 2010, 12:39:43 AM »
It lets you heal in combat.  It also can grant +1 attack after you've hit once.  Any sort of accuracy boost is a pretty big deal in this game.

DFRPG / Re: Need advice on a fire-based defense
« on: May 08, 2010, 08:50:03 PM »
I'm not saying it's not an effective, if limited, defense, I'm just saying that there are probably other, more effectual and efficient, tools in your kit that would be better at stopping attacks than fire magic.

Not really.  Designing a character to use the same element for attack and defense is vastly more effective than using two elements, since your specializations can apply both ways.  And if you can't apply specializations, then you can't have other types of magic.

Conversely, fire magic doesn't really have too many offensive advantages over other elements, so there's no special reason why it should be disadvantaged defensively. 

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