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Messages - Second Aristh

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DF Spoilers / Re: Mab, So Who. . .?
« on: July 18, 2020, 06:24:14 PM »
  I think Mozart was 35 when he died...
Ah, algebra has made me a fool once again.  My mistake, thanks.

I'm 99% certain we determined it was Schubert.

As in the guy who died at 31 after composing Winterreise.
Also a strong possibility, but that would put Maeve a few decades younger. 
Wasn't there something like a century of backlog that Molly was having to get through?  It would put Maeve as having slacked off for half her life.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac Kineely
« on: July 18, 2020, 06:15:02 PM »
Ya. Balor and Ethniu are from Irish/Celtic mythology as far as I know. Not Greco-Roman. How she has the title “the last titan” is a mystery to me. Though my theory is this is another example of mantles and masks- perhaps she was a Greek deity/Titan originally. When that religion faded she picked up a new mask in the Irish mythos.

Given the commonalities between some religions- mainly a Sky/Thunder god as head of the pantheon, I wonder how many different identities Vadderung’s had over his life.
Odin isn't really a sky/thunder god like Zeus.  Their main overlap is being the chief god in their pantheons.  Of the Greek gods, Odin is most closely aligned with Hermes's domain of traveling, magic, and trickery.

I think "Titan" is a good catchall term for a member of a defeated pantheon.  Those were relatively common in mythology, and the Fomor as described in the books would qualify.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab, So Who. . .?
« on: July 18, 2020, 06:06:41 PM »
  I think that one has been around for a long time, maybe it was Bach?
Bach was German.  Mozart was Austrian and died in his forties.

DF Spoilers / Re: What if its not Thomas
« on: July 18, 2020, 06:04:34 PM »
I agree.  Explosions are not Thomas's style, and it's hard to believe that Thomas decided to assassinate Etri at the center of his power without an escape strategy.

I think it's more plausible that Thomas was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  If Thomas is in the room with Etri at the same time that an "assassination attempt" happened and if the real attacker disappeared, the svartalves would assume they caught the assassin.  (Also, I can't find the on-camera part.  Was the attempt caught on camera?)

Overall, it put this one at the BC's feet instead of Lara or Mab (if they don't know the family relationship, it's easy enough to assume Harry would help a frequent ally).  It's an easy distraction setup for Harry so they can get him indirectly.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac Kineely
« on: July 18, 2020, 05:18:04 PM »
   I doubt it, because Titians have been around longer than Mac, but it is possible.  Maybe it will be Mac that stops her?
We don't know how long Mac has been around, though?

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks - Continuity Notes [Spoilers]
« on: July 18, 2020, 05:16:12 PM »
It doesn't give the year though, Harry was born twenty six years before Storm Front, but it doesn't give the year that Storm Front takes place in.
Storm Front happened within a year or two of 2000.  (with some admitted timeline mistakes)

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab, So Who. . .?
« on: July 18, 2020, 05:14:00 PM »
Maeve and Sarissa's father probably wasn't the Conqueror, whoever they are.

Can we get a break down of the biological relationships between the various Fae Queens we have seen on screen?
Of particular interest – Maeve and Sarissa, were they actually Mab’s kids (biological sense)? If so, who was Mab’s baby daddy?

Mab and Titania are actual twin sisters.
Maeve and Sarissa were twin sisters, from Mab. Their father was an Austrian composer and musician who died young.
If we're gonna go for someone famous for their father, my money is on Mozart.

« on: July 18, 2020, 05:10:15 PM »
Yeah, Jim talked about that conversation with his publisher.  To get PT/BG out as a single book would have put the price over $50 for a hardcover, and he didn't want to do that. 

I would imagine not having the machinery to publish hardcovers that thick and having to subcontract them out would be pretty expensive.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why, Thomas, Why? (Peace Talks Spoilers)
« on: July 18, 2020, 03:19:13 AM »
Seems like Freydis should be added to that list.  She's a new addition to Lara's inner circle, and probably the easiest for a shapeshifter to impersonate.  She's mostly a physical brawler, and her runic magic can be stolen with no one the wiser.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace talks spoilers: Thomas... Metamorphosis???
« on: July 17, 2020, 09:56:53 PM »
   I don't think so, but even so he isn't allowed to communicate with anyone.
Maybe because before there was no one else in the same security level.  Now there is.
(I'm assuming it's British voice from before)

DF Spoilers / Re: Ferrovax [Peace Talks Spoilers]
« on: July 17, 2020, 09:50:09 PM »
Ferro and Odin were the toughest Accords members present besides Mab, but I don't necessarily think Odin is personally as powerful as Mab like Ferro.  He's just extra tricky and knows everything.

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Harry's Assumptions are Wrong?
« on: July 17, 2020, 08:38:53 PM »
That was my first thought as well, but I thing Gard the Second did that.
Yeah, one or the other for sure.  I thought it might have been a lot for one valkyrie to get through in the time since TC (although, on second thought, Shagnasty might have been an impetus to get that project started).

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Harry's Assumptions are Wrong?
« on: July 17, 2020, 08:06:30 PM »
Could she have asked that favor, though?  Mab doesn't have that kind of authority over Harry's Warden hat.

Also, Mab says that Lara earned three favors but she already provided one.  Any ideas about the first favor?  My first thought was the wards on the Raith estate.

DF Spoilers / Re: McCoy and Bob
« on: July 17, 2020, 06:28:58 PM »
There are contradicting WoJ about when and where Bob came from. I find that frustrating. Jim has suggested that Bob came from Etienne the Enchanter in much the same way Bonnie came from Harry. Etienne picked up the skull in medieval France. Bob says he has about 600 years of memory to sort through. He said he Evil Bob has 100 years worth of knowledge, but the timeline shows him with Kemmler for only 40 years or so.
Bob's skull was made by Etienne the Enchanter in medieval France, but that's not the same thing as Bob.  I don't think its contradictory, just tricky to parse.

« on: July 17, 2020, 06:24:25 PM »
I don't really buy that Mab's mantle somehow slipped.  I think Ethniu really is a heavyweight.  Just look at her handling Ferrovax:
The goddess walked forward, staring down at Marcone.  She circled him, shaking her head in judgement--and still no one moved.  She pointed a finger at Ferrovax without looking at him and said, "Introduce me to this ephemeral."
For a few seconds there was silence.  Then Ferrovax spoke in a ragged voice that sounded like it was being dragged out through his teeth.  "This is Ethniu.  Daughter of Balor.  The Last Titan."
Ethniu lowered her pointing finger.  Ferrovax gasped and staggered, putting a hand on the back of his chair to balance himself as he breathed heavily.

That being said, Ethniu came fully armored with a legendary artifact against Mab's party dress.  I could buy that the Titanic bronze could have some effects that hid from Mab exactly how threatening that Ethniu was before revealing herself.  Her kick through the wall was clearly a sucker punch against Mab's passive defenses.

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