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Messages - Sanctaphrax

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DFRPG / Re: Bunyips
« on: January 28, 2018, 08:04:07 AM »
Granted, but once all of the form Points have been lost, that's two refresh doing nothing; my idea was that those points could be traded in for Bunyip specific things but nothing else.

Ah, that makes sense.

DFRPG / Re: Dwarfs
« on: January 21, 2018, 10:01:02 PM »
Irritating that a suit of magical armor is no better than a completely mundane suit of armor that costs zero refresh.

The stress boxes are a big deal. If you find that unsatisfying, maybe spend a point of Refresh on another point of armour. Stunt armour can stack, and is available at 1 Refresh point per armour point.

[-0] The Catch anything that bypasses the physical Armour also by passes the Toughness

Definitely not a +0 Catch. Arguably a +4 Catch.



[-3] Supernatural Might.  Gains the Effects 'Hammer Blows' (+2 Damage with the Weapon) plus 'Improved Lifting' (+3 to breaking inanimate objects) from Supernatural Strength. Basically, once the weapon gets moving, not much can stop it.

The cost of Supernatural Might should be bolded and the cost of the weapon overall should be adjusted now that you've reduced the cost of the Power it grants. Also, you seem to have listed the bonuses for Inhuman rather than Supernatural Strength on accident.

DFRPG / Re: Bunyips
« on: January 21, 2018, 09:57:03 PM »
Yeah, this is good stuff.

Mechanical nitpicks:

A new born Bunyip has True Shapeshifting and Modular Abilites, but any Power or Skill used repeatedly will 'stick' and have to be paid for – with Form Points. These changes can turn the child into almost anything – including a Seelie! However a Bunyip's parents will encourage the child to be a Bunyip; for starters the child will not be allowed out of their home until they are Aquatic. The vast majority of Bunyip children become Bunyips; to reflect this, the base 2 points for Modular Abilities can only be spent towards Bunyip powers.

Base 2 points? What do you mean by that?

Modular abilities costs 2 Refresh upfront, but you don't get any points for that. It doesn't really have "base points".

[-2] Beast Change (to the local water predator). The oldest Bunyips will refuse to travel, finding changing to an unfamiliar creature distasteful. Younger Bunyips will still have True Shapeshifting [-4].

Beast Change only costs 1 Refresh. As long as the skill list remains constant, I don't think there's any need to increase the cost for the regional variability.

Bunyips will frequently have Toughness and Recovery Powers; the Catch is always Cold Iron [+1]. If the Bunyip Hulking Size[-1],...

Hulking Size is 2 Refresh, cold iron is a +3 or +4 Catch.

DFRPG / Re: Dwarfs
« on: January 20, 2018, 07:57:44 AM »
>Would be kinda lame if any random dwarf could make a knife that trumps Nicodemus's noose.
Given that the Swords can't take out the noose (they are the specific example given in his write-up) these weapons certainly can not.
What should it be able to do - well, there's clearly no problem in someone making a weapon out of cold iron. Murph casts silver bullets. Salt should tricky, until you consider metallic salts such as iron pyrites.
How about supernatural catches? Well, the dwarfs already meet the Catch for Grendelkin. Holy Weapons are easier enough for clergy.

How about "can incorporate any Catch they have access to into the Weapon"?

Sounds good to me.

As for Nicodemus, there's a bit of a fluff-crunch mismatch there. The swords shouldn't beat the noose, but by my reading of the RAW they do.

Toughness and Recovery
Generally speaking, you're only allowed one Catch rebate. Granted, you're not doing anything unfair here, but...actually, I think it might be more thematic to make both Powers depend on drunkeness. As-is, sobering up a dwarf has a minimal effect on their fighting abilities. Recovery is mostly for between fights, you know?

The "shrug it off" aspect specifically works in combat, a hostile spellcaster can actually use the Effect against the Dwarf. Losing the "Vigorous" Effect could also bite.

The reason for the different Catches was to emphasize the personality switch between cold and fierce in combat but lighthearted and disreputable out of it.

Fair enough.

And I know Inhuman Recovery does have some combat effects, but they're fairly minor.

What's that bit at the end meant to mean? Is it just a reference to the fact that a full suit is armour 3, rather than armour 2 as is normal for the supernaturally tough?

The armour is both mundane armor - giving from 1 to 4 Armour dpending on coverage - and grants the Supernatural Toughness Power, which in turn grants the wearer an additional point of Armour.

I'm not sure that's a good idea. Normally Toughness doesn't stack with armour at all, and mundane armour usually caps out at 2 or 3. I've found that armour 3 is already a ton; I don't think letting this stuff be armour 5 is a good idea. Especially since, with Catch and IoP rebates, armour like this can already give Mythic Toughness for 1 Refresh.

Also, given the description, I'd expect a +3 (arguably +4) catch of "stuff armour obviously isn't useful against". Like poison, drowning, really hot weather, and thaumaturgy that detonates the heart inside your chest.

Hmm: yes. How about "anything that bypasses the physical Armour also by passes the Toughness"?

Sounds good to me.

Probably shouldn't be 4 Refresh if it's missing many of the normal effects of Supernatural Strength. Also, might be worth writing out specifically what it does apply to. For example, does it boost grappling?
Really it's just the damage bonus from 'Hammer Blows' plus the breaking inanimate objects from 'Improved Lifting'.
How much do you think that should be worth?

Probably 3 Refresh. Part of me wants to say 2, but I'd hesitate to allow +4 stress alone for 2 Refresh. So 3 seems right.

Thanks, very useful feedback.

You're very welcome!

DFRPG / Re: Dwarfs
« on: January 19, 2018, 05:12:35 AM »
Cool stuff. I especially like this bit:

As miners and craftsmen of Summer, Dwarfs have a quite firm position on global warming: they're in favour of it. Telling them that their work is increasing global temperatures cause them to swell with pride. They are equally displeased with demands that they stop, and with claims that their work is not affecting climate.

I do have some nitpicks about the mechanical side, though.

Fae Smith [-2] The Dwarf gains +2 on a Craft speciality of his choice; whenever Craftmanship can modify a skill, always gains +1; and gain make Dwarf specific equipment. (Non-dwarfs with this Power can make their own racial gear, obviously). For every Fate Point spent crafting a weapon, a Catch can be added to it; Inherited Silver, Iron, Salt are all common Catches to incorporated into these weapons.

This seems reasonable enough, but what does it mean to add a Catch to a weapon? Does it mean that weapon satisfies that Catch permanently?

If so, there should probably be some limitation on it. Would be kinda lame if any random dwarf could make a knife that trumps Nicodemus's noose.

Inhuman Recovery[-2], the catch is sobriety[+1]. Note that the Recovery power can remove intoxication, making minor healing abilities very useful against dwarfs in a fight.
Inhuman Toughness[-2], the catch is trappings of Winter[+1]. Dwarfs can work Cold Iron, but avoid taking it into the Never Never.

Generally speaking, you're only allowed one Catch rebate. Granted, you're not doing anything unfair here, but...actually, I think it might be more thematic to make both Powers depend on drunkeness. As-is, sobering up a dwarf has a minimal effect on their fighting abilities. Recovery is mostly for between fights, you know?

[-4] Supernatural Toughness. Four additional boxes of physical stress; these clear away normally after combat (the armour isn't being damaged, you are just taking some bruising from the impacts). This stacks with any other Toughness abilities you may have.
 An additional Armor:1.

What's that bit at the end meant to mean? Is it just a reference to the fact that a full suit is armour 3, rather than armour 2 as is normal for the supernaturally tough?

[-0] The Catch Any aspect combat related Aspect can be called to aim a called shot for weak points (say, aiming for joints with a weapon or breaking a limb with Fists). If an Aspect is called for this purpose it cannot also be called to improve the attack.

This should definitely be more than a 0-point Catch.

Also, given the description, I'd expect a +3 (arguably +4) catch of "stuff armour obviously isn't useful against". Like poison, drowning, really hot weather, and thaumaturgy that detonates the heart inside your chest.

[-0] Surprisingly Heavy. You need a Might equal or higher than the level of the Weapon to use the Item, and your Might Modifies your weapon skill.

I don't think this is a good idea. No sense giving someone with Mythic Strength a random +3 to their attacks and defences. And as a restriction, it could be handled better as an Aspect.

[-0] Tool. The Item is a tool, and your Craftmanship skill complements your Weapon skill when wielding it. Under certain circumstances, your Weapons skill might complement your Craftsmanship skill as well.

I think this might also work better as an Aspect.

[-4] Supernatural Strength. However, this does not apply to lifting, nor to the Surprisingly Heavy Effect. Basically, once the weapon gets moving, not much can stop it.

Probably shouldn't be 4 Refresh if it's missing many of the normal effects of Supernatural Strength. Also, might be worth writing out specifically what it does apply to. For example, does it boost grappling?

DFRPG / Re: Jacuzzomancy?
« on: January 16, 2018, 08:14:11 AM »
You certainly could simulate the jacuzzi's effects with magic, but it'd add yet more complexity to an already non-trivial spell.

DFRPG / Re: So long, and thanks for all the posts
« on: January 16, 2018, 06:16:03 AM »
Welcome to the forum, Ben.

The guy you want to talk to about this stuff is Griffyn612. He's planning to take over the forum from Iago, and might be happy to have your help.

You can see his profile here:;u=6825

DFRPG / Re: Jacuzzomancy?
« on: January 16, 2018, 06:14:06 AM »
Doing that with conjuration would be pretty darn hard. YS274 specifically says

Functioning objects of real technology are pretty much impossible (or more accurately, too much work to be worth it).

and even a nonfunctioning hot tub would be pretty hard to make. I'd eyeball it at complexity 9 if you wanted it to look convincingly real. 3 shifts for complexity, 2 for size, 4 for believability.

You don't have to worry about shorting out your own magic, though. Water mages don't seem to do that. And anyway, it's no fun, so why should it happen?

The Power you really want for this kind of trick is Greater Glamours (YS166). It's not intended as a PC power, though. You might want to work out some kind of middle ground between Glamours and Greater Glamours. Alternately, you could just let the player take Greater Glamours after a conversation about what will fly and what won't.

DFRPG / Re: worth exploring dwarves, bunyips and others?
« on: January 15, 2018, 08:02:55 PM »
I've some thoughts for the supernatural down under; however given the forum being under Doom of Damocles, is it worth writing up? Would people be interested in such write ups?


The forum will be preserved intact at a new location, if all goes well. Even if doesn't, we can preserve your writing in form or another.

drop a google doc so any one wants can read. but i am interested. as for doom of Damocles i think it kinda smells like pr stunt sine its two weeks since we past closing day.

Not a stunt. How would that even work?

There was never a specific closing day.

DFRPG / Re: is righteousness overpowered?
« on: January 15, 2018, 08:01:24 PM »
Bless This House really is weak. But the others are pretty solid.

DFRPG / Re: So long, and thanks for all the posts
« on: January 14, 2018, 09:45:03 PM »
I'm stickying this thread. Also reposting this important link, which indicates that we can expect the forum to be reborn elsewhere:,50414.0.html

DFRPG / Re: general (non-DF) Fate forum?
« on: January 03, 2018, 09:58:32 PM »
If I were you I'd look at Google Plus or RPGnet.

DFRPG / Re: Ghoul stats
« on: January 03, 2018, 09:41:40 PM »
Page 59.

DFRPG / Re: An update to RPG
« on: December 17, 2017, 01:25:58 AM »
I'd be surprised. Haven't heard anything about it, and Fate Core is clearly a higher priority for Evil Hat now.

DFRPG / Re: Need help with a character idea
« on: December 14, 2017, 09:48:07 PM »
I wouldn't worry too much about death. This game makes it pretty hard to die.

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