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Messages - Ed0517

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DF Spoilers / Re: If you were a Minor Talent?
« on: August 04, 2022, 06:31:48 AM »
Harry wouldn’t make a sword.

He would make a gun capable of doing the same.

I'm wondering if you could have a gun - does a magic sword work for anyone, or does it channel their magic power? You might need to be touching the item. Otherwise I'd assume Luccio would have made a gun - she carried one in the West...

DF Spoilers / Re: If you were a Minor Talent?
« on: August 04, 2022, 06:15:47 AM »
No, nor is Soulfire a gift that archangels hand out willy nilly...

No. Have we seen anyone else using it? At all? Although.. could it be in one of the Nails? Did that propagate the lightsaber blade? Butters just pulled teh trigger, it was not in him.

Is it generally known Harry HAS Soulfire? Might mark him as someone who has friends in REALLY high places that you might try to avoid messing with.

DF Spoilers / Re: If you were a Minor Talent?
« on: August 04, 2022, 06:05:18 AM »

Like, Luccio is a master Smith, I bet she could use Soulfire to give everyone a lightsaber instead of just Butters.

Do we know she's a smith or does she simply enchant blades? We've seen different people carrying different sorts of blades - if she were forging them all, I'd expect more uniformity, even if just for the manufacturing setup.

Harry probably does not MAKE his magic rings, he makes regular rings magic. His duster was a gift. He enchanted it. Elaine likely does not make her chain, she just plugs it in.

And Soulfire seems more material than energy field like a lightsaber. Now, can Harry use Soulfire in his shields? Maybe it would not transmit heat?

DF Spoilers / Re: The castle and the island, theory
« on: August 04, 2022, 05:28:54 AM »
Yeah.  It's just a matter of... did Marcone buy the block (or a hefty chunk of it)?

Or did he only buy the one lot (and the Castle is Tardis-like (bigger inside than out  ::) )... i.e. Jim & the beta-readers messed up)?

He bought the Wrigley Field parking lots from earlier..... ;)

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: August 04, 2022, 05:25:34 AM »
I daresay a great many "political" marriages aimed at creating an heir had no love involved.

So long as any partner of a Whamp wasn't in love -- or took care to "eliminate" the protection by having sex with someone else -- there's no problem (other than Whamp's inherent low fertility).

Well, that also would assume the baby is Harry's in fact and not just in name

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 30, 2022, 07:19:21 AM »
I do not remember that being said in text. Do you remember if after Karin's death Harry touched Lara?

Not that I recall. Maybe it was something said here, or a WOJ? You COULD justify it in a way - recall that Bob says Harry had little pieces of his soul gone, that he shared them with someone, a hug, or the like? Maybe that is what protects against Whamps, but when someone dies... it goes to Heaven with them. That is why people feel they lost a part of themselves, they have to grow their souls over the missing part. Susan hadn't died - Harry still had a little piece of her. Murphy is gone, so that left this plane to Valhalla. 

DF Spoilers / Re: If you were a Minor Talent?
« on: July 30, 2022, 07:14:27 AM »
I mean that's kinda on point for "minor talents" in the DF. Mort is a minor talent, but give him a Wizard'S ghost, and he can do anything a Wizard can.

Wizard's just like to dismiss non wizard's because they're all arrogant as fuck

Doesn't someone (Lea, perhaps?) say in his way, Mort may be more powerful than Harry?

the wizards are arrogant as heck.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 30, 2022, 07:06:31 AM »
I agree about both male and female whampires having low fertility is the most probable explanation.
Still, I think the marriage is not to be consummated, and will be nullified because of that. But why it won't be consummated? Because Harry is still protected by true love. Lara and Harry do not want to be married, so they will use it as an excuse for breaking the marriage.
(As we are a little touchy about writing, sorry if I made any mistake. As many of you know, English is not my first language).

I may be wrong - but I thought that protection only applied when the two lovers are both alive... Murphy is dead. Susan protected Harry as she was just estranged.

DF Spoilers / Re: If you were a Minor Talent?
« on: July 28, 2022, 02:15:10 AM »

I should also drop a minor-talent character concept that I came up with for the DF RPG...

My guy is a bike-courier in some major downtown metro area.  As originally envisioned, he's in San Francisco ... but any city would work, where lawyers & financiers &c need physical doc's moved on an "ASAP basis" from office to office.

His "minor talent" is that anything closed that he touches, he can fully-envision the contents.  Read documents, look at plans, etc.

(n.b. he has a supernaturally-comprehensive overview of all the contents (like an intellectus); but once you unseal it that's gone, and he's got to physically turn every page to find anything...)

doesn't sound very minor to me. Get this guy in the right spot, and front run acquisitions and the like?

DF Spoilers / Re: If you were a Minor Talent?
« on: July 28, 2022, 02:12:58 AM »
But if you had that talent couldn't you also stop it? ???

Murphyonic field. That's why Harry had no gas or electric in the old place.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 28, 2022, 02:11:50 AM »
  I think the problem is one of sperm count, remember Thomas originally thought that he was sterile.  With the exception of Lord Raith's kids there are very few WCV children running around. Which could be why Lord Raith seemed to have chosen human females for mating.

could be BOTH males and females are low fertility. Too, consider how long Whamps live. Tortoises breed slowly. Rabbits, which live a year in the wild, breed like... well, rabbits....

DF Spoilers / Re: If you were a Minor Talent?
« on: July 27, 2022, 04:09:32 AM »
My luck my minor talent would be enhancing plant growth, so I have to mow the lawn more often

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 27, 2022, 04:07:59 AM »
If they are being outbred by other houses, could any of it be because  a female skewing ratio in House Raith, by Daddy killing off his sons?

  Are most WC-human hybrids Male vamp/human female or female vamp/male human? Seems to me the vamps would likely prefer to use human women to carry to term instead of their own. And if a female vamp gets pregnant, she is not getting pregnant again for 9 months, a male vamp can try to impregnate again later that night...

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 26, 2022, 04:43:48 AM »
I'm not convinced Whamps subscribe to human notions of sexism, that having female leadership would be a disadvantage. The Malvora's were led by a woman until the coup attempt, and she was considered just as much of a threat to overthrow House Raith if Lord Raith's weakness became public as the Skavis kird was.  And the coup attempt killed not just the pair of them, but most of the second tier around them.

Lara is probably in more danger from other Raiths when the charade of her father being functional eventually fails than Raith overall is from any of the other houses. She's probably planning as much for that contingency as for external events in seeking the arranged marriage, whether it produces a child or not.

I think there is some sexism, but it is not absolute. look at the world a few decades ago.  Women leading were unusual, but not unique - Golda Meir. Margaret Thatcher. Indira Gandhi. Papa Raith had his sons killed as potential threats. The daughters lived. He thought them less dangerous...

I would not be surprised that when the facade falls the inner circle amongst the Raiths all know. Thomas does. I would expect Lara is slowly leaking it to her sisters, if she has not already done so. The cousins, not so much. Some may know, some will not know until the facade falls.  She will consolidate her power - and the fact she enthralled the king and had everyone fooled for a time makes her appear more formidable. Plus, she now has an alliance with Winter.... seen any Whamps you put up against Lea? Maybe outintrigue Lea (and maybe not!) but straight up, she stomps

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara Raith marriage consummation
« on: July 25, 2022, 02:51:32 AM »
Yes, in some circles that is it exactly, lesbians are considered virgins..

reminded me of a passage in a humorous fantasy, The Inadequate Adept by Simon Hawke. An elf has just been saved by a dragon, swooping down, breathing fire at the ugly unicorns who do not like virgins chasing her. She is brought up to the castle turret before the wizard who ordered the rescue, with the prince standing by

W: "Why were the unicorns chasing you?"
B: "Obviously, she's a virgin."
E: "I am NOT a virgin!"
B: "The unicorns knew better. They would have smelled a man on you"
E: "I have never had a man on me, thank you very much!"
B: "Then what did you mean when you said you weren't a .....""Oh, I see"

oops... edit - "B:" was Prince Brian, cursed to be - no kidding, a werechamberpot. He was only human at full moon until the curse was lifted

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