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Messages - Griffyn612

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DF Spoilers / Re: Thomas [Spoilers PT & BG]
« on: October 27, 2020, 02:16:19 AM »
Another thing to worry about is if Thomas's hunger reaches his father's level, and he becomes capable of killing with just a kiss.  Even trying to release him in a controlled environment might get ugly if his demon is in charge and is that dangerous.

I still think there's a chance Harry develops something to store Wamp power, even at a significant loss, to let Thomas nurse back to health.  Especially with Lara's help.

DF Spoilers / Re: I'm A Bit Confused... Nemesis or Outsider or Both???
« on: October 27, 2020, 02:07:21 AM »
He might be immune to the corruption caused by black magic, but that doesn't mean he's immune to the direct effects of changing who he is and how he thinks. He's choosing to be that way, choosing to use his magic in that way. Just like everything else, you can't protect from yourself.
One thing I think we're overlooking though is black magic as a drug, something that weakens your willpower to resist possession. This is also possibly why Justine has been apparently completely overpowered, she was addicted to Thomas.
To use griff's analogy above, Harry gets a hole from it still, but outsiders can't move into that space because of his starborn protection. Perhaps why so many things and factions have sought to shape him of recruit him. His own actions still shape him, and they could still shape him into something they could use.
He's clearly susceptible to manipulation from Inside power.  He went a bit dark side after consuming dark power from the Nightmare. He's given in to the dark power of the Winter Knight mantle.  He started losing his temper under the shadow of a coin.  He was hypnotized be the allure of necromancer power from Evil Bob.

The only bad influence we've seen him easily resist is Outsider pressure.  So he's definitely vulnerable to the manipulation of others.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Next Book's Title
« on: October 27, 2020, 02:01:54 AM »
There was a WOJ that there's a way for one practitioner to consume another's power ("and it's horrible").
I don't see Harry doing that to himself.  Not our Harry, at least.  And the wording made it sound more like they'd be merging from two to one, rather than stealing power like the Nightmare did.

DF Spoilers / Re: [BG spoilers!!] Margaret LeFay
« on: October 27, 2020, 01:59:02 AM »
She was not on the run her whole life. The difficulty with the glimpses of Margaret’s life we get is that they are difficult to place chronologically.
I said the majority of her adult life. Eb says "she ran off as soon as she could get away with it.  Started taking up with bad sorts out of sheer rebellion."

He makes it sound like she ran as soon as she finished her formal training, and was all but immediately in trouble with the Council. Luccio confirms she was causing trouble for the Council within a year of joining.  The wardens were to arrest her on sight.  She was wanted for violating multiple Laws.

Add to that, with what we know about her mastering the Ways better than any mortal, and it's safe to say she was on the run a lot.  It seems like her time with Raith might have been one of her more stable periods.

I mean, she might have spent years in a place, but the Wardens aren't fools.  If there was any effort to catch her, and given Luccio's statement that they were all aware of her being a threat, then she was on the move a lot.

DF Spoilers / Re: I'm A Bit Confused... Nemesis or Outsider or Both???
« on: October 26, 2020, 09:53:33 PM »
I might be missing something in your analogy, but my point is that Harry was corrupted by his use of black magic. If black magic corruption is Outsider corruption, and Harry is immune from black magic corruption, then Harry can't be corrupted by his use of black magic, except in the mundane real world sense that bad acts corrupt a person.
My take is that Harry is immune specifically to outsider influence and corruption.  He's clearly affected by it, as the third eye junkie could see the stain left by Behind. And Harry seemed aware of it, which could imply others like Eb saw it and told him, since he's never soulgazed himself.

I would consider it more like a scar or stain, but one that doesn't get worse over time. I'm not sure there's an exact correlation with the port analogy.

The closest I can think of is black magic puts a hole in a steel shield, and Outsider corruption is rust that slowly degrades the metal until it's weakened and compromised.  Being a Starborn, Harry's shield has some extra materials included (nickel and chromium) that make it rust-proof.

So maybe he still gets the dent or hole from black magic, and it's visible, but it's not as bad as what others would deal with.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's Build-a-Fear [BG & Future book news spoilers]
« on: October 26, 2020, 09:37:44 PM »
It’s Ronald McDonald
Naw, better the Hamburgerler....
Please, he's a huge fan of Burger King.  It'd have to be the King.

For Dresden's personal tulpa? It would take the form of all the people he couldn't save to come haunt him..
That'd be one type of tulpa. I was thinking one that wouldn't be haunting him, but it could do that.  But would that be any different than a phobophage trying to torture him?

DF Spoilers / Re: The Next Book's Title
« on: October 26, 2020, 09:34:43 PM »
Tulpa!Harry conjured by conjuritis and reality disruption would be one of methods to kill Rudolph I'd not be opposed of.

Or even better Dresden having to save Rudolph from tulpa :3
Salt those wounds Jim, salt them.

And then when Dresden is kidnapped by Mirror!Harry - Harry at first is like - WTF again!
Doing both back to back might be too much or too similar, but I think JB could pull it off. Especially if the first helped him learn about himself, and the second helped him see just how good he is. 

Kind of like his ghosts of what he could be, and what he could have been. 

DF Spoilers / Re: [BG spoilers!!] Margaret LeFay
« on: October 26, 2020, 09:30:43 PM »
The Erlking did say that Harry being LeFay's child made Harry's "visit" to his domain make more sense.

Said visit was in Changes when Harry & Susan were being chased by the Ebs, their Red Court Vampire entourage, and the Ik'k'oux.

Margaret Lefay likely dropped in unexpectedly a few times with some antagonistic +1's.
Sure, but the link to his domain in Chicago is the fbi building. It's probably similar elsewhere, with a focus on links to places involving hunting. 

What business would Margaret have had in such places?  Seeing as she was a woman on the run from one group or another for most of her adult life?

I'm not saying it's impossible, in just curious what she was up to.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Next Book's Title
« on: October 26, 2020, 04:55:14 AM »
I'm lost on the subtlety of the difference or purpose of this tulpa then?
I've long figured in MM one of two things are going to happen
(click to show/hide)
I don't know what you mean by consuming mirror Harry.  They're both going to be humans, presumably, with different flavors of power.  Humans don't really consume each other?

I picture mirror Harry being human with selfish motivations. I picture tulpa Harry being almost beastial, with Id's lack of empathy and the Winter Mantle's ferocity.

Imagine an iced over Harry that's gone full Winter, who's only goal is to defeat Harry's (and its own) fears by killing everything that threatens them.

Harry has issues with Marcone? Tulparry goes after him, jeopardizing their truce in the process.

Harry has trust issues with Mab? Tulparry tries to kill her to free Molly.

It'd be like the Nightmare all over again, only instead of a Kravos-based monster using Harry's intellect and strategy against him, it'd be using it to enact what he's always wanted to do, but has always been too afraid to do, for one reason or another.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's Build-a-Fear [BG & Future book news spoilers]
« on: October 26, 2020, 04:38:57 AM »
If the 'action' plot isn't tracking down Justine and exorcising her, resolving that is going to have to be either awkwardly shoehorned in at the end of MM, or wait for the wrestling book.
Does it have to be resolved, though?  Or can we leave Justine infected for a few books, making her relevant beyond Thomas's girlfriend?

I mean I'm fine with the next book having Thomas be healed, Justine being saved, and the wedding between Lara and Harry being a double wedding between Thomas and Justine.  But I think it'd be interesting to have Justine remain infected and a hostage host for Beside.

With a side helping of the Genoskwa coming in for revenge.
That would fit well adjacent to lessons with River, since we learned more about the relation between them in PT.
I can see Harry learning something about shape shifting from him, and some interaction with Listens to Wind, even if Harry is no longer a part of the White Council.  Harry can also benefit from their wisdom and outlook on life.
I think it would depend on the nature of Harry's therapy.  I don't know who Harry would trust with his inner thoughts and fears and secrets, but River would be an ideal candidate.

DF Spoilers / Harry's Build-a-Fear [BG & Future book news spoilers]
« on: October 25, 2020, 07:12:31 PM »
As TCF shared here, the next book might not be Mirror Mirror, but instead a book spanning the year between BG and the wedding, where Harry deals with his trauma and completes some sort of therapy.

Thinking about what a villain for such a book might be, I realized that BG kind of set up a scenario where Harry might create his own enemy.
  • Per Bob, tulpas might have been generated in BG through collective fear and chaotic power. Tulpas are beings created from strong emotions, feelings, and thoughts. In Supernatural, a shared belief in something created that thing in the form of a tulpa.
  • Harry is suffering from conjuritis, where his thoughts are manifested using ectoplasm.
  • Harry's had a ton of mental trauma, to the point that he's going to have a book dedicated to it.
  • Harry's more powerful than most wizards his age, and conjuritis is rare at his age, possibly to the point to the effects might not well be known.

So, let's speculate that Harry is going to have a nervous breakdown, and his conjuritis is going to create a tulpa from his power and fear.

What tulpa would you want to see created, and what would it do?

Personally, I'd want it to be his Id self. Rather than being something attacking him, I'd want it to watch his deepest fears, literally.  I'd want it to be a version of him that gives in to its desires and tries to kill things that Harry wouldn't (Mab, Marcone, Rudolph, ghouls, etc) in order to make Harry safer.

It'd need to not be evil, per se, because that would be saved for the mirror mirror version.  And I think if they were similar enough but different enough, it could be done well, to the point that Harry having faced his own fears and issues in this next book would help him deal with the mirror situation better.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Next Book's Title
« on: October 25, 2020, 06:56:20 PM »
I just had a thought.  Harry has conjuritis as an adult, something that's not common.  He's also stronger than most wizards his age in raw power.  He's also going through lots of trauma that he hasn't dealt with. And we know from this last book that tulpas are possible, as Bob said they could be generated from all the fear and suffering in Chicago.

What if Harry were to conjure his own tulpa via conjuritis?  One that's stable and self-sustaining?

I think the best thing would be an evil version of him that's all of his fears given form, but not an evil version that goes after him, but one that attacks that which he fears.  That way it wouldn't be just a different take on the mirror mirror evil Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: [BG spoilers!!] Margaret LeFay
« on: October 25, 2020, 11:32:22 AM »
you know who'd be funny? Eldest Gruff. He was noticably absent to me. I figured since Titania refused to show she'd send him as her... Well basically as her Leah. But if he was more obligated as a member of her accords then he'd have to wear that mask. He's a hunter but won't attend the wild hunt? Maybe EK takes precedence there too? It seems to appear as his main power source in DB. That... That could be a joke told to Harry for him to figure out actually. Mentioning both of them in the same attendence. I wouldn't even put it past Kringle to invite him knowing he'd have to find a way to politely decline as some kinda fae game.
*Am I right in thinking they've never appeared on screen together?
Eldy Gru and Erl both attended Harry's birthday party at Arctis Tor, didn't they? Erl invited him hunting, if I recall.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Next Book's Title
« on: October 25, 2020, 11:27:36 AM »
No hat?
Do not try and bend the hat. That is impossible. Instead... Only try to realize the truth.

There is no hat.

DF Spoilers / Re: I'm A Bit Confused... Nemesis or Outsider or Both???
« on: October 25, 2020, 06:51:58 AM »
What I don't understand is, is Justine going to be weakened by the hunger? (I mean, while the baby is inside Justine) or not? Perhaps the infection gave her resistance to hunger.
Was it said somewhere that most mortal women don't survive the birthing, or that it's hard for them?  I mean, the demon doesn't kick in until the Wamp kids hit puberty, right?  I'd imagine it's not trying to feed until they're older.  But I can't recall if something was said about that.

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