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DFRPG / Librarians (BG spoilers)
« on: October 08, 2020, 12:33:46 AM »
I swear the Librarians were mentioned in one of the RPG material source books but can't seem to find any references to them.

Where were they mentioned?

DF Spoilers / Re: Star Borns. (Peace Talks and Battle Ground)
« on: October 02, 2020, 07:16:08 PM »
Honestly it could be Elaine. *cough* Kumori *cough*.

Incidentally Elain means Sunny. Kumori means Cloudy.

We all know how much Jim loves his puns.

Honestly I thought Eb was dead since the first few chapters of Peace Talks. Maggie says.

"Will Grandpa come for Christmas?"

DF Spoilers / Re: Star Borns. (Peace Talks and Battle Ground)
« on: October 02, 2020, 07:09:28 PM »
I mean it's directly him saying why Ethniu needs him that he's not just another mortel. At the very least it means Listens has the only access to a star born who won't work with or for Ethniu direct, only with Listens.

DF Spoilers / Re: Star Borns. (Peace Talks and Battle Ground)
« on: October 02, 2020, 06:57:27 PM »
Drakul may have started out human though.  Where does it say that about Listen?  I missed that one.   So he is at least 666 years old?  He most likely started out human as well, then kidnapped by the Fomor.

There seems to be as many star borns around as there are Easter Eggs... Kind of takes the specialness out of it doesn't it? ::)

Listen says so to Ethniu while the grimalkin is spying on them.

"How many starborn are there wandering about this close to the endg-"

DF Spoilers / Star Borns. (Peace Talks and Battle Ground)
« on: October 02, 2020, 06:25:43 PM »
Lash a few books ago
Quote from:
"There was a complex confluence of events, of energies of circumstances that would have given a child born under them the potential to wield power over Outsiders."... You have the potential to hold great power over them"

But thats old news Peace Talks and Battle Ground have given us some new information.

So we know they're resistant to Outsiders. Confirmed by Ebenezar.

They happen once every 666 years.

The information on them itself can be dangerous.

Stars and Stones are actual objects, one that Mavra intended to blood sacrifice to.

Drakul is a Star Born!

Mab implies it's possible for Harry to become immortal which Ebenezar glances significantly at.

Those are the one line summaries.


DF Spoilers / Re: Vadderung and Ferrovax(PT Spoilers)
« on: September 19, 2020, 06:02:53 PM »

I totally doubt that Vadderung is mortal.

You and Quantus both, but repeated WOj's say otherwise

Quote:"He's already Kringle when Kringles around...When he's acting in his role of Kringle he takes on the Kringle Aspect when he's doing that he's got all the power of a major lord of Faerie but he's also beholden to Mab while it's going on, Mab's no dummy though so she knows not to order him around. But they do talk and have strategy sessions and stuff like that. The Kringle is what Odin does to keep from dying of old age."

Quote: "If you’re (a powerful immortal being) in the real world, well, the problem is that you’re in the world, and you’re kind of mortal, and something could come along and try and whack you, if they’re fast enough, or good enough, or lucky enough. Which makes Odin a kind of special guy, because he doesn’t mind it, he thinks it’s awesome."

Already brought this up, and of course there is the legends of St Nicholas taming a Dragon.

Basically these two have been at it a long time, and it is likely they are most Dragons and Dragon Slayers in history anf myth. Wikipedia has a list of Dragon Slayers, several of which shout Vadderung. Basically everyone except Bard and Smaug.

It's one of the things about Immortals even if you're mortal enemies your frenemies if onyl for the fact that there are relatively few of you left, the ones that are have been around and you've known for centuries. Love/Hate Frenemies that you know evantually you might have to kill. Otherwise known as Family.

DF Spoilers / Vadderung and Ferrovax(PT Spoilers)
« on: September 19, 2020, 04:01:52 PM »
So that moment.

Vadderung is Beowulf.

Both Odin and Beowulf have slayed Dragons.

There was that moment just a subtle tap that made Ferro hesitate and stop, then once the Titan came the Titan was more respectful to Vadderung than she was to Ferro who was basically her puppet.

Given how powerful Ferro is there's also the limitation of that power. Ferro was rather limited in not being about to help the Accords or the new Anti-Titan League, because he could crack reality with his presence

Vadderung has more choice because he's mortal he can directly help.

In that moment that tap of warning and respect stalemated Ferro.

DF Spoilers / Re: We Now Know What/Who Mac Is
« on: September 18, 2020, 04:20:45 AM »
I think the Angel's "Don't hurt yourself"is more than just courtesy of humans not being able to handle an Angels presence with Third Site, I think it's just literally they don't want a stranger to view them that intimately

I've always wondered what Warden/White Council battle tactics were.

I've always thought ward masters on the front line, pyromancers just behind as artillery and every so often a Tank like Morgan or Ebenezar or Harry charging the lines trying to take out the commander.

DF Spoilers / Re: About Bob... (Spoilers All, Spoilers today's AMA)
« on: August 23, 2020, 12:02:36 PM »
Also she's got love from somebody judging by Grave Peril.

I thought that was just a side effect of getting all of Susans memories of Harry. Susan loved Harry therefore protection

That's really the answer to a different question, though. That could be how they became a major power, but they had to exist before they could capture and feed on anything. So what were they before that?

I mean you could ponder how any supernatural creature began if you're wondering how Vampires came about  how did any other creature?

I think it's clear the Lords of Outer Night were just regular Red Court Vampires who fed on Gods.

Since it shouldn't be plot-relevant going forward:
Where did the Red King come from in the first place to start the Red Court? Was he a wizard who transformed himself, or a Nevernever demon who "adapted" to the mortal world, or an actual god, or what?

Why did the Red King run away from Morgan, rather than just smashing him to the ground with his "overpowering will" and having him killed? Did Morgan have some counter to the "will" attack, or did that only work at Chichen Itza?

1. Answered in the Paranet Papers RPG Booklet. At least partially, they managed to capture Gods from another tribe feed on them to boost their own power. Repeat across South America.
Quote from:  Paranet Papers p 159
There was a tribe conquered by the Inca who worshipped gods that were very real—these gods walked among the people of this tribe and ruled them directly. They granted boons to the faithful and they protected their people, but they were cruel gods who demanded regular sacrifice. Their people were little more than tools and chattel to them, to use and discard at their whim. When the Inca conquered this tribe—whose name has been lost to time—their gods allowed it to happen. It’s likely they did this because they knew that they would become a part of a larger pantheon and thus gain more worshippers and power. As their influence grew, so did their potency, but it was not to last. The Red Court soon infiltrated the Inca, posed as their gods, and usurped the entire pantheon just as they had the Maya. Already very powerful and much more numerous than these old gods—who numbered thirteen—they
were able to capture them and bind them. The vampires drank of the blood of these gods and kept them alive so that they might continue to do so. The Red Court averted what could have been a catastrophic event but, in so doing, engineered their rise to power. This event, it turned out, was not much better for the people of South America. The spy told Lisa that this was how the Lords of Outer Night gained a large portion of their power, leeching it from the blood of gods

2. I think the 'will' thing required all of the Lords of the Outer Night together in one place and yeah probably drawing off a ley line centre of power.

Then ... why is Harry's mother's map any use to him?

Presumably because they come from the same school of magic. Ebenezar to Margaret Margeret to Harry.


Can you consciously control where a way you open will end up? Cowl+Peabody seem to be able to get to mildewland from pretty much anywhere (Murphy's front lawn, Edinburgh, the deeps etc).

Maybe something about the Darkhallow version of Changes and how it would have worked, need to think of wording.

1. Confirmed that who you are plays as much into opening a Way as where you are. Plus every wizard has a unique magic signature, Cowl and Peabody's are 'mildew'

2. Answered in a previously. Harry would have gone into the woods, killed a bunch of forest animals for life force, caused a natural disaster to get the power up. Can't find the quote though this is related

Quote from: jimbutcher
  How exactly would the version of Changes where Harry does the Darkhallow have gone afterwards? It seems like the kind of thing that would burn his bridges with absolutely everybody.

Answer:  Well, with the White Council for sure, and with a lot of human authorities. But if he'd become a friggin' necromancer, he would have found his allies among the dead and dead-adjacent, and things would have generally been a lot gothier. :)

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