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Messages - Second Aristh

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Yes, I didn't make myself clear, it was weird because he came off as an moral upstanding citizen caring about the city when all he really cares about is his own survival.
I think "all he really cares about" is a bit too strong, but yeah, it's likely higher on his priority list than Chicago as a whole.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace talks, battle ground, blackstaff spoilers
« on: July 20, 2020, 05:07:43 PM »
Also, it was just the LaChaise ghoul clan.  Presumably there are other weaker clans out there.

DF Spoilers / Re: why little or no ivy
« on: July 20, 2020, 05:05:10 PM »
I would imagine that Ivy is as pissed at Harry for planning to kill himself as she was with Kincaid for agreeing to help.  Harry is going to have to mend fences before he can convince Ivy to help him again.

DF Spoilers / Re: Spoilers: Different Names and Identities.
« on: July 20, 2020, 04:56:23 PM »
We know enough from Cold Days that the creation of Mantles and the powering of the up could be done, but I suspect the power of Hecate AND the Fates went into the creation of the six Mantles, otherwise you are slicing Hecate a bit thin. This was done to create the Cuurent Defenders of the Gates, the Greek Gods being the previous Defenders, and the Accords being set up as the next Defenders.
I would guess that it was a lot more than just Hecate and the Fates.  In just the Greek pantheon, there's a pretty strong argument for Demeter and Persephone getting eaten into the faerie queens, and triple goddesses seem to pop up in lots of mythologies.

Idk about the Greek pantheon defending the Gates, but I could definitely see Vadderung being involved.  WoJ on Ferrovax and the duties of the big-D Dragons could also fit as retired defenders.

Which is why it was weird to have him step up and take the lead to defend Chicago, even getting a bit moralistic...
I didn't think it was that weird for Marcone to step up like that.  He just met an immensely powerful being that wants to kill him in particular.  It's pretty rational to strong arm the Accords into getting yourself allies against Ethniu.  Just because he doesn't typically let emotions rule his judgment doesn't mean he can't use them to manipulate others.

They weren't really 'investigating' though- Harry and Eb were about 5 seconds out from a throwdown when the Outsiders popped up.

Maybe someone didn't want Harry pasted on the sidewalk just yet, so they called up some Eldritch horrors to distract them both?
That conversation escalated quickly, though.  Less than a minute in real time, probably.  How long does it take to whistle up Outsiders?  Harry was about to open up his Sight when Eb snuck up on him.

Maybe future-Harry arranges for them to be summoned so he and Eb don't throw down yet. Hence time travel?  That's the problem with time travel being introduced into stories.  Is Harry going to run himself off the road in that earlier book?
Almost definitely.  PG is rife with time travel confusion.

If anything, the Hounds seemed like a distraction tactic to me.  Harry and/or Eb needed to stop investigating the area around Thomas's apartment for some reason according to whichever BC outsider-summoner was paying attention.  The Hounds seemed like they would rank as "Formidable enough to warrant my full attention" to Eb's scale of monsters, but not high enough for "Flee into the NN and regroup after preparing".

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace talks, battle ground, blackstaff spoilers
« on: July 19, 2020, 08:13:41 PM »
If Granny Winter being active again was necessary in the BAT, it neatly solves the dilemma of not having an obvious successor to Eb.  Like Grifter said, I don't think it would happen until the BAT, though.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace talks, battle ground, blackstaff spoilers
« on: July 19, 2020, 06:32:40 PM »
Then Granny Winter is suddenly mobile again.  That certainly couldn't go bad for anyone.  Whoever would think that?!  ;D

DF Spoilers / Re: What if its not Thomas
« on: July 19, 2020, 06:31:36 PM »
We already know in Mirror Mirror that Harry is going to get summoned by Nega-Harry as a scape-goat.  I don't think there are alt!universe people running around at the moment.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac Kineely
« on: July 18, 2020, 09:36:50 PM »
Hecate being a Titan makes the point that while her power is still around, she isn't, or at least not as she was.  It seems that the only Titan left as she was is Ethniu.

Or we're arguing in the wrong direction, and she was just the last Titan born.  Seems unlikely, but hey, it's possible.
A new thought, what if Ethniu is the Last (Free) Titan?  The rest could have been eaten up into other mantles or locked up with Alfred.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab, So Who. . .?
« on: July 18, 2020, 08:56:04 PM »
As I recall, there's a WoJ about what happened to Maeve's father that mentioned being caught in a love triangle with Mab and Titania and it not ending well.

If he was Aurora's father too, well, ouch
You're thinking of Oberon, not Maeve's father.

« on: July 18, 2020, 08:49:40 PM »
The cost of publishing really must have gone up because Cold Days was over five hundred pages and the cover price was the same as Peace Talks approx $28.00.  Skin Game was four hundred and fifty pages, cover price cost roughly the same as Peace Talks $29.00..   I bought a Diana Gabaldon book from the Outlander series, over 800 pages for $35.00..  If Battle Ground four hundred and fifty pages for the cover price of $28.00, the total for the two books is $56.00!  Not to mention shipping, taxes, etc...  So my friends which would have served us better?  One longer more satisfying book that is a little more expensive or two shorter ones that in the long run we are paying more money for and are less satisfied?

Also since a lot of us purchase the book from Amazon or Kindle, we never pay the full price anyway..
When they were done discounting Peace Talks I think I was charged around $14.00 more or less, and roughly the same for Battle Ground..  The only way you pay full price is if you buy it from Barns and Noble or another bookstore, but if you belong to one of their clubs you also pay less.
Bottom line, if the machine your publisher has to make hardbacks can only handle a 600 page book, it's gonna cost a lot more to make a 750 page book.  They either have to buy a bigger machine or pay someone else to print it.  A $50 price tag is enough sticker shock to scare away a lot of readers that aren't as invested.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac Kineely
« on: July 18, 2020, 07:19:55 PM »
Re: Hecate...

The six queens of fairy are all pieces of Hecate, with the bulk of the goddess's power vested in the Mothers. Hecate intact would be vastly greater than Mab alone.

Also, I think Hecate was a goddess, not a titan, though I'm not sure how formal the distinction is.
All titans were deities.  Titan is just a deity in the generation before the Olympians in Greek mythology.

Also, I wouldn't be confident that Hecate would be vastly greater than Mab alone.  There were more deities added to the pot before the six-way split.  The Fates were in there, and I think there's a strong argument for Demeter as well.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac Kineely
« on: July 18, 2020, 06:27:06 PM »
Not just fallen pantheons. They were all giants.
"Giant" doesn't have much meaning, though.  You could call Mab a giant based on her personal power alone.  Ferrovax warps reality his power is so big.

Edit:  Mab is also technically a Greek titan in cannon as Hecate.

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