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Messages - Sanctaphrax

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 547
DFRPG / Re: fun declarations
« on: April 20, 2018, 09:10:50 PM »
Yep, same guy.

DFRPG / Re: fun declarations
« on: April 19, 2018, 05:51:40 AM »
I once introduced a dead master worldwalker as a background element for a region of the Nevernever. One of my players decided that his character was an admirer of the Wizard, and then Declared that said Wizard had left behind an inheritance waiting for someone to prove themself worthy of it. Kicked off a long-running subplot, in which that character worked to follow in the worldwalker's footsteps.

DFRPG / Re: Leprechauns
« on: March 21, 2018, 09:14:40 PM »
I want one for an one-time antagonist and was thinking it would have an ability that can make players reroll a die.

Check these out.

dfrpg-resources (which is closing)

It isn't. Wikispaces is closing, so dfrpg-resources will have to move and the links will all break, but I have no intention of letting the wiki disappear.

...I wish they would come up with a FATE Monster Manual.

I'm almost tempted to write one. Problem is, there's a million Fate variants. Really makes it awkward to produce a book for Fate as a whole.

DFRPG / Re: Attaching a Catch to non-toughness Powers?
« on: March 20, 2018, 08:37:24 AM »

DFRPG / Re: Questions about the power web.
« on: March 11, 2018, 10:19:50 PM »
+1 defence and +2 blocks?
Would a +2 to maneuvers and blocks with my shield to strong or no?

Fine by me, at least.

DFRPG / Re: Questions about the power web.
« on: March 10, 2018, 09:09:40 PM »
Defender: If an ally in the same zone is hit with an attack, you can use your shield to block the attack.  It uses your next turn to do so.

(note: based on the Riposte stunt.  Originally, I had it so you had to roll a defense against the attack, but now that I look at it, since it uses your next action - IE: only once/round - for something that is, essentially, a reaction, I think it should just be auto-success.  Thoughts?)

Riposte gets to be automatic because you've already made a successful roll. I don't think this should be automatically successful.

However, it could use a little extra juice. I'd make it a block. Something like...

Defender: Whenever someone in your zone is hit with a physical attack, you may sacrifice your next action to protect that character with a Weapons block. It applies to the attack that triggered it and to all subsequent attacks on that character until your next non-sacrificed action.

Thrown Defense: (must have Defender)  Same as Defender except you can defend an ally within up to one(or two?)  zone(s) away.  You must throw your shield for this to work.

Mighty Leap: (must have Defender and a speed power)  Same as defender but you may also move your free supplemental move granted from your speed power to defend an ally.  (Example: supernatural speed lets you move 2 zones for free. provided there are no borders, you can defend an attack against an ally up to 2 zones away.   It uses your next action to do so.)

Save the Children!  When doing a block with your shield, you may protect all allies within a zone.  (by the rules, you can already affect multiple people with a single block, so maybe it's a useless stunt.  It might need an extra boost.)

Boomerang Shield: when you use your shield as a thrown weapon, it comes back to your hand.

As far as I'm concerned, you could roll all these up into one stunt and it wouldn't be broken.

Shield Master: You are an expert at using a shield.  Add +2 to your defense and blocks when using a shield.

This might be a bit much, though. +2 defence alone is already a great stunt.

DFRPG / Re: Questions about the power web.
« on: March 10, 2018, 05:37:26 AM »
Captain America throws his shield around a lot, right? It's a weapon in his hands.

I figure a shield is normally usable as a melee weapon with rating 1, maybe 2 if it's got spikes or something. A stunt that upgraded that made your shield weapon 3 and gave it a range of 1 zone would seem fair to me.

A shield is probably already justification enough to defend against ranged attacks with Weapons; if your GM doesn't agree, a stunt could address that.

DFRPG / Re: Questions about the power web.
« on: March 10, 2018, 01:00:06 AM »
It seems to imply that the block stays until it is overcome (you don't have to re-do your block every round) butI think a block should last until the narrative justifies its removal.  Not sure if that's RAW, though.

It's not. By YS210, normally blocks last until the creator's next turn.

I'm pretty confident Web is meant to last longer. Otherwise, the Power basically has no reason to exist. Everyone can already make blocks against movement already, and the weird "if successful, strength = skill" set-up is mostly a drawback. Adding such a drawback makes a lot more sense on a lasting Power; it serves to prevent one amazing roll from permanently immobilising someone.

Anyway, I'm not sure what the Web's intended range is. Not very clearly written.

Also, would there happen to be any cool stunts or tricks that I can do with a shield? I've been searching high and low but can't seem to find any. Or could you point me in the right direction?

Found these on the wiki:

Shield Carrier: You know how to use a shield. Add one to your physical armour score as long as you are carrying a shield.
Phalanx Fighting: (Requires Shield Carrier) You know how to use a shield in a formation. Whenever you take a full defence action while carrying a shield, you may select two other characters in the same zone as you who have this stunt. Increase each of their physical armour scores by one until your next turn.

They're a little unexciting if you ask me, though. Armour stunts are a bit weak and full defence actions are rarely worth taking.

Maybe we can brainstorm something better. Do you have a specific image in mind?

DFRPG / Wikispaces is closing down
« on: March 04, 2018, 09:15:28 AM »
As you all should know, this forum will be closing soon. And sadly, it seems the same is true of our wiki. Wikispaces will be shutting its doors soon.

I have no intention of letting our resources vanish, though. I've backed the wiki up and intend to rehost it elsewhere. Existing links will break; there's just no way around that. But nothing should actually be lost.

Looks like I have until July to find a new home for the thing. Not really sure how to go about that. Anyone here have experience moving wikis?

DFRPG / Re: Help with two new power concepts?
« on: March 04, 2018, 09:10:03 AM »
There are some luck powers on the wiki here.

For a super-Catch, I'd be inclined to handle it with Compels. It's a simple, elegant, and effective approach to most issues of that kind.

Anyway, all the existing rebate Powers work by limiting other Powers. You can't really get Refresh back, all you can do is cut the cost of the Powers you've bought. I like it that way; I think it works well.

Is there something you want to do that the Compel approach wouldn't work for?

DFRPG / Re: Keeping the game balanced
« on: February 26, 2018, 08:27:21 AM »
With all due respect, potestas, attitudes like this one:

This game is about wizards not the add ons. If you have a player who wants to play a wolf make sure they understand there taking a secondary support role. Create situation where the secondary support roles shine.

are pretty much the exact problem.

This doesn't really have anything to do with video games. Doesn't even have all that much to do with mechanical balance, except as a proxy. It's simply not acceptable to write off some of the people at the table as secondary support players.

If wizards are mechanically overpowered, that's a manageable issue. If wizards are the True Protagonists, that's a catastrophic issue.

DFRPG / Re: changeling shapeshifter
« on: February 13, 2018, 01:20:45 AM »
I wouldn't worry too much about the balance, unless the other PCs are notably un-optimised. And even if they are, you can just make your skill lists a little more similar than is "correct".

DFRPG / Re: Technomancy
« on: February 01, 2018, 09:42:12 PM »
The main thing is just to have your GM not compel you to hex technology. Since Compels are self-compensating, that's a non-issue balance-wise. Once you've got that, you can just use tech-y aesthetics for normal magic.

Anyway, here's some previous stuff on the same topic:,18301.0.html,27718.0.html,28953.0.html

Description: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic; any sufficiently defined magic is indistinguishable from technology. You're able to invent and build fantastic devices that are only dreamed about in science-fiction to create effects that blur the line between science and magic.
Sponsor: Super-Science! is sponsored by Science! itself. Science! is a semi-aware entity formed out of the scientific method and the collected knowledge of the human race.
Agenda: Science! desires to grow through the continued collective accumulation of knowledge and through the propagation of the scientific world-view. Beware, for the cold logic of Science can be used to justify any action...the same inspirations that created radiotherapy for curing cancer, first created nuclear bombs.
Evocation: Super-Science! evocations consist largely of the activation of supernatural weapons. As a result, they tend to be similar to exaggerated versions of real-life weaponry. Examples of Super-Science! evocations include homing missiles, laser blades, acidic bullets, and the like.
Thaumaturgy: Super-Science! rituals work through building machines and solving equations. If a ritual could conceivably be completed by those means, it may be cast with Super-Science!.
Evothaum: Super-Science does not grant the ability to use Thaumaturgy with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Super-Science! does not use the usual set of spellcasting skills. Resources replaces Conviction, Craftsmanship replaces Discipline and Scholarship replaces Lore for the purposes of spellcasting with Super-Science!. In addition, a character with Super-Science receives one free specialization in either Crafting power or Crafting frequency. Finally, a character with Super-Science! never accidentally hexes anything.
Drawbacks: Super-Science! evocations may not be cast without foci. Furthermore, Super-Science! foci and enchanted items are vulnerable to hexing. The difficulty is equal to Scholarship + twice the number of Enchanted Item slots invested in the item.

DFRPG / Re: Keeping the game balanced
« on: January 31, 2018, 08:13:40 AM »
The biggest thing is to not houserule in their favour. There's a common mental quirk that leads people to cut magic more slack than everything else. Don't let yourself fall victim to it. This is especially important for thaumaturgy; using it almost always involves a lot of GM discretion, and an overly-permissive GM can easily make it overpowered.

Also, don't let people make mental attacks with evocation.

In combat, wizards tend to be fragile unless they're specialised in crafting. Just hitting them can go a long way.

DFRPG / Re: Were-Sharks: Rulers of the Pacific
« on: January 28, 2018, 08:14:36 AM »

As usual I'm nitpicky, though.

I don't think an Item of Power rebate is appropriate for an implant. If it can't be lost or taken, what are you getting Refresh for?

Mixed feelings on the idea of raising social skills with Beast Change. Not being able to do that is pretty important balance-wise. But it's kind of a neat idea, and maybe the underwater restriction can keep it in line.

Adding automatic extra hunger stress to a Feeding Dependency seems unwise, especially if you're not changing the rebate.

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