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Messages - jonas

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DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone's heritage
« on: January 24, 2018, 06:18:22 PM »
Side Question:  Assuming Harry is correct and KotC do in fact need some Royal Lineage, does it need to be "Old Blood", as in some Inherited trait?  Could a modern King(pin?) arise in a single generation?  Would non-human 'Kingdoms' like the White  Court count, even if /they/ think of themselves and ruling/cultivation the human population?
I think it requires royal lineage from the time King was considered a divine authoritive right in itself. It was a 'mantle' of power in the oldest sense. The blood descendants of this time inherited this ability to take up said authority... course said descendants are now very wide spread indeed. But King lineages of old were actively blessed when taking up authority, so idk if modern 'Pin's would count.
Although again, it might also be relative to the practitioner's bloodlines, can 't shake the 3 kings/Magi connection.

DF Spoilers / Re: Making things on DR
« on: January 24, 2018, 06:13:22 PM »
I think Ive gotten lost; what "Hesitation" on alfred's part are you talking about?
The one Mab thanks him for,"i know you could have chosen otherwise, and I thank you" except not sure if Chosen is the word she uses. She directly references that Alfred could have taken her summons another way though.
Seems part of the activation of the circle itself allows those using it to summon things to be taken by DR even without Warden status. Which, would make sense to me.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is the WK mantle affecting Harry's sperm?
« on: January 24, 2018, 04:05:23 PM »
I'm trying to remember, when Harry was on DR with the two ladies, did he mention that they looked alike now?
From SG it seems Molly and Sarissa do not suddenly look more like each other... the statues changed into them instead.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cold Days: Attack on Demonreach
« on: January 23, 2018, 10:20:10 AM »
lol I love that you're debating with your "nemesis".  Congrats on 5,000 posts.
Lmao it got funnier when I realized EG is his Nemesis.

I'd get on the discord discord but I have no idea how it works really(made an acc) and i'd have to wait until the house was quiet, which is practically never.

DF Spoilers / Re: A wizard brought down a UFO... really! ;)
« on: January 23, 2018, 10:18:11 AM »
Yea I really liked this one and what it implies about creation as far as the DF Earth is concerned. Almost as though each planet is it's own reality. Closer to Krypton and superman than what we think now days. Good to know no Aliens in general though.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cold Days: Attack on Demonreach
« on: January 23, 2018, 04:13:51 AM »
Two points to make I think,
 1, I kinda agree with this, it should hit in the future, maybe I need to reread that scene(which i'll do tonight I think) but I thought that's what was up,
2 i'd argue wither the immortals in the mantle could truly be killed with Banefire. It may kill them in most all senses but I think the universe will still have that memory to try to fill up and since human memory has not truly forgotten those things they could reemerge.(this is why I think outsiders try to take on the constructs of dead deity) Plus the results would be catastrophic anyway, they are the source of all negative energy in the world(from 'the well' description) Without those forces contained in reality balance would have to be resettled somewhere.
But as long as humans remember I think their reemergence will be faster than most.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chronicles of Amber
« on: January 23, 2018, 04:05:03 AM »
*Maniacal Laughing*  I see indeed...

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone's heritage
« on: January 23, 2018, 04:03:37 AM »
Because: Geeks Love Easter Eggs.  And Cameos.  We dig the cameo's.  8)
No proof per se, but COME ON MAN! He shows Mjolnir in  the hands of the greatest man we know in the same book that Butters remakes The faith saber? the whole thing was a clue bat for thematic purposes(which means its also Nerdy and awesome) It's like when Tolkien made a mountain and put a Volcano in the middle of it, He clearly had plans for that volcano lol. jk.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chronicles of Amber
« on: January 22, 2018, 06:03:59 PM »
When you get to it pls explain Walking in these Amber books..

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone's heritage
« on: January 22, 2018, 06:01:57 PM »
You lost me, what?
Ermm... key word in sword of faith is Faith? not sword or even nail.

Im going to go with Yes, based purely on the fact that at least some of Fidelacchius's Power actually predates the Nail.
Precisely mine point. I think the power of the cosmic force mixed with the power of the nails in power/purpose. Minus the Nail the force itself would still exist it would simply lack the foci of the Blood of a diety.... Which the focus would conceivably have to do with the purity of the Knight and his time.

DF Spoilers / Re: Making things on DR
« on: January 22, 2018, 05:57:13 PM »
This will sound like a nitpick but I think it hits the crux of my Point:  She touched down only /After/ she received permission from The Warden.  Then she touched down and only then did she address Alfred directly. This is key, because it shows how it's The Warden who has to make teh actual decisions, not Alfred. 

Or in this case, a duped Lady who was hacking the Island systems.
My point is he only hesitated because he could tell that was not his intention. He had other choices that could have been made without the Wardens express permission. It's in his 'programing'.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone's heritage
« on: January 22, 2018, 01:55:13 PM »
A false shroud managed to garner some form of Power, but it was notably different/weaker than the authentic one, and that took the popular belief of the entire populace (or at least the relevant cross-section that's heard of christian relics) to fake.   If there were a similarly famous Nail of the Cross in a museum, for example, that would likely be able to focus Faith similar to the faux-shroud and accomplish interesting things as a spell component.  But I maintain that it would not make a Knight, or anything close, because Heaven would not be fooled.   
I'm on the fence on that one, I think the nails are special in and of themselves. but as it was thought of by Harry in SG the sword itself should be capable of taking on that form by Faith alone. It's simply a direct connection to the cosmic force in some ways.
I think that's the Mjolnir reference with Michael's beer opener. The Hammer is a real likely incarnation of Hope/Duty itself. But no Nails were ever directly connected to it. Even the nails themselves hold power through actually having bits of Christ's blood so it's hard to say that extra power is not a direct result of things done with it like Morgana's atheme...
I think my bigger question is what happens to the fake if the real one is destroyed in a secret battle...? does it get the rest by Vector analysis?

DF Spoilers / Re: White Court Anit-Love and Blood Rites
« on: January 22, 2018, 01:48:12 PM »
Q, asked this question on FB and got the response from someone that the ring was from a couple who'd been married 50 years imbuing it with the love cultivated in all that time.. Can you confirm the 50+ years thing cause i'd never heard and they couldn't directly.

DF Spoilers / Re: Making things on DR
« on: January 22, 2018, 01:46:10 PM »
I agree with that entirely.  Im just trying to say there is a big difference between Lily activating a pre-existing element of the Island and Alfred exercising initiative with those structures.  It's the same division of Power vs Authority that stopped him from Imprisoning Shagnasty even though he actively hated him, and the same reason Im sure that Alfred could free the inmates (because he literally is the walls and doors and locks) but he never Would without an outside agent (ideally the Warden) making the Choice and initiating the process.
It's kinda a psychology/construct thing in my mind, She activated preconstructed wards designed to be used by Merlin to entrap a being while Alfred snatches them up. His main learned goal of the experience is to ensnare that which is summoned by the Warden, Harry summoned Mab but that was not his intention. I think she intentionally manifested in the sky to create a separation from DR even if she was still contained in it's sphere of influence. Notice she sets down only after talking to DR? It was like a dog overthinking what was a trained response(Harry's influence?)

DF Books / Re: Storm Front - Possibly Anduriel in the elevator?
« on: January 19, 2018, 08:26:07 PM »
Holy Crap that is weird. Even if not Anduriel he's not alone in his connections to shadows.

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