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DF Spoilers / British Empire/Commonwealth Fae
« on: January 03, 2021, 09:57:25 AM »
So we have two WOJ's on the Fae in Australia.

The first during the 2015 QnA.

"I was talking with a friend about the faerie courts, and since we live in Australia, we were both wondering what the explanation is for the seasons being reversed in the southern hemisphere. Does Titania take a vacation down south for Christmas? Or is there a seperate pair of courts for the south?

"Oh, no, they'll just rotate interests. Mab has more power in the southern winter, Titania in the southern summer. Though, as fundamentally northern-hemisphere, basically Western European beings, they don't have the kind of absolute reign there that they enjoy in other parts of the world, and their relationships there consist more of strong alliances and consensus influence among a much larger population of Wyld fae."

and this more recent one from the Dresden Files Podcast.

If you're a king or a queen it's different because there's actual magical stuff associated with being a king or a queen. For example Mab does not disrespect Elizabeth in England, period. She just does not. Because the queen of England is the /queen of England/ and she can do things. And we'll get to see more of that as we go.

But she doesn't care if she's like in Australia or Canada or any of those.

If it's in part of her realm, yeah, that's a big deal. You don't screw with her in her realm but if she comes to America she doesn't necessarily have access to all that stuff. She's not walking on the ground that her family's been ruling for hundreds of years so."

So thats as much as we know about Australian Fae.

Does this mean Aussie and Canadian Fae are protected from the Child Tribute Tax?

Personally if old Queen Elizabeth is protecting us Aussie's from Mab's domain thats a plus for me.

Personally I have headcanons of the Rainbow Snake (Aboriginal Dreaming story) being a Dragon cpitol D. I also have a character whose an Indigenous Elder Wizard, friend of Listens to Winds but more bitter and less forgiving.

So the only other references to Australia is Hannah Ascher who was hunted be Wardens for scorching three guys and killing a couple of Wardens in self defence. Also she was apparently a member of the Order of St. Giles

There was also a brief mention about Margaret le Fey being able to Walk the Nevernever to Melbourne at will.

So thats about it.

DF Spoilers / Re: "Good People" Verses "Christmas Eve" Mab
« on: December 29, 2020, 05:09:44 AM »
I still want the Red Nose Reindeer.

My childhood demands it.

DF Spoilers / Re: "Good People" Verses "Christmas Eve" Mab
« on: December 28, 2020, 04:51:56 PM »
Yeah it's too bad, if he was a fae Harry would have been allowed to murder hi...

Oh wait, you meant the reindeer.

....well played sir, well played.

DF Spoilers / Re: New microfiction on the site
« on: December 28, 2020, 03:36:56 PM »
No Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer?!?!?!

He has more childhood belief than there is in Eldest Gruff or the Erlking.

DF Spoilers / Re: "Good People" Verses "Christmas Eve" Mab
« on: December 28, 2020, 10:25:07 AM »
Anyone else dissapointed Rudolph isn't a fae?

I mean I think as far as fairy tale myths go there's enough belief in him to make him real Dresdenverse.

He's got more belief in him than Eldest Gruff.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Dresden Files podcast interview.
« on: December 06, 2020, 06:48:38 AM »
Thomas is sadly being sidelined as Jim is bored/tired of him. Which is such a waste to me. He tried to say Harry just thought it was cool having a brother out of nowhere, rather than the massive sense of family he got by getting a brother. First Harry flipped out, then he felt relief he wasn't alone, and then a deep love. I get that Thomas serves a narrative purpose but Jim can change the character and grow him. He's the author after all. I think Jim just can't be bothered as he no longer finds the character interesting or useful, and he takes up space.
Jim also said Thomas was his go to muscle thug, which Dresden doesn't really need anymore. He's his own muscle.

Doesn't mean he won't come back of course. Tbh I am surprised Jim didn't just kill him (which he may well do).
First don't give him idea's Director Alex did that enough for one day.
Second. Jim had already killed off Murphy, even he wouldn't want to kill 2 family members in one book. For plot reasons if nothing else.
Third. The upcoming nuptials put Lara in the limelight, which would have been interesting if Thomas was around to interact off of, but fills the spot of White Court Vamp.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Dresden Files podcast interview.
« on: December 05, 2020, 08:03:36 AM »
So who was Bob's parents?

My bet is one of them's Mab.

The Fae's sponsor is Hekate.

Vadderung having Soulfire is awesome.

DF Spoilers / Re: Titania's Duty (BG SPoilers)
« on: December 01, 2020, 10:48:14 AM »
Seems likely that was her intent. But consider that just before that Titania says to Mab "You understand what has happened. What it means." It sounded to me like this event was a milestone. Perhaps a point of no return. I suspect Titania and Mab both know their future (or at least one of the futures). And in this possible future it means that Titania will have to kill Mab.

Agreed. As for going off the deep end, could be the cause of Mab's death. Seems to be the only thing that warrants a Queens death.

DF Spoilers / Re: Titania's Duty (BG SPoilers)
« on: November 27, 2020, 05:35:29 AM »
I think it's the flicker of pain that gives it away.

It could be a reference to Titania not trying to kill Harry as part of her duty, but the fact that Mab uses future tense suggests something she "expects" to happen.

DF Spoilers / Titania's Duty (BG SPoilers)
« on: November 26, 2020, 08:44:41 AM »
(click to show/hide)

So I think Mab expects to die and it's Titania's duty to be prepared for it. She's in pain for having to kill her sister. Just as Mab was with Maeve.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone's Power Base
« on: November 18, 2020, 10:54:59 AM »

Which goes back to whether or not Marcone is really behind the push by Rudolph to go after Harry and Murphy.

There seems to be a genuine dislike of Rudolph by every law enforcement professional we've met. Even the latest guy whose attitude is completely professional, at best dismisses him. We know he has a powerful patron somewhere among the Brass.

Gard did offer Murphy her job back in Aftermath, that Marcone could pull some strings. Which suggests more pull with the cops than is comfortable.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone's Power Base
« on: November 17, 2020, 08:40:38 PM »
Honestly, the whole Denton thing in Fool Moon might support this.  He talks about how he's had "too many years of seeing men like Marcone laugh at the law." Murphy knows of him and knows him quasi-well enough to know he "is an asshole, but he does his job".

Could Denton have been more than just a local Feeb that got twisted by the belts?  Could he have been a liaison between the FBI and Marcone?  We know Marcone went from street level enforcer to mob boss pretty quickly.  It wouldn't be that surprising if the feds backed him a little in order to stabilize the mob scene in Chicago, with caveats about who Marcone would sell to.

It would certainly explain why Denton was chosen. Let's face it, for the belt-gifter to know someone in the FBI that's close enough to being pushed over and willing to target Marcone seems like a stretch without Nemesis or someone having insight into the people.  But if Denton was targeted because he worked with Marcone, and a natural resentment was stoked, then it would make sense.

I like this take on it. Throughout the series it's constantly referenced that the cops are reluctant at best to go after Marcone because of the stability he brings and the protection of kids.

DF Spoilers / Marcone's Power Base
« on: November 16, 2020, 10:41:30 PM »
Marcone has a deal with the federal government agencies.

That's the theory. So I wrote this theory on the board during one of the lull's between book's thought I'd post it again given recent events in Battleground.

The Mob working with FBI and CIA isn't without precedent notably during WW2, but also during the Cuban Revolution. Various Don's and Bosses have worked as informants for extended periods of time in exchange for protection from prosecution.

Marcone making a deal with Namshiel would be a similar basis deal, but as far as human factions are concerned Marcone is the only normal human at the table of  the Accords. Something which the government or human factions would want intelligence on, as well as the fact from their perspective just a normal yet capable human having a seat at the table.

Marcone confirms he has a lot of power in local governance of Chicago, at the Accords sit down at the end, but I doubt he'd 'just settle for the title' as he would put it. If you were an FBI or CIA who would have an understanding of the Mob but not necessarily the Supernatural, well the devil you know.

Cinder Spires Spoilers / Re: A thought about Warriorborn
« on: October 30, 2020, 03:37:31 PM »
I think jim has said there might be dog warriorborn somewhere

DF Spoilers / Kincaid-Bond (Amusing)
« on: October 19, 2020, 11:44:32 AM »
Watching Skyfall. James's childhood butler/games keeper's name is Kincaid.

Got a message from someone that "Well he was between jobs back then".

Kincaid must have needed to do something during the Cold War.

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