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Messages - Second Aristh

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DF Spoilers / Re: Number of participants at the peace talks (spoilers)
« on: August 05, 2020, 03:20:56 AM »
It was kinda weird that the remnants of the Greek pantheon didn't seem to make an appearance.  Hades at least still exists, and they're likely not wilting violets against the Fomor. 

A lot of the wildfae groups I could see counting themselves officially under Summer or Winter even though they're independent in day-to-day decisions.  Basically anyone that Molly tithes wouldn't send anyone.

The rakshasa missing are also surprising.  Surely they're Accords members? 

Groups from Asian or African mythologies would have also been nice.  Even if Jim had to cut down on the Chicago-side forces for BG, Ethniu killing their ambassadors out of hand at the end was an option.  It would have hyped her threat and made the world a bit wider.

DF Spoilers / Re: [PT Spoilers] Why does Ferrovax care?
« on: August 03, 2020, 07:11:24 AM »
Foresight is several times mentioned in combination with wizards, intellectus is a well known property of immortals and they all have all kinds of sources of information. As Harry said to Kringle "I just going to assume you know everything I do"

He just knew. He is magical heavyweight enough to do so.
Information networks is a hallmark of the main players, but Ferro doesn't seem to have his hands in all sorts of pies like Odin or Mab.  I'd buy they guessed something important was going on no problem, but Ferro is a harder sell.  You're likely correct, though.

DF Spoilers / Re: [PT Spoilers] Why does Ferrovax care?
« on: August 03, 2020, 06:22:11 AM »
He probably had a feeling something important was going to happen and he wanted to see it.
I guess, but "had a feeling" is pretty convenient.  It would be nice if there were more to it than that.

DF Spoilers / Re: 666 years and what follows - The Cycle
« on: August 03, 2020, 05:46:11 AM »
Yeah, exactly. Uriel isn't allowed to go disintegrate all the Outsiders, so he can't. But I don't think there are any Outsiders on the level of angels/archangels, or even the Faerie Mothers, or they'd just smash right through Winter's army at the Gates.
In the case that there were, though, perhaps Creation needs someone with good eyes keeping a lookout, someone that could summon aid.  Sounds like a good job for a Gatekeeper to me.

DF Spoilers / Re: [PT Spoilers] Why does Ferrovax care?
« on: August 03, 2020, 05:33:45 AM »
Maybe, but I thought the Dragons (like most gods) were basically 'retired'. Even Odin describes himself as "mostly retired" and he seems far more active than most.
Permanent retirement is more of a mortal thing, though.  I think extended vacation is a more apt metaphor.  Maybe the job description changes in the meantime, but power in the DV is almost always linked with limitations and responsibility.

I don't see how. Too many of the supernatural beings are dependent on humans in one way or another, so they wouldn't wipe out humanity. And mortals couldn't definitively 'win', as too many  beings are either Immortal or can retreat to the Nevernever.
Humans are not really necessary for the Fomor.  They might actually be strong enough to take down humanity if they play it smart.  They already seem comfortable enough with mortal weapons like the nerve gas the rampires got from them.

Apparently he does. I'm just not really sure why. It seems kind of weird to me... I mean, they're specifically Mab's Accords, which means they must be a new innovation on Ferrovax's timescale (Mab is relatively young as immortals go - she's younger than Nicodemus).

I'd kind of expect an ancient force of nature to resent some new set of rules that constrain him to deal as basically an equal with wizards and vampires and ghouls and other beings that are comparative gnats... I mean he seems pretty disdainful of humanity in GP.

Not really, the Midgard Serpent is Thor's fated foe, not Odin's. (Odin's is Fenrir.)
The Accords also keep other people out of Ferro's hair, likely without changing much about his daily life.  Sounds like a sweet deal if you mostly want to be left alone and go out to no-name masquerade parties when the whim hits you.  If other people suddenly also have to follow the rules that you basically abided by before, the Accords are a net win.

As a side-note, why is someone of Ferro's scale attending Bianca's ball at all?  If I send a birthday party invitation to the queen of England, I don't expect her to actually show up.  Does he just like gold that much?

DF Spoilers / Re: [PT Spoilers] Why Wait?
« on: August 03, 2020, 05:16:59 AM »
As far as the timing for Ethniu, I think we can chalk that up to her Black Council allies.  Ethniu may be brave enough to bully Mab, but Winter > Mab.  Ethniu needs Winter pinned down by Outsiders (which is what the new kids in the BC can promise her). 

The rest of the Fomor's actions/timing could possibly be explained with showmanship.  If they can break the Accords by discrediting Mab, the Fomor won't have to fight against a united enemy.

DF Spoilers / Re: [PT Spoilers] Why does Ferrovax care?
« on: August 01, 2020, 05:49:18 AM »
Perhaps Ferrovax has some sort of Duty not in the NN?  Power in the DV comes with restrictions and responsibilities, typically. 

As another guess, if the Fomor get their way, one side or the other may annihilate each other entirely so there's nothing to come back to in a few centuries.

As a third guess, Ferrovax might prefer the Accords to be in place.  If you're not interested in making enemies, they're pretty good at protecting you.  Ferro is part of the Accords and he honors his word, so sitting this fight out isn't an option.

Depends on wether she was already infected. She would be mostly Behave Fae but keeping information to help nemesis would have been in character.
She was likely infected at the end of SK.  When she rescues Harry and the Alphas, she mentions that Lea sends her regards.  Nemesis striking while Mab was distracted seems a safe bet.

DF Spoilers / Re: 666 years and what follows - The Cycle
« on: July 29, 2020, 07:05:43 AM »
What if nobody can actually keep track of the timing?  Time is a tricky thing in the NN, and there are beings there powerful enough to alter its flow. 

If your countdown clock is always ticking down, and say it wanders throughout the NN, who's to say when exactly it's gonna hit 0?

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Conjouritis, Why??
« on: July 29, 2020, 06:43:26 AM »
  Possible, but as a parent, and now a grand parent discovering "the daycare plague" when I visit after not being around young children for any amount of time, I am not overly concerned that Harry is experiencing some immune response breakdown.  Aside from limited exposure to the Carpenter kids, and then the contact wasn't the hugging etc that goes along with having kids, Harry just
hasn't been around young kids very much.  They are walking petri dishes, and as parents we are
fated to catch whatever, I think that is what is going on, I hope that is what's going on.
Yeah, I'm of the opinion that the conjuritis is Jim showing Harry growing into his role as a parent, with the bumps along the way.  That kind of theme was strong in this book.  It's too silly a premise to be a major cluebat.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Conjouritis, Why??
« on: July 21, 2020, 05:57:14 PM »
The first few times I figured it was Bonea trying to be helpful in a toddler way.  Overall the comic relief element of it fell flat for me most of the time.  You can have it be annoying for Harry, but when it becomes a helpful bucket, I think it's too far.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace talks, battle ground, blackstaff spoilers
« on: July 21, 2020, 04:26:53 AM »
I like that.
They might be the dominant clan or just the clan chosen to attend. Kind of like how if Harry didn't know a lot about the White Court and just said Lara Raith of House Raith was at the talks.
There's also Peace = Piece, as slang for a firearm, so weapon-talks if we allow word play.

I'm more inclined to believe that the LaChaise clan is separate in the Accords from other ghouls (either as members of some other nation or non-members).  Officially it's the White Court, not the Raith Court.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks - Continuity Notes [Spoilers]
« on: July 21, 2020, 04:21:19 AM »
I'm willing to chalk Lara's diaper comment to her speaking loosely about feeling like she raised Thomas.  All the rest of her list would apply to a five year old.

It could also be dangerous for Harry to know of some details beforehand.  Sorta of Sword of Truth style.

DF Spoilers / Re: why little or no ivy
« on: July 21, 2020, 02:15:41 AM »
Well there were a lot of theories about Marci, so keeping her presence in our awareness might be relevant.  And if she suits up in BG, it might be relevant, if only because some of the other Alphas have been decreasing in presence due to kids and whatnot.
Surely boinking a Knight of the Cross is enough to put many of those theories in jeopardy.  I would hope Uriel would give Butters a heads up before making poor readers visualize Mavra that way.    :P

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