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Messages - Sanctaphrax

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DFRPG / Re: Running a High Resources game
« on: July 01, 2018, 08:48:32 PM »
Sorry about the delay in replying, managed to miss the link to the new site!You personally? Nothing.
The rules though?
Of the 25 skills, one quarter are primarily combat orientated(Alertness, Atheletics, Fists, Guns, Might, Weapons), and that's before we start taking into those used for combat mojo, frex Conviction, Discipline, Lore.
Actions are divided into combat and non-Combat; the bulk of powers are combat related.

And of course, this is the norm for most roleplaying games.

That doesn't mean combat is meant to solve everything.

It does mean that it's expected to happen fairly often and be important, though.

Most roleplaying games are like this because people are generally more interested in, and more excited by, violence than accounting.

That's because no roleplaying system has fleshed out money believably. Serious money work means accountants, lawyers, bankers, brokers, each of whom is dealing with their opposite numbers. I tried to make a start at exploring the options in my OP.

Sure, in a completely different system money solving everything wouldn't be a problem. In the system we've got, though...

That's a hook, and nothing more. A lazy hook. And Dresden is poor because he refuses to do things solely for money (if he did, he'd have taken Bob's advice and focused on breast enlargements).
Also 'enough money' is a myth. If you want more, you will keep wanting more. Billionaires don't stop making money - and why should they? As in-universe example, Marcone continues to expand his operations. The only difference is that the reward needs to be substantially higher to be worth his time.

Sometimes it's a hook, sometimes it's more. But even when it's just a hook, it's still a problem if someone de-hooks your story with a Resources roll. So as a GM, you've got to handle Resources with some care.

As for "enough money", it really depends on the person.

DFRPG / Re: Running a High Resources game
« on: June 29, 2018, 02:14:36 AM »
Trying to recreate what I wrote right before the forum changeover...

1. It would be, if it could. Not sure what gives you the idea that it can, or that I think that would be fine.

Although I do think Resources resolving every problem would be worse than violence resolving every problem. At least fights involve the whole team, and are often strategically interesting in and of themselves. Resources tends more towards one-roll resolutions, or at least one-character resolutions.

2. That's not so. Many great plots are driven primarily by somebody not having enough money. Even Dresden was originally for hire.

DFRPG / Re: DFA questions
« on: June 28, 2018, 10:59:20 PM »
That's for DFRPG. DFA is a bit different; it uses the four actions from Fate Core.

And yes, I would handle shields as create advantage actions in DFA. Would be a natural justification for taking defend actions on behalf of others, too.

DFRPG / Re: Need help with aspects please....
« on: June 28, 2018, 10:53:22 PM »
This. Also, what sorts of relationships do they have? Do they associate with Kringle and Kringle alone always and forever?

Jamat answered my question in the unfortunate few hours in between the last backup of the old forum and the creation of the new forum. The gist, as I recall, is that the character is a generous woodworker who inherited the seneschal job from his father. And I think he was bullied as a kid?

I replied, but I don't remember exactly what I said. Think I had a couple of ideas for trouble Aspects; one related to being too charitable, and the other related to having a soft spot for kids.

DFRPG / Re: So long, and thanks for all the posts
« on: June 28, 2018, 06:07:40 AM »
So here we are. New forum, same as the old forum. Lost a few posts but overall I'd call it a painless transition.

DFRPG / Re: Need help with aspects please....
« on: June 26, 2018, 07:30:37 AM »
The high concept and trouble do a lot to define who your character is; it's not really possible to make suggestions for them without knowing what kind of person they're for.

Who is this seneschal? What drives them? What do they do all day, other than Kringle's bidding? What are their flaws, and what problems do they have in life?

I don't know a lot about either DFA or the WoD. But this seems fairly sound to me.

Would Fate:WoD be compatible with DFA? Could you play a Mage alongside a Wizard?

DFRPG / Re: Running a High Resources game
« on: June 20, 2018, 08:21:55 AM »
There’s a really good scene in that story where he’s using resources to cover up an attack by some denarians who attacked in broad daylight.    I think it’s a great example of how to use resources.

This bit, right?

Both of those would be appreciated.

Regarding the concept in the OP, I have mixed feelings. The supernatural gentrification team sounds like a really entertaining PC group, and the ideas for corporate warfare mechanics are intriguing. But I really don't like the idea of milestone farming (which seems dubious rules-wise anyway), and I don't think the temptation to buy Filthy Lucre is particularly meaningful; you can always invent more Resources stunts.

I played a high-Resources character in a PbP game a while back, and once I got into his head I found that buying off every problem seemed entirely natural. Why threaten or cajole when you can bribe? Why fight when you can hire guns, or just give the opposition what they want? It worked well for that game, but I could easily see it becoming a problem if it went too smoothly.

Equipment can be interesting, too. Guns might not do anything to disrupt the murderhobo lifestyle, but helicopters (for example) do. The bit Taran mentioned about the super-rich WCV paying off his character involved a misappropriated bomb of fairly ridiculous power, and that thing definitely bent the plot around itself.

DFRPG / Re: Running a High Resources game
« on: June 13, 2018, 10:05:28 AM »
So, what exactly is this thread meant for?

Are you looking for other people's anecdotes on how high-Resources characters have worked in their games? Do you want feedback on the approach you posted?

DFRPG / Re: Ideas building an emisarry of Nyarlathotep
« on: June 13, 2018, 10:02:57 AM »
Out of curiosity, how would would you think the Outsider-y-ness of the power get played in terms of Lawbreaker (is that even a thing in DFA?)

Being an Outsider-Emissary certainly breaks the Laws. But I don't think there's any sense in making a non-spellcaster take the Power. Aspect Compels are a better way to handle that sort of thing.

If I understand correctly, the Laws in DFA aren't mechanically enforced the way they are in DFRPG. But of course Lawbreakers still exist.

DFRPG / Re: Wikispaces is closing down
« on: June 12, 2018, 10:20:17 PM »
It's really more the websites that aren't doing so well.

The game's still puttering along in moderate obscurity, and as far as I can tell the books are doing well.

DFRPG / Re: Ideas building an emisarry of Nyarlathotep
« on: June 10, 2018, 03:27:02 AM »
You bring up a valid point that being his emissary would paint a target on the individual, but what could you do to a being who is able to freely walk among the populous?

Well, you could kill them.

Of course, in a high-powered game like this one, the White Council hunting for your head is a good plot generator. Make it an Aspect, get FP when Wardens try to find/kill your character.

If you'd rather not have the hassle, you can just say that nobody knows your guy is an Emissary. Or that if they do know, they think he's an Emissary of something else. If you plan for your own character to be ignorant of his patron's identity, this option seems like the natural way to go.

DFRPG / Re: Ideas building an emisarry of Nyarlathotep
« on: June 08, 2018, 07:21:03 AM »
Looking for the advice on how to go about building an emisarry of power whose sponser is the crawling chaos himself and is a huge fan of captain america. So much so that his item of power is a black and white version of cap's shield. 16 refresh and 40 skill points. Please give your experienced thoughts and opinions as I don't wish to build unoptimally; wasting refresh on powers and stunts not needed. My original build was a balance of the physical building blocks and shield stunts to do the captain america thing.

Physical building blocks and stunts are appropriate for someone trying to be Captain America. My understanding of Nyarlathotep (which mostly comes from this blog post) is that the Outsider would much prefer you focus on social skills, mental powers, and maybe Thaumaturgy, so there's potential for sponsor-emissary tension there. On top of the obvious moral conflict, of course.

As for optimisation, here's what I have to say on the subject.

The young man is in junior school looking to get a track/sports scholarship for college and by 45 to 48 refresh, we should be all in high school.

45 to 48 refresh in high school?

That might be overdoing it. Even at the starting Refresh of this game, you're ungodly powerful. An army unto yourself. At 45 Refresh you're several steps above the Senior Council.

DFRPG / Re: Ideas for stunts for Emissary of lady liberty
« on: June 08, 2018, 06:46:46 AM »
The whole "conditions" thing seems kind of clunky. Why not just use compels and aspects?

This is for DFA; conditions are a core mechanic for that game.

Anyway, I don't know DFA that well so I'm hesitant to suggest stunt effects for it. But here goes anyway:

-An inverted form of the Knight of the Cross's ability to show up at the right time; people who need your help can always find you at the right time.

-A specific bonus against tyrants, either to denounce them socially or to beat them down physically.

-The ability to rebirth people, letting them set aside their old lives and create new ones.

-Resistance to, and the ability to counteract, magical mind control.

DFRPG / Re: Reflecting or redirecting a spell with a weapon
« on: May 12, 2018, 04:52:49 AM »
Even without a stunt, I'd allow it as attack/defence narration. If you successfully defend against a fireball and then make an attack, go ahead and say that the attack takes the form of deflecting the fireball.

Hmmm. That is an interesting take on it. I am definitely going to note that down in a file. I think I recall seeing something called might over magic something to that effect. But I cannot find it for the life of me.

The author requested that it be removed from the wiki. I don't remember why. But it's still on the forum. Looks like this:

Description: You can shatter magical effects through physical force.
Skills Affected: Might, Fists, Weapons.
Disruptive Strikes. You destroy ongoing spells by hitting them. Doing so requires you to roll your Might skill plus the weapon rating of your melee attacks (including Strength bonuses) against a difficulty equal to the spell's strength or complexity. If you succeed, the spell ends.
Parry Magic. You may use your Might skill plus half of any stress bonus you have from Strength Powers in place of your Athletics skill to defend against magical attacks and maneuvers.
Anti-Magic Attacks. You may use Fists in place of Might with this Power, but you receive no benefit from weapons while doing so unless you can wield them with Fists. You may also use Weapons in place of Might with this Power, but only if you are armed with a weapon suitable for use with Weapons.
Skill Over Magic [-0]. When you use your Might (or Fists, or Weapons) skill to defend against a magical attack with multiple targets, you may allow any number of other characters targeted by the same effect to use your defence roll in place of their own. However, you do not benefit from Strength or weapon ratings when using this Power.
Living Counterspell [-1]. When you use your Might (or Fists, or Weapons) skill to defend against a magical attack with multiple targets, you may allow any number of other characters targeted by the same effect to use your defence roll in place of their own.
Superior Might Over Magic [-2]. Add four to your Might (or Fists, or Weapons) skill when using it with this Power.

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