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Messages - jonas

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DF Spoilers / Re: Cold Case - Molly's Truth
« on: January 30, 2018, 07:56:02 PM »
These could still be considered bindings placed on who Molly becomes.  So, if there is a Molly that is Mab in some parallel world, or that is ourMab, then she is now bound by Molly's will and statement.  We do actually see each statement fulfilled by Mab.

1). Ramirez isn't alone as Mab stays with him.
2). Mab is still considering a better way and is open to it.  Likely, she hasn't even yet found it.

Consistent with my Amberverse/Dresdenverse theory, there is a Mab/Molly parallel world out there that is feeding back through the Mab mantle. And, regardless of who "our Mab" is, she is attuned to these alternate Mab's and affected by them.
I see no linear connection between my supposition and this.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cold Case - Molly's Truth
« on: January 30, 2018, 06:32:40 PM »
I see this as Starborn Molly influencing the mantle from within, esp the first instance. The Mantle is overriding Molly, but there Molly is making a Stark Choice not to be what already is as far as the Queen and Lady are.

DF Spoilers / Re: Making things on DR
« on: January 30, 2018, 02:26:09 PM »
If you say so.  This was always my only point:

If, when you jumped into that part of the conversation you were actually talking about something else, Sorry I missed your transition.
My apologize on being a non linear being. i'm full of twists and sharp turns.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone's Family
« on: January 30, 2018, 02:24:20 PM »
oops, yea, Fitz the Bastard not fix the SK.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone's Family
« on: January 28, 2018, 02:32:25 PM »
Holy Shit!  New Idea, and I actually want to believe this one:

Marcone is a MacFinn!!!!

It explains so MUCH!  The Enemy nearly wiped out the very necessary Loup Garou bloodline at the 11th hour (Universally speaking).  Vadderung couldnt risk another close call after that, so he sent Gard to take a more active approach to keeping the Fenrir Bloodline alive.  THAT is what Vadderung's interest in Marcone truly is, and it fits the timeline.
Mwahahaha No, it's not a new idea. That's just the first time anyone besides me seems to have spoke it. I pointed out the appearance similarities ages ago.(the eyes and iirc Hair, but the eyes could be a summery fae thing) It's actually what makes Fix relate to Marcone/dangerous. Fix is the Mordred archetype to Marcone's Arthur.. as his own kid it wouldn't work but as a bastard of the same family... not sure about the rest of it, but Chauncey says "the cursed line of the family", meaning not all of the lineage was cursed, just the descendants of the original curse... distant relations mayhaps.
*they actually scrooged with the potential descendants of Odin and EK in FM, hence the Norse Berserkers being drug into it vs Harry intentionally.

DF Spoilers / Re: Making things on DR
« on: January 28, 2018, 02:28:15 PM »
Ok, so What Im getting here is that you agree with the point I was making and had simply moved on to another without me.  Cool.
What i'm getting is I tried to explain something and you latched onto the first foilable you found weither it linearly connected to what I was trying to point out or not... Not cool? The interaction between Mab and DR was always my focus.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chronicles of Amber
« on: January 27, 2018, 05:36:30 AM »
lol what?  Yeah I posted about it a long time ago.  He's been in like 9 Stephen King novels.

What are you talking about me not getting the source material yet?
Was talking about that to Rai earlier. Here, it's technically Lovecraft and his interdimensional metaphysics. Narylahotep has a form as a very tall joyous man... that's the Gatekeeper lol... which Naryla is the soul of the outer gods. So GK and what he actually does.... well, just think about that one lol.
*which ones besides the dark tower?

DF Spoilers / Re: Chronicles of Amber
« on: January 27, 2018, 05:05:40 AM »
Dude, tagged that one a long time ago. He's also associated to Nyarlahotep which ties into some other DF stuff. Randall Flagg also is the Man in the Black in Stephen King's Gunslinger/Dark Tower series.
Likes I said... your not quite getting to the source material yet.

DF Spoilers / Re: Making things on DR
« on: January 26, 2018, 03:09:24 PM »
Yes, Alfred can think, nobody is denying that. Yes, he exhibited a some unexplained form of restraint, and yes Mab thanked him for it.  But did Alfred Choose to Raise the Circle Barrier?  Nope, Lily did.
Does that have anything at all to do with if he actively choose to take Mab or not? Nope the convo we already dressed up and down from Mab did. Lily activated preconstructed magic that could be done by literally anybody, Harry summoned a creature that could be called by literally any human. Does the fact Lily jiggered with DR to try and get into the inner sanctum somehow gainsay the original purpose of the wards, which would not be to make DR more vulnerable? Nope.
Does your assertion have most any effect on mines what so ever? Not if your listening...

DF Spoilers / Re: Making things on DR
« on: January 25, 2018, 01:50:48 AM »
Arguing against a brick wall, I give up
I sir am made of Water.
It's just very hard to get other people to step away from the Canvas they have. Your more in the habit than most to misunderstand me anyway, to my frustration sometime.
But do I give up?.... no. Simply ignore all these attached idea's and focus on the facts in your own quote
You could have reacted differently but chose not to. I am aware of the decision.
None of the other things matter, all the Warden talk is extraneous detail and My words pointing to her talking to DR first were both misspoke and Non germaine to getting my point across. It's what she said to him that matters, Thankee Sai.
*he both chose, proving a thought process, and Reacted, proving a preconceived subroutine towards the situation at hand.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone's Family
« on: January 25, 2018, 01:44:25 AM »
All that pointing to Thor having stepped up and taken over the original Odin's role.

I could see there being a connection made between the various European Pantheons, like greek and slavic but given how Hades was presented Im currently expecting them to be distinct beings that are contemporaries (absent behind the scene mantle-eating shenanigans)
I actually tend to think Loki took the title, I know, oddity. But something about his trickster nature and lack of Hammer in place of a staff/spear... Thor would parallel Hercules too much to make a good Odin.

DF Spoilers / Re: Queen Succession Rules
« on: January 24, 2018, 07:48:47 PM »
I do not think the mantle knows. What the mantle knows the knight can learn and some things are not meant to be known by mortals.

It is just the knights mantle meant for mortals.
That doesn't really explain anything... it's actually confusing to me lol.

DF Spoilers / Re: Making things on DR
« on: January 24, 2018, 07:46:00 PM »
Im looking at the scene now and I do not think that's how it went down.  As I said she addresses Harry first, and only after getting /his/ permission to set foot on DR did she turn and address Alfred.  At which point she says:
and points out he could have reacted differently and he did indeed decide,
as I said.Given that his "patience" is what she was thanking him for, I have to think she was referring to some action, or lack of, that he chose to do prior to her arrival.  Id always figured this meant that Alfred had another, more proactive, response to the direct attack by the Ladies (ie. the "Rudeness" she ordered them to cease).  And the loss of the Lady Mantle to the Well (and thus to her Knight's digression) could have potentially been wildly disastrous for Mab personally and for Winter as a whole.
Which is simply not the case, he had no recourse for their actions on his own.
This was specifically not the case.  Per Harry in that scene, any mortal but ONLY mortals can use a Circle to Summon something.  Meaning for example, Lily could not do so.
But a genuine human could both activate circle and summon using it. I find it far likelier he had a direct recourse for someone activating preconceived wards vs he choose to allow the Ladies to attack him. Go with programming, psychology, whatever. The preconceived response to activating a huge ward/summoning circle and having something summoned into it seems a lot more legit than "i choose to allow this incursion based on Mab's will even though at Harrys pleasure I will snatch the existence right out of her reality."
Seems to me your looking at the Warden's response as a certain thing, but it was him naysaying the intention to capture as permission to enter and that being passed onto DR that mattered.
Think again about it "not being the case". You don't set up Wards that anyone can activate without a purpose, like trapping others without an active Warden. Quit Nitpicking because Lily activated it. That it was there at all is Watsonian to it's purpose.

DF Spoilers / Re: Queen Succession Rules
« on: January 24, 2018, 06:27:00 PM »
Maeve can lie and her mantle murdering Harry is exactly what she wants.
But she can't make the mantle lie to Harry. He knows he can take her, and his Mantle knows it would rather do that than try to kill her.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone's Family
« on: January 24, 2018, 06:22:09 PM »
For the sake of completeness, can we add "Time Displaced Doppelganger of [Blank]"

Im willing to peddle the idea that Marcone will grow up via time-loops to be Vadderung (who is still not the first Odin, btw) as an explanation for why he seems to be Vadderung's current Pet Project.
Where did you make him out to be that one?
Curiously Odin is known for having OG Merlin as his protégé, and this is referenced in how he talks to Harry especially in SG.
If we're going with his family line though... He's a (the?)Son of God, and Mac, Uriel, EK and a few others are his direct
ancestors. Look at the eyes and the Hair of each. Golden blonde with Green eyes when applicable for either.
*You know Donar Vadderrung translates as Son of Thunder yes? But being a storm god himself I wonder if 'Son of Zeus' isn't better, mushing Greek and Norse in it's generations.

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