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Messages - Second Aristh

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DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 04, 2021, 06:08:24 AM »
Lara is of a similar age as Luccio, isn't she?  Papa Raith is likely as old or older than Eb.

A sniper rifle isn't going to kill a whampire like it would a wizard, so that's out.  For a satellite drop, Eb would need to know that Papa Raith was actually underneath the blast zone.  I'd guess that tracking spells wash off him just as much as regular evocation magic.  It's probably not a good idea to go after the White King unless you can be sure you get him in one attack.  Otherwise, you're on the top of his priority list.

DF Spoilers / Re: Notes on Contagion
« on: August 04, 2021, 06:00:31 AM »
I'd say that Nemfections are quite a bit simpler overall.  For instance, I don't think every big bad in each book is necessarily Nemesis.  A number of them, especially the small time ones, can be written of as manipulated by the Black Council/Circle.

I think for our purposes, we can have some assumptions on Nemesis (since by WoJ there is some upper limit for how many places it can be at once).
1.  Nemesis infected characters somehow behave differently than they should in a small way
2.  For most Significant InfectionsTM, we get an "on-screen" clue for when they are turned, or we will in the future.
3.  Nemesis is strategic for how it invests itself in people.  It doesn't bother with infecting someone who is too small a player to matter (e.g. Kravos or Victor Sells or the hexenwolves).  The Circle handles those instead for whatever reason that meddling occurs.

Lea is the easiest.  She was infected in GP by Morganna's athame when she used it in the NN to summon minions to chase Harry.
Maeve is next easiest.  She was infected in SK during the battle over Chicago while Mab was distracted.  She makes the comment that Harry's godmother sends her regards. 
Cat Sith is infected by Maeve in CD when he rescues Harry from the ambush in the gardens.

Other candidates are harder to pinpoint.  Aurora was clearly infected by Nemesis, but we don't know how or when yet.  Same with Justine.

For the rampires, I don't think Ariana Ortega or her husband were infected, nor Bianca.  They act too normally for that.  The one that's acting weird was the Red King himself, manifesting in his erratic behavior during the war and his weird-for-rampires bloodlust.  The Ortegas were a countering force against Nemesis screwing with their leadership, and Bianca was manipulated by the Circle (who have allied with Nemesis, but are not themselves Nemesis; Cowl and Kumori are our representative members of this group).

I'd also put characters like Peabody into the Circle and/or their pawns group instead of Nemesis.

DF Spoilers / Re: Revisit this. Grey Counsel
« on: August 04, 2021, 04:12:15 AM »
Agree with the requirements.

Langtry just has too many issues, I feel. He could establish his own team for investigations, why make such a clandestine group, that isn't legal? Also, I doubt he would ever let Eb pick the team. He's a control freak. He wouldn't bow to Ebenezar's leadership.

I could see him actually authorizing it in a black ops sort of way. Like if you get caught you're on your own type of deal. Although honestly, how he could dictate to Vadderung is beyond me.
Could he really establish a clandestine group, though?  He's the Merlin, but I'd imagine its hard for him to really do things without someone getting a peek into it.  I think Eb could definitely start one much more easily.  Legal/illegal is something that can be handled post-discovery if need be.

Overall, I think Eb/Langtry is a very similar relationship to Harry/Morgan.  Would Morgan want Harry around running something important?  Prob not, but there he was knocking on Harry's door in TC when big players were moving.  Morgan trusted his knowledge of Harry enough to turn to him when official hands were tied.  I think Langtry would make the same calculation for Eb.

DF Spoilers / Re: More foreshadowing?
« on: August 04, 2021, 01:19:38 AM »
I mean, if you wanna see foreshadowing on Molly, just check out the mirrors representing her possible futures in her Soulgaze.  Opal coloring is traditionally Winter-y in the DV.  For early Molly hair dyes, I think it was just a punk aesthetic instead of specific foreshadowing.

Edit:   I wonder if opals are significant beyond looking kinda ice-like?  It wouldn't surprise me that the Winter coloring scheme had a nice dnd reference somewhere buried in there or something similar.

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 03, 2021, 09:08:10 PM »
The vampire leaders knew from Maggie Sr’s dinner argument. I’d be surprised if any senior council member was unaware except maybe Cristos tbh.

DF Spoilers / Re: Damn, Maeve really did win
« on: August 03, 2021, 09:03:28 PM »
That isn't all that clear, I think the mantle still could have gone into Murphy.
Possibly, but I think Justine would have been a better fit for it than her. A young, very pretty, blonde woman that habitually interacts with magical predators that radiate cold?

My initial interpretation was that Maeve was alluding to the mantle flying off the island to an unknown vessel that could be snatched up and vanished.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 03, 2021, 07:01:41 PM »
I'm sold on the Mac = Raphael sans Grace theory, tbh.  Mac taking back the Grace as a temptation to keep from being killed could be a long shot move in order to tempt the angel into releasing the prisoners from under Demonreach.  Not necessarily something that would be expected, but its better for your moves to have multiple victory conditions you can meet if you can arrange it.  That's what Mab did there, too.

DF Spoilers / Re: Revisit this. Grey Counsel
« on: August 03, 2021, 05:58:50 PM »
I liked him for it for a while, but the more I look at it, the more it doesn't fit. Yes, he wants to root out the Black Council. But to risk being caught with a renegade group to do it seems unlike him.

And if it got out that the Merlin was violating the rules, it'd be more than just the end of his career. It'd jeopardy the council itself.

I see him as knowing about the GC, if not all the members. And I see him hoping they succeed, and even pointing them (like Harry) in the right direction if he needs to. But being an actual member? Not so much.
Politically speaking, Langtry doesn't strike me as opposed to some risk when he has some levers to help control it.  That was my impression in TC and Changes anyway.  Plus the BC existing jeopardizes the WC anyway.  It's a worthwhile risk to neutralize them. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Damn, Maeve really did win
« on: August 03, 2021, 05:52:43 PM »
As far as Maeve's comment, I could also see that as similar to the mirrors in Molly's soulgaze.  Not really a sign that a grandmaster strategist is making a move, but a nice easter egg for us to look back upon.  Maeve was right, but she had no idea how right she was.

The timeline for Justine's infection is an interesting one.  Nemesis says it was ever since Justine had become close to Lara, but that might not be reliable.  Justine saving a child from the Fomor in the Marcone short story muddies the water for motivations there as well.  As an Important Story EventTM, Justine getting Nemfected probably happened in the background of one of the main books where some kind of throwaway line is a clue.  CD is an obvious candidate, but are there earlier possibilities?

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Carlos betray Dresden? Other things in the book
« on: August 03, 2021, 05:36:20 PM »
I agree about the "hot" goods argument, however if Marcone thinks that somehow he can gain leverage over Harry because of it, he is sadly mistaken or rather doesn't know Harry as well as he thinks he does.  Whether anyone can make use of the Eye again is open to debate.  I don't think on one hand Jim would have made such a big deal out of it if it wasn't going to be used again.  Then again does it take hate to use it or does it corrupt the one using it to hate? And more importantly maybe, would the user have to give up an eye not unlike Rashid to wield it?
Mab's comment about love/hate not being opposites (rather hate/logic being opposites) may be a loophole that could be used late in the series.  Say, Harry's love for Maggie allowing him to use it.  Idk if that's likely, though.  Alternatively, if the Outer Gates fall in the BAT, Harry could grant an ally the Eye (Odin?) to help defend the breach.  Regardless, we've probably got several books until the Eye becomes a front burner issue again.

DF Spoilers / Re: Odin's Raven's
« on: August 03, 2021, 05:21:48 PM »
I suspect they might be Spirits of Intellect given bodies. Somewhere between being extensions of Odin and being his children.
I had this thought as well several years back.  I view them sort of like external hard drives for Odin.  Metaphysically speaking, he sheared them off himself so he's technically weaker, subsequently giving him more freedom to use his power.  At the same time, he's still got them, so is he actually weaker at all?  That's my theory at least.  Odin intentionally handicaps himself to keep his options for acting open.

DF Spoilers / Re: Revisit this. Grey Counsel
« on: August 03, 2021, 05:09:00 PM »
As far as the GC goes, I'd say any member has to satisfy both of the following requirements:
1)  Eb has to know them well enough to say that they are trustworthy to root out the BC with him
2)  They have to be a magic user of some sort (all 13 carried staff-ish tools in CI)

I've always been a fan of Langtry being on the list.  Sure, Langtry doesn't like Eb personally, but he's a strong wizard that Eb knows well enough that he can walk Harry through his three step strategies.  Plus, being on the GC gives him more freedom to do things than he can in his position as Merlin.  Especially when he's worried about BC attention.

DF Spoilers / Re: Number of participants at the peace talks (spoilers)
« on: August 05, 2020, 05:21:05 PM »
I don't think they even are yet. River Shoulders expressed their interest in joining, but I don't think they got to "signing the paperwork" before Ethniu interrupted the talks.

As for the rakshasa -- they totally could be. I think regular demons (Chauncy/Kalshazzak/Azorthragal types, as opposed to Denarians) are not, and I was thinking rakshasa might be basically the Indian-milieu version of those.

I don't think the Knights, the Ordo Malleus (their clued-in support in the Church), or the angels are signed onto the Accords. The Fellowship of St. Giles I think might not be either. The Paranet definitely isn't. Not everything supernatural is.
Agreed.  I think most of the "powerful" (non-Church) groups are members, though.  Individuals like the demons you mentioned, probably not.

DF Spoilers / Re: Number of participants at the peace talks (spoilers)
« on: August 05, 2020, 07:07:35 AM »
Yeah, I think this is likely. We'll probably see a few of the "missing" groups show up on the Fomor's side in BG, and others might have non-aggression pacts and be staying out of it.

Some of the more localized groups might just not be involved, and therefore not care. Ethniu's Irish, and apparently the Fomor have a major stronghold (maybe even King Corb's?) under the Great Lakes. If the Fomor are basically an Atlantic/Great Lakes power, the Jade Court and the Ukrainian shapeshifter guru and others who are far from the Atlantic coasts might have seen no reason to show up.
Maybe I'm getting mixed up with the rpg, but weren't the Fomor attacking most coastal areas?  I forget where it came from, but I was under the impression that Ramirez and Elaine had their hands full with protecting paraneters in California.  Was that mentioned in Ghost Story?

I wouldn't assume the rakshasa and loa and all the other ghoul clans and every group of Wyldfae are necessarily on the Accords, either.
River Shoulders and his people are new additions, so possibly.  I think the rakshasa are likelier to be on the Accords than not, though.

DF Spoilers / Re: Number of participants at the peace talks (spoilers)
« on: August 05, 2020, 03:26:30 AM »
Another thought just occurred to me.  We know from Bombshells that the Fomor were aggressively targeting lots of smaller Accords nations to sign non-aggression pacts with them.  What if the groups that showed up in PT were just the ones that hadn't yet?

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