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Messages - ClintACK

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DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground Casualties [Peace Talks Spoilers]
« on: July 24, 2020, 03:35:57 AM »
One "other" vote for Titania.

I'm picturing her taking a shot at Mab and it doesn't go well.

DF Spoilers / Re: Murphy
« on: July 23, 2020, 04:03:17 PM »
We seem to be making a lot of assumptions about what role Murphy will insist on having in Battle Ground.

She didn't insist on being part of the infiltration team in Peace Talks, just on being there to back Harry up rather than leaving him alone with the Whamps. Freydis thought, like a lot of you, that she was a handicap rather than an asset. Murphy proved her wrong.

Let's give her a chance to make some reasonable decisions about what role she can carry out -- with one notable exception in Skin Game, where she got played by Nico, she's been doing a good job about making that call for a dozen books or so.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Eb the Bad Guy?
« on: July 23, 2020, 02:11:35 PM »
I like Vadderung. He made a great impression in Changes, but is there any reason to put him on a moral tier above Marcone? His business model is hiring out brutal killers to very bad people.

In Jury Duty, we see his einherjar fighting against Dresden over whether or not to "disappear" an innocent child because she witnessed the killing of a predator who was going to torture her to death.

DF Spoilers / Re: Spoilers: Peace Talks: Cubs Curse
« on: July 23, 2020, 11:39:59 AM »
And, now that I think of it, do Nudd's death and the attempt on Etri constitute a pattern?

Gulp. That's a scary thought. Someone offing the leaders of unaligned Fae factions? The not-scary version is that the fomor are trying to absorb more groups into their collection of misfits and left-behinds. The scary version is that Titania is collecting strength for a big move against Mab, because she's been nemfected.

DF Spoilers / Re: What is Lara's problem? [PT Spoilers!]
« on: July 23, 2020, 11:11:09 AM »
Re: Lara being empty...

Remember that Thomas's Hunger has always been described as being much stronger than Lara's (or any other WCV's except their father's) -- it's possible that a comfortable margin for her is barely enough to sate his. And the feeding process is probably less than 100% efficient.

LOTR was a masterpiece,  Peace Talks not so much,  yes, LOTR was split into three books but each book felt complete, Peace Talks not so much..

LOTR was a masterpiece. But if I'd waited six years to get Two Towers to see how Frodo and Sam got on with their adventures going to Mordor to destroy the ring, I'd have been screaming bloody murder. They spent their entire book walking in swamps and whining about things.

(Also, LOTR was technically six books published in three volumes. /pedantic nitpick.)

Having the next book already there to pick up makes all the difference -- like how the ends of Changes and Ghost Story appeared to us (reading and then waiting for the next book) as opposed to readers picking up the series now. Peace Talks won't feel nearly as incomplete once we've read Battle Ground. The feeling isn't just that the threads are up in the air, it's that we can't identify what are threads of plot and what are red herrings (or worse, signs of the author having lost the plot) until we've read the second half.

DF Spoilers / Re: Spoiler other starborn
« on: July 23, 2020, 10:53:08 AM »
Proposed previous Starborns:
- ca -23: Nicodemus (Denarian)
- ca 643: Rashid (Gatekeeper)
- ca 1309: Mavra (BCV)
- ca 1975: Harry Dresden

Lots of fodder for speculation. Like did Nico take up the coin so that he could live long enough to be able to protect the world from Outsiders in between the births of starborns? Did Mavra become a vampire for similar reasons?

I liked seeing Harry and his friends again. Several scenes landed beautifully -- particularly Maggie.

I didn't like ending the book with most of the threads still up in the air. I'd expected some of that, but it was even worse. Thankfully, this is a temporary objection. In future, I'll be able to read Peace Talks and Battle Ground as two parts of a single novel, without the dangling threads. (I hope.)

Biggest unmet expectation -- I'd been imagining the Peace Talks as a big Unseelie Accord event, where in fact it was really a Chicago event. It was Marcone inviting all of the supernatural players in the Chicago area to discuss the fomor, rather than a world-wide anything. As a result, the talks felt a bit small -- we didn't get a glimpse of a bigger world of major nations we've never even heard of, or know almost nothing about.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Conjouritis, Why??
« on: July 21, 2020, 01:05:31 PM »
People have drawn parallels with Tavi.

He made the bargain with Lea and never fulfilled it. Lea told us at the Red Party that it affected his power.

With him taking the Winter Mantle all bargains are fulfilled and he has access to his full power for the first time since adolescence. Without Bob or someone else to explain when "young wizards" usually get it will have to guess. After no sign of it with Molly and she was a wizard in her late 20s.

I like it.

I also think his experiences in Ghost Story (where he learned how ghosts can make stuff out of memory) could give him a unique perspective on conjuritis.

Controlled conjuration, with the stabilization technique Eb uses on the bucket in the cornerhound fight, could be a really powerful technique.

DF Spoilers / Is Eb the Bad Guy?
« on: July 21, 2020, 12:59:19 PM »
In the Dresden's backstory, when he's a child, Justine DuMorne, widely-respected warden of the White Council is an abusive foster parent and teacher who tries to isolate Harry and then put the mind-whammy on him to make him into a starborn thug under DuMorne's control.

That goes wrong when Harry (inexplicably) kills DuMorne and is arrested by the White Council for murder.

Harry's version of events is that Eb is a saintly old man who risks his life to spare Harry, takes him into his home and teaches him the good parts of magic and self-control and makes him the man he is today.

And yet...

That's not what we see when Eb is on-screen, and it's not what we see in how other people react to Eb, and it's especially not what we see in Peace Talks.

Every book where Eb is on-screen, we learn that he's not at all who Harry thought he was. In Summer Knight we learn that the irascible hermit is politically connected enough to swing a Senior Council vote. In Blood Rites we learn that the "magic is not for killing" sensei is actually the White Council's dirty-jobs assassin. In Changes we see him ripping the life out of humans, just shredding the first law and everything he's taught Harry.

And Harry's still isolated -- which we're told in the text is "what abusers do". After years of living with Eb, and years of living after that, he doesn't have a single wizard friend until Luccio drags him into the Wardens and he meets Carlos. That made some sense when we thought Eb was a loner hermit, not so much now that we know he's a political mover and shaker with lots of wizard friends.

What are the big fights about in Peace Talks? Eb wants Harry to cut himself off from Maggie -- to whom he says exactly four words, upon first meeting his great-granddaughter, before disengaging from her completely to have a knock-down-drag-out fight with Harry insisting that he has to send her away.

The other is about the White Court Vamps -- but is that really about protecting Harry from them, or about a predator marking his territory? If Eb does use subtle mind-control magic, he might worry that WCVs would be able to spot it in Harry. Could he have been freaking out about Thomas because he thought Thomas could expose him? (Did he arrange Thomas's death for that reason, and to isolate Harry from both the Whampires and the Svartalves?)

And then there's the cornerhounds... we see Eb getting Harry to do two things which are explicitly Warlock-bad things: using a ring of fire and making direct mental contact with the Outside. We only have Eb's word, in a vague and shifty fashion, that the latter is actually safe for Harry. And the former seemed like an unnecessary risk.

And imagine what that scene looks like to a White Council that's thinking about kicking Harry out, again.

Anyway... if we imagine that Ebenezar McCoy was Peabody's boss and has been trying to isolate and mold Harry into his tool, a lot of these things make sense.

DF Spoilers / Re: What about bob?
« on: July 21, 2020, 12:36:28 AM »
Butters has him.

DF Spoilers / Re: Murphy
« on: July 21, 2020, 12:35:30 AM »
In the Thomas heist, Murphy's role was wheel-person and Harry's backup. When Freydis thought to switch her role to hostage, Murphy had a plan for that -- a semi-suicidal plan, but a successful plan nonetheless.

I'd imagine in Battle Ground, we'll see her in something like a reprise of her role in Cold Days -- driving Harry around the lakefront from battle to battle, having his back as needed.

But, yeah, the death flags have been flying like confetti at a ticker-tape parade. I'd imagine she'll be killed at a suitably dramatic moment in the battle, right after gunning down some fomor mook that's about to take Harry out from behind. (Perhaps Listen? -- I can't remember, did Murphy meet Listen, maybe in Aftermath?)

Why was that weird?

The whole point of hosting the Peace Talks was to increase his stature among the Accords signatories. He's the host, and it's his "barony" that's under attack. If he *didn't* step up to take the lead, it would be the end of the experiment of letting a mortal join the club.

DF Spoilers / Re: Storm Front in Peace Talks...
« on: July 20, 2020, 02:47:56 PM »
Good point -- this may be the closest we get to seeing the other side of a Harry Dresden soulgaze.

(The next closest would be the 3-Eye junkie in the police station in Storm Front, but he was really vague except about HWWB.)

Just checked my copy -- he doesn't mention killing the child, just Justine. And his reason is that she'll tell Dresden the details of his anti-Dresden defenses. (In Peace Talks, we learn that she did exactly that.)

In fact, he explicitly warns Justine about taking the child to the White Court, and suggests Father Forthill as an alternative.

The passage in question:
Quote from: Even Hand
I debated putting a bullet in her head but decided against it.

But, yes, Marcone is not a good man. His role in the story is to show that the "rational, honorable monster" that Dresden often finds himself dealing with (like Lara and Mab) isn't an exclusively supernatural phenomenon. Marcone is fully human, fully rational, and fully a monster. And still probably better than what would replace him if he's killed -- just like Lara or Mab.

I don't think he'll be taking up a Sword, any more than Lara or Lea or Mab, without a serious redemption arc.

DF Spoilers / Re: Murphy
« on: July 20, 2020, 02:27:42 PM »
If Murphy *does* become a Valkyrie or Enherjar...

Can you imagine her hired out to Lara or Marcone and taking their orders?

(Or would Harry use her share of the diamonds to hire her from Vadderung on a long-term contract? --- That does feel like quite a cheat.)

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