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Messages - jonas

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DF Spoilers / Re: The Watchers
« on: February 13, 2018, 07:26:00 PM »
I'ma put one out now... that I've been sitting on since say... CD's? Which came about from looking into a woj about 2 things missed in TC.
There is another restaurant in TC from which Madeline received her calls... someone over there watching events unfold under the same guise as Mac?
It is my belief, Mac, and two others staying in the same profession world over are actually the origins of the Graces upon the swords. It's why Mac knows 3 are coming. few postulations. The other guy is in Egypt, we know one lineage of KotC was recently from Egypt, Mac stayed in the same town as the current wielder of Love when he set up shop, the Egyptian was holder of Hope directly before Sanya.
Now for an indecipherable tangent:Mac and the 3 are the in direct correlations to 5 version of himself, the other two ending up Uriel the young and the Lucifer the trapped. Him being the most recent incarnation not of Merlin, but having followed that bit of his path/shadow in the repeating history of the gyre.

DF Spoilers / Re: Small Favor - Arbitrator Choice
« on: February 13, 2018, 09:31:42 AM »
Yeah, I don't really like the explanation for mostly the same reasons I dislike time travel as a solution: it's too easy an explanation, and feels like a simple handwave to something that could be more.
Easy!? time travel is complicated to even ponder let alone make a logical tied together story containing it. Even Back to the Future only works with the delorian as a method to prevent paradoxal actions itself, it conserves history by action or failure of action(usually in the motor lol).
So I don't buy that time travel is easy.... go watch the Gobs of star trek episodes containing TT and come back when you can explain them all to me lol, cause i'm still scratching my head over a few.

One thing I don't think anyone's touched upon is that Anduriel was present when Gard asked Harry to intervene, ergo the plan to go after the Archive came to the forefront of their action as a direct result of pertinent intelligence gathered. That Harry himself would ask on behalf of the WC and choose an arbiter... which his message to her may have been just as easily intercepted by Nic. So the Aquarium became a set up for Ivy only as a direct result of a perceived opportunity?

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac, A T-Shirt, and the 1994 Unseelie Incursion
« on: February 09, 2018, 02:30:56 AM »
This 1st mention of the Unseelie Incursion of 1994 occurs during the 1st onscreen appearance of Mac's Bar, Susan, and the "Chicago Arcane."  I think this further supports the idea that Mac was involved in some way with the Milwaukee event of 1994.
Pretty sure this was already more or less confirmed by Mac questing for his neutral territory around the events of the 1994 Incursion?

Yeah, that's the thing -- the group as groinkick is describing is already overlapping with a bunch of other groups. We've already got guys like the Venatori and the Special Collections division that fill the niche of "secretive mortals up against supernatural threats," so I don't see why a group of immortals doing that same thing would be particularly interesting.
And we technically have the Denarians doing the regular peeps with semi-immortality acting as Frenemies trying to kill each other... So I think we have most of the bases covered without actual Highlander type immortals(Nic even needs his head cut off so as to remove his noose... or just squeeze it but you get my point)

*it's been a LOOONG time, can anyone remind me wtf there can be 'only one' and how bad they retconned on that with the series?

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's paralysis long term foreshadowing?
« on: February 07, 2018, 02:45:00 AM »
I have been re-listening to the books out of order, and I realized that the twist in Changes (Harry breaking his back), may have had a seed planted many books ago. I cannot remember which book, Harry was talking about how Titania could be looking out for Harry's interests by leaving him paralyzed in a hospital to save him from death somewhere else. Also, I believe the same book, he was talking to Fix and a similar line of conversation came up. Something like 'ending up paralyzed not feeling anything below the waist.' This specific of a topic and regarding a Queen of Fae seems very purposeful. Anyone catch this before, and if so, thoughts?
Yea jives with what others are saying. The whole "the burned hand teaches best' line and Molly coming under his tutelage was one thing I wondered about. She has multiple futures but if you notice ALL are influenced by her exposure to Harry Dresden or lack of. I'd wonder... if Harry had never become afraid of fire would his skill with it have gone up with that healthy dose of respect well enough to not burn her face vs otherwise? The other obvious thing is that was the moment he let Lasciel manifest herself, ergo learning to fight her off in reply.

DF Spoilers / Re: Kumori's Identity-Elaine and Harry's daughter-Faith Astor
« on: February 07, 2018, 02:36:02 AM »
How about faith uses his name to draw them both back to that moment and the core of who he is? IDK Harry's core has ever really changed since then but... what if she's been saying his name and believing in him all this time, shaping him into the hero we know without his knowledge? just a fun idea.

DF Spoilers / Re: Small Favor - Arbitrator Choice
« on: February 07, 2018, 02:29:57 AM »
Precisely.  So I figure either there is some known reason why he /couldnt/ offer the same aid, such as it being outside the ability of all Freeholding Lords (as an example).  Or else he had some specific reason to count on Vadderung Choosing to stay out of it; which could be as simple as that being the know SOP for Monoc Securities's Contractors, or could be something for more specific to the situation and/or Vadderungs interest in Marcone himself.
3rd option, Gard is suspect? She's around later when the coin goes missing too, her general attitude towards Choice/Hubris when Marcone exercises it in DB doesn't match up with what I expect from someone under Vadderrung... But right up with the Greek Nemesis's opinions..
One wonders why Vadderrung kept part of his mortality to be able to effect choice only to have his direct underling dislike the practice? Seems odd to me at least.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cold Case - Molly's Truth
« on: January 31, 2018, 07:08:00 PM »
"I see this" as your perspective does not absolve you from needing to support it.  And no, it's a negative statement, since I am arguing against what you affirmed, and have yet to provide any evidence to back up aside from her being the daughter of Michael and Charity.  So it's not really legalese lol  You made the statement "Molly is Starborn."  Back it up.  Until you do, I get to default to "No she isn't."
I see this as an effect of Molly being starborn.
YOU said "Molly isn't starborn" quit trying to split Hairs because I really don't care to prove anything to people who do that.
Your default is unprovable, your attitude is untenable and overall your wrong anyway i'm just not going to bother with someone who thinks this way.
I set a provisional, you set an affirmative negative as a reply. You don't understand debating, good bye.
(ohhh and Mollly is a Starborn ;) have a swell day)
*the method of inferring a cause by studying the direct effects is kinda the basis of theory. the proof is sheerly in the results. i.e. Molly Gainsaying Fae nature itself.

Once again, this is exactly how we do not behave here.   If you can not make your point without a "you" statement regarding the thoughts of fellow forum members, you have not made a point, you have made an attack. 

Go read the precepts, people.

Blaze, as Mod.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cold Case - Molly's Truth
« on: January 31, 2018, 07:02:36 PM »
Her worth certainly but that has nothing to do with being starborn. We have no clues about that. Nothing special about her time or place of birth for example.
Not really. The choice was thirteen years ago but after that both worlds went their own way and the people on both worlds are different peoples with different histories. Mirror Mirror is more like traveling to alternative worlds, not time travel as such.
Multiverse. in a multiverse space and tiem are directly related and worlds are in parallel the closer they are to each other in results. ergo any space travel is immediately time travel. (oh, and yea, there will be years of time travel) Sorry, except... i'm not ;D

DF Spoilers / Re: Cold Case - Molly's Truth
« on: January 31, 2018, 10:46:11 AM »
There was never any vague clue in the books or in woj or in the rpg or anywhere else Butcher even suggesting something that could remotely point to Molly being starborn so as far as a negative can be proven it is.  :)
That proves only your own sight on what is there. Molly's worth has been alluded to in multiple ways the most direct is how she was born, after being part of some unknown plot/ritual saved by the love of a good man, ect. I described BOTH Harry and Molly if you caught that. The alignment that makes a Starborn might be shown loosely right there...

Jim Butcher will come with some time travel thing, he already did in cold days, but it will be subtle and it would be the very near past. Vadderung's words in Cold Days are an indication. Any theory that posulates time travel of years is most probably not true.
Ermm.. you know if GP was the first choice then the eventual time travel will go back from this point in time vaguely 13 years sooo, that's actually about given here.

Any time travel theory that postulates decades or centuries of time travel is plain crazy
get ready for a crazy F'n book then.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone's Family
« on: January 31, 2018, 04:37:38 AM »
Should I go ahead and delete this thread?
Negative bro,

DF Spoilers / Re: Cold Case - Molly's Truth
« on: January 31, 2018, 04:36:43 AM »
Jonas have you read the short story? I recall someone saying they hadn't read the short story.  That may have been on Discord though.
Molly's? yea only once but yea... why?

DF Spoilers / Re: Cold Case - Molly's Truth
« on: January 31, 2018, 04:32:03 AM »
You're the one who claims she is, the burden of proof is on you.

So no, I don't have to prove it lol.
No, you said, Molly isn't starborn, that's an affirmative statement, bring more than your disbelieve to the table.
I actually said 'I see this' as in my perspective, you acclaimed acritically she was not... You might wanna Lawyer up if your gonna try to speak legalese on my ass I tell you what :o lol

DF Spoilers / Re: Cold Case - Molly's Truth
« on: January 30, 2018, 09:31:40 PM »
But Molly isn't Starborn
Prove it lol?

DF Spoilers / Re: Cold Case - Molly's Truth
« on: January 30, 2018, 09:31:00 PM »
And you guys are dismissing the fact that mab fulfills exactly what Molly said.
No, but i'd like to understand how you say this is?
That is what is meant by the binding. Mab is fulfilling Molly's word's, her truths. Why is that?
...Say again? Molly as WL can make a decree that is binding to the Lady as Host/Lady.[quote
Take a look at Mab's behavior. She fulfills the conditions that Molly set forth. She wasn't bound by them at first glance, except that is what she intended to do.[/quote]Yea. That. Explain that.
Exactly.  As viewed on a higher plane, it is a linear connection. Without the higher plane, it is as you described. :)
If you insist..

I see no reason to believe anyone that raidem thinks is Mab is, has ever been, or ever will be Mab, but that hasn't stopped him from inserting the theory into every discussion thread or making seven of them all revolving around that same theory.
actually I entirely agree with all those possibilities, just not his methods or conclusions getting there... Molly has Certainly been Mab, as has in her own way Murphy. But ours is not those things, nor likely will be.

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