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Messages - trboturtle

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Author Craft / Re: Pacing of information in a fictional world
« on: June 20, 2010, 09:22:16 AM »
I think the first thing to do is sit down and plan out this Civilzation -- its technology, history, and social order, which seems to be the main areas of question. Once it's solid, take look at the story and look when references can be dropped in. Most of the time, additions that add to the reader's understanding of the world can be droped in with a few words, or a sentence or two at most. Info dumps, I think, should only be used for main plot points ("Why is the world going to blow up, Doctor Brain?" "Because they vill be reversing the polarity of ze Neutron flow, and the de planet don't like zhat!")

Most of the BG can be dole out, building up the picture of this world and the people who live on it. And if done right, even the main plot point can be boiled down to a few sentacnes, IF most of the info has already been dealt out earlier in the book, as part of the BG. Say a major polical figure was going to be assasinate (Major plot point), have said politician on the news, or the main character listen to their speech, or discuss the politican between two or more characters, or best yet, use all three ways to give the reader a picture of this person. sprikle a fw referecnes about the character though the first book. So, by the time the Assasination attempt is revealed, there's no need to explain who Politician is or why their important.

Of course, most of my writing has been in an estabished universe that already has all those details hashed out, which leaves me to only worry about plot points and Characters. I don't have to explain what a Battlemech is, or go into great detail about the major interstellar states of the Inner Sphere. So, a lot depends on how much the background influnces the story. I have less freedom with an established universe than I would have with my own, fully created universe.

As I have said, pick your spots to show a little more of the setting, and make sure the background being dropped in is relavent to the scene and story -- mentioning a sport called Quiddich and explaining the rules when it has nothing to do with the main plot is a waste of paper and time. Of course, there's nothing wrong with having a character complain about last night's Quiddich, then have them described enough of the action so the reader knows it involves broomsticks and more than one ball, that's fine. It's color.

Hope that helps -- I'm off to bed!!  ;)


Author Craft / Re: Length
« on: May 26, 2010, 09:11:30 PM »
Stories will write themselves to some extent....

What I mean that some stories can't be filled out to a novel and others need to taken into a 100K word territory to be fully told. Good writers know when a story is told and when it needs to be fleshed out.

Short stories are generally strightforward plots, where everything in the story relates back to that idea. Novels allow for subplots, but even they are tied into to the main plot. Characters in short stories have to established quickly, while novels can take time to add layers to their characters.

Sometimes, it is hard to get a handle on a story -- short stories ideas cannot be streched into a Novels and Novel ideas can't be stuffed into s short story. Knowing what a story will fit is a matter of experence and feel....


You could look for Osprey publishing

They specilize in military subjects from all eras -- uniforms, weapons, troops, battles (The above link is to the ancient world section of the website.) They should have what you're looking for....


« on: May 17, 2010, 06:34:11 PM »
Do you (or anyone else) know if there are any plans to offer transcripts of the events after the fact?

There's interesting stuff there, to be sure, but the likelihood of my attending at those times is low.


Author Craft / Re: Run away?
« on: April 30, 2010, 01:28:44 AM »
First thing to so is write the note. It will show the character's mindset,

Second, show the note to your own parents and get their reaction (Explain beforehand why your doing this) What would they do if it had you that had written the note for real?

The scene is going to be tense, the longer it goes, the more tension there's going to be in the scene -- Emotions is going to rise, family mem,bers are going to become more frantic and less calm the longer the situation lasts.

The Brother may use his 'ability' to see if something is wrong beyond the obivious. He's going to be ignored (Unless the police suspect him of comitting a crime in this scene)


Author Craft / Re: Can't come up with a decent villain
« on: April 30, 2010, 01:17:09 AM »
Who said you need just one villain or a group of villains? Use a combination of antagonists. Maybe there's TWO groups after the hero, one "Light" the other one "Dark" and both willing to go through the hero to complate their objective. Maybe it's a free for all, with every supernatural and mundane insider after the rings. Maybe another supernatural, non-demon is after the rings -- say a Vampire. Or maybe one of the demons has put the word out and arranged for the hero to be taken out so it can take the ring (and control of the other demons) for himself.


Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: March 23, 2010, 08:25:24 PM »
Been out for a while, but I'm still writing. (Up to seven stories now on, including a major anthology for teh dire) I plan on contuning short stories until I feel comfortable, then slowly expand from there into novels. When I do make that jump to novels, I want to have something to show I have a track record......


Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: August 17, 2009, 05:52:21 PM »
It's been a long while since I posted on these boards, or even perused them....*Sigh*  :-[

Anyway, I'm now an (Electronicly) published Author! The place is the subscription site, BattleCorps It is the only place to get offical cannon fiction set in the Battletech Universe. Battletech itself is a game celebrating it's 25th year, and is well know for a deep and varied universe.

I've had three sort stories published so far on the site, and I'm hopeful for a fourth story. Hoppefully I can go from there..... ;)


Author Craft / Re: Does JB accept any ideas from his fans?
« on: May 13, 2008, 12:24:49 AM »
I don't disagree with you, Craig, but consider that none of us live in a vaccuum. In a You Tube videos from the recent Small Favor signings called Originality (or something similiar to that) JB talks about how he *thought* he had this fabulous 'original' idea for Bob as a skull with glowing lights for eyes and he was so excited he'd come up with something so awesome that had never been done before... and then he sat down with his son and watched the opening sequence of Scooby Doo. Obviously, his unconscious nabbed the image and ran with it.

In the case with Bob, I think Jim saw a post Bob made here that likened
(click to show/hide)
, and used it as only JB can, expertly weaving the train of thought into the plot of Small Favor. While the idea itself pretty much is public domain, Jim had the class to mention to Bob after the fact that he'd swiped his idea cause he thought was a good one, and useful, and man, it made Bob's day!

Mind you, I think this is pretty much a unique scenario, (using a fan's idea) but I gotta give the man kudos for giving credit where it's due and never being arrogant or aloof about his talent.

True, but He shouldn't be in the position of accepting ideas as a matter of course -- the "What if?" question.....

Minor things are one thing -- Marcone easily slides into the role of robber baron, and it gives the character a little more death, and Jim acknowledged where the idea came from. But "what if?" questions should come from him and him alone, because "What if?" are plot related.

For example, say I EMailed Jim with "What if Harry Dresden won the lottery for $300 million, moves to California, and becomes Tom Cruise's personal soothsayer?" (It's the most off the wall idea I could think of, and I'm sure Jim is not going to be desperate enough to come close to using that -- I hope! ;D) First, the idea is so off the wall, Jim will quietly dig a hole and bury it in the garden. So, say for the sake of the argument, he sends back a little note, saying "thanks, but no thanks." So, I have wasted my time and his, maybe set myself up for a disappointment.

But, suppose he's working on a plotline that very closely resembles that? That opens up a whole can of worms, maybe leading to legal action down the road if I was prissy enough. I know of at least one fantsy novelist (whse name escapes me at the moment) who had to defend herself in court because some person had written a fanfiction that greatly resembled her recently published novel. It was so bad that she actively goes after fanfic authors who use her series for their stories. I know that JMS, the creator/guiding light behind Babaylon 5 had to scrap a storyline because somebody mentioned the idea on the main B5 forum whilew the storyline was being developed (I also heard that the fan sent a notizied letter to WB, declaiming all rights to the idea, and they dusted off the storyline and use it in a later season.)

So taking ideas is a very risky thing to do. If Jim came on and said, "I need a name for this character," That's one thing. But he shouldn't, IMHO, come on and say, "I need help with this plot point." Jim is a better writer then that, plus it's less hassle for him that the main ideas come from him instead of us.


Author Craft / Re: Does JB accept any ideas from his fans?
« on: May 09, 2008, 08:04:23 PM »
I think that Jim should neither ask for or take ideas from the public on any story idea. Because when it comes down to it, he is the sole author and the Dresden files is his, lock, stack and barrel. He may ask his circle of pre-reraders about what reads better in a scene, but he should be the only one to chose what he writes. Now, he may be influenced by public opinion, but it shouldn't be his sole decision.


Author Craft / Re: Ethical Question
« on: April 13, 2008, 01:57:53 AM »
If you know where to look, you can find "how to" books on nearly everything -- including how to commit crimes. So, those people looking for ideas does not need to look to novels to inspire them.......


Author Craft / Re: Fanfic richer or poorer?
« on: March 27, 2008, 08:01:26 PM »
I think that using an authors universe but not their charecters is best for a jumping off point for a writer trying to find their own voice.  As long as the original author's characters are not in it I think of it as constructive non-publishable work of fiction.  If someone is writing a spin-off of anothers writers established work for pay it is simmiler to fan fic that they are trying to fit what they contribute into an exsiting framework and is not a one-off of what is the universe

The Battletech Universe is a Perfect example of a universe which don't need to use any established characters to write stories in. Based on a 20+ year old game, Battletech is space opera with multiple interstellar states, a solid and extensive universe background in place, and more conflict, both large and small that can be drawn on without effecting the major events going on around them. There are no "Evil" factions: all have some level of grey in them, each have heros and villians, strenghts and weaknesses. Almost any story can be told here, be it one of combat, or one of intreague, even to romance, if one wants to go thast route. I have written a bunch of stories set in this universe, and it's never old, becase I have a framework to work in, not a strightjacket.


Author Craft / Re: Great, its Ruined!
« on: January 02, 2008, 05:55:34 AM »
Speaking as someone who reads a lit of Military sci-fi, There's only so many different ways you can have an insteller war -- it's the details that different the story, as well as the skill of the writer writing it. Afteer all, my one original project involves a new wizard and his dragon famillar. Alan Dean Foster and Pip and Flix, Steven Brust has Vlad Talos and his pair of Jihergs. All I have to do is put my unique spin on it.....


DFRPG / Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« on: September 19, 2007, 02:15:37 PM »
May a toss in a (Very late) Suggestion?

Every time a new novel in TDF comes out, add a .pdf supplement to the website. Really, I don't see each novel generating more then 15 pages of new things that can be added to the RPG, and I may be overstating that. Then anyone can DL the supplement, print it up and add it to the rulebook. That way, the game can stay current without the need to keep buying additions to the core book....


My bear is a panda.

He's cute and distracts me.

Is his name Gema?  :D


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