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Messages - Con

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DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone/Namshiel, It Seems Weird to Me...
« on: May 10, 2021, 11:28:45 AM »
Honestly I expect Marcone drew up a contract with adendums and failsafes similar to what Butters did with Bob.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who would you like to see face off?
« on: May 07, 2021, 02:17:03 PM »
Mouse Vs Cerberus

DF Spoilers / Re: Who would you like to see face off?
« on: May 05, 2021, 10:44:24 PM »
Goodman Grey vs Kincaid over rival contracts.

DF Spoilers / Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« on: May 03, 2021, 02:10:36 AM »
Well, in White Knight, Luccio says:
Maybe when you're a wizard, your body sorta works like everyone else's until you become a "senior citizen" and then you just continue to live. So, your fertile period is the more or less the same as any other normal human?

I don't remember how old Luccio is supposed to be. Also, I think Harry (double) implied that she was a very experienced person in the bedroom, so, sounds like she used to have a very healthy sexual life.

But then, Margaret was over a hundred when she had Harry, right?

It is a bid weird, the lack of children from McCoy. Maybe this family is just repressed in general, LOL.

Honestly I think this was a flaw Jim hadn't considered when younger body swapping Luccio in Dead Beat which we know had some divergence from the original plan of the series.

I don't think Jim had considered that Margaret le Fey was already over a century old when she had Harry and Thomas. One of those things that could have slipped his mind when writing for the Hardback Dead Beat.

DF Spoilers / Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« on: April 30, 2021, 12:53:44 PM »
I mean what confuses me is Wizards live for 300 to 400 years but Ebenezars only had one child?

That's more sterile than the White Courts supposed to be.

DF Spoilers / Maggie's Classmates?
« on: April 26, 2021, 02:01:26 AM »
So if and when Maggie's YA series gets off the ground what Scions do you expect of Maggie's Classmates?

White Court
Fae Changelings

Are the obvious choices, someone suggested demigods but thats a little too Percy Jackson for my money.

DF Spoilers / Re: Sir Marcone: Who Know's?
« on: April 02, 2021, 08:51:36 AM »
I mean tbf some powerful beings tend to be obtuse about things that aren't in their purview. Erlking needed Kringle to translate during Cold Days and was confused by Margaret le Fey's necklace and didn't make the connection of Dresden being her son.

The svartalves have an almost autistic social interactions.

Even Mab struggles to keep up with the pop culture references, and thats with her daughter playing interpreter.

DF Spoilers / Sir Marcone: Who Know's?
« on: March 29, 2021, 01:54:24 AM »
So who knows Marcone has Namshiel other than Harry.

Mab suspects.

Did Hendricks know? Kind of obsolete at this point.

If Gard knows which I doubt than Vadderung would know as well.

Mrs Demeter?

If it was Namshiel at Arctis Tor then it's possible that Marcone might Time Travel along with Harry to those events.

Oh right I forgot to add this.

I really really want Harry to come up with a strategy for huge enemies, beyond trying to trip them, or relying on the fact they can't bank or turn and leading them into a trap.

Mostly I like Harry's Shield Progression the most. Purely Kinetic from Baseballs as a 12 year old to fending of half a dozen Black Court Elders.

The Soulfire and Will combination is good as well. I just reread BG and he combines both those with Winter as well.

His offense is progressively more powerful but that's more about his power growth than any distinct skill he works on.

Binding Ethniu was great and all but felt like a standard fight against WILL at this point, has done since Changes.

DF Spoilers / Re: Murphy's background
« on: March 09, 2021, 10:47:13 AM »
Harry did try to warn her though she may have thought that was jealousy.

She's not stupid either, she could have figured it out before it was too late in Ghost Story.

WOJ somewhere is Murphy knows about Kincaid shooting Harry and would greet him with her p90

DFRPG / Re: Need help building a spell in DFRPG
« on: March 08, 2021, 08:35:32 AM »
Tethered the dudes soul/life force to his body long enough for paramedics too arrive and save him. She ad to be present the entire time though.

DF Spoilers / Re: Was Eb a lot more like Harry in the past?
« on: March 08, 2021, 08:23:08 AM »
Aaah cool I was using Ebenezar in the search find bar not McCoy

This topic needs to be updated.

-Dresden has shown disturbing affiliation with a White Court Vampire to the point of disrupting Peace Talks at an Accord summett.
-Dresden has also been rumored to be engaged to Lara Raith the true power of the White Court.
- There is a rumour Dresden fought the Blackstaff and survived.

Dresden fought in the Battle of Chicago his actions there in are included but not limited to:
-Surviving a Kracken.
-Unleashing several thousand of the Little Folk under his command, which gave several powerful beings great pause.
- Killing a squad of Huntsmen. With the help of one of the Forest People, a people known for their aversion to voilence and even an issolationist policy worthy of the Jade Court. An apparent ally of Dresden who has agreed to join Mab's (Dresdens Liege lord) Unseelie Accords
-Leading a compliment of Wardens mostly to their death at the hands of Mavra. A vampire Dresden has been known to fight Dresden yet conveniently both of them lived.
-Dresden fought one of the prominent Jotuns and lived.
-Dresden took command of a large number of Fae and Humans in possible violation of the Fourth Law. A law his former apprentice now Winter Lady Molly Carpenter has experience with, and was spared execution only by Dresdens intervention.
-Dresden bound a TITAN with the use of his superweapon The Island now known as Demonreach.
-Dresdens longtime ally Karrin Murphy has been enlisted as an Einherjaaren.
-Dresden attended a closed meeting of supernatural powers to discuss the fall out of the Battle of Chicago. The result of which atleast on policy of seemingly bribing human populist.
-Dresden took control of a Castle once belonging to Baron John Marcone a criminal. The Castle is a heavily fortified position. Almost as strong as the Island of which Dresden has control of.

DF Spoilers / Re: Can't wait to see what they got!
« on: March 08, 2021, 04:41:11 AM »
Reading some WoJ and this is from 2015...  I can't wait...

Most of the older wizards have got their own crazy background of powerups which they do not advertise. Listens-To-Wind’s shapeshifting isn’t purely a matter of wizardly skill (though his healing abilities are), for example.
But here’s the key thing about people of power in the Dresden universe (and in the real world): the truly dangerous folks do not advertise. Not ever. They have no need to show off, and constantly displaying how scary they are would be counter to their own interests. [/snip]
All the senior wizards have got something up their sleeve, and every single one of them is hiding it from all the others. If they don’t know about it, they can’t plan for it, and the “knowledge is power” wizard crowd is all about planning for things.
But we are coming up on the time when people are going to have their backs to the wall and we’re going to start seeing what they’ve got. And I’ve been looking forward to writing it for nearly twenty years

huh I thought the quote was older than that. Pre Rashid as Gatekeeper at the Outer Gates explained.

As for Listens to Winds we now know that he was taught by Rivers Shoulders. So there's that addition.

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