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Messages - Snark Knight

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DF Spoilers / Re: Who would you like to see face off?
« on: May 06, 2021, 04:05:48 PM »
The Ghouls vs. The Forest People

That was in Bigfoot on Campus.

The thing I do not understand is why the White Court? Yes, Lara is smart and powerful, but at the end of the day, the White Court as a whole is not that impressive (IMO). Sure they have sex powers and can do some cool things but compared to other nations; they are not that great.

I don't think you're putting enough currency on how smart Lara is. It's not just intelligence, it's that she doesn't get stuck in mental ruts like most of the other immortals. She moves with the times, and she's accumulated significant influence with the vanilla political leadership.

Plus, she was the architect of the Stokerlypse. That's gotta count for something.

DF Spoilers / Re: What would Mother Winter do?
« on: May 03, 2021, 12:23:22 PM »
Promote climate change perhaps?  Put her in conflict with Mab, maybe?  By that if she can get around easier, Mother Winter might overrule Mab, and that might not be good..  Here is a thought, it was Mab who originally stole or arranged for Mother Winter's walking stick to be stolen in the first place.  It was part of a power grab, and somehow handed it off to the White Council to deflect suspicion from herself..

I think the division of power and jurisdiction is pretty ingrained between the Queens. They'd pretty much have to be nemfected to try to circumvent the proper boundaries between them.

DF Spoilers / Re: Think the White Council will make an attempt?
« on: May 03, 2021, 12:34:01 AM »
The Genoskwa will certainly try though and white council involvement is not necessary for that. He will almost certainly underestimate Harry though.

Why? He's seen just about every powerup Harry has at his disposal, unless he takes to carrying the spearhead regularly.

DF Spoilers / Re: Think the White Council will make an attempt?
« on: May 02, 2021, 04:29:54 PM »
I doubt it. The Council is filthy rich and cowardly, much better to hire disposable assassins. Sure, it's Harry Dresden they're going after, so any one assassin won't be cheap, but still.

Yeah, killing him at least semi-publicly (in the sense that most of the Council members are aware they did it) would probably be too controversial. Eb is the only one who could kill him with magic, and while the engagement will probably push him to consider it, I don't think he would. I'm not sure any of the Wardens Langtry would trust to follow an order to kill Harry in secret without using magic have the competency with guns or bombs to stand a near certain chance of success.

Hiring someone in Kincaid or Grey's orbit to do it for them makes a lot more sense for Langtry and his faction. Someone with a footing in mortal organized crime hits would be a bonus, because even if they fail, Marcone would be the instant number one suspect for the paymaster behind it.

Or if they're willing to get their hands dirtier, Shagnasty or the Genoskwa would probably go after Harry for a bent quarter and a copy of whatever intelligence the Wardens have on his defenses to make the job easier for them.

I'd also expect attempts on his life from at least some of:
- factions of the White Court that don't want the engagement to proceed
- possibly Marcone for real
- King Corb
- Outsiders and their cultists. If Harry's confidence that he can adapt binding and banishing cornerhounds to exorcising Nemesis isn't misplaced, that's a threat to them.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone/Namshiel, It Seems Weird to Me...
« on: May 01, 2021, 02:45:25 AM »
All out civil war between the Denarians, interesting... Already a power struggle between Nic and Tessa, could it be that was the reason he wanted the Grail? Or more to the point, all of the Artifacts.

If Forthill's information is anywhere near accurate, Nic and Tessa have been doing the rivalry thing for centuries already. I think going to the extreme of killing Deirdre to get his hands on the artifacts was about something more urgent than the power struggle that's already been between them.

Nic might have been pushed there by learning from Harry about the Hellfire being used in the attack on Arctis Tor and inferring there was a n-fected among the Denarians and Tessa might be it. But I think his desperation to claim the weapons had more to do with the upcoming culmination of the current starborn cycle. It's 'five minutes to midnight' for the immortals, and all.

DF Spoilers / Re: Could the Beckitt's be Cowl/Kumori?
« on: May 01, 2021, 02:12:50 AM »
Cowl has been at the game a while - long enough to have a history with the other Kemmlerite disciples. If you think he was sandbagging as Beckitt, why? That couldn't have been Cowl's actual birth identity - the cops arresting someone who seems mid-30's to 40's but has an ID with a birthdate far enough back to account for Cowl's acquaintance with Kemmler and the other heirs would have raised some eyebrows. The Beckitt identity was a nobody on the supernatural who's - who radar, so sandbagging as the assistant to an inferior like Sells seems like a lot of trouble to go to for faking the death of an alias identity that nobody cares about anyway.

And if Helen Beckitt had even a fraction of Kumori's skill and power, she hardly would have needed to mess around with feeding intel to the Denarians to hurt Marcone, after seducing her way into his confidence. She could have had her revenge directly in an effectively unlimited number of satisfyingly horrible ways.

Plus, Cowl and Kumori were swanning around Bianca's party well before the timeline for Mr. Beckitt's death and Mrs. Beckitt's parole.

If Cowl was anything to the plot of SF, it makes much more sense that he was the theorized unseen tutor who was setting Sells up with dribs and drabs of training to use him as a cat's paw. Cowl or Lord Raith (or both, if they were allies in The Circle) are the best candidates for that.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Blackstaff picks his successor.......
« on: April 30, 2021, 01:11:15 AM »
Nah, he actually is a character that has to go in battle, to be killed. He is the overpowered tank that helps you feel like victory is assured. ... But that makes for a boring story.

He might not even be mobile for a long time after his injuries in Battle Ground.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone/Namshiel, It Seems Weird to Me...
« on: April 29, 2021, 02:18:23 PM »
The weird part is that from what we know of Namshiel, jolly cooperation is not part of his usual MO.

In Small Favor, he was one of the Denarians that liked to dominate his hosts completely. And yet post-Battle Ground we find out that he's apparently just some Magic Nerd that is willing to play partners with Marcone and make jokes in the middle of a battle?

Could be the Fallen itself and/or the previous host were N-fected. That accounts for just about any erratic behaviour.

Could be he's pissed after Tessa and Rosanna maybe framed him for Arctis Tor and definitely pickpocketed the back of coins off of him and left him to lose his host and go to coin jail, and he decided he needs of a partnership role with Marcone if he's going to get even with the others who treat their hosts as a partner.

DF Spoilers / Re: Trap an Archangel foreshadowing?
« on: April 29, 2021, 01:58:15 PM »
I've wondered, but Fool Moon Harry was basically a moron. Even in Summer Knight he thought the Queens were throwing around power that could rival the archangels to create the battlefield in the sky ... he had no idea what he was on about, at that point. It's a justifiable error when archangels basically don't use their power hardly ever, but I don't think he'd say that after meeting Mr Sunshine.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Blackstaff picks his successor.......
« on: April 29, 2021, 01:52:31 PM »
He might have chosen Harry once. That trust is broken now.

Plus, assuming Ebenezar knows it's Mother Winter's staff, bequeathing it to someone beholden to obey an order from her to return her stolen property would be the end of the Blackstaff as an office of the council. And he believes that office needs to exist.

Furthermore, if he has any affection left for Harry, he'd know that passing the staff outside the Council would get him immediately marked for death to retrieve it.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Denarians are the good guys?
« on: April 26, 2021, 03:28:40 AM »
Also, I suspect that if Jim fully revealed his backstory to us, we would find that beneath his façade Nicodemus hides a deep contempt for humanity that existed before he ever touched one of the coins.  Anduriel probably didn't have to do much to manipulate Nicodemus, just highlight Nic's worst tendencies to nudge him in the right direction.

Reminds me of a WOJ to the effect that Nicodemus is, in some ways, actually worse than Lucifer. While the latter has an argument with heaven, he at least conducts it within certain boundaries.

I wonder whether Anduriel did an amazing job of corrupting Nic, or just had the good fortune to hook up with a nearly perfect bastard from the get-go?

DF Spoilers / Re: The Denarians are the good guys?
« on: April 25, 2021, 05:38:39 PM »
So yeah, all of this is pretty evil at face value. And I generally assumed they were the bad guys. But IF they are trying to stop hell on earth than really anything is justifiable.

I think they've convinced the hosts that they allow to maintain some semblance of independence, like Nic and Deirdre, of that principle. The Fallen may even believe it themselves (though I suspect there are almost as many different beliefs and reasons for falling as there are fallen, so perhaps I should say some of them might believe it).

The issue is, what if there's a less destructive way to avoid the outsider victory and empty night?

I wouldn't be at all surprised if how to deal with the Outsiders is one of the central disputes in DV cosmology between TWG and the Fallen. The 'good' side is willing to take a substantial risk of losing in pursuit of a win with minimal damage to creation. The Fallen think TWG is recklessly risking everything on a long shot because He is too sentimental about breaking his creations. They instead embrace a scorched earth policy, where good odds of saving a badly damaged something are better than poor odds of saving almost everything. I'd further guess that opinions on whether the stupid primates are worth risking their own immortal butts for are a significant factor in where each angel comes down on that question.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror character changes ideas
« on: April 23, 2021, 03:26:54 PM »
Molly as alt-Morgan's fanatical apprentice. Joined the Wardens to get revenge for -Harry failing Michael and leading to his death.

DF Spoilers / Re: How Mab gets Harry to kill loved ones
« on: April 22, 2021, 12:48:36 PM »
Harry just told Mab those were the conditions. She never actually agreed to anything he said. Neither through words nor through gestures or eye-blinking.
Meaning she can tell him to do anything she wants.

Yeah, that's the bigger danger to him. With the original three favors, he was smart enough to include the right to turn down job requests that would fulfil one of them. With the Knight gig, she never actually accepted his terms against killing loved ones.

Of course, if she ordered "kill Molly" for no good reason, he's more likely to say "Nah" and choose to die for insubordination.

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