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Messages - Second Aristh

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DF Spoilers / Re: Notes on Contagion
« on: August 06, 2021, 10:36:19 PM »
SA (I'm abbreviating your handle), I believe Lily confirms Sells, Denton, Kravos and Aurora. Why waste Nemesis on Justine? She's just a low-level human. I suspect Justin was too for that matter. I think all these apparent nobody humans are not chosen randomly, but for their specific connection to Harry. Why pick on people just in Chicago? Why pick such weak hosts? I do believe Nemesis also is trying to create more chaos in the world, but the hosts are not totally at random. It could be as simple as the initial host was connected to Harry and Chicago, and so all the others are just the hosts that were available. It could also be much more specific and each host was chosen for how it would affect certain things. I believe that is more likely, considering how powerful Outsiders are and Walkers in particular.
Ah, I should have guessed. 

I believe that Aurora was certainly Nemesis controlled (since her fae nature prevents most other options), but not Sells/Denton/Kravos.  Lily isn't convincing for me; we already know she's been lied to.  I put those three at the Black Council's feet (also, for clarity, let's be specific about Black Council/Circle vs Black Court).  They are setting the stage for the Circle/Nemesis's first big move together (at least in a while) in GP targeting Lea and starting the wizard-vampire war.  They were doing things Nemesis liked, but I don't think Nemesis had the ability to jump into any of those three like he could for Cat Sith, for example. 

Justine is substantially different than any of the three early mortal villains.  She's not just a random mook.  She's a hook into both the White Court royalty (in two ways) and into the starborn that's been ruining so many things for Nemesis's BC buddies lately.

I'd also push back against Justin being Nemesis.  He's BC through and through.  (Fun fact, Justin was Simon Pietrovich's apprentice).

I agree though there is a difference between Nemesis infected villains, Black Court agents and those manipulated by them, and other nasty monsters. I think Arianna WAS destabilising the Red Court, she just didn't realise it. Think back to Maeve. So sure she was winning her own game against Mab - neither knowing nor caring for the repercussions. Maeve was almost deluded into believing she would rule instead of Mab but really she would have perished along with the rest. I think Arianna was blinded to her ambitions of going to the Lords of the Outer Night...never realising that the end result of her manipulations was going to be either the destruction of the Red Court or the Wizards. Neither matters to just wants Empty Night. Remember how the it says everything that happened in Battle Ground was just an act of faith in "Empty Night"?
I'd say that Ariana was more blinded by getting revenge on Harry's family than her ambition, but that's not the point.  By removing the liability that is the Red King, she's strengthening the Red Court overall.  That's not destabilizing.  It's like Harry slamming his arm back into socket, painful at first, but quickly better.  Destroying the White Council would be stabilizing for the Red Court as well.  No more wizards killing them in a long war.  Ariana's actions are against the chaos that Nemesis prefers in order to bring about Empty Night.  Prolonging the war is what's good for Nemesis, not the RC winning.

Well, it's almost certain whoever gave the that curse to Sells (some really advanced dark magic, blood magic) also either taught it to the Red Court, or borrowed it from them to pass on. We've always assumed Black Court...but Nemesis could be the link as well. I don't know that Sells could have powered the curse past one individual.
Agreed.  I would imagine that the heart curse is an original Red Court/Mayan pantheon special that the BC came across (which makes a nice contribution for a Cowl=Simon Pietrovich vampire expert in the BC).  It hadn't been used in forever (Odin says over a millennium for Power on the Changes scale), so send it off to Chicago with a nobody to test before any enemies know you're plotting, hence Sells.  That way, they can figure out its requirements and limitations while simultaneously setting the stage for their big move in GP.  Later, it's an insurance policy for the WC getting the upper hand against the RC in order to prolong the war.

You know, I first thought of Agent Smith but then the more I thought about it the less it works. Agent Smith wanted to "perfect" everything. He hated all the humans, and then all the programs as well. He almost grew too powerful for his masters to control (at least, that's one interpretation). But Smith ended up taking over every program in the Matrix. He couldn't stop, becoming a self-replicating virus. Smith wasn't just one thing, it was a legion by the end. Which I think was deliberate by the Wachowskis. Anyway, Nemesis doesn't seem to take everything over or be a legion, as such. It more seems like a being that just enjoys destroying things, and just take's over it's host when it feels the need to. That's why I thought of it more of the regular Agents than Smith. Still though, anything is possible.
Yeah, I was mostly pointing out the process where Agent Smith took over susceptible targets.  We agree that Nemesis and Agent Smith are distinct philosophically.

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 05, 2021, 09:06:23 PM »
It's not the historical aspect, or at least to my suggestion for their use. It's that they're bullets and guns that may have been handled and given between two people that could be in True Love.

Their historical value only comes into play because their love and their crime spree would be public knowledge, and therefore would make it easier to find out about than bullets and guns given to and handled by True Loves that are anonymous and unknown.
Ah whampire burning love bullets instead of Marcone bullets.  Gotcha

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 05, 2021, 08:02:46 PM »
Proof, please. How would killing Maggie count as breaking the Accords?

If they killed her at a reception where she was a guest, sure- but it wasn't that kind of situation. Harry didn't violate the Accords by killing Bianca- he granted the power to the shades of her victims to do it. But they did it of their own free will independent of Harry. That's why the war was Red Court vs. White Council- no violation of the Accords, everyone else stayed out of it.

Regarding the bullets: I think Jim's going for "A bullet that killed a hero is a hero killing bullet" kind of situation- those with great destinies that were broken gaining metaphysical mass. The bullet from Nelson is firing with the force of Nelson's life.

Regarding Papa Raith- he killed his brother by tossing him from an airplane. Papa Raith is 2k years old, and has lead the White Court for some time. Baby brother was probably not a mere few centuries old. Nice nod towards the Raiths realizing Papa had lost his mojo.
The Accords wouldn't be broken per se, but killing a wizard of the White Council would give the WC an actionable grievance against the White Court (assuming it could be proven to a given standard blah blah).  That kind of grievance can be settled sometimes with a weregild or higher stakes including war depending on the moods of the Accorded nations.  My understanding with the WC-RC war was that both parties wronged each other, so other nations had an out to stay neutral.

DF Spoilers / Re: More foreshadowing?
« on: August 05, 2021, 06:21:06 PM »
Hadn't thought of that one, but I don't see it, as a "host" she'd still be human... What Harry sees isn't, though she still looks like Molly.
Human, but the Denarian form metaphorically peeking through since it's a soulgaze.  There was a WoJ or a book quote somewhere about the Denarians loving to acquire a family member for one of the Knights of the Cross.

Denarian Dresden was also one of the options Jim considered instead of Winter Knight Harry in Changes, so it makes sense as far as a possibility for Molly from way back then.

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 05, 2021, 06:11:03 PM »
I could see a young group like the Librarians quietly acquiring the weapons used by Bonnie and Clyde back in the 1930's, and keeping them in a safe to be used against Wamps.

Is it important that the bullets came from historical figures or they killed historical figures?  Or maybe either/or?

I could certainly seem them scoop up John Wilkes Booth's bullet along those lines.  Assuming they know the value like Marcone does.

DF Spoilers / Re: Damn, Maeve really did win
« on: August 05, 2021, 06:04:22 PM »
My interpretation of Mab's treatment of Lea was as Mab creating an ice wall in Lea's mind to keep Beside out.  As long as Lea puts up with that discomfort and doesn't scratch away at it, she can't be controlled.  Thinking about it is that scratching.  In Arctis Tor, the wall hadn't been fully constructed yet, hence Beside going with a Hail Mary ploy for Harry to release Lea.

I'd be concerned about the strain it would put on a mortal like Justine to undergo Mab's treatment.

DF Spoilers / Re: More foreshadowing?
« on: August 05, 2021, 05:50:00 PM »
A soul gaze only takes a snap shot of that person in that point of time, and perhaps a view of possible futures... But the future is always in motion so things change, so you cannot say that Harry got the soul gaze wrong.. He saw several possible futures for her in Proven Guilty
1] Molly looking as though she were strung out on hard drugs with a "fey light" in her eyes.
Just checked the dictionary and according to it, "fey" means That kind of fits with a possible future Winter Lady gig don't you think? 
2] Smiling, happy, older, a little plump surrounded by children..
If she decides to take her mother's route, that could very well be her future, there is no
reason to believe that Molly wouldn't make a good wife and mother. 
3] Wearing a grey Warden's cloak, her face scared by battles yet to be fought.
Not unlike perhaps what Eb might have seen in his soul gaze of sixteen year old Harry.  Harry
and Molly had that in common,  possible warlock, but with guidance a brave Warden for the White
4] Basically a happy young woman, but perhaps a bit more secure..
5] At a desk working...
Not much to go on there, though I guess if you want take a real leap, future Winter Lady doing her job..
6]  The last one looked like Molly, but wasn't, but someone all together evil;
The obvious is if she went full warlock with her mind powers, Molly would be a powerful evil force to recon with.  But another thought hit me as I was copying the quote out of the book.  Could this be the reason why Mab ordered Harry to kill Molly if something happened to her?  Mab said that if Molly became Queen it would be unsettling, not just for the Court, but for everyone.  Could the above be the future Molly that Mab saw if she became Queen prematurely?  Mab wants a strong Queen to succeed her, but I doubt she wants an evil Queen that's into mind control.  Notice that Harry says this version of Molly isn't human, but she looks human, well that defines what Mab is, doesn't it?

Then he comes away with the impression that Molly is a person of power.. That evil does hang over her, but it hadn't gained dominance.. With guidance she could turn out okay.. So was Harry wrong?  So far I'd say no.
For the possible futures, I interpret them as
1]  Winter Lady Molly
2]  Molly that set aside magic
3]  Warden Molly
4]  ? ? ?
5]  ? ? ?
6]  Denarian Molly

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 05, 2021, 05:40:46 PM »
Kincaid probably deals in ammunition that would do more like decapitation than hole-through-head, but Ebenezar possibly hates Kincaid even more than he does Lord Raith, so there's no way he's going there for a contract. Kincaid would probably refuse a contract there anyway on the premise Eb was probably setting him up to go on a suicide mission.
Yeah, at the very least, I think going Marcone's route with a historical bullet would be a necessity to feel comfortable taking a shot at Papa Raith.  Kincaid used mundane bullets on Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: More foreshadowing?
« on: August 05, 2021, 01:17:01 AM »
Thanks, I knew it was mentioned, well, if that isn't foreshadowing I don't what is.  What further reinforces it is later in Ghost Story, Lea becomes "Auntie Lea" to complete Molly's training. And yup, she shaped her alright.. And once again Grave Peril proves itself to be one of the key books in the whole series as far as foreshadowing goes.
Agreed, GP was the finale of Act 1 of the Dresden Files.

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 05, 2021, 01:13:39 AM »
Very possible, but at the same time Eb had dinner with Margaret and Lord Raith from time to time.
That is how Ariana got wind or figured out that she was Eb's daughter..  So at the very least Eb knew Margaret was tight with vamps, and if she showed up to more than one dinner with Lord Raith, he should have been able to put two and two together.  This went on for a number of years, let's not forget that Thomas was at least five when Margaret dumped Lord Raith for Malcolm.
Odin has lunch with Uriel from time to time, but we don't assume they live together.   ;D

I don't think Eb and Maggie Sr had many lines of communication open in her later years and she's appearing so many unpleasant places all the time, so assuming that she was sleeping with Papa Raith is an understandable stretch to me.  Why would a powerful wizard make such a bad decision to sleep with a sex vampire?  They would have thought that another explanation was simpler.

DF Spoilers / Re: Damn, Maeve really did win
« on: August 05, 2021, 12:53:49 AM »
My only comment would be that Mab might have to have Molly killed, rather than kill her herself, if she decided to not keep her. Mostly because Molly may still technically be mortal, and Molly didn't make a contract with Mab like Harry did.

But I think there was WoJ about Molly accepting the mantle, so maybe she's signed on and owned just like Harry.
For sure there might be extra steps to get things done, but it's an option.  I think Molly counts pretty much as fae for the purposes of Winter Law anyway.

DF Spoilers / Re: Damn, Maeve really did win
« on: August 04, 2021, 06:20:56 PM »
I'm not sure what you mean about Mab ordering Harry to kill her? But what Mab or Titania wants doesn't really have a bearing. Titania didn't "want" Lily, but she was the closest vessel compatible to the summer lady mantle when it was vulnerable so it went into her.

Likewise, if Molly hadn't been there, but one of the nine winter Sidhe present to help Maeve had been female, it seems likely that they would have been candidates over Justine or Murphy.

Since the mantle didn't go to any of them, we can speculate that they weren't female or weren't compatible for other reasons. Or the mantle felt like Molly, despite being only human with wizard blood, was a better fit.
Probably referencing Mab's comment in BG before the Eye showdown.  I think the point was that even if the Lady mantle chooses someone that Mab disapproves of, as long as Mab knows where it is, she can kill the new Lady in the presence of a more suitable candidate. 

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 04, 2021, 05:47:35 PM »
Oh no, Lara is older than Luccio. Papa Raith is far, far older. He quite possibly predates the building of Rome. I believe there's a quote about him having 2000 years of paranoia built up.

Why wouldn't a sniper rifle work? Especially with the right bullet? White Court can heal...if they don't suffer catastrophic damage to their structure. I'd say a sniper rifle bullet to the head would do the trick.

As for knowing where Raith is, that's required for some magic, sure. But not all. There's such a thing as sympathetic magic and thaumaturgy. Well, Lord Raith can't avoid magic entirely because Eb got three attempts in (if you go by Ebenezar's word). Even without that it's really just a planning issue, which comes down to intel gathering. I don't doubt Eb could do that well enough.

And yet, Eb supposedly took three hits at the White King to no reprisals. Very fishy. Either the White's were scared of him, or he didn't try very hard/at all.
I found the WoJ, Papa Raith is around 2000 years old total.  The White Court's official language is Etruscan, so their court likely does predate Rome, but not Papa Raith himself.

I'm still thinking Lara is of a similar age to Luccio tbh, like born between Langtry and Luccio.  I can't find references to it explicitly, but she mentions living in Japan for a big chunk of the 1700's in PT and Luccio was born late 1700's early 1800's since she can barely remember the War of 1812.

A sniper bullet would put a hole in a whampire's head, but I don't think it would be enough to reliably put one down by itself.  Lara shook off a grenade in the face.

Thaumaturgy requires a metaphysical link to the target.  Raith's protection is going to make that nigh impossible.  He's magical teflon.  That means magical attacks are going to be tougher to pull off.  A satellite drop could be area targeted to Chateau Raith, but what if Papa Raith was in the Deeps and it misses?  Gathering information on a foreign head of state seems harder than you make it out to be.  Especially when he somehow stymies all your best tools.  Eb evidently took three shots and all three didn't work.  Papa Raith couldn't hit back because of Maggie Sr's curse, so he took a hit to his standing in the White Court and didn't retaliate.

Eb can be willfully and selectively blind to a lot of stuff, i.e. thinking Margaret lived with Raith for a number of years and didn't have sex with him?
Was that actually known information, though?  I get the sense that Maggie Sr was hopping everywhere throughout the NN for the last portion of her life (cough cough setting up the Circle cough cough).  I don't think where she was living was really public information beyond she had been seen with lots and lots of unsavory folks.

DF Spoilers / Re: Notes on Contagion
« on: August 04, 2021, 03:23:59 PM »
Maybe not every big bad...but I'd assume a fair amount of them. Particularly the earlier case files.

Also, SA, we have confirmation I believe of Sells and Kravos being infected. I agree they seem odd choices but I suspect the reasons for them won't be revealed until we find out a bit more about Nemesis.
I would think most villains were combinations of either BC influence or Nemesis, but they're not the same thing.  It's two groups both thinking that they're using the other one for their own gains.  Sells/Kravos/Bianca are all the initial pawns set up by the BC, not really Nemesis hosts.  Why waste a limited slot on someone like Sells if you're Nemesis when the BC will control him for you?


I suspect Ariana but not Ortega. I wouldn't be surprised if Mavra was infected. Nemesis has few limits about what it can affect other than Archangels and it seems to have a set amount of beings it can reside in at any one time. But maybe part of the game is having lots of hosts prepared. So you only have active the maximum amount but if one is found out another host is activated. Which means there are potentially many more possible candidates than actual hosts, but every possible candidate that has been given a contagion vector could well be a host.

Like Vashta Nerada. Not every shadow, but any shadow.

Of all the candidates, I think the Red King is the least likely. He seemed to just be succumbing from the Thirst too much, which apparently does happen to older vamps eventually.
I like the list, and the other one about the possible vectors and sources.
Ariana doesn't make sense to me.  She'd be a nice candidate as far as her placement in the Red Court, but she doesn't undermine anything like normal Nemesis hosts.  Her moves in Changes were all pro-Red Court when the goal of the bad guys was to weaken both nations by screwing the one that was currently on top in the war.  The Red King and Peabody did that for them.

The best connection with Ariana and the BC would be the heart curse that Sells was studying for them.  Possibly the BC/Nemesis could have thought that killing starborn Harry and Eb was worth ending their war early.

Considering Last Call, does there need to be a host anchor? Or could you just operate spread across the many hosts. Reminds me a bit of Agents in the Matrix or something, potentially able to take over any program. It's not every program, but potentially any of them. Obviously the exceptions are those who are awakened like the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar. Maybe star born are a bit like that.

I keep thinking I should write a comparison thread between the Matrix and the Dresden Files. There are certainly some similarities.
Yeah, I'm getting the Agent Smith vibe from Nemesis too.  My current framework is that Nemesis has a limited list of candidates to jump into and partially to fully control, but it can only do that to a smaller number of beings at once, say 13ish since that number is cropping up a lot more lately.

DF Spoilers / Re: Revisit this. Grey Counsel
« on: August 04, 2021, 02:43:08 PM »
Why not? He could establish the White Council version of internal affairs. He is the leader, he has that kind of authority. He might need a Senior Council vote, but if he suspected any of them he probably could just do it themselves. Like Cops, you swear allegiance to the Country but that manifests in the highest authority. I agree it's probably harder in many ways, and probably goes against his mindset. But it's certainly more likely to do it that way than join Eb's team.

At most, he might ask Eb to do it but claim plausible deniability. They are far more hostile than Morgan and Harry.
Yeah, that's the problem though.  The White Council internal affairs already exists and is called the wardens.  The Merlin can't go creating a "more trustworthy" group without having to explain it and tipping off potential BC members.  Even moreso if it requires a full SC vote.

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