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Messages - hatshep2

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Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 27, 2010, 02:50:35 AM »
A good way is to use the word ghod - takes it even further from the deity.  Or even use the word deity.

Personally, I favor "hero" because it gets the point across without any disrespect.  :)

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 26, 2010, 10:29:13 PM »
^^^ Harry's description of Kincaid the first time he meets him. This description actually brings to mind Josh Holloway (Sawyer from LOST, the only character I frigging knew since I never watched the show). Although I hafta say, my favorite pick for this role is Christian Kane. He's just BAD ASS.

Thanks for hunting down the description for me!  ;D I guess most of my image is pretty good except for the hair (dark blond instead of light brown.) I always picture him with a much leaner, more angular face than Christian Kane but I totally agree that the description sounds exactly like Josh Holloway. Sounds perfect, in fact. Awesome suggestion and my vote for Kincaid's casting officially goes to Holloway.  ;)

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 26, 2010, 06:00:37 PM »
How about bruce willis for kincaid

I don't know. He's got the right attitude and acting ability for Kincaid but I always pictured him looking about 35, with brown hair down to his shoulderblades and kind of predatory features. I don't recall how JB describes him in the books, though.

Author Craft / Re: A little inspiration
« on: September 26, 2010, 04:19:06 AM »
I'm a quotes addict, always looking for new ones to add to chapters in my book. That's a great quote!!!  :)

Author Craft / Re: Handicapping your characters.
« on: September 26, 2010, 04:17:00 AM »
When in doubt, double the opposition. What is that saying, "a man is only as good as his enemies?" Your audience will respect your hero more for overcoming tough odds than for being awesome in and off himself. And a few humanizing character flaws that sometimes get in the way won't hurt either.  ;)

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 26, 2010, 04:01:12 AM »
Well we already know that Thomas has no problem playing gay, given how badly he's embarrassed Harry in the past, lol. The only question is, how far is he willing to go if he's really that hungry, and there are no women in sight?

Yeah, him embarrassing Harry is just hilarious! I was thinking of him getting hired by women, though. We already know how he feels about guy White Courts feeding off other guys when he said of Lord Raith, sounding disgusted, "Thankfully, his tastes don't run in that direction." Thomas just plays it up to make Harry feel uncomfortable.

As for your suggestion for Luccio 2.0 (love the discriptor)  - AWESOME! Has a nice smile like the Luccio of the books but has a mature feel as well. She has my vote 100 percent.  :)

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 26, 2010, 02:34:56 AM »
He's a gigolo. Except hotter than Rob Schneider. Hehe. It's British slang for a male prostitute, escort, hustler (etc.), basically, hatshep :)

I see.  :) I guess the person hiring Thomas would get the short end of that stick given that stick, though, given that he would be taking their money and then basically eating them. If he took the job at all. Unless being with Thomas is worth dying for, like a lot of people on the "who's hotter" poll seem to think it is with Mab. Then I guess they would be getting their money's worth.  ;)

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 25, 2010, 02:50:30 AM »
No, no, no.  You have it wrong.
It's Rent-boy Thomas and call-girl Murphy...still not sure who would be more offended.   8)

Lol! True. And my question is, does rent-boy refer to Thomas as a henchman or as a, um..."call-guy?" Funny thing is, he'd almost be more offended by the former.  ;)

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 25, 2010, 12:53:49 AM »
Please in this book harry is the main character and in real life i am   ;D

Lol! I see.  ;D

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 24, 2010, 11:54:37 PM »
Murphy definately

Maybe. I don't know, though. Thomas would be pretty miffed at being regarded as Harry's lacky. Remember, Harry may be the main character of the story but, in every one else's minds, they are the main character. So I don't think Thomas would appreciate being thought of as hired help. Then again, Murphy wouldn't exactly be happy about that, either.  ;)

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 24, 2010, 07:23:23 PM »
HE'D LOOK LIKE A PIMP! Considering how often he's surrounded by women (and Thomas) this might not be a good thing, lol. Marcone might thing Harry's trying to muscle in on the prostitution circle in Chi-town, lol.

Lol! Henchman Thomas and call-girl Murphy...not sure who would be the more offended.  :D

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 24, 2010, 05:32:22 PM »
Morning back, TbF.
Yeah, the whole concept of Harry Dresden sporting a (it has to be some frilly girl color too) feather duster is enough
to make you die laughing. ;D ;D ;D

When I read the mistype I pictured Harry wearing a coat whose surface is layered in funny green irridecent peacock feathers. The cloak is billowing in the wind and Harry is walking down the street to meet Murphy. He's got this tough-guy look on his face because they are about to take down some big-bad. Dramatic music is playing but then Murph just bursts out laughing. (Naturaly the odd cloak is some kind of artifact to help them win.) "Green's not my color?" Harry suggests.

A WHHHAAATTTT! A Feather Duster? What next demon scented pledge? Goblin repeland swiffer sweeper? I know how about a magical can of Endust which disapeers zombies? ;D

LOL!!! Just the scent I want people to associate with my house - sulphur and bremstone.  ;)

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 23, 2010, 06:36:47 PM »
I like Sam Elliot.  Not for Eb.

And a JimB-JamesM combo for Bob.

I have to say, James Marsters as Bob would be awesome! Even though I am a strong proponant for James as Harry I would also like to see him do Bob. I think it would be kind of Treebeard in LOTR being voiced by the same actor as Gimli the Dwarf. And Marsters, given his preternatural control over voice and accent, would be amazing. Besides the fact that I really think he's just have fun with it, which we be absolutely necessary for success as Bob. (I haven't heard Marster on the audio books but my sister is planning to purchase them so I'll be sure to listen for Marsters' Bob voice.)

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 23, 2010, 01:20:08 AM »
Ha yeah i guess i don't like the office but in everything else i like him

Yeah, the thing with him is that, if its comedy, he can do it. Touching comedy, goofy comedy, annoying comedy... You name it and he can do it. That's why his stuff is really hit or miss with me.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 22, 2010, 11:41:29 PM »
Maybe maybe not but Get Smart was good

That's brothers loved "Get Smart" - and I admit it was hilarious in places - but the flavor of that movie drove me actually crazy! It wasn't Steve Carell, though. I think I just didn't care for the direction they took with the movie, even if it was in line with the original TV show. At first I thought it was Carell and I kind of held it against him until I saw "Dinner For Schmucks" and then I was like "hey, this guy can act." I guess my problem with "Get Smart" was how outlandish everything was. Even though I didn't like it I don't really blame the achieved exactly what it was going for, I just didn't like it.

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