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Messages - ClintACK

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DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks favorite quotes (obviously spoilers)
« on: July 27, 2020, 01:42:48 AM »
Quote from: Mab
Do not attempt to eat my porridge, Ms. Raith. You will find it neither hot nor cold nor just right, because, unlike Goldilocks, the bears will have eaten you.

Quote from: Thomas
Harry, be real. Everyone wants someone to make us pancakes; we're all just too grown-up to say it.

Quote from: Bonea
Pancakes are inanimate!

Perhaps the saddest line on future rereads (if certain expectations are met):
Quote from: Maggie
Will Grandpa come for Christmas?

There's no pithy one-liner to it, but I love the conversation with Maggie at the end of Chapter 9.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
« on: July 26, 2020, 07:04:58 PM »
I'm not expecting him to decide that Marcone's a good guy -- he's not. It's just Harry's reflexive violent threats against Marcone every time they work together that's a bit tired. Way back in Storm Front, it was necessary to make sure Marcone didn't see him as prey. At this point, Harry should be more confident in his power and not need the threats and posturing to hide his fear.

DF Spoilers / Re: why little or no ivy
« on: July 26, 2020, 06:59:04 PM »
Lots of things weren't there. I don't think this was really a meeting of the Supernatural World Powers. I think this was everyone who would accept Baron Marcone's invitation to discuss the Fomor problem in Chicago.

We didn't see the black or jade court, or in fact any Asian or African power at all. Are we supposed to believe that there aren't any supernatural nations in the rest of the world?

Out of the twenty Freeholding Lords under the Accords (per White Night), we just get three -- Marcone, Ferrovax, and Vadderung. No second dragon. No Drakul. No Ukrainian shapeshifter.

Even the powers that did show made a fairly mild showing, for the most part -- Lara came with one valkyrie and five guards. No siblings or cousins. Etri and Evanna came with five guards. Sarissa and Fix came with a few sidhe -- no Eldest Gruff, no Erlking. If you discount the sidhe musicians and einherjar serving drinks, the White Council was the largest single faction with four Senior Councilors and five Wardens.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
« on: July 26, 2020, 06:15:40 PM »
Perhaps Battle Ground is the book where Harry finally gets over his hatred of Marcone -- Harry works on cordial terms with much worse monsters than Marcone all the time. Heck, even the Svartalves are actually pretty monstrous (remember the Svartalves in B is for Bigfoot?) if you're not strong enough to stand up to them.

The Castle isn't precisely Marcone's building, even if he paid for it, it's the BFS headquarters. And Harry could definitely join the BFS in some semi-formal capacity that comes with an apartment and a basement lab. Heck, even if all he does is update and maintain the wards to pay the rent, they'd be nuts not to want him there.

That would imply Lucifer is in the Well, as Uriel was allowed to act in balance of what Harry described as Lucifers power. Or do to mean they used it in some other way? The first time they tried the symbol it wasn't on DR either.

Lucifer's very-unsubtle contribution in Small Favor was the massive rush of hellfire that was used to power the two giant hellfire pentagrams: the first that let them capture Marcone and the second that sprung the ambush at the aquarium.

I think we might be reading too much (or the wrong thing) into Harry's "... and because I wasn't quite sure what to think about that myself."

If it turns out that that whole situation was a clue to Nemesis -- because one or more of the three of them was behaving out of character -- then that line might just be Harry's intuition nudging him that something's off.

For that matter, from what little we saw, the threesome looked like it might be more the Ross Geller version of a threesome than a healthy polyamorous situation. It could just be that Harry's worried that Butters is going to get hurt.

Also... WTF... Marcy's name was spelled with a 'y' in Aftermath, then in Ghost Story, Bombshells, and Peace Talks it's Marci with an 'i'. What's that about?

DF Spoilers / Visa Issues (Peace Talks Spoilers)
« on: July 25, 2020, 05:09:49 PM »
A few factoids:
  • Lara has earned three favors from Mab (Mab and Lara in Harry's back seat, Chapter 6
  • She earned them by "working with Mab on some visa issues some of her people were having" (Lara to Eb, Chapter 32)
  • Molly has been busy in eastern Russia for two weeks recruiting Leshy (Eastern European shapechanging forest spirits) (Chapter 16, when he summons her)
  • Molly says that she has been handling transport for Winter troops and can provide them once they know where they will be needed... right before Mab says that all Winter troops are urgently needed elsewhere, but not that Molly can't actually provide troops(Chapter 30)

Speculative Theory: Molly has recruited a small army of Leshiye and brought them to Chicago using purely mortal transportation, facilitated by the White Court. Reason: The Fomor will know what troops have been brought to Chicago through the Nevernever. These troops can be hidden among the human population (shapeshifters) and won't be accounted for in anyone's balance-of-forces calculations.

I keep reminding myself that we've only seen half the book.

Hopefully, there will be a reason (other than some sort of fan-service) for the emphasis on the threesome -- whether it's a clue that Andi's been compromised by Nemesis (probably during Aftermath, when she and Georgia were held by the fomor for a few days -- compare the pregnant Georgia who was still resisting ("She hassss not yet capitulated... interesting.") to Andi who was catatonic); or perhaps it's there to set up a moment when the Alphas have been slaughtered and Butters goes out in a blaze of glory avenging them (and getting Harry the sample of Ethniu's blood that he needs to win).

Similarly, the conjuritis, while the comic effect falls a bit flat for me, is probably there to set up the reveal that Maggie is a wizard and to help Harry learn a new facet of wizardry.

I mean, imagine having this discussion halfway through Dead Beat and people rolling their eyes at the super-hot nerd-girl Shiela who's just throwing herself at Dresden and fulfilling every stupid damsel-in-distress stereotype in the book. Talk about fan service! But she turned out to be a pretty big part of the plot of the next several books.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
« on: July 25, 2020, 12:43:18 PM »
Unless by "the great hall" he means the giant living room of Molly's svartalf apartment. It's described in Cold Days as:
The living room was the size of a basketball court, and it had eleven-foot ceilings.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks Thoughts [SPOILERS]
« on: July 24, 2020, 05:57:39 PM »
Right. If I remember the quote it's because it's not an equal love in which both sides make sacrifices for the other. So it doesn't give you True Love protection vs a third-party WCV's Hunger.

But... with actual True Love between the parents, I wonder what that might do to the baby's proto-Hunger. Or what Thomas's self-sacrificing love for his child might do to Thomas's own Hunger.

I think there's a good bit of wiggle room in there.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Eb the Bad Guy?
« on: July 24, 2020, 12:36:42 PM »
No Einenjaren in jury Duty, is was Riley and his ex-Marines.

Oh. Yeah. Sorry. I got confused when a valkyrie showed up working for Lara. It made me retroactively think that the extreme professionals she had around might have also been hired from Monoc. But there's nothing to support that in the text, and Marcone's einherjar have always been described with nordic names and accents.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks Thoughts [SPOILERS]
« on: July 24, 2020, 12:34:55 PM »
Yep. The theme of parental love has been a big deal recently in the Dresdenverse, and we know that Jim likes Frozen. (It makes an appearance in the Christmas Eve short.)
(click to show/hide)

I wouldn't be at all surprised to discover that while "romantic" love is usually thought to be the bane of the White Court, in fact *all* selfless love works, just in slightly different ways.

Given what the White Court are, I can believe that it's never come up before -- a WCV in true, requited love with the mother of his child, who he loves.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chicago Defense!
« on: July 24, 2020, 12:28:18 PM »
1) Use the CPD to spread some kind of story (freak storm event took out the power and caused a mini-tsunami on Lake Michigan!) to clear civilians away from the lakefront.

2) Senior Council and Wardens help Dresden to construct a kick-ass summoning circle somewhere near the middle of the lakefront. (Possibly the Svartalves help.) I'd expect aspects of what we saw in Small Favor -- both the ring that held the Archive on the island and the hellfire pentagrams. For symmetry, I'd expect Harry's soulfire to be used. (Recall that Uriel gave Harry soulfire explicitly to balance Lucifer's use of hellfire to make the two giant pentagrams in that book.)

3) Mab is "bait", present in her jumbo-sized aspect so no one can miss it and Ethniu will have to come right for her (or look like she's afraid or avoiding the big fight) -- and into the area with the prepared summoning circle.

4) Knights (Cross and Fairy) are all on "get her blood" duty. When one of them has a sample of Ethniu's blood, they get it to Harry.

Alternate 4) Toot!! and the 'Za Guard get Ethniu's blood. This only works if they can come up with a weapon that Toot can wield that can get through titanic bronze. (Would that fairy athame from Grave Peril work? Mab's got that now, and it's been cleansed, right?)

5) Harry the Warden Binds Ethniu into a Demonreach cell.

6) Everybody else (Einherjar, WCVs, Wardens, Marcone's hitters, Ghouls, etc) are on beachfront duty -- fighting fomor as they emerge from the lake over several miles of lake. It's possible that CPD SWAT and the National Guard and so on could have a role here.

7) Summer brings the donuts and party lights for impromptu victory celebrations all up and down the lakefront.

DF Spoilers / Re: What is Lara's problem? [PT Spoilers!]
« on: July 24, 2020, 12:08:25 PM »
Y'know what really confused me about Lara in PT?

The conversation at the end with Harry where she's like "I cannot comprehend your motives here". Bitch, they are literally the same as yours, He wants to save his fucking brother, it's not that goddamn hard.

Like, how does she think he's doing this to hold one over on her? Nobody that knows anything about Harry would buy that bluff. "Yes I, Harry Dresden, will totally hold my only brother's life as a hostage".

How are we supposed to believe there is any confusion here?!?!?

It's like the conversation with Mab at the end of Cold Days, where she tells him how impressed she is with how he groomed and manipulated Molly in ways he totally hadn't intended. He did all those things, but that wasn't how he was thinking about it. He was always trying to do the right thing.

Lara also loves her brother, but she is delighted to use him as a lever against Harry. She assumes that Harry is the same -- that he loves his brother, and will ruthlessly use him as a lever against Lara anyway. (In truth, we could come up with several examples of him actually doing so -- or at least superficially doing so because "that's how you talk to predators" or something like that.)

We all see other people by using our own brain to model their behavior. This leads people to "project" their own tendencies onto others. The con-man believes that no one can ever be trusted, while trustworthy folk fall for the con precisely because they are trustworthy.

You might expect a master manipulator like Lara to be better at understanding very different human motives, but it's a classic old trope -- the Devil understanding all of humanity's dark motivations and being totally flummoxed when we do things out of selfless love.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks - Continuity Notes [Spoilers]
« on: July 24, 2020, 11:54:20 AM »
I looked it up:
Ghost Story, page 199, e-book:OK, it's not so much difference. " better" - "brighter", but...
Could be misremembering from Butcher's side, but with the comment about having been there as a ghost and not at the end of Skin Game, I'm not so sure.

Oh. Wow. Good spot. It's "Brighter Future Society" in Skin Game as well as Ghost Story, and in most of the references in Peace Talks. It's *just* the plaque that is wrong, not the text anywhere else.

Quote from: Peace Talks
"My comfy, dumpy old apartment was gone, flattened by Gentleman Johnnie Marcone to make way for his stupid little castle and the Bigger Better Brighter Future Society."
Quote from: Peace Talks
"The fete was being hosted at the Brighter Future Society's headquarters..."
Quote from: Peace Talks
"But as I approached the front door, I was struck by two things: First, a modest, plain bronze plaque fixed to the wall that spelled out the words BETTER FUTURE SOCIETY in letters an inch high..."

Ramirez reads the "Better Future Society" plaque and there's some discussion. And then later, when they talk about how Murphy is familiar with the building, it's back to Brighter Future Society twice.

You're definitely on to something, and I don't think it's a timey-wimey mirror mirror thing. For some reason, Marcone stuck a plaque on the door with the wrong name for the Peace Talks. Somethine's going on -- whether it's supposed to keep the low-key paranet-level BFS from attracting Accords-level notice or foil internet searches for them, or something weirder to do with the power of true names.

Perhaps it's Brighter Future Society when Butters and the wolves and the paranetters are the face of the organization, but Better Future Society when Marcone is? Possibly there's even a third name for when it's Lara's people.

But that sure looks like a deliberate switch, especially with that "... Bigger Better Brighter..." line to prime us to miss the difference.

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