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Messages - jonas

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DF Spoilers / Re: Changes and the Curse that....
« on: February 28, 2018, 03:47:31 PM »
Eh, it gets a little more complex than that once you jump to the full ID/Ego/Super-Ego model.  Both ego and Super-ego has conscious and unconscious elements, they just had different goals and methods. 

Best I've foudn was the Iceberg explanation:

Not to me... I mean, i'm kinda ad libbing based upon mine own belief as it has grown up beside the DF, but to me the 'super-consciousness'(because sub or un just don't work for me) as it relates to the super ego is actually the connection between soul and body,(lots of actual theory on that one, from the halo to Taoist alchemy) So anytime the 'unconscious' element of the super ego acts out, it's actually your soul shining through, your genuine nature.(which is backed by super ego being the seat of your religious and ethical principles)
As the connection in the DF is pretty precise on free will/choice basically being a byproduct of soul makes me think it's the conscious mind, the ego more closely related to the identity.(see word origins for greek name/mask ect... or just look in your writing thread on ethical characters, I put part of it in their directly quoted)

Although... perhaps this is erroneous as Hwwb4 was literally a consciousness without soul(no eye's, big give away) so perhaps the superego could be construed as the mind. Been trying to fit your Egyptian make up theory into this one btw...

DF Spoilers / Re: Changes and the Curse that....
« on: February 28, 2018, 11:25:17 AM »
Likely True, but unfortunately I think Id-Harry counts as Harry for the purposes of that sort of Permission, at least some of the time; after all Lash was dealing with Id-Harry when Ego-Harry was being too stubborn.
Super ego actually, if it was supposed to be his conscious mind. Ego is more like what Harry's mantle would be formed out of, self identity, baggage.

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: February 28, 2018, 11:22:04 AM »
It's likely 5 slightly alternative versions of Merlin banded together and made it, linking the 5 timelines in one existence of intertwined history... this is likely why there are various versions of people who resemble Dresden in this one existence, each is actually from a slightly different existence that changed how they were personified by belief into different mythological figures, but share a quasi-fluid history. This could also be why the timeline fluctuations in the DF are wrote through Harry's end perspective, his memories are mushed together of different timelines... this also implies the Mandela effect is by and large responsible for our mythology such as it is from now 'memetic/dream' perspective.

DF Spoilers / Re: Wild Theory.
« on: February 28, 2018, 11:16:11 AM »
We have a WoJ that the reason Butter's Bob is so much like Harry's Bob is because Butters met Bob during that time and established a relationship with that personality.  It might not have anything to do with having a name.  (Or maybe it's a part of the latter). But I wouldn't attribute it automatically to a naming power of Harry's.
I'm not, i'm giving it to giving a name, a name which is attributed to the self same thing by others as an identity, a mask.
If you really think about what the woj says.. Bob from Butters is directly effected by how Butters perceives Bob, by belief of whom he perceived him to be.
I see strong indicators that Bob is nothing less than an immortal spirit(citation on immortal, inconclusive) tied to reality visa vi contract that defines his existence.... and the kicker is I can replace 'Bob is' with 'Mantles are' and still be on par with what I think. Bob is directly tied to whomever holds his skull last, is effected by them and vice versa, he uses it as his method of 'rent'. It's my belief Mantles do the same with the host directly, which is why the Sidhe whom are largely Mantles are more part of our reality than other immortals and those whom exist, like Hades, but whom have no right's to the mortal realm.

DF Spoilers / Re: Wild Theory.
« on: February 27, 2018, 11:19:40 AM »
Harry impacted Bob more than butters because
A, he gave him a name and
B, nobody had any knowledge of Bob's continued existence nor has anyone besides Harry (and cowl...) seems to know this, however more and more people know him as Bob... He's growing an identity of his own even if he stays a reflection of his holder... Bob's basically a mini immortal sans the host we have come to see in most all of them.

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: February 21, 2018, 06:04:44 PM »
I'd prefer Ms. Marling to be a very bad disguise for a fae element of the Fomor court. It smacks of that same Fae identity joke as Ms. Sumerset(.... WAS it Mrs.?)

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry focus the Tank?
« on: February 20, 2018, 06:56:38 PM »
If the Island was transported from anywhere, I think it was associated with Avalon.  The island was placed there long before Merlin created the Prison.
Also it has some strong connotations to stone Henge which Merlin is known for moving(esp if it's MW's cabin, she has a faux stone henge around her house)

DF Spoilers / Re: Wild Theory.
« on: February 20, 2018, 03:08:36 AM »
I don't remember the timeline theory.  Any chance it's still around somewhere, or you can repost it?
i'll prolly redue it eventually, I've been planning on getting back to work on such things some time in the future. Just busy doing other crap, really need to do a whole reread and that's planned for with the side cases release.
I doubt it's still around, it went vitriol(read:me vs the forum lol) pretty fast trying to say a pentagram touched in five places and caused 7 positive timelines... :-/ and that was before i understood the 5 changes cause 5 negative universes overlapping in the shadow... It's were hwwb4 got his memories of Dresden failing Mab.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry focus the Tank?
« on: February 20, 2018, 02:52:56 AM »
I'd say it's likelier a fluctuation from previous epoch's. I can almost directly tie DR into an island/temple/prison in Tibet, after all.
Though that might be more relevant in truth if the place the Rakshasa attacked was the same place as well as Mouse's original Temple... same concept different version or my favorite, the entrance to reality from the land of dreams.

DF Spoilers / Re: Wild Theory.
« on: February 20, 2018, 02:49:35 AM »
I don't think it's been proposed that he was working with his mirrors, has it?  It was just the he was using them as bodies to fake his death.
Where do you get the seventh time stat?
Kemmler faked his death 6 times, ergo they killed him the seventh. I know MM Harry has faked his death multiple times with that method, though not the precise number. I am deducing it though, adding in other details like the number of possible futures Molly had was 6, She has a seventh too but that will be what we see of her I think.
It all goes to a higher concept theory that these 7 timelines make up the DF(I did a theory about the pentagram and timelines but nobody got that one), at least currently.

DF Spoilers / Re: Wild Theory.
« on: February 19, 2018, 04:25:40 AM »
The wild theory is that Kemmler was pulling duplicates of himself from alternate realities much as MM Harry has learned from Bob, and like with MM Harry the 7th time Summons more than is bargained for... Justin was actually alternate Kemmler O.o

DF Spoilers / Re: I love you
« on: February 15, 2018, 09:11:50 AM »
I see there being 2 big decisions.  The one of leaving with Susan, or saying "I love you".  The "I love you" was foreshadowed earlier in the book with Michael, and Harry's conversation.  So it's a good bet that's the choice.
Yea i'm betting the whole thing culminates in the "i love her" but starts with Micheal pushing him to admit it to begin with.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Jim had some different Choices like that in the book (even killing Thomas as you said), with the idea that he'd have a few different avenues to go based on how he felt, and then made the final decision later on which alternate reality story he wanted to go with.
I bet we'll see more than one of those choices.

*Harry choosing to save Charity always struck me as a big point(despite being firmly in the middle) because it directly effected the Naming of their unborn son/his birth. What if he wasn't born or not born a 'Harry'? In a verse were names matter...

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry focus the Tank?
« on: February 14, 2018, 06:39:17 PM »
It is the only WOJ we have regarding why Demonreach has a grudge against Rashid.  Jim later clarified that he meant it in it's League of Legends context (as opposed to slightly different usages in WoW or DnD, Im guessing).

(Note: I included the 3eye question because they asked two in a row and I cant be 100% certain Jim wasnt answering both in the same statement.
Oh, I meant not the only theory, there are a few others.
i'm not sure if there's a quantifiable difference in tanking across games besides subsidiary roles from how the classes are set up. What I got from the Woj was he stopped the tank from bogging down, by buff, debuff or ole' fashion stonewalling another while they acted against DR or his erstwhile allies. The positive and negative comment an implication that the situation was not as simple as DR acting in unison with a bad guy, but rather as a result of his own functioning, his limitations.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry focus the Tank?
« on: February 14, 2018, 08:37:11 AM »
I still say Rashid distracted DR while someone slipped across and took MW's walking stick.
Although there are a few others. Woj was we'd see more of 'focusing the tank' in CD's and that was someone holding/bogging down the heavy(better word than tank here I think) while someone else worked on the island.

*i'm confused by the OP's premise that Harry focused any tank?

DF Spoilers / Re: Small Favor - Arbitrator Choice
« on: February 13, 2018, 07:46:53 PM »
I wasn't clear. I'm not saying that the stories are easy to tell, I'm saying that time travel, as a plot device, is an easy way to handwave literally any ongoing mystery in a long-running series.
I consider the two one and the same, if your using a TT plot device and it is not well written into a logical set up then yea, it's easy to justify just about anything. Which is pretty much the same for anything you can guess without a logical set up though. TT is no more easy a handwaver than it is to write it in. It's either there, or it's not, it either matches one linear attempt or it's a crapshoot. The closed loop nature of the DF can be pointed to in the 'mistakes' that were caught but intentionally never changed, the dreams with Mandela effect connotations, the direct explanation in PG of how to effect TT without breaking the universe by direct paradox and choice and twinning universes.

Though I admit the conclusions from these things can vary wildly between likely and where the F did that idea come from? lol.

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