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Messages - g33k

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DFRPG / Re: Need help with character concepts for people new to TDF
« on: October 10, 2013, 08:19:17 PM »
... I was with you, right up until the M16 bit ...
Now, give Mr. On The Beach a clued-in (even if just Feet In the Water) ally, who feeds him custom-load ammo.  Silver, FrEx.  Bullets scribed with a cross and blessed by a priest.  Tranq-darts loaded with Holy Water.

Put all those into clips for a P90, like Murphy got from Kincaid.

Our soldier becomes something VERY feared in the supernatural world.

As Harry remarks (more than once) -- there is a reason the Supernaturals want to keep the mortals more-or-less clueless:  they can quickly get scary-dangerous.

You can equip a division of elite soldiers in the way I described above VERY fast, and that group could assault almost any Vamp stronghold -- of any court -- with a VERY high probability of success.

DFRPG / Re: 186000 miles per second: it's the Law! 55mph? pshaw!
« on: October 10, 2013, 08:10:03 PM »
Indeed they can--the Denarians wiped their prints off the big spell they used to grab Marcone in Small Favor, for instance. Presumably a sunrise and running water would also do the trick.
I tend to presume that the Denarians have Extraordinary Means for concealing their actions.  The whole "Prince of Lies" schtick, y'know?  Deceit *is* their essence; they can do things that mortal practitioners cannot -- mortal means are among their bag of tricks, but they can do far more, in this regard.

Outsiders also seem (much!) harder to spot than many other supernaturals... that one I put down to their Extreme Other-ness that seems to make them generally-resistant-to-magic (including magic that spots their magical traces).

Running water, sunrise, etc ... kinda/sorta.  Darksome places/items/what-have-you can retain that "taint" through multiple sunrises.  Yeah, a specific magical working may be vulnerable to being dispersed, but the taint of evil still may linger.

DFRPG / Re: 186000 miles per second: it's the Law! 55mph? pshaw!
« on: October 10, 2013, 07:40:11 PM »
And to continue the simile... one could use the magical equivalent of caseless ammo (no brass left behind), silencers & flash-suppression, firing from coat-pockets or camouflage, etc; all to reduce the magically-detectable signs of Black Magic.

And presumably, techniques to 'clean' a Lawbreaking site (a la mafiosa / black-ops "cleaning service") also can be used.


Not sure -- from a dramatic/flavor standpoint -- if I actually LIKE having the parallels be too strong.  Turns "magic" into narrative "alterna-tech," rather than... well... MAGIC.  Clarke was wrong, dammit!   ;D

But still... definitely grist for the mill!

DFRPG / Re: 186000 miles per second: it's the Law! 55mph? pshaw!
« on: October 10, 2013, 07:10:57 PM »
Bob specifically mentioned that it had to do with timing. Not relationships.
Guess I need to go re-read my Dresden stories... <sigh>  ;)

DFRPG / Re: 186000 miles per second: it's the Law! 55mph? pshaw!
« on: October 10, 2013, 06:26:07 PM »
Actually, I think it would be extremely easy for wizards to detect black magic.

Hell, in Backup, Bob says that the reason the Stygian Sister didn't just burn Thomas to cinders was because Harry would have sensed it...even though neither the Sister nor Thomas are human nor would Harry deliberately look for it in someone he would think of as a Damsel in DistressTM.
  Dunno... in this case, there've been hints about some Mystical Connection of Blood.  Thomas is Harry's blood, they're carrying these linked pentacles, etc.  Maybe she was avoiding some "taint" from killing Thomas... but hell, she's pretty F*@%'ing tainted already!!!  I think it was something special about Harry vis-a-vis Thomas, not a generic killing.

DFRPG / Re: Magic and Money
« on: October 10, 2013, 05:33:34 PM »
<heh>  Over in the Ars Magica rpg community, the same debate comes up regularly.  ;D

There are plenty of ways that one could get wealthy relatively quickly (in either game-universe).  In the Dresdenverse, the key catch (it seems to me) is that the Universe itself is a moral place.  You get Lawbreaker Stunts even if the WCouncil has no idea you've done anything wrong.  And if you want to get rich via magic... well, you have to really believe.  You have to take one of the fundamental creative forces of the universe, and use it for something as banal and petty as getting wealthy... and really believe that this is the right thing to do.  :o

That's... pretty pathetic, morally speaking.  :'(

The older you get (in general, I know there are exceptions) the more conservative you get.  The Council is grotesquely rich because they have invested -- conservatively, but consistently -- for a very VERY VERY LONG TIME.  The only reason they don't own the whole world is that they aren't the only investors with the same sort of continuity & track record.  Given Salic Law and standard mortal inheritance, I'm sure that there are "wizarding families" (to use something from the Other Harry) who are also quite wealthy, albeit not on WCouncil scope.

Given how long-lived wizards tend to be, I expect that mundane methods of building wealth -- conservative, long-range investment strategies -- probably suffice, even for individuals who aren't inheriting from generations of wizards before them...

However, if a player wants to GetRichQuick(tm), remind them that it's easy:  just spend their advancement points on Resources, maybe grabbing a Resources Stunt to enhance matters.  If they do *NOT* buy the Resources, then you're afraid -- as GM -- that Something Will Happen to their GRQ scheme, and "somehow" they won't have the benefits that high Resources gives them.  If they want stories that lead to improved Resources, go for it!  Possibly even handing out the Resources *AS* the reward, not as points for them to spend on Resources.

DFRPG / Re: Hotel California
« on: October 10, 2013, 05:07:20 PM »
This is looking pretty good.  One thing, though:  someone suggested Mab would have an agent here.   :o

It's clear to me that any Faerie involvement would be from the Summer court, or a Summer-flavored Wyldfae.  Hotel California ain't no Winter experience, baby!   8)   The folk of Summer may seem "nicer" than the folk of Winter, but in the end they're all tricky and dangerous Faerie-folk!

But I think it'll work better with FEWER supernatural agencies, given (a) this seems to be a Feet-In-The-Water level game & (b) the PC's are all non-supernaturals, facing multiple supernatural foes.  You've got a sorceress (mortal wizard bidding for immortality), you've got the demon she's dealing with... that (and their respective henchies) is probably plenty for the PC's!

DFRPG / Re: Need help with character concepts for people new to TDF
« on: October 10, 2013, 04:49:03 PM »
A serious problem we had with Fate when we started was that, like other RPGs;...well here is the metaphor I commonly use; A veteran soldier in your game should have superior skills to the idiot I was just forced to graduate from his basic infantry course two months ago. PLUS; he should still be a functional human being off the battlefield. if a basic soldier IRL is competant enough in 4-6 weapons to qualify, can navigate, apply an bandage, carry a backpack a long ways, use a radio and still have a good chance of being a decent driver, 10% chance at a trade, 20% chance at knowing computers, and so on; a veteran character, should start with that and build on it.

We found it very, very hard to create a pure mortal who could fight and function out of combat in fate at less that a submerged level and even then there were glaring shotcomings.
Let's take your veteran soldier:
Skill 4: Guns
Skill 3: Fists, Athletics
Skill 2: Drive, [Something Civvie (but militarily useful in support/logistics)], [Something Com-Spec, Mil-Tech, etc]
Skill 1: 2-3 Civvie Skills (at least one of which, and maybe all, have SOME use in the military), + 1-2 Military Skills (maybe with some civvie uses)
2 Stunts for Combat; 1-2 stunts useful in the military AND as a civilian; (maybe) 1 Civvie stunt
He is, frankly, pretty kick-ass on a mortal-only battlefield.  He's far from incompetent in civilian life.  When he de-mob's, he can go straight into some physical job leveraging off his Athletics, or maybe use Vet's Benefits to ramp up one of those Skill-2 skills (i.e. most ComSpec/MilTech jobs have direct civvie analogues) by a level or two & become pretty kick-ass on the civilian front, too.

Yes, he's in over his head if you throw him into a Submerged game!  But then again, the other PC's shouldn't be Submerged, either -- their Skills and Stunts will be on par with his.  Even if they're supernatural, his Guns, Fists/Athletics, and surplus of FatePoints should have him holding his own, on AND off the battlefield.

Just out of Basic, he probably looked like:
Skill 3: Guns or Athletics
Skill 2: Athletics or Guns, Fists
Skill 1: Drive, [Something Civvie (but militarily useful in support/logistics)], [Something Com-Spec, Mil-Tech, etc]
1 Combat Stunt, 1 Military/Civilian crossover stunts, 1 Civvie-centric stunt

Yeah, he's relatively "weak" in the Dresdenverse... but one good roll with Guns:3 using an M-16 will take out most foes, even supernatural ones.  And this guy is On the Beach!  As a civvie, he's not much... hired to do unskilled/semi-skilled physical labor off his Athletics, likely.

DFRPG / Re: 186000 miles per second: it's the Law! 55mph? pshaw!
« on: October 10, 2013, 03:59:09 PM »
There's actually a WoJ that even the WC doesn't have a surefire way to detect lawbreakers.  Soulgazes help, but only in cases where the black magic is so extreme you probably don't need it anyway.
OK, thanks!  Can you point me to that WoJ?

I recall the execution from the beginning of Proven Guilty, where soulgaze was mentioned as a key bit of evidence.  Granted, this was an instance of "black magic is so extreme you probably don't need it anyway."  But if it's not really needed... why bother?  Who wants to muck around in such a black soul???  You Denarians over in the corner, don't bother answering!  Later in PG, Harry 'gaze's Molly, and sees Warlock-Molly as a possible future, so the potential IS visible...  I can see that it may not be "surefire" -- particularly if it's a senior wizard, who might have the discipline to hide stuff from the person 'gazing them -- but it is (at the least) "very useful."

My point on this is that the WCouncil -- and "good" wizards in general -- seem to have quite a panoply of "Dark Detectors" available to them.  Soulgaze, Mai's stone guard-dogs, genuine Temple dogs... in addition to what we've seen, we should probably presume other methods, which are off-stage (either not-yet-invented by Mr. Butcher, or intentionally not used) so far.  The sum of all these methods would seem to make it incredibly-unlikely for a Lawbreaker to hide for long (if they don't get Soulgazed, they get sniffed by a Stone Dog, or caught some other way) had led me to believe that there must be some way for Lawbreakers to intentionally hide their status (at least from other Wizards).

DFRPG / Re: 186000 miles per second: it's the Law! 55mph? pshaw!
« on: October 10, 2013, 02:37:01 PM » a freaking awesome theory.
It is, isn't it?  Like I said elsewhere in-thread, I don't think it's a true theory, because I don't think it holds up to closer scrutiny.  But I love it anyhow!

The idea that the WCouncil has so screwed themselves over, applying this massive "Now you become a sociopath" magical whammy atop the already-corruptive nature of that kind of magic... or maybe that they have gotten corrupted themselves... or maybe that the "Black Council" is actually so old that they have suborned the execution process and some portion of the time the executioners ARE members of the BCouncil who ARE doing it as a blood-rite... hrm... that one actually holds up:  it isn't ALWAYS a blood rite, only when the BCouncil can arrange for their moles/shills/dupes to be the only ones present; but they've been running an increasing percentage of "warlock executions" as blood-sacrifice rituals over the centuries...

DFRPG / Re: The Appeal Of High Power Games
« on: October 08, 2013, 07:08:52 PM »
Yeah, at a certain point, the Ladder is kind of meaningless.
Like when you have an at-will Stunt for levitating...  ;)

DFRPG / Re: The Appeal Of High Power Games
« on: October 08, 2013, 06:40:45 PM »
Maybe I'm just odd, but...I don't really see the appeal of large numbers. An accuracy 10 attack against defence 7 is identical to an accuracy 5 attack against defence 2, mathematically speaking. So what's the point?
Well... everyone likes to be an epic badass, don't they?    8)

Sure, these are the same mathematically.  But they are VERY different, narratively!   ;D

That Accuracy 5 shot was an impressive knife thrown from 25 feet, hitting the ghoul who was about to grab the child.  The Accuracy 10 shot was thrown from 50 feet -- through a doorway that was being slammed shut! -- pinning the ghoul's hand to the wall.  :-X

Or something, maybe my difficulties are off...   :P

Point is, the high-numbers games allow for much more badassery, which is often fun.

DFRPG / Re: 186000 miles per second: it's the Law! 55mph? pshaw!
« on: October 05, 2013, 03:33:29 PM »
I don't think it's likely that such a powerful magical ritual could be cast by accident.
If I understand GryMor correctly, the suggestion isn't "by accident," but simply as power-raising / magically-meaningful events, without the trappings/appearance of "ritual".

In this case, Senior Council is creating an inner circle, within a large warded space, and -- essentially -- perfroming a blood-sacrifice to the notion that breaking Council Law will warp you beyond redemption.  It LOOKS like a mere "execution" of a criminal, but isn't.

I don't think GryMor's right about this -- Harry's hardly a moron, and to quote Susan, he "gets there eventually.". If it had actually been a blood-fueled ritual, Harry would've figured it out by now; not to mention the Spidey-sense to Workings that most folks (but specially wizards!) seem to have.  IMHO/etc, of course!

DFRPG / Re: Primer / cram sheet / handout (looking for)
« on: October 05, 2013, 08:24:22 AM »
Hi there

I'm looking to see if there is a document that I could hand out to those new to the dresden files that shows what would be reasonable to know if you're:
clued in vanilla mortal
vampire (of different ilks)
werewolf (of various ilks)

My Google-Fu is weak today so thought I would come to the experts ;-)
"It all depends."
Seriously, the power-level descriptors largely do what you're looking for.
A werewolf probably won't be any less than "feet in the water," and only that naive if remarkably isolated; but they could well be fully Sumerged, or more.  These are intended to measure both power-level and relative amount of knowledge.  I think exact degree of informed-ness is intentionally left to each group, however...

DFRPG / Re: 186000 miles per second: it's the Law! 55mph? pshaw!
« on: October 05, 2013, 05:10:17 AM »
I'm pretty sure we have seen common rituals working that way,...
Erm...   Example(s)?
I'm not recalling any...

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