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Messages - g33k

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DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 28, 2017, 06:33:20 PM »
I dont think that is as big of an issue as you think, (though I dont think Im fully getting your image of "mainstreaming"?).

And I may, in my turn, have completely misunderstood what the OP envisioned.

Here's the crux of it:  Why in the world are these supernaturals (Kobolds) working as "staff" in a public cafe/restaurant???

Brownies clean, it's just their nature.  Cobbs make and repair shoes, and that's THEIR nature.
What kind of supernatural being waits tables, busses dirty dishes, does the barista bit, etc?

And keeps regular working hours?

In jobs that bring them into frequent contact with non-clued mortals?

In the Dresden'verse, I keep WTF'ing...

So it looks to me like they are trying to "mainstream:"  trying to life a day-to-day life largely as if they were mortals themselves.  Working and living alongside mortals.  Passing as mortals.

Maybe that's just me, misunderstanding the OP ...

DFRPG / Re: My New Character Idea: Suggestions Wanted
« on: June 28, 2017, 06:18:05 PM »
I'd "stealth" him a bit more at first:

Gamer, geek, nerd, underdog... the sorta person the players sympathize/empathize with.  They'll feel like He's One Of Us, and defaults to being one of the Good Guys.

A bit later... hey, presto!  Geek makes good, rags to riches, good going dude!  Yeah, ok, maybe some compromises on the way, but still one of the Good Guys.  He's made a few sketchy contacts, but who hasn't?

Later still... Damn.  He's let things get to his head a bit, needs to get his shit together... leading to, "Glad we had this chat, Nathan.  I was getting worried."

Finally... Well screw me sideways.  With a cinderblock brick.  And no lube.  We thought he was one of the good guys, but he's full-on-Sith (and not cat-sith!)

DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 14, 2017, 09:28:36 PM »
  Actually no, I do want to use the DFRPG in the Dresdenverse. As I mentioned above I wanted a framework for an adventure since I'm new to actually PLAYING the game, and I think the module is a good fit. About half my group knows and loves the Dresden Files books, and want to play in that setting. They all want an urban fantasy game that uses a system other than d20. I realize I will have to tweak the module to fit DF, not the other way around. 

Your use of the UA idea of "Shadow" and "Shadowkind" seemed non-Dresden.  I think these need some extra work...  How/why are these creatures -- presumably Nevernever natives -- residing in the mortal world?  Some kind of faerie?  Some kind of "changed" mortal, such as a were or a RedCourt vamp?  Might they represent (eventually, in campaign-play) allies or adversaries (or some of each; or something more complicated; etc...) ?

You've got a problem, conceptually, with the apparent "mainstreaming" these monsters seem to be trying (or maybe I misunderstood?).  The "glamour" / ward, or whatever, that makes them pass as normal in the shop is all well and good, but... what do they do IN THE REST OF THEIR LIVES (with no glamour protecting them)?  Not so mainstream then ...  Or do the "commute to work" straight from the Nevernever, and are NOT trying to "mainstream"?  If they're mainstreaming, aybe the boss can give them some sort of temporary (potion?) or loaner "Look Normal Veil" magic (Elaine used a subtle "nothing worth noticing here" Veil against Harry in "White Night," so something of the sort seems do-able)...

Or pick an existing Dresdenverse being; why might a group of them want to work in a restaurant?  Refugees from a hostile kingdom of the Nevernever?  Maybe they arrived with some mortal refugees, and are from that culture's myth/folklore (rather than the notably Celto-Nordic ones that Harry mostly knows)...?


DFRPG / Re: Converting d20 Adventure Modules to DFRPG
« on: June 09, 2017, 07:11:12 PM »
I don't know the Urban Arcana supplement, but I infer from this thread that it has a built-in setting (or at least specific tropes/memes), and what you REALLY want is to use the DFRPG ruleset to run those UA pieces (& sundry other bits of the vast PF repertoire), rather than the DresdenVerse itself...

Is that a fair assessment?
If so... this may not be your best fit, actually.  DFRPG has been heavily tweaked away from the "Fate Core" ruleset, to specific DresdenVerse elements.  I might go with a more-homogenous blend of Fate Core + Fate Freeport + Urban Arcana, and use elements of DFRPG without trying to use the entire ruleset+setting...

DFRPG / Re: odd question
« on: June 09, 2017, 07:00:10 PM »
I think he was hoping for this level of Competence without the confrontational habits 
She's Mab.  She wouldn't trust anything of the sort; not if it came from Harry Dresden !

She very much wanted him to be "Her Monster" which Uriel ultimately prevented.  She certainly does not want the useless micro-managed lump that Harry threatened to become, but she'd certainly take more enthusiastic obedience, maybe a bit of real loyalty, things like that.
Dunno... I think Mab wants Harry to *THINK* she wants to break him to her yoke:  there's very little likely to elicit such automatic resistance from HCBD.  And Mab is no fool when it comes to tricking and manipulating mortals.  Harry's 1st-person narrative is experiential:  of COURSE we see it from Harry's POV; that includes being subject to Mab's Butcher's manipulation.

But I suspect we'll just have to agree to disagree.   :D

DFRPG / Re: odd question
« on: June 09, 2017, 03:02:39 PM »
I tended to look at it the other way (though this might jsut be the other side of the same coin).  A normal Knight like Slade or probably Fix is relying on the Mantle for the majority of their power, and consequently their obligation for obedience seems a little more absolute.  Harry still gets the same Mantle-based power package, but he gets none of the ancillary support he might have gotten if he'd been willing to more completely enter Mab's service. He made it clear that she could give him Tasks and Goal but could not then have any input in /how/ he executes those orders; by doing so he lost all those extra's, since be having no say in how he executes the task, she has no obligation to provide additional/situational support for the task as the Means, the How, are 100% Harry's responsibility.   If she were dictating more specifically how he was expected to accomplish her orders, she'd then be on the hook for providing certain resources to make it happen, and potentially more basic things like Room&Board. 
I think Mab has pretty much exactly what she wants from her Knight.  When Harry attempted to suicide-out from under Winter's Knighthood -- and almost succeeded! -- Mab was thrilled by his display of competence and deceit, coming >this< close to out-maneuvering her; her first real assignment for Harry was to go into a major Op being run by fallen Angels (chief servants of, y'know, the bloody Prince of Lies!) and trick & outmaneuver them all.

Remember that the primary role of the Knight is NOT as muscle or power (the Queens and the Ladies and their courts have TONS of that already); it is to bring Mortal agency to Winter, to do things that Faeries themselves cannot do by their Fae-bound natures. 

As such, Harry's ardent independence serves Mab far better than his slavish obedience ever could.

DFRPG / Re: odd question
« on: June 09, 2017, 02:49:44 AM »
so if harry wants he can carve / tame winter mantle in to his personal mantle with any powers he wants to give to Chicago's robin
thanks for information guys time to brew some fanon
I don't think the WK mantle is amenable to this.  YMMV, of course, but I suspect this is wildly non-canonical.

*MAB* is in charge of the WK mantle; she will notice any tampering (and doubly so the Mothers!).  She's prone to sentence people to a lifetime of torture for the crime of no longer being useful to her...  And any effort Harry made to "emancipate" the Mantle would draw her extreme & immediate ire.

Recall that in Summer Knight, Summer & Winter were going to war -- apocalyptic, world-changing war -- in large part because one Court had a Knight with an active Mantle, and the other Court did not...

DFRPG / Re: odd question
« on: June 08, 2017, 05:46:42 PM »
yes but creator is also human in this case( i want harry to create mantle of dresden for his friends) also is it counts as sponsored magic for rules perspective
I'm not really seeing this, myself.  The thing about Sponsored Magic is that the Sponsor takes on the load from what the caster does in their name.  It would seem to imply a sort of bilocated consciousness...  wherever the sponsor is, plus wherever the sponsored caster is; that would sort of require a sleepless "always available" entity to be the Sponsor.

Also -- are you imagining this leaves Harry without his magic (because it's in the Mantle of Dresden being worn by someone else)?

If not:  Harry regularly runs *HIMSELF* to the ragged edge, just with the shenanigans he gets up to; if he was Sponsoring someone else, simultaneously, to be a caster "wearing his mantle" -- he'd run out of juice all the faster!

Last but not least:  Harry has vast stores of arcane Lore and hard-won experiences, telling him how and when and why to use magic, & how and when and why NOT to.  I can't really see him handing over Dresden-caliber magic to someone without that background (to much like leaving a hand-grenade in with a bag of baseballs at the Little League game... ) .

DFRPG / Re: Being a bane for technology
« on: June 07, 2017, 12:42:23 AM »
  I'm just doubtful about making him a professional repairman. I admit it would give him some use for points put into Craftmanship, besides repairing his own stuff when wrecked by his Murphyonic field. But making it his job might be at odds with his 'Bane for Technology'  Aspect. Moreover, due to the bloody pyramid system I doubt I can spare the skill points to make his Craftmanship any higher than Average, or Fair at the very most by making some tough choices. And I dunno if that would be enough to represent a professional artisan or dedicated hobbyst.
I wasn't thinking he'd actually be a "professional" (in the sense of making much of his living from it)... just a skill, an Aspect to tap when he needs to, and the various links to disparate subcultures, for FP in both directions; but most of all, the flavor of it just seemed in-keeping with your description.

DFRPG / Re: Being a bane for technology
« on: June 05, 2017, 05:52:44 PM »
I'm beginning to get a bit of a vibe here for something I haven't seen in this concept, so I offer the notion...  How about making this guy a biker?

Specifically:  he really likes vintage motorcycles.  Restores them, tinkers, etc; especially the German bikes from the 1930's.  The tech is old/simple/reliable enough to be rather Murphyonic-resistant, and adding a "Mechanic" skill lets him fix things (at least sometimes).

It gives him a freedom-of-the-road lifestyle that he isn't likely to get many other ways.

Motorcycle leathers -- gloves / etc -- would let him have "foci" that just seem like "normal attire" for the lifestyle.

"Biker" gives a certain "bad-boy" cachet for some chicks  -- playing into his "lechery" -- plus the "classic" element lets him play a bit upscale from "biker bitch," into the rarefied circles of antique-collectors (and their wives/sisters/daughters).

Aspect it ("The go-to guy for vintage bikes!") to get FP's flowing -- the GM can compel a "breakdown" where he wants you to have an encounter, you can spend a FP for a connection when you want to know someone in the biker- or collector-communities, etc.

Just a thought, fwiw...

DFRPG / Re: Playing Lawbreaking characters
« on: June 02, 2017, 01:12:05 PM »
Much as I like Ars Magica, it's not a good game for someone who dislikes seeing Abrahamic worldviews privileged. 5e, at least, is very clear that the Abrahamic faiths are backed by the One True God and that the medieval Church is basically right about everything. (Which introduces some oddness, when the Abrahamic faiths contradict, but that's part of the game's charm if you ask me.)
Rather, ArM5e holds that all monotheistic faiths whose Deity is essentially "good" (in the conventional sense of the word) are more or less equally-correct, but their respective earthly religious orders suffer from various flaws of understanding that lead to doctrinal differences (and yes, conflict).
So (for example) Mithraism and Zoroastrianism are also "as correct" as the Abrahamic religions.

DFRPG / Re: My first character for review
« on: June 01, 2017, 08:36:06 PM »
As far as I can tell, Soulgaze is an optional buy for sorcerers/wizards (YS, p. 174: "If you have the Sight, above, you may take Soulgaze for free if you so choose. It's not mandatory") ... 
  OK, my mistake; I thought both were "all wizards" non-optionally (I think the RPG may depart from DF-stories / WoJ canon on these ... ? ) .

Well, from a Doylist viewpoint, the narrative tension between the character's independent attitude and his ties to the Faerie Courts and Heaven/Hell is supposed to be part of his long-term arc and the source of various potential plot hooks, as well as the dichotomy between his drive for ever more magical power and his aspirations to freedom.
  Fair enough!

Though I note that's a *LOT* of different powers in-play;  IIRC not even Dresden himself had simultaneous access to Hellfire and Soulfire!  I'd be Doylistically worried that all these heavy-duty obligations might result in MOST of his time being spent on the agendas & conflicts of those other Powers, and less on his own agendas & motivations.

  ... He expects to be able and pay access to these external power sources by doing the occasional favor or service to Faerie and Heaven/Hell. He plans to be their freelance agent every so often but never their permanent slave, which would be OK for his self-image and sense of honor. Those Powers help him, so it is good to do them a few favors once in a while, it is complete and lasting servitude he would object to. As it concerns potential conflicts between these various Powers' agendas and his own, or other obligations he may have, they shall be dealt with the best he can if and when they occur.
  Faeries like those bargains, favor-for-service.  Occasionally, it even works out well for the mortal involved... although the further up the Fae food-chain you go, the less likely it becomes that a bargain will seem like "a good idea" (or even "not a horrible idea") by the time you're done!

Pixies?  A bargain a day keeps trouble at bay!
Faerie nobles?  Oh CRAP, what did I do??!?

Heaven and Hell... mmmm... those get a bit less clear-cut.

The only "bargain" that Hell is interested in is the one that gets them your soul (or some sort of access to it, e.g. part of your True Name; or you doing (or permitting) something likely to tempt/corrupt you or another person), and as Burke noted The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, so taking a "deal" to just do "nothing" can be effectively a complicit action.

Heaven... apparently doesn't MAKE that kind of bargain, or demand those kinds of services.  They got that ineffable thing goin' on.
 They apparently nudge the "right person for the job" in the direction of "a job that needs doing," and just MAYBE if they see you're doing a Good job (note the cap-G) you end up with Soulfire or some other sort of "reward".  But -- being ineffable and all -- their Reward is one likely to be useful in other Heavenly endeavors and/or to end up doing Heaven's Work in other ways.  They're ruddy bastards that way!


DFRPG / Re: Playing Lawbreaking characters
« on: June 01, 2017, 07:31:28 PM »
... I think you'd like Sanya, the agnostic Champion of Heaven ...

IIRC, Sanya claims to be an atheist Knight of the Cross; only when pressed does he (reluctantly) admit that he might actually be agnostic ...   ;D

DFRPG / Re: Multiple Sponsored Magic
« on: June 01, 2017, 02:38:00 AM »
Since Denarian shadows are psychic constructs, and minds/brains are supposed to have some redundancy capability for memories, I suppose the right way to resurrect a destroyed one would be to use some high-level psychomancy ritual to rebuild a copy from the fragments still surviving in the depths of the host mind's unconscious. Kinda like a program to restore erased data.  Either that or going back in time to recover it before it got destroyed.

I think it depends how the Denarian Shadow got "destroyed."  For Lash in particular (from the novels), I would presume it to be impossible (there was actual organic damage).  I have always understood Denarian Shadows to exist in that part of the mind which handles that "redundancy capabilities for memories."  There isn't infinite recursion available.

If it was more a matter of getting deconstructed / disassociated, then presumably it could be re-constructed / reassociated.
 However, thpse shadows are created by beings far more powerful and skilled than any mortal practitioner; I'd be dubious (at best) about any attempt to re-create / re-construct a shadow !

DFRPG / Re: somethings i can't remember about wards
« on: June 01, 2017, 12:23:02 AM »
i just can't seem to find it in my books, but.

1. can i cast a ward on "self" and have it follow me. even wards with "mines"

2. with self buffs, how powerfull do you allow the players buff to become with befor paying FP for it.

3. do you limit Ritual casting in anyway, besides of the social aspect  of it. say the players piss of a Necromancer/wizard/evil overlord/heavy metal fan..ect. whats to stop him from just ritual casting "MEGADEATH" (besides a boring story and the social aspect of it) on the players. and lets say he was smart, he could just build a ward beforehand with 9999 shifts build over the years, and he could also hide it.

4. mac-D or burger king?

4.  BK.  Because everyone wants to be King.
3.  Rituals can (in principle) become megadeath spells.  It's incredibly hard to do it, though.  We see some in the novels (most notably Changes, but there's a pretty impressive one implied near the end of Death Masks, too).  Presume many many stories/adventures worth of play to achieve these!
2.  Buff spells, again, can (at least potentially) become really really REALLY powerful.  Again, it isn't easy, and you'd pay up-front with stories justifying how you goth the necessaries to create such a spell.
1.  I believe wards to be immobile.  You ward a PLACE, not a person.  For a person, use a "shield" (and consult the Block rules).

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