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DF Spoilers / Re: Murphy Family Reunion
« on: July 18, 2021, 11:37:29 AM »
There is a relevant WOJ on it.

"Muskogee: Do einherjar have to make a choice to be recruited?

Jim: No not really. They can get roped into it. I mean if they've already got a claim somewhere else that's different. In which case Odin has to make a deal of some kind, it's like "I know you had plans for this guy and all Anubis but I really need him for the rest of the mortals" and that's the kind of thing that can happen. Very confused people occasionally wake up in Valhalla."

DF Spoilers / Murphy Family Reunion
« on: July 18, 2021, 08:08:10 AM »
Do you think Murphy met her Dad in the Between before signing up with Vadderung?

Seems like the place to make that "choice"

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's Soul
« on: July 13, 2021, 06:40:40 AM »
Very vivid details.

One thing to consider is that Harry was walking around in his soul during Ghost Story, I forget what it was but there was one thing signature to his usual outfit that didn't appear with him in the afterlife.

I think it was his mums gem inside the star symbol of magic?

But everything else was with him suggesting they're crucial to at least how he see's himself.

As for the others the most detailed Soul Gazes were:
Molly and the Cathedral Panels I like this artists rendition:

Marcone the Tigers soul who views killing like a signature.

Thomas and his demon.

Then Michael, Ebenezar and Morgan which are mentioned in passing.

Susan fainted as well but also fell in love with him.

As for Third Sight. There's the Three Eye Junkie and The FBI Werewolf.

DF Spoilers / Harry's Soul
« on: July 12, 2021, 01:11:18 PM »
So what do you think Harry's soul looks like in a Soul Gaze or with the Sight/Third Eye?

Honestly despite Jim's assertions to the contrary I picture him as he is on the covers Hat and everything, surrounded by a swirling storm of some sort.

DF Spoilers / Mouse conversations with animals
« on: July 02, 2021, 11:18:33 AM »
What conversations does Mouse have with other animals?

Do you think Mouse would have a conversation with a pig before eating it?
We know he likes bacon.

Does Mouse verbally acknowledge Mister's supremacy?

Did Mouse talk/taunt the Ick monster in Changes?

DF Spoilers / Re: Uriels previous wars?
« on: June 04, 2021, 07:18:33 AM »
Anduriel was the previous Uriel it's all in the name which we know is Important because uriel freaked when called Uri by Harry. Lash also mentions Harry Naming thing.

Anduriel means literally Anti-Uriel

DF Spoilers / Uriels previous wars?
« on: June 03, 2021, 02:42:28 PM »
So in Skin Game Uriel says he's been fighting wars since before the Earth was a gascious substance... makes you wonder what wars he was fighting.

Outsiders and Cthuhlu are the obvious choices... I kinda want him to have fought extraterrestrials as well.

Primordial gods would make sense as well.

DF Spoilers / Re: Odin's plan wag
« on: May 23, 2021, 07:18:08 PM »
I would imagine that would have vastly different outcomes. Can you kill with love?

Assuming Ammorrachius/Excalibur the Sword of Love and Michael Carpenters entire philosophy... yeah.

Plus Harry did kill Susan for the love of his daughter, and wiped out the Red Court.

hole lee... Yes. I like this. To quote a not so popular moment...
(click to show/hide)
though, I suspect Dresden will accomplish this.

There's also Mab's speech in Changes

"So many terrible things are done for love" Mab's voice said "For love will men mutilate themselves and murder rivals. For love will even a peaceful man go to war. For love man will destroy himself and that right willingly."

DF Spoilers / Re: Odin's plan wag
« on: May 23, 2021, 07:21:27 AM »
Does Odin have enough hate to use the Eye?

I suspect you can also use love.

Assuming you have the same view Mab has of the whole love/hate being the same force in opposite directions thing.

DF Spoilers / Re: Erlking's purpose?
« on: May 20, 2021, 05:50:06 PM »
I mean WOJ is Erlking rose as part of a ritual reminiscent of the Darkhallow, presumably less necromancy though.
"If he'd succeeded, he'd have had the collective power of all of those supernatural beings and then some.  He'd have been clearly stronger than the Ladies, and a full-on equal to Mab.  I mean, why do you think the Erlking was summoned as part of that ritual?  Because that's how the big E got so boss in the first place.  :)
For that matter, how do you think the Mothers and Queens and Ladies established their original base of power?  That big old sacrificial, power-sucking stone table in Tir na noth isn't there for its primitive decorative aesthetic."

And this tidbit

Actually, in the Dresden universe, the Wild Hunt can be led by a number of beings--INCLUDING Cern, but not exclusive to him.  :)  The Erlking (who isn't Cern) is a being of Faerie who is in Mab's weight division, if not her equal.  I believe he is identified as the ruler of the goblins--which should not necessarily be equated with Tolkeinesque/Gygaxesque goblins

According to Google: 14 October 2021

DF Spoilers / Re: Erlking's purpose?
« on: May 19, 2021, 01:16:37 PM »
Looking at the Lore of the Wild Hunt it's an honour as well as a curse everyone from Kin Arthur Pendragon to Sir Francis Drake wee said to be a part of it. Theirs even an infamous dodgy socttish lawyer somewhere. I'm not quite sure if it fits with Dresden Files Fae heavy interpretation of it, but the Wild Hunt was full of the most dangerous spirits of voilence and leadership.

 In some versions they even have hounds from hell or Heckhounds as they're known in Dresdenverse. But their point was too hunt down the demons and escaped souls from Hell, usually on times when the barrier between spirit world and real world are at it's weakest. The Equinoxes or Samahin, All Hallows eve etc.

So if using the folklore surrounding it Erlking is the stable Leader of the Wild Hunt when all the other leaders tend to rotate in and out. He keeps them more or less undercontrol for the rest of the year and unleashes them once or twice a year at most.

DF Spoilers / Prediction Ebenezer Death
« on: May 17, 2021, 02:17:09 AM »
Ebenezer will die saving Thomas.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who would you like to see face off?
« on: May 16, 2021, 04:58:46 AM »
Drakul vs Vadderung

DF Spoilers / Erlking's purpose?
« on: May 14, 2021, 06:31:34 PM »
So we get told repeatedly power has purpose. What's the Erlkings purpose for his power?

The Wild Hunt and King of the Goblins.

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