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Messages - Snark Knight

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DF Spoilers / Re: What happens after...
« on: May 27, 2021, 03:24:49 AM »
Is it confirmed that Mother Winter is Hecate underneath the mantle?

No, just my WAG. Could easily be wrong - maybe the original Hecate persona either sacrificed herself to accomplish the division, or left the game after giving away the bulk of her power to the Sidhe.

But if a goddess of dark witchcraft was going to hang on to any of the queen mantles for her own, the biggest one of Winter is a really good fit. She's basically only legs on her hut away from Baba Yaga. And drive to carry on the purpose for which she split her power would explain not retiring to match the previous Mother Summer who grew tired of her role and abdicated the Mother mantle to her Queen.

DF Spoilers / Re: What happens after...
« on: May 24, 2021, 07:25:01 PM »
The fae were sponsored to be the primary guardians of the Outer Gates. The sponsor set up the courts. Once their purpose is fulfilled, the sponsor will withdraw their sponsorship, most likely.

I kind of figured the deal there was Hecate was that sponsor, and she kept the Mother Winter mantle for herself when spinning off the others. If that's the case, I'm not sure it's a revocable action ... what was meant to be divided, and all that.

DF Spoilers / Re: What would be a counter to Carlos?
« on: May 19, 2021, 05:55:00 PM »
As I said before, what information does Bob have or power does Bob have that Anduriel couldn't provide? Anduriel has so much more that he is a whole different weight class by several orders of magnitude, even limited as he is, let alone unbound.

I don't doubt Bob knows less than the Fallen overall, but he might well know things they don't - he described his own specialties as knowing a lot about magic but very little about faith stuff. It's pretty notable that Lash never tried to use "oh, I already know what the darkhallow is, because awesome fallen knowledge base" as temptation material in DB, when Bob did have that (albeit locked away).

That's probably not of immediate use to Nic or Anduriel. But Marcone/Namshiel could probably find a use for him if Butters and Harry aren't careful enough to keep him away.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry and Kemmler
« on: May 18, 2021, 12:49:23 AM »
Cowl was insulted to be called a Kemmlerite thought. He thought Kemmler was a madman. Even Mab thought so. I think perhaps some admired his genius and maybe agreed with some of his methods - but clearly Cowl and Kumori have different goals to Kemmler.

Wasn't his whole "I'm not like them" speech in front of Kumori, then when he's talking to Harry alone he's quite open about how his relationship with the other disciples is collegial for the greater glory of Kemmler on the surface, while plotting to kill each other as soon as convenient?

Anything he says in front of Kumori has to be interpreted through the lens of keeping the delusional apprentice convinced they're doing good works through grey methods.

DF Spoilers / Re: What would be a counter to Carlos?
« on: May 16, 2021, 03:37:25 AM »
If it comes to that, Harry would probably be treating it more or less like the fight with Fix, trying to pull his punches enough to disable without killing. So he probably wouldn't even be trying fire, but Carlos' water shield would block that anyway.

Carlos has seen enough of Harry's use of forzare and air bursts to plan for countering those as well. Infriga is probably also more lethal than Harry would reach for to subdue a well-meaning but dangerously misguided good guy, but Carlos would presumably bring a plan for countering ice magic to any fight with the winter knight anyway. I'd assume even slipping something around the edge of his shield like icing the ground under his feet would be a challenge.

Harry would pretty much need something unusual enough that Carlos wouldn't have seen him using it before to plan a counter, as well as not easily countered by water. I wonder if he could pull off the gravity-concentrating spell fast enough to be useful in a fight, if he was only trying to focus it enough for a trip rather than to the point of turning anything organic in the AoE into chunky salsa.

He might be able to do something non-lethal with the strangler tendrils he learned off Namshiel using on him and tried on Shagnasty. He can boost that with soulfire (see: Shagnasty fight), and while I doubt he can get up to Namshiel's five wavelengths that are impossible to shield against, he might have progressed enough from TC to manage two or three.

The sleep spell the Gatekeeper used in TC is apparently not invasive enough to be black magic. If Harry can learn that, it's pretty much ideal for stopping an attacker without harm. Probably also a good idea to brush up on to subdue Justine long enough to set up an exorcism.

DF Spoilers / Re: Erlking's purpose?
« on: May 15, 2021, 02:30:21 PM »
Isn't he known as the Winter King?

No. Kringle is closer to Winter, and I think the Erlking is closer to Summer. But if it was anything so formal as a mantle of King, neither Kringle nor the Erlking would be wyldfae. The Queens of the seasonal courts are strong independent women who don't need no man.

The purpose of the wyldfae is still an open question, but they both sure seemed to jump on putting down the Outsider incursion in Cold Days, and the Erlking didn't have a problem with sinking the barges and killing summoner cultists. I'd guess one of their purposes might be engaging human Outsider cultists in large-scale battles. The Queens are supposed to be restricted from ordering targeted killing by their Fae retainers, and sending one Knight against a cult full of sorcerors with no backup would be a suicide mission.

DF Spoilers / Re: A new threat to Dresden (later) WAG
« on: May 14, 2021, 02:03:55 AM »
Whereas in Dresden stuff the Fomor forget that they can kill 250 million or more Americans by hexing the right 9 substations in favour of trying to manually carve through Chicago and all the accorded nations at the same time.

Was body count the point? I thought they were trying to inflict a highly visible bloody nose on humanity in a way that wiped away any doubt about the supernatural, and incite the humans to indiscriminate revenge against any other supe they could find.

DF Spoilers / Re: Since Changes, has Harry lied?
« on: May 13, 2021, 01:45:00 AM »
Lloyd Slate outright lied when he said that he didn't kill the Summer Knight.

Thanks, that's the one I was thinking of.

DF Spoilers / Re: Since Changes, has Harry lied?
« on: May 11, 2021, 10:31:39 PM »
The fae can't lie, but has Mab incorporated not lying into Winter Law?

If so, it's since Slate's time. I don't know that Winter Law is that changeable.

Harry doesn't outright lie that often anyway. The only one I can think of was faking surrender to Lea in GP, and that burned him pretty badly. He's a lot more inclined toward omission than falsehoods.

DF Spoilers / Re: A new threat to Dresden (later) WAG
« on: May 10, 2021, 07:02:06 PM »
Carlos is worthy from the stand point that he could be seen as the new Morgan.  He is a good guy, powerful enough wizard to be made a Warden, but susceptible, because he doesn't think too deeply about anything.

I'm not sure I'd agree Carlos doesn't think too deeply. He deduced the existence of the 'black hats' independently as of White Night. And he thought on his feet to give Molly the credit for bargaining with him on the Miksume's behalf in Cold Case.

His current harsh assessment of Harry is as much Harry's fault for being reflexively secretive with a supposed friend as it is Carlos' for being dumb.

DF Spoilers / Re: A new threat to Dresden (later) WAG
« on: May 10, 2021, 03:50:30 PM »
Also I don't see him as a worthy adversary for Dresden.  Harry is facing gods at this point.  Carlos is a kid by comparison to Harry.  It wouldn't feel right.  It needs to be someone who not only is able to break the laws of magic, but is actually really good at it.

I don't think it was an accident narrating in BG that Carlos' technique is better than Harry's in some significant ways. Jim is setting this up as a rivalry to be concerned about, even if it doesn't play out all the way to a life-and-death confrontation.

Harry wasn't so much facing gods as being bailed out of a fight he would have lost by Namshiel for his own reasons. Carlos is still very much someone he should be worried about on a normal day. He wouldn't even need the blackstaff if he decided Harry had to go ... unless Harry has the Guard on 24/7 veiled assassin patrol, he's plenty vulnerable to invisible guys with a simple gun.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone/Namshiel, It Seems Weird to Me...
« on: May 09, 2021, 06:43:34 PM »
Nicodemus has a treachery addiction, even when it's not in his interests.

That's not to say Anduriel suffers from the same flaw when it comes to manipulating Nicodemus.

Forthill also said it sometimes takes the Church centuries to understand some of Nicodemus' lies. That's hard to achieve without weaving some truth in to muddy the waters.

DF Spoilers / Re: Think the White Council will make an attempt?
« on: May 08, 2021, 05:13:45 PM »
at point 1 no. Killing people in battle is not self defense, you can flee. The real question is do think those servitors are human.

Which would be desertion in battle, after the Senior Councilors present ordered him to fight, with Eb even specifying no quarter. But sure, he could have theoretically done that, even though it would have presumably been a catch-22 death sentence on different grounds.

We have Molly's POV that the turtlenecks' minds aren't human anymore as far back as Bombshells, but the Council might not have made that kind of detailed assessment, and they're not going to take her word on it at this point.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone/Namshiel, It Seems Weird to Me...
« on: May 07, 2021, 03:03:25 AM »
Our little Nicky is probably the Nicodemus of the Bible (John 3:1-21; John 7:50-51 and John 19:39-42).  Nicodemus comes to Jesus and they discuss whether one can be "born again" from above.  Later, he questioned the appropriateness of Jesus' kangaroo trial before the Sanhedrin and then still later is said to have assisted Joseph of Arimathea in preparing Jesus for burial.

Seems to me that using his real name if he was actually someone biblical would be more than a little stupid. He makes a point of periodically attacking the church's records about him every century or so to sow confusion, but he leaves that out there?

I think Anduriel hooked up with a near perfect bastard originally, and appropriating the name was some kind of dark joke. Sure, letting him think he's an equal partner is probably playing to his conceit. A genuinely rotten human being has a level of creativity about his cruelty that the Fallen probably genuinely appreciates and respects on some level, but at the end of the day he's only a favoured class of dixie cup.

And as for using the Outsider threat to steer him, a truth that will get the mark to do what you want is even better than a lie that will get the mark to do what you want, because it cuts out the risk of losing your grip if he ever catches on to the lie. A devil that picks the one truth of cosmic horror that will break a man and program him into a fanatic ready to scorch the earth to prevent empty night is playing a more profound game than one that just lies well.

Glad to see somebody else sees this.  Papa Raith is dying or he's coming back.  Pick your poison. Either way it will put Lara under the gun.

Makes me wonder how well the curse on him is going to hold up with Thomas in stasis and Harry pulled away to the Mirror world.

A lot is going to be riding on whether Maggie and Thomas' nem-baby can sustain it via their bloodline to Maggie Sr.

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