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Messages - Second Aristh

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DF Spoilers / Re: Has Justine Been Faking It All Along?
« on: August 14, 2021, 09:15:57 PM »
I believe it was mentioned in Grave Peril, that is when we first meet Justine, that Thomas was feeding
off of her and that was helping her mental health.  So yes, he was feeding on her.
Sure he has fed on her before, but I was referring to the period between BR and GS.  There was no need to feed on Justine in that period since Thomas was well fed.  At the same time, Justine was on medication from Lara for her mental issues.  They didn't need a work-around for a problem that didn't exist.  It's not particularly suspicious that the work-around didn't come about until GS.

Why would it cheapen it?  It wouldn't cheapen how Thomas feels about her.  And it was that love that Nemesis used as a weapon, she deliberately gets pregnant, and uses Thomas's love for her and fear for the child as blackmail to get him to the assassination attempt in Peace Talks.. Which by the way Nemesis admits to in Battle Ground, does that cheapen how Thomas feels for her?  Justine herself might not feel anything one way or the other for Thomas, and Nemesis has been pulling the strings all along.
"Psych, it's not really true love" is not a good story twist, imo.  Your mileage my vary.

Ones we were told about at the time, however we weren't told about Justine until the end of Battle Ground.  However the introduction of the infection to the Winter Court through the Knife happens in Grave Peril, that is also when we are introduced to Justine and made aware of the attachment of Thomas to her.
We weren't told about Maeve's infection until CD, but we get in-text clues about it happening in the final battle of SK.  I'm going off the assumption that we're in a similar situation for Justine, hence looking for clues of those types of opportunities.

GP is a possibility, but that's even earlier than Nemesis admits to in BG.  Justine wasn't taken under Lara's wing until after BR.  Personally, the end of WN feels like the point where Nemesis would determine that Justine would be a worthwhile target, so the actual infection event would likely be sometime soon after.  If we also assume that it happens in text (since Justine is a major character), that puts Turn Coat/Even Hand to the top of the list of candidates.

"Mortal time is such a vague concept."  Okay, so that means that Nemesis wasn't willing to give Harry a straight answer there, because that would answer a lot of questions he isn't willing to answer.  As in just when did the infestation happen and how long as Nemesis planned this strike?
You make my point when you say in White Night Justine is still acting ditsy but still is Lara's top aid.
Does Lara strike you as the type of person who'd have a ditsy person acting as her personal aid and secretary?  The answer to that is no, she wouldn't.  So more evidence that Nemesis can turn behaviors on and off at will for whatever serves it's purpose.
Does Lara hire people who can feign harmlessness as a shield?  Sure, seems very White Court of her to value brains over brawn.  It's even more in Lara's character to have an aide that's particularly protected from her backstabbing frenemies via True Love. 

I have no doubt that Nemesis makes for a decent actor, but I don't see particular relevance for it in that aspect.

Could be, or it was all an act, like her "concern" for Thomas after he was captured and beaten half to death in Peace Talks.  Something was a bit off, but because their love was "well known" Harry didn't push to find out why it didn't feel right.

No, it is a mere assumption.
Even Hand being the time Justine was infected is built on a few assumptions, but I don't think they are unreasonable ones.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Justine Been Faking It All Along?
« on: August 13, 2021, 09:56:01 PM »
One last point, interesting don't you think that Justine waits until "Ghost Story," when supposedly star born with power against Outsiders, Harry is dead, to have the lesbian sex which allowed her to have intercourse with Thomas which led to her getting pregnant?   Why didn't she think of that before?  Why wait until Harry is "dead" and Thomas is at his most vulnerable ebb?
For this, Thomas was feeding well before Ghost Story.  There wasn't a need for him to feed from Justine prior to that.  After Harry's death, Justine was the trick to help him dig out of his depression.

Also, assuming that Even Hand was Justine's infection time, it's not long after that until Justine had the threesome idea.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Justine Been Faking It All Along?
« on: August 13, 2021, 09:54:17 PM »
From a writing perspective, I think that the scenario explained in Blood Rites where Thomas was able to pull away at the last minute is probably the truth as well as the birth of the true love protection between them.  Faking true love seems like it would cheapen their character arcs in an unnecessary way (e.g. if it wasn't actual love for Justine, what motivates Thomas in PT?)

As far as the timeline for Justine's infection, I think that's a topic worth delving into more deeply.  Assuming that the exact point Nemesis infection has some clues in the text (since other major infectees were; Lea, Maeve, Cat Sith), we can start narrowing things down.

Beside claims that it had Justine since she had become close to Lara.
Quote from: Battle Ground Ch.35
"How long?"  I asked.  "How long have you been in Justine?"
Justine waved the steel bar in a vague gesture.  "Mortal time is such a limited concept.  A few years.  Ever since she became close to Lara."
Going off this, it seems like it would have to be at least a significant period after Blood Rites.  In White Night, Justine is still playing ditsy, but she's clearly Lara's top aide.  Significantly, White Night also shows us the Black Council interfering in the White Court.  Cowl got a personal view of Justine blowing her air horn and being protected by Lara, not to mention whatever information Madrigal passed along.  I'd imagine that that at least would have put her on the Black Council's radar, hence a Nemesis interest.

Justine was a small part of Turn Coat where she was in the club Zero and burns Madeline Raith.  I don't see an obvious time for her to be taken here.

Justine's next big appearance would have been in Even Hand, about eight months before Changes.  There, Lara sent Justine as a messenger to the Fomor but she was abducted by a different Fomor lord, Mag.  While in Mag's custody, Justine managed to free a bunch of his prisoners before fleeing to Marcone for protection.  This could very well be where she was infected. 

Justine was also a player in the Bombshells short story a bit before Ghost Story where Molly prevents the Fomor from bombing the svartalves at a treaty signing.  Justine being infected in Even Hand makes her involvement here need some explaining, but that's probably doable.

After that, Justine was a hostage of the Redcap in Cold Days.  This might be an opportunity to get to her, but we learned in BG that the Redcap was Mab's eyes on Maeve in CD.  It would have taken more than just the Redcap for that to be the infection time.  Plus, it doesn't exactly fit the "ever since she got close to Justine" line from Nemesis.

Finally, we know that Justine was infected before the start of PT since her getting pregnant was Nemesis's idea.  Of all of Justine's on-screen time, Even Hand seems like the most likely suspect from what we know now.

DF Spoilers / Re: More foreshadowing?
« on: August 13, 2021, 12:05:23 AM »
Well, my vote goes to history repeating itself, simply because the "time travel" theory is just
over done in my opinion..  Too much of a cop out, too easy, the repetition of history makes for
a more interesting story I think, because you know what is going to happen based on what has
gone on before, and how do you prevent it or make sure it does.
Nah, the time travel book is the last one before the BAT.  The Dresden Files is a detective story behind all the fantasy elements.  The Black Council's actions are the mystery of the whole series.  So, at the end, you have to do a big reveal of what happened for the readers to catch up on / relish that their theories were right.  Since this is a big series with lots of players, that's going to take a lot of pages.  You need basically a whole book for it.  Further, it's a story with first person perspective, so you have to put Harry's eyes on the key events.  Time travel with Harry in the background trying to not be seen and/or chasing another villain is the clever way Jim will do that, imo.  After that makes a significant change, you can proceed full steam ahead to the big apocalyptic trilogy to cap off the series.

My guess, Jim has put in a number of time travel clues (e.g. Chichen Itza's hanging fuego) where you can dismiss them as something else, but are actually evidence of Future!Harry's involvement.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab's word play about the White Court
« on: August 10, 2021, 11:20:43 PM »
In BG, I think Harry turned heads because he genuinely surprised the big players.  They weren't aware of how chummy Harry had become with the Little Folk (since they're mostly ignored by them and nobody had real success uniting them before). 

Remember that a group like that was enough for Harry to take down Aurora before other power ups.  That that was how he did it is probably not widely known, but uniting the Little Folk is not a small feat to totally escape notice.

Sure, but Mab and Titania seem to consider wyldfae a bit like the White Council considers humans: not strictly theirs, but they have a vested interest. So you can bargain with one wyldfae, or murder a couple, but when you go after them in job lots, Mab and Titania will take an interest.
Yeah, I think that's a really good analogy.

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 10, 2021, 07:47:22 AM »
Wizard hexes, sure. Not Vampire hexes though! Harry has employed mortal agents before in order to get what he needs, like that ex-cop PI in Turn Coat. But even non-technological aids like tracking chips. Even good old fashioned recon and intel. One guy with eyes on the target calling in the air strike, for example. Or even just learning where a certain person will be and planning accordingly. There's plenty of non-magical means that wouldn't be hard to implement. No, I think Ebenezar had other reasons for not pursuing the White King...assuming he did in the first place.

Honestly, probably just a hole in Jim's story. Nothing deeper than that. Same with the ages of Lord Raith's children being so much younger.
Maybe, but I don't think it would be too hard to justify from Eb's perspective.

Mostly because she's in charge and supernatural beings tend to go for the whole seniority denotes authority. She might not be though, I grant you. I don't believe it's stated ever she is the oldest or first born or anything along those lines.
Glad to know it's not just me not remembering things  ;D

I did actually say they had thrown their vampire whammy at other White Court vampires (but I forgive you for missing it, I did present a wall of text). Well, probably the main reason is it causes White Court vampires of House Raith to try and screw their victims. I can't imagine they would attempt that on uber-ghouls or skinwalkers etc. And yes, perhaps it wouldn't be all that useful in a fast fight and they prefer to rely on their speed and strength. Maybe it's only a last resort weapon when the Hunger takes over. But Lord Raith didn't mind just zapping people once upon a time (and perhaps other tricks). So presumably, it can be used in combat. Which is why I wonder about the effectiveness on particular beings.

That, and actual combat. Basically wearing down Mab by fighting and whammying until she succumbed. Pretty horrible fight I imagine. Not even sure it would work without the White King absorbing some of her hits. She is terrifyingly powerful. I believe Jim said it was pretty long odds anyway, even with the whole White Court.
Ah, I misunderstood. 
Too much friendly fire makes the most sense to me for not throwing it harder in big group fights with Harry around, and stuff like Shagnasty is too big a bite to even attempt without enough whampires there.

Oh I agree Grey isn't at the same level as Shagnasty. I think being a shapeshifter he would try and impersonate a delicious mortal meal and then attack him with overwhelming force while his guard is down. But I don't doubt Grey also can use mortal weapons too. I doubt he would try the same tactic of overwhelming force as Shagnasty. Considering Grey can turn his hands into sickles of bone he could quite possibly decapitate and/or eviscerate Lord Raith if he got the jump on him. I can imagine he knows which of his many shapes would work best. Notice he turned into something particularly suited to fighting Ursiel/the Genoskwa. Also, the old fashioned kidnap and kill. Even something built to trap and render Lord Raith immobile would work well enough. The real question is whether McCoy and Grey would work together at all.
Huh, Grey is basically a good-guy version of Clayface.  Probably not as strong as Raith (Thomas bends barbells).  Whampire nature would nullify most poisons to knock him out for a kidnapping.  Grey might be able to manage something since he's resourceful, but I don't see an obvious tactic with an acceptable success rate.  Papa Raith should be most dangerous against a delicious meal.

See, as much as I get your reasoning with Luccio I think she will die. She's part of the old guard. In a world where the White Council is remade (which won't necessarily happen should the White Council collapse), I can't imagine any of the old guard will be around. It will be a new generation, for a new world. Also, Luccio is another person who the death owl is hovering over (at least to me). I don't think she'll survive too much longer. She's a very killable character and Jim needs characters to kill. If the Merlin goes soon, I think the Council's collapse would be imminent. If not, it would probably mean someone like Cristos taking over and the Council becoming much worse - or flat-out evil (if Cristos is Black Council, for example).
I actually think Luccio may survive a while yet.  She's gotten around the doom of being Harry's girlfriend.  She's supportive of a softer take on the Laws while still understanding why they were codified in the first place.  That being said, she is very killable.

I get what you mean. No one that wields the Blackstaff should be comfortable using it. But considering Eb chooses his successor, I can only see him choosing Harry. Certainly not Ramirez over Harry. The only way Ramirez might even get it would be if he picked it up literally off the ground right after Eb dies. But as I say, I don't think Ramirez is prepared to get into the world of grey. He sees the world still too black and white. Look at his most recent argument with Dresden.
Yeah, but I don't see Eb going down without a fight.  He's not quietly retiring and handing his staff to someone he picks.  Ramirez is gonna be at his side, then.  Harry doesn't particularly want the staff, and it would keep him from a fight with Ramirez. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Notes on Contagion
« on: August 10, 2021, 07:10:08 AM »
I guess we will find out more later about the first few mortals. Another good question for a Jim AMA or something. I don't agree though that Nemesis didn't have the ability to possess Sells, Denton or Kravos. If it can possess Justine, why not other mortals? I get she is a more important target, but fundamentally she is as human as the rest. So the barrier to entry shouldn't be different.
Could they be Nemesis possessed, sure.  Were they?  I really doubt it.  They're not well placed enough to be worth Nemesis's resources.  I don't think it would have expended the energy to add them to its collection of possessable options. 

Well, see being Black Council and being Nemesis-infected and/or possessed are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Justin could have been Black Council who got infected, or maybe that's part of being on the Black Council, or perhaps he got infected before forming/joining the Black Council.
Not necessarily exclusive, but more likely than not.  The BC and Nemesis both think they're using each other to get ahead.  I'm convinced that Maggie Sr is the founder of the Black Council and tried to get out.

Certainly, Arianna believed the Red King was a liability. And yes, his junkie behaviour is concerning (interesting that the other Black Council catpaw, the Fomor, are have someone with junkie-like behaviour - Corb). However, had Arianna completed her coup perhaps she would have kicked off a civil war and the entire Red Court made vulnerable. It's not at all certain that the other Lords would have accepted one of their own taking over their sire. Not to mention, I suspect some of them would have preferred to rule than whoever Arianna was allied with. The Red Court wouldn't have necessarily won even if the removing the Red King had united them. But even if it had, destroying the White Council or  strengthening the Red Court would only have furthered Nemesis' aims. With no White Council, who would stop the agents of destruction? Who would protect humanity and stop the warlocks arising and the Outer Gates being opened? The Red Court united would have been worse for humanity and the world would have been darker for it, particularly without the White Council to stop them. Nemesis wants more darkness and chaos. That's what I was getting at. In that environment, the return of the Outsiders is far more likely.
I disagree.  A prolonged war means two Accorded nations effectively take each other out, meaning less defenders for reality and a void to fill that's twice as wide.  More chaos for Nemesis to take advantage of at the end of the day.  A Red Court victory would have humanity worse off, but the Red Court still wants to keep up the masquerade for humanity and to avoid Empty Night.

I think the heart-ripping curse was not in Chicago by accident. I can't prove it but it almost certainly was linked to Harry being there. It doesn't make sense to test it there otherwise.

Yeah, Nemesis is almost a combination of both regular Agents and Agent Smith, at least in it's operation. I wouldn't be surprised if it partly inspired Jim.
Cowl/Mavra picked Bianca as their vector to start trouble, hence Chicago.  She was conveniently near a White Council wizard they had some interest in already (he killed his first handler, Justin; plus he's a starborn--a good resource for people trying to swindle outsiders).  Harry could be tested, recruited, or used as leverage to start the wizard-vampire war.  All good reasons to start preparations in Chicago.

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 10, 2021, 01:29:41 AM »
I agree that targeting would be an issue, but not an insurmountable one. There are other ways of learning a location than locking on to a target with a tracking spell. Even mundane means. It's more the apparent lack of effort or result that bothers me. It seems at odds with the implacable, highly dangerous, hot-head that is Ebenezar.
Wizards hex up mundane means quite often.  Maybe not insurmountable, but I think it would be difficult enough to end the mission before it began.

Yeah, I still wonder about that weird Lara and Eb romance theory. They certainly have a weird history that we don't know about. I wouldn't put anything like that past Jim - consider Nicodemus and his daughter's relationship. If that was fine for the story, just about anything's on the table. Yes, I think it makes sense that many of the previous siblings would have died or been culled. Seems odd though to allow your kin to get slaughtered so much considering they are meant to continue the family line. We know Lord Raith often just kills his sons. But allowing his daughters to die, or killing them off occasionally seems odd. The fact that his "eldest" daughter is merely 300 or so when he himself is roughly 2000 years old...something doesn't add up.
It is kind of odd, but the bookkeeping for the family tree is probably easier that way. 
How many sisters does Thomas have?
I can’t find that notebook, grr. I think it’s nine. Papa Raith’s bodyguards minus one who is utterly bonkers and kept more or less in the attic, and Inari, the one who got away.
Also, I forget why we're assuming Lara is the oldest.  Is it because she's the boss or is that a book quote that I've forgotten?

The White Court's psychic attack is powerful, I grant you. But Grey is the scion of a mortal and an immortal. Uriel took notice of him. I can't see Lord Raith laying out such a powerful being with a single move. But true enough, we just don't know. Something to ask Jim sometime. I find it interesting though that White Court vampires don't often use it on powerful beings. None of them tried it on the Naagloshii, or on the Denarians, or the Fomor (the leaders, not the hybrid warriors). Seems like they don't just throw it around at everything. We've never even seen it tried on another vampire. Which makes me wonder if it's really only effective on mortals or other White Court vampires (and maybe some Faeries). In any case, if Grey were concerned about that sort of thing (and he would have fought the White Court before), he would adjust his methods presumably. Considering how easy it was for the Naagloshii to carve them up whole sale, I can't imagine he would have too much trouble. Sure, he isn't as powerful as Shagnasty but still.
Point of fact, Lara has thrown whampire mojo at Madeline and her father (also how Papa Raith kept his daughters in line).  It's not just mortals.  It was a bit weird that they didn't do it against the uber-ghouls, true.  Maybe it's more disruptive than helpful in group fights?

The "Who could take down Mab" WoJ seems to imply that the extremely narrow path for the entire White Court to defeat Mab would be via mass mind whammy.

Goodman Grey is probably nowhere near as powerful as Shagnasty.  I don't see the clear tactic that Grey would use against Papa Raith.  A pure physical attack would have to be immediately decisive or be subject to a mind whammy, but whampires are tough to make that happen.  On that scale of beings that could make that happen, the cost to rent their services could be too high.

You see, I had Ramirez picked for the eventual Merlin. Assuming the White Council survives/is reborn. He follows the rules, is well respected, values chain of command, has proven himself in the field etc. He doesn't have the right mentality to be the Blackstaff. It's about being able to make the right calls and live with the consequences. It's about being able to get your hands dirty so others don't have to. Ramirez is already too conflicted and would probably not deal well with it. I am not even sure he even knows of the position - which would upset him to learn of it, particularly because it would violate quite a few of his principles. The position isn't common knowledge amongst the Council. Besides, Harry getting a power up won't make life easier for him - so it's even more likely he will get it, if anyone does. It would only convince the Council he was even more dangerous or evil. They would hate to lose such a powerful weapon. It might even be the thing that sets them at him. He would look a bit like the Dark Lord from their perspective.
Maybe.  I'd put Luccio over Ramirez for Merlin, though.  She's a better political fit, sympathetic for the old guard but flexible enough to work for the younger generations.

I'd also say no one that isn't upset about the existence of the Blackstaff is worthy to wield it.  That being said, I still don't like Harry as the next Blackstaff. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Odin's Raven's
« on: August 08, 2021, 01:59:58 AM »
They wouldn't be much use as bodyguards if they couldn't go against things that want to take a shot at Odin would they? They seem confident that they could take Harry down with only a 50/50 chance of him getting one of them.
But Harry's chances of taking Odin down are somewhere between slim and none.  He's not in the right league to be taking direct shots at Odin.  The ravens make great bodyguards for somebody like him, but don't bring them on the Ethniu fight.

DF Spoilers / Re: Odin's Raven's
« on: August 07, 2021, 11:14:58 PM »
I can't think of anyone that would want to have a go at Odin. Other than maybe a spoiled kid that didn't like his Christmas stocking.
Ferro  8)
I don't think he would in the current climate, but why take the risk?

DF Spoilers / Re: Odin's Raven's
« on: August 07, 2021, 10:46:40 PM »
Considering they can shred steel with their fingernails, I wouldn't say they're weak in a fight.

But the risk does seem to outweigh the reward. Especially if they play integral roles in his intelligence apparatus.
Yeah against your run-of-the-mill stuff, sure, but when you're talking about things that might want to have a go at Odin, probably not so much.

DF Spoilers / Re: Odin's Raven's
« on: August 07, 2021, 09:41:07 PM »
I've always figured Mirror Mirror will end with Uriel showing up and escorting Harry back to his timeline. Depending on how things go, it might be even more shocking if Harry sees the other timeline, and at the end gets pulled out by Uriel only to watch as a spectator as the timeline is obliterated. And then Uriel turns to Harry and says "there aren't many left".

Talk about pressure.
Ah, that'd be a dramatic visual.

Are you saying you think they blinked at Harry and then spoke through Vadderung when he couldn't?

I lean more towards it being Vadderung regaining consciousness a few minutes before, and triggering it when he thought it'd help.

I see H&M being non-combatants that help Vadderung stay weak enough to remain involved.
Yeah, if we go by the sheared off pieces of Odin model, they may be too small of a piece to protect themselves properly for the amount of power they have.  Too juicy of a target for someone wanting to throw a sucker punch for later.  Odin might not want to risk them in a direct confrontation when there is too much unknown.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab's word play about the White Court
« on: August 07, 2021, 09:16:45 PM »
Mab does few things for one reason.  The marriage drives the White Council further away from him (hence closer to Mab), offers Harry protection he just lost, and somewhat wriggles out of a favor from Lara while putting a handle on her.  All at once.

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: August 07, 2021, 09:04:15 PM »
Yes, that's sounds about right. Raith himself perhaps doesn't pre-date Rome then. But seemingly born right around the birth of Christ. I wouldn't be surprised if he was involved in those events to some degree. Especially as that quote from Jim is a few years old himself, and he's probably rounding a little by a few years.

Certainly possible, I grant you. Seems odd though that Lord Raith's eldest child was only born 150 years ago. Did he kill most of the others? Or were they just culled over time by bad events.

That's true, the White Court's regenerative abilities are subtle and underrated. That being said, I doubt Lara could regrow her head. Is it all that different if the spinal cord is severed? I imagine if her head was reattached she could heal...after a while and it would tax her. But how long could her head be off before she would die? Massive damage to the brain would be fairly significant. Maybe if the bullet were specially designed for to counter their healing factor. But I grant you, an ordinary bullet on reflection does seem a little underpowered.
To Raith himself, perhaps. To his person...that's a different issue. Magical tracking devices and all. Or even spiritual intel. I can't imagine Eb dropped a satellite...I feel we would have heard about such a significant assault by now. Also, the wording around Eb's attacks on Lord Raith suggest he tried purely magical methods. Had he tried a physical assault like dropping a satellite it would have worked. The inconsistencies in Ebenezar's story could be Jim's or they could be that Ebenezar doesn't have his story straight.
His protection wouldn't have worked against the satellite directly (Harry's keys, for example, worked as intended), but the problem is targeting.  I don't think a tracking spell would have had anything to grasp on Papa Raith, and it's not worth the risk to try without knowing it's going to hit.  Other physical assaults are probably going to be similarly difficult for whatever reason.

Three hundred plus instead of 150 for Lara, but yeah the timing is a bit off.  She's probably closer to Eb's age than Luccio's.  Probably bias of the "next generation of leadership" getting me of thinking they were more contemporary.  Could be a few earlier sons which he culled or daughters whampire politics got combined with poor whampire fertility for why Lara's the eldest now.

Oh sure, he's tough. But the stated reason that he survived was his immunity to magical assault. As Harry finds out, the loop hole to this is physical assault. So you can still hurl objects at him kinetically, for example, and he his magical protection won't do jack to stop it. Lord Raith doesn't have wards on his person. I don't buy the super hearing explanation - Ortega's senses didn't help him much. And as above, I don't think Eb even tried that method or anything that overt because we would have heard about it. As for the Kiss of Death trick, that only works if his assassin got close enough...and it's unclear if how well it would work against stronger supernatural beings. I don't doubt a lesser Red Court vampire or a lesser Faerie would probably not have much of a chance - but I don't know that someone like Goodman Grey, particularly with his survivability (Nicodemus thinks he would be the most likely to survive after himself in Skin Game), would be as affected as lesser beings. He's quite tough, he took on the Genoskwa while possessed by Ursiel and nearly beat him in a straight fight.
I think you're undervaluing the whampire mojo factor for someone like Grey.  Doesn't matter how hard you can hit if you've been psychically stunned.  Maybe Grey can withstand something like that and still fight, but I don't think it's a foolproof strategy.

Would be a waste of a writing opportunity to have Eb die in his sleep. I doubt Jim will do something so unexciting. Not to mention, one thing we know in the Dresden Files is character deaths are sudden, violent and gut-wrenching. I am sure he will die trying to save Harry, and he will give Harry the staff then/drop it and Harry will pick it up.
After BG, I'm actually thinking that Ramirez is a better candidate for next generation Blackstaff.  The White Council would fight Harry's possession of it, and it would be too close to Mother Winter in his hands.  Everybody likes Carlos, though.  Plus, Harry admitted that he was becoming a better wizard, at least for the subtle stuff.

DF Spoilers / Re: Notes on Contagion
« on: August 07, 2021, 02:39:20 AM »
My initial interpretation was that the three Walkers (Before, Behind, Beside=Nemesis) play a similar role as the Winter Knight does for Winter.  "Regular" outsiders like the cornerhounds are like your run of the mill faeries.  The Walkers play by a different set of rules.

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