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Messages - Sanctaphrax

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DFRPG / Re: Please help with a play example
« on: October 25, 2018, 08:32:21 AM »
So, Simmons tried to Intimidate Castillo. The mechanics are the same for any attack.
Simmons' Intimidation is Good +3. Castillo's Discipline is Fair +2. Simmons rolls his dice ++[]- for a total of +4. Castillo rolls ++-- for +2. He's doing something he feels is really important, so he tags an aspect which I'm not going to reveal right now to get +2, spends one of his 3 available fate points and gets a tie. Since Simmons isn't using some kind of mind magic, his intimidation is a 0 power weapon. So no damage.

Tags don't cost Fate Points; that's what separates them from normal invocations. I'm guessing this is meant to be a standard invocation.

Generally not worth it to use an Aspect just to avoid stress, for what it's worth.

Castillo tries to reason with Simmons, but without throwing another fate point in, he has 0 chance of convincing a Wizard to do anything the Wizard didn't want to do. While this was happening, Eric fired up a shield, and as a supplemental action, threw an insult.

Pissing someone off is another use of Intimidate. Eric has a stunt that makes him really good at it. Eric isn't trying to do mental stress with this insult. He's using a Maneuver to put a (MUST KILL ERIC) temporary aspect on Castillo.

Eric has an intimidate of Fair +2, plus a Stunt, Infuriate, which gives him +2 for this kind of thing. Making his attack Great +4. He's Great at making people want to choke him. Eric and Castillo both roll even, so Eric wins and puts that aspect on Castillo.

Neither maneuvering nor shielding is a supplemental action. Both take your turn.

Castillo still gets to take an action, even if his skills aren't good enough to make it worth much.

Also, you generally have to roll to put up a shield. Spellcasting is actually a multi-step process, involving gathering power and then controlling it.

On a tied maneuver roll, the resulting Aspect is fragile.

Simmons attacks with his warden's sword. His Weapons skill is Superb +5. He rolls 0. Castillo is also an expert with a Superb weapons skill, and rolls a +1 giving his +6 on his defense roll. Eric passes the free tag on the new (must kill eric) aspect to Simmons who invokes it for +2 giving him +7. With his Warden's sword, Simmons will do 4 points of damage as it stands. Castillo says screw this and does a full defense. Giving him +8 but no action this round.

Given that Castillo has Athletics 5 and some level of Speed, he'd be better off defending with Athletics. Also, being a vampire, Castillo should have some amount of armour.

Eric again insults him, again succeeding and giving Castillo a new temporary aspect (AAaarrrrgggghhhh). Castillo attacks Eric, and rolls even, giving him +5. Eric dodges using his athletics of 4 and rolls 0 giving Castillo +1. With his sword and supernatural strength Eric is looking at 6 points of damage. His shield absorbs 4 points, and Eric’s kevlar lined overcoat absorbs the other 2. So he takes no damage.

So the shield provides armour 4, with sufficient duration to last through the round where Castillo didn't act? Quite a powerful spell.

Did you mean Inhuman Strength when you wrote supernatural?

Armour usually doesn't stack. Actually can't remember whether armour from an Evocation is an exception; it hasn't come up in my game for quite some time.

Simmons attacks again, rolling even +5. Castillo also rolls even so Simmons hits, and will do the 3 points of damage his sword does. But he tags the AAaaaarrrrgggghhh aspect, saying “I’ve got a clear shot at his back as he’s completely focused on murdering Eric”, and adds 2 more to his roll for a total of 5 points of damage. Castillo has 4 dots, so if he takes it all, he’ll drop. Instead, he takes the moderate consequence “sword through the chest” which soaks 4 points and takes his first dot of damage.

Again, Castillo should have armour and a better dodge roll. And with Toughness, I'd expect him to have more than four stress boxes.

Also, I don't see any reason to take a moderate consequence rather than a mild here.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: October 25, 2018, 07:18:55 AM »
What's a Prince, in this context?

DFRPG / Re: Backlash
« on: October 22, 2018, 05:25:52 AM »
Might be worth letting the other characters re-arrange their powers a bit.

Spellcasters aren't always the best, even at high Refresh levels, but they have a bit of an optimisation advantage. If you just buy Refinements, allocate them intelligently, and keep your casting skills as high as possible, you're building more or less optimally. Other character types are a lot more likely to accidentally weaken themselves. And they can sometimes have a hard time justifying buying the most optimal stuff.

WCVs actually get the worst of it, if you ask me. Their Template inherently pulls them in multiple directions and that's generally a recipe for weakness. Not surprised that that PC is having trouble spending their Refresh effectively.

So it's possible that your non-spellcasters could get a fair bit stronger just by re-allocating their Refresh. Might take some narrative trickery to make it justifiable, though.

I've run a game with Refresh in the high teens for a long time, and all sorts of characters have proved effective in it. But I think the fact that the characters were created at such a high power level from the start (or in one case, jumped straight from a much lower level to this one) helped a lot with that.

DFRPG / Re: Urban Magic
« on: October 22, 2018, 05:06:49 AM »
Exploiting the customs of the city sounds like a taggable Declaration to me. Invoke TICKET TO RIDE, get +2 to complexity/a casting roll. Thaumaturgy territory, for the most part, since most customs are too complicated for Evocation.

Those elements sound a bit narrow and esoteric for Evocation. I'm not sure how I'd zap a monster with a blast of Anonymity.

Electricity seems like a good element, though. I'd be inclined to include light and sound in its bailiwick, maybe even rename it to Energy. Asphalt/Building and Life are basically just Earth and Wood, so those work. But I'm not sure what you'd do with the other two. Maybe Spirit could stick around?

Accidental hexing being compel-based, it's not really a weakness for a player. It's like having no legs; sucks for the character, but the player's getting paid. Wouldn't break anything to just ditch it.

Still, thematically it's better to have a weakness. How about pollution? Cities put out a lot of smog and a lot of garbage. Maybe urban mages are just preternaturally filthy, like living smokestacks.

DFRPG / Re: The State of the Wiki
« on: October 22, 2018, 05:01:51 AM »
Well, the classic is a bonus to Weapons when you're wielding a sword. Bit boring, but it's logical and effective. Might even be a bit too effective, if circumstances never push you away from using your weapon of choice. And if your Athletics isn't too good, the ability to defend against ranged attacks with Weapons is good to have.

Apart from that, it depends on who your swordsman is. Do they fight aggressively? Defensively? Do they have any special tricks?

DFRPG / Re: The State of the Wiki
« on: October 21, 2018, 08:48:01 AM »
And done.

Still some stuff that needs doing on the server side, but I've done my part. Every page has been copied over faithfully and in full.

DFRPG / Re: Sponsored Magic and Focus Items
« on: October 21, 2018, 12:40:09 AM »

One more question we are unsure about: If someone takes "Unseelie Magic" (again without evocation etc.), does she get focus item slots? I figured "no", but not sure at all.

Yes, she does.

Quote from: Your Story page 183
If you're paying full price, you get four focus item slots with this ability.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: October 20, 2018, 03:25:27 AM »
Kind of you to say so.

This is meant to represent a sort of composite Spider-Man, drawn from no continuity in particular. Or perhaps from every continuity, if you'd rather see it that way.

The were two parts of this that I found tricky. Aspects and the spider-sense. Aspects were hard because Spider-Man has a lot going on; I think these Aspects do a decent job of capturing him, but they could definitely be better.

As for the spider-sense, there's just too many different ways to do it. A Supernatural Sense would work, Precognition would work, a couple of Stunts would work. Fortunately most of the options cost 2 Refresh, so I can leave it up to whoever ends up using these (if anyone does).

Considered giving him some Stunts (maybe Provoke) and/or the Superhuman Acrobatics Power, but I ran out of Refresh. And anyway he doesn't really need them. That being said, this is a fairly low-powered interpretation of Spider-Man; you could definitely add more Refresh and more skill points without making him unfaithful to his source material.

I could've given him a Catch; in fact, the RAW say I should. But I'm not sure if anything really fits. I guess I could go with sickness, since he's been incapacitated by normal colds and the like before,

(click to show/hide)

DFRPG / Re: Sponsored Magic and Focus Items
« on: October 20, 2018, 12:37:28 AM »
I'm pretty sure that I get focus items when choosing sponsored magic.


How do I build those focus items? The usual formula "Offensive/defensive" + "power/control" + "element" (as in offensive power fire for a blasting rod) does not work for a PC with only sponsored magic - they don't seem to think in elements. If my magic is given to me by a germanic god of wisdom... how do I create the focus items?

A sponsor is an element, more or less. So you can basically have universal foci. Like the ring on page 302 of Your Story.

DFRPG / Re: Spirit Form
« on: October 14, 2018, 07:25:54 AM »
It's not super clearly written, but it talks about how you need to manifest visibly in order to see the world properly. And it says that characters with high Lore or some form of magical sensitivity may be able to detect your presence when you're not doing that. Which makes it pretty clear that you're normally invisible.

I'm pretty sure the intent is for spirits to be able to see each other.

DFRPG / Re: The State of the Wiki
« on: October 13, 2018, 02:16:11 AM »
Finished Powers and Templates. That just leaves Characters.

DFRPG / Re: The State of the Wiki
« on: October 10, 2018, 10:49:30 AM »
Liverpool's done. Lots of typos and the like, but those were always there.

Gonna do Powers next.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: October 09, 2018, 12:10:21 PM »
Never heard of her. Or him.

Incidentally, g33k, I'm still willing to make Donatien.

DFRPG / Re: The State of the Wiki
« on: October 09, 2018, 11:31:41 AM »
You're very welcome.

Thank you for sharing this information; I was worried that all of that hard work was going to disappear forever. But I am glad that people with a heart managed to save it; can't wait to see what it looks like once its finally done.

Won't be too exciting, honestly. But there'll be a proper logo in the top left corner, and a few pictures here and there.

Right now, every time I look at a page, I see that sunflower and cringe.

DFRPG / The State of the Wiki
« on: October 04, 2018, 11:05:03 AM »
As you may have noticed, the Wiki's down. Wikispaces has closed.

Fortunately, it has a new home. Hosted alongside this forum, in fact. Here's the URL:

Unfortunately, I haven't finished copying everything over. Attempts to automate the process failed so I'm doing it by hand. It's not a ton of fun.

Fortunately, I started before the wiki went down and the new wiki is actually perfectly usable.

Unfortunately, it looks ugly. Can't upload images at the moment. Hopefully that'll be fixed soon.

There are four things left to do: The Template pages, the individual Power pages (the Powers are there, they just don't each have a page to themselves), the individual character pages, and some random pages in the Liverpool setting. I left these for last because there are a lot of pages in each category and each page is pretty low-priority. But I'll get them done.

I've corrected the link in my sig, but other links on this forum are broken. If you want one fixed, report the post and I'll edit it for you.

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