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Messages - finnmckool

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DFRPG / Re: Big-time ritual magic; a practical guide
« on: July 24, 2010, 07:04:30 AM »
I disagree...I think it's a pretty good break down of your options as a spellslinger for when you want to whip up one of those really nasty, dramatically awesome spells. And here's the thing, if you the GM don't want this spell going off and you don't wanna say, "No, Gary, that's too much," just have the phone ring. Or the wizard get attacked. Or jumped by sex crazed naked people of the appropriately enticing type. Big time magic takes major concentration and you can always, to borrow a Harryism, "bump his elbow while he's juggling TNT."

The thing is, if you're gonna allow someone to be a wizard, especially in a FATE system, which is so open ended, rules-wise, you should allow your wizard the opportunity to really cut loose and get creative, because that's how wizards survive, by a creative and sneaky application of the rules, be they of physics, magic, or the Accords. Wizards are the munchkins of the world.

DFRPG / Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
« on: July 24, 2010, 06:48:43 AM »
No, I don't think your example violates that particular wall if your veil is entirely of seeming and not of "YOU SEE NOTHING! *squish*" However, I would think that such a veil would be more difficult, as, if I understand you right, you're placing a "Screen" around the target that projects reality minus what you want them to see, instead of just the smaller screen in front of what you want hidden. That sounds an order of magnitude more complicated to create, and more draining to maintain, especially if they move. Normal veil would be more practical.

How to kill with favorite tactic I have ready? Door opening to the NeverNever. I open a portal under your feet, and in you fall. I didn't kill you, where you landed did, especially if it was some other critter in the NeverNever that ate you, and not, say, the lack of oxygen there. Even if it's not an end run around the Law, it's damned hard to prove, as there's no body, plus, it's such a possibly convenient way to dispose of a body. And trap doors are fun.

DFRPG / Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« on: July 24, 2010, 06:41:24 AM »
If anything it'd work all too well...he's all soul. So either you'd see nothing different about him, or you'd be soul gazing an honest to goodness (heh) angel...which would hurt the eyes I imagine.

DFRPG / Re: Pet House Rules
« on: July 18, 2010, 07:00:19 PM »
  A Thaumaturgist with lots of focus items for complexity in summoning/binding won't have a problem with it.

Or all the focus item slots upgraded into one uber item. burn 4 refinements for focus item slots and that's a +4 easy to one thing. (is that right?)

DFRPG / Re: Pet House Rules
« on: July 18, 2010, 05:32:06 PM »
really? where does the mechanical trouble for you lie? because a really souped up focus can get you quite the boost, like a +3 or more, if you really dump all your might into it. add into that the perfect binding agent (hair, name, etc) and you should be able to clear fairly medium hurdles reliably, in theory.

I'm asking because I'm still figuring this game out my ownself.

DFRPG / Re: How many players and how many wizards?
« on: July 18, 2010, 05:27:52 PM »
Well I've got a group of 3 about to be four with one slightly sissy wizard, one minor talent (but it's a good'un) one changeling who's pretty much all veils and glamours, and next one vanilla cop. it's a good team strategy wise but it leaves my one and only wizard a bit overwhelmed if he has to handle a really big spell as he has little back up who can actually mechanically assist him. Plus, it is going to naturally lend itself to the wizard "saving the day" a bit more as he's the one who's going to be going for the big fx, so I'm trying to make that up with story and background focus on the others.

Plus my players aren't adapting well, we're all over thinking the game, as we're used to far more complex systems, and the elegance of this system is throwing us for a loop. We keep looking for tables and numbers to roll. Which is a problem for my wizard especially as no one's really digging in to find all the ways to skin that cat.

DFRPG / Re: Pet House Rules
« on: July 18, 2010, 05:23:07 PM »
I don't think you need house rules, just spend a bunch of points on refinement and upgrade a real big focus or the like to give you that extra boost to control more critters. between that and aspects you should be able to hit "epics" with a bit of work and that's the goal no matter your mancy.

DFRPG / Re: Soundtracks for a DFRPG game
« on: July 18, 2010, 04:47:07 PM »
It's really scene dependant for me. I've been trying to use opening theme music (different every time) to cultivate a sense of what's coming in my players. They may not know yet, but for instance, any game that opens with a cover of "I Put a Spell On You" is directly related to certain behind the scenes character. But any cover of I put a spell on you is good opening stuff (i recommend nina simone or screamin' jay hawkins).

When we're dealing with the ghetto i use lots of relevant rap music. onyx and jedi mind tricks are appropriately angry but not so well known everyone's singing along. the roots are good too.

for fight scenes there are tons of suggestions. if it's a good brawl i like new awesome like parlor mob or wolfmother. parlor mob's favorite heart to break is good drama music. Often good quiet sweet songs can make nice juxtaposition for a violent death, it's heart breaking if they liked'em, hilarious if they didn't. I'm considering a good heart breaking death for an npc they haven't met yet that'll be set to lovin' spoonful's "darlin' be home soon." go for things that build. I'd suggest writing up your flavor text for those times when you're just describing and practicing it over the track so you can time it with the music. it's really effective.

spiderbait and chemical brothers are good car chase music, depending on setting. so's motorhead.

ugh..yeah. that's it. hope that helps.

New World Boy with Old Country Problems?

If you wanna make it more about his family (a less potent aspect, but good embarrassing occasional fun) "How do I explain this to mom and dad?'

"But I'm an American!"

I think I like the first one better.

i think Ihadris may have it. it has poetry and functionality and that's where i'm lookin.

i'll kick all of them at her and see what she likes. keep'em comin!

And anyone else need some assistance?+

yeah, that works in some ways because she's sort of on the run from winter. and summer. tee-hee.

DFRPG / Re: Sidhe-born Changelings and Power Selection.
« on: July 18, 2010, 02:50:50 PM »
Yeah, I'd limit him at first, but then, as he advances, he can buy up and choose to become less and less human. it should also change his appearance and progressively impact how "straights" perceive him.

DFRPG / Re: The Future of the Line
« on: July 18, 2010, 02:43:45 PM »
I don't see much of a need for a GM screen...heck they sort of send one with the books. it's a bookmark. the system is fairly elegant and streamlined. There are two pages in the back of the book that pretty much are a GM screen, as it has I think, every single table in the entire game.

really i concur that just some web supplements are all that's needed with this particular system. I mean what's left to say about vampires that's not been said or isn't in the books themselves? what more rules do you need for them? And the magic system is so brilliantly open ended that idea is that there really aren't any "spells" mechanics wise, as everything is personal to the caster, so any spells in the book are just applications of the rules for you to build off of, and really...why pay for that? you get more dynamic help here, and it's free.

the only thing i can think of is as new monsters appear, or someone does something in the books that the rules don't cover (or can be covered but only after a really awkward and byzantine application).

A Never Never guide would be good too, especially with a "map" (which isn't so much about spatial relationships, as relative visual comparisons of the courts, and other known demesnes). bundle with it an abstract of the Accords.

So I was gonna come in here and ask for some help from you guys on how to word or frame an aspect for one of my players, then I saw there was no thread for this visible, so I thought I'd start one.

I need help phrasing her Where do you come from Aspect which is she's a fae changeling who doesn't know her origins. She "grew up" in Winter's Court, but she was mostly ignored/tolerated and kept in a corner, and was raised as a straight fae (though she actually has far fewer known powers). There's a whole sneaky backstory reason for this that even the player doesn't know, so I shan't utter it here, but for now I need your all's advice on how best to word the aspect of "don't know where I come from" so that it's invokable and compellable. My group is having some system adjustment issues and I want them fully exploiting this new "aspect" system to the fullest. In short, I need it to be "En Fuego!"

Any one else have any aspect assitance needs?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: April 12, 2010, 02:32:02 AM »
Pft. Figures.

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