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Messages - jonas

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DF Spoilers / Re: If Jim handed off the series to someone else...
« on: March 06, 2018, 07:03:12 PM »
Its weird to say this considering how much I love the books and how much I am attached to the story, but to be honest, I don't feel that Jim is a top tier writer.  I think he is much better about building a universe or planning an adventure then he is connecting the points of his outline.
I'm not saying I agree... or not lol. His writing has gotten better with experience, but that's natural. However... Eek Gads Man!? If he stays the course and this whole thing drops it's going to be considered a masterpiece on par with the Edda's or Beowulf. When I 'tried' my hand at writing it was really universe creation that tickled me.. a few years later I found the DF and fell head over heels for the most potent build I've ever seen.

DF Spoilers / Re: New (I hope) Elaine Theory
« on: March 05, 2018, 10:19:31 PM »
there really are only two camps when if comes to Elaine:
Nothing about her originally being a victim precludes her continuity as a villainous fiend. Personally I find her original trauma to be entirely that, trauma... She has since been practically raised by the Sidhe since then, and one that went off kilter at that. I find her a great and intentionally ambiguous character. Whom I do find to be cowardly/selfish. It's Not really her prime personality, but deep inside she's still that scared little girl and the defense mechanisms it relies on are very base instinctive things. You see it come out of her quite a few times... and most any time she's directly rose above it she took the edge from Harry's lead.(in SK with the thorns, him pleading mercy when captured and VS Pricilla's psychic attack.)
She's damaged inside, and well written for it imo.

DF Spoilers / Re: New (I hope) Elaine Theory
« on: March 03, 2018, 01:10:54 AM »
by holding the hedge open for him- neither of which can be reasonably traced to her.
Lol? she choses to hold up a hedge and it can't be traced back to her own actions...?

DF Spoilers / Re: New (I hope) Elaine Theory
« on: March 03, 2018, 12:36:16 AM »
That seems harsh.  She helped Harry numerous times in SK when doing so risked the wrath of a mad Lady, and she helped small time practitioners in WN that resulted in an empathy toward them that led her to helping found their organization.
Yea that's a bit evil, I've found her more just plain selfish in nature... Hidden evils? Maybe, but that still seems extreme for her character.

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: March 03, 2018, 12:34:13 AM »
Haven't read every post but will ask a few questions.

1.  Why the time period of Proven Guilty? 
2.  What is the expected outcome?
3.  Can Harry go against the time conservation principle?
4.  How can he time travel?

My guess about how he time travels is he will use the Lay line, or one of the prisoners on the Island.
1 Not the only one I see, but... cause Molly and her future always directly effected Harry and his own?
2 What would have happened without the event's of PG, esp the GK time travel plot? Molly and Harry on the run for their lives is the greatest probability I think.
3 Bob specifically explained how to do so. The thing your trying to avoid is actually violating free choice while doing your TT.
4 Lotsa ways, but or this one i'll go with LC, it creates a thaumaturgic connection in the future to the past when it was 100% accurate. the energy build up in one spot was someone coming through it. This is actually two fold, it causes the need for LC to be fixed, and since Harry would never have tried to use it without the GK's message he would not have originally died in the attempt(this is them fixing the conservation method to prevent paradox/splitting). Farther, in the original, he had time to wait and had eventually come to rely upon Lasciel when he ultimately did use it. This is a big point in the books, he admits he wouldn't try it if it wasn't necessary(which it wasn't anyway but ;p go figure)

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: March 02, 2018, 04:50:37 AM »
The cave ceiling a thousand feet below ground level being full of tree roots that Harry narratively lampshades as being impossible under the conventional rules of nature is a pretty big hint there's something else going on with the cave. The stairwell down below and the barrier to the "minimum security" anteroom both pretty much melted out of previously solid material - that's plenty of opportunity for Alfred opening a gate so skillfully that Harry can't even tell it is a gate (another thing he's lampshaded the real pros being able to do).

I don't really buy that it's in the Nevernever either, though. Your reason that Mab was causing the long winter in Chicago by her presence in the cave taking care of Harry in GS is one solid point. Another is that it doesn't really fit with the surface reflecting onto some super-lethal patch of the NN, and putting supernatural supermax right in the Nevernever doesn't seem all that secure against some ungodly powerful creature of the spirit realm deciding to jailbreak its buddy by brute force either. Mainly, though, what seals it for me is that Harry didn't melt and die shortly after returning to Chicago because of all the cells that had been built on being fed intravenously by the tree roots reverting to ectoplasm.

I'm betting it's some sort of weird pocket dimension that Merlin made. Loosely related to how Bob said Harry could create a demesne within the NN if he wanted to invest sufficient effort, but Merlin's much more advanced technique let him put it in between worlds instead.
Technically, I agree entirely. But for simplicities sake I wasn't going to add that variable to my own deduction because it just get's more confusing...
But how about... DR is on earth and at it's center it reaches through to the NN sanctum like it's an active portal between the two? i'd already considered the idea for something else.
*what I mean to say is inside the prison, Reality and NN overlap each other in existence.

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: March 01, 2018, 08:12:43 PM »
Yeah.  The Island itself is on Earth but the magic woven around it could have been done on Earth, and different planes in the NeverNever.  Considering the nature of the things locked up it would make sense that the NeverNever would have spells too.  I mean if it didn't they would have a back door escape so to speak.  The reason Harry didn't get killed was as I pointed out before, Leah had protected his home from the NeverNever.
Might be the outer gates you describe there.... or just the Dreamland entrance (from Tibet?)

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: March 01, 2018, 08:09:56 PM »
The Island does, the holding place of the things down below is not so certain to be in reality.
That's not tenable, it shows no direct travel to the NN and Harry in the first room after the staircase(in the prison proper) was still in the mortal realm, in fact Mab was still in the mortal realm when she stayed with him as her power stayed with her.(See SK, Aurora and Elaine's convo on trying to kill Harry)
Always considered trapping them inside reality to be the whole point, it prevents them from manifesting elsewhere but leaves their power/balance inside the mortal realm.

DF Spoilers / Re: Changes and the Curse that....
« on: March 01, 2018, 06:05:35 PM »
I wouldn't be surprised if mirrors became very, very important. Harry frequently mentions in the early books that he doesn't own any mirrors, because too many things can look back at you. The fetches came through reflective surfaces, too, which I don't find enough of a payoff for Harry's paranoia early on.
Oh my yeeessss... the closest we've come is seeing Thomas's mirror during his soul gaze...

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:35:47 PM »
The books have been completely vague on this.  What makes you so sure?  Harry's home for example was protected from the Never Never side by Leah, without Harry's knowledge.  Why couldn't Merlin have been doing a lot of the work in the Never Never when constructing the Island?
Negligible, DR exists IN reality. It's existence as a physical place/magical construct are it's resultant 'creation. Unless other event's/layers become apparent that's the one i'm counting... and I'm not so sure his actions didn't sync the other side automatically to what it became/is anyway. What if like Marcones bank the other side was just waiting for a connection?

DF Spoilers / Re: Changes and the Curse that....
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:26:57 PM »
Ill be honest, Ive long been leaning toward the idea that Id-Harry has simply been Lying and is not a natural part of Harry at all; rather I think he's a more insidious and/or intelligent (Outsider) version of the Hunger Demon that WCV's are born with.
I lean heavily toward the one who is all evil reflection being. It's how Satan was described for a long time, the inner devil or the thing that could take on your shape. It's classy cause most of those myths start to loosely become related to mirrors.(idk if you've ever seen Constantine but that's basically why he used the mirror on the demon in the beginning)
There's a whole cosmo/theo/mythological thing on it i'm only recently beginning to understand how it interconnects in the DF to other idea's like the shadow, the order of the mind itself, and the mind, body, will triangle.(if so limited)
If I were to do a mock up of a thread sooner or later would it be possible to get some feedback for questions or considerations needed looked at?

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: March 01, 2018, 05:49:18 AM »
The Never Never moves differently time wise.  Hades for example slowed it way down.  The prisoners are also held in a place where there are roots that are much too deep to be from tree's...  Perhaps the 5 different times at the same time were 5 different places within the Never Never where time is moving differently from one another.
No, no. Merlin Made DR in our reality specifically. NN time isn't the issue, it's true time as seen by mortal linearity. An i'm not sure the actual passage of time would be important than, just that the precise 'time' is co-aligned in each different area to be at the same time from whichever standard time can then be measured from... the stars themselves perhaps?

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:50:28 AM »
I'm not sure why you think five Merlins coming together in one timeline would cause issues.  We're talking (or at least I am) about five stable splinterverses, each with their own Merlin.  And those Merlins coming together to visit one timeline and working together to make Demonreach.  They'd still have to make additional trips to the past/future of that timeline to make it five times there.
Due to the complexity of the answer i'm going to forgo it in favor of asking about this,(I mean, just paradox issues alone, how would their existence be stable, and why would they go to one timeline when... er, nvm, for now lol) How do you separate 5 times at the same time into the statement of five times throughout time or in five timelines? It's not an interpretation I see easily.
I'm thinking, and I think we will see a smaller version of this in MM when someone has to fix the timeline issues, that DR is basically a bow tying together multiple existences, if not at the beginning tying all of existence together around 5 central 'root/trunk' universes(in keeping with the parallels of DR to Yggdrasil.

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: March 01, 2018, 01:29:55 AM »
The biggest issue I have with five Merlins in five universes at five times theory is that it makes Demonreach five times as vulnerable.

If it was created in one timeline, then it has to be unmade in that timeline.  But if it was made in five, then a successful attack on any of the others would destroy it.  That's five times as much trouble.

Five Merlins coming to make it in one timeline would at least avoid that.
Huge problem there... how would 5 merlins enter any one timeline without causing splinter universes by the action itself? The end result would be just as troublesome as they cascade outward. instead of twisting time together they'd fray it's continuing linearity.
See, I see it opposite, making it five times at the same time actually makes it harder to trouble with, as you must attack it simultaneously from all five in order to destabilize it's resonance. Hence I think why the attack HAD to come across time. It had to break time barriers in order to effect something that had already done so... if that makes any sense, if not let me know lol.
*would they not have to destroy the possibility of Merlin making the trip at all in order to negate any one timeline were he does so? probability combined with conservation of history, perhaps they change slightly with attacks upon their timelines but a new version still comes to a head of it?

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: February 28, 2018, 03:53:38 PM »
I mean imagine since the DF is a multiverse, when all the different versions went backward they gradually went up the flow of time itself until there were no other variant choice universes, they made DR in the beginning and it split off from there in a stable loop that produced five universes were merlin went back in time and made DR, and all 5 did so at the same time, coming in from different times.

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