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Messages - trboturtle

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Author Craft / Editors and submissions -- A problem?
« on: December 02, 2011, 08:44:24 PM »
I was reading December 1st entry from this blog:

This gist is that he just received a form rejection letter from an editor for a novel he pitched TWO YEARS AGO. The rest of the blog is about when he did it, and some advice on how to submit.

But two years for a rejection letter -- a form rejection letter? For an author with a proven track record? Makes me wonder if the job of an editor is becoming one smart people avoid......


Author Craft / Re: A Question for Fantasy Readers and Writers…
« on: November 30, 2011, 02:53:24 AM »
David Weber's War God Series has a non human as the main character.

Bazhell Bahnakson is a hradani, one of the four races of man. They are larger and tougher than humans (Bazhell is like eight feet tall). Male hradani are subject to bouts of Bezerker anger, known as the Rage.

I can't remeber the author or series, but I do remember seeing a series of novels that had a goblin as the main character.


Author Craft / Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
« on: November 22, 2011, 07:10:30 PM »
35,117 words as of this morning -- I seemed to complicating the plot in large chunks of writing.....


Author Craft / Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
« on: November 06, 2011, 06:41:35 PM »
9,229 words so far....need to pick up the pace a bit more, I  want to take a shot of really adding to that total today. On the short story front, two with the work group, rewriting a third and started a fourth....what fun!  ;D


Author Craft / Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
« on: November 03, 2011, 12:31:14 AM »
Me -- 4,339 words so far. But I'm also juggling short stories that will actually pay if I can convive the editor to buy them....


Author Craft / Re: The Hyphen
« on: October 25, 2011, 12:27:42 AM »
I tend to use the emdash to covey motion. If the scene is a high-tempo action scene, and I need to describe something, I use the emdash.

Example: "The man I was chasing --- short, ugly, but damn fast --- scooted around a corner and out of sight."

The comma I use when it's not an action scene.


Author Craft / Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
« on: October 10, 2011, 06:01:57 PM »
I thinking of doing NaNoWriMo this year. I see it as an interesting exercise. ANy advice?


DNG has me slaved out to a laptop writing for the next expansion for the Dark Nova RPG, I haven't gotten squat done on the novel lately. Blargh! That being said, I have managed to write enough background material and filler for the setting of the universe that I am getting ideas for yet another book... oy vey...

I think RPG writing would help you focus on the inportant parts of the universe creating..... :D

As for me, my 14th story was recently published on, and hopefully will have two more e-published by the end of the year.

And I finally got by first paper writing credit! Catalyst Games Labs' TRO: Prototypes has two designs in it that I wrote! So happy!  :D :D :D :D :D

On and upwards!


I'm an old-fashioned sort; I won't be self-publishing.  I believe in division of labor (it's what pulled us out of the stone age after all!).  I believe that people train and work hard to become agents, publishers, editors, etc., and that they have specialized skills and knowledge and deserve their pay.  I also don't try to sell my own house, cut my own hair, fix my own car.  I'm just that kind of person.  I want to do what I do best (write) and leave the publicity to publicists, the design to designers, etc.

If a publisher doesn't pick up my book, I'll just assume it's not a good fit for today's marketplace, and write another, and try again.  It's not so important that My Words Get Out There that I am willing to forgo the security of a second and third opinion on their quality.

That said, at some point in the future when I'm flush with cash, I may self-publish some self-help stuff that I don't want to make money on and just want to share with family/friends.  Personal experiences etc., life lessons learned, stuff most people wouldn't care about but would still be nice to have in an attractive package.

But the problem is, these days, the division of labor is uneven. Contacts, which use to be strightforward have suddenly become landmines. How would you like paying an agent 15% even after you've ended the business relationship? Or give up ALL oversea rights to your work, or your entire backlist?

If you get a contract, have a lawyer with IP background go over with a fine tooth comb. The money spent will be worth it.

Both agents and publishers are scrambling to make money and its the writer who is getting the short end of the stick. Publishers are underreporting their Ebook sales. Agents are becoming publishers, blurring the line between the two.

Don't be blind on this. This isn't the same field as it was ten yers ago. Be careful.


Before you do anything, read the Business Rusch column on Be prepared to do some digging, because there's a lot of stuff you need to know before you decide.....


Author Craft / Re: Using writing tricks for RPGs, and vice versa
« on: August 24, 2011, 11:59:18 PM »
I write in the Battletech universe, 13 stories published so far from the website and hopefully more to go.

I have a hundred or so books for the Battletech universe, both in DTF and eBook that I can draw on for people, places, and items. The universe is a live one, moving forward in time (3085 right now), yet going back and filling in details that had been mentioned but not explored.

States rise and fall in fortune, and major things happen (The universe is coming off a massive war that was started by a bunch of tencho fanatics that wiped out a number of planets, destroyed dozen of units, killed major characters and shook up the status que.) But the constant is that warfare exists and the Battlemech is the king of the battlefield.

But Battletech has always been about the characters, and with the wide number of groups and backgrounds, there's all type of characters. For me, it's a matter of taking all that history, all that background, and crafting characters and stories that fit into that universe. For me, its one step in the direction of creating my own universe -- All I have to do is create characters and stories. My background is already there, as the events I can play off of.

I am creating my own universe for my own stories, but for now, I'm going to stay and hone my craft in the battletech universe....


Author Craft / Re: Adapting Myth or Creating New?
« on: August 18, 2011, 11:33:09 PM »
So Craig, what was your take on her relationship with Garion?

A very protective mother. Been a few years since I read Eddings, but As I remembered it, Polgara was a stable point around which Garion grew up. She didn't smother him, but let him grow up as a normal boy.

She probably chose the best place for a boy who would be king to grow up in -- Sendars are pratical, hard-working types.....


I really suggest you go over to Kristine Kathryn Rusch's website and read as many of her "The Business Rusch" Blogs as you can.

Before you do anything with the completed manuscript, I really think you should read her column. She talks about the shifting publishing business and how writers are getting into trouble with contracts with agents and publishers.

The days of an author just writing and letting his/her agent handle the business end of things are gone. If a writer is going to survive and prosper, they are going to have to take on the business end of things......


Author Craft / Re: Adapting Myth or Creating New?
« on: August 11, 2011, 12:12:24 AM »
Belgariad? Had it's flaws. I have yet to meet a male reader who could stand Polgara.

*Raises hand*

You found one......


They're still running the board....Just picked up a silver (Product of the Year) to go with their four (or five, I lost count!) gold Emies...


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